A library for generating and validating HTML forms
Project description
BlazeForm is a library designed to facilitate the rendering/processing/validating of HTML forms.
validation based on FormEncode
attempting to have complete HTML spec coverage
extensible rendering system() (don’t have to use it)
will work with multiple WSGI frameworks (Werkzeug currently supported)
extensive unit tests
few dependencies: FormEncode, BlazeUtils, WebHelpers
Code Sample
Using it might look like this:
class MyForm(Form): def __init__(self): Form.__init__(self, 'myform') el = self.add_header('input-els', 'Optional Elements') el = self.add_button('button', 'Button', defaultval='PushMe') el = self.add_checkbox('checkbox', 'Checkbox') el = self.add_file('file', 'File') el = self.add_hidden('hidden', defaultval='my hidden val') el = self.add_image('image', 'Image', defaultval='my image val', src='images/icons/b_edit.png') el = self.add_text('text', 'Text') el.add_note('a note') el.add_note('an <strong>HTML</strong> note', False) el = self.add_text('nolabel', defaultval='No Label') el.add_note('a note') el = self.add_password('password', 'Password') el = self.add_confirm('confirm', 'Confirm Password', match='password') el.add_note('confirm characters for password field are automatically masked') el = self.add_date('date', 'Date', defaultval=datetime.date(2009, 12, 3)) el.add_note('note the automatic conversion from datetime object') emel = self.add_email('email', 'Email') el = self.add_confirm('confirmeml', 'Confirm Email', match=emel) el.add_note('note you can confirm with the name of the field or the element object') el.add_note('when not confirming password field, characters are not masked') el = self.add_time('time', 'Time') el = self.add_url('url', 'URL') options = [('1', 'one'), ('2','two')] el = self.add_select('select', options, 'Select') el = self.add_mselect('mselect', options, 'Multi Select') el = self.add_textarea('textarea', 'Text Area') el = self.add_fixed('fixed', 'Fixed', 'fixed val') el = self.add_fixed('fixed-no-label', defaultval = 'fixed no label') el = self.add_static('static', 'Static', 'static val') el = self.add_static('static-no-label', defaultval='static val no label')
and the view/controller code might look something like:
class FormTest(HtmlTemplatePage): def prep(self): self.form = MyForm() def post(self): if self.form.is_cancel(): self.assign('cancel', True) elif self.form.is_valid(): self.assign('values', self.form.get_values()) elif self.form.is_submitted(): # form was submitted, but invalid self.form.assign_user_errors() self.default() def default(self): self.assign('form', self.form)
Questions & Comments
Please visit: http://groups.google.com/group/blazelibs
Current Status
The code stays pretty stable, but the API is likely to change in the future.
The blazeform tip is installable via easy_install with easy_install blazeform==dev