FormAlchemy greatly speeds development with SQLAlchemy mapped classes (models) in a HTML forms environment.
Project description
FormAlchemy eliminates boilerplate by autogenerating HTML input fields from a given model. FormAlchemy will try to figure out what kind of HTML code should be returned by introspecting the model’s properties and generate ready-to-use HTML code that will fit the developer’s application.
Of course, FormAlchemy can’t figure out everything, i.e, the developer might want to display only a few columns from the given model. Thus, FormAlchemy is also highly customizable.
Please visit the FormAlchemy’s homepage for documentation and more information:
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Added .value_objects to both Field and FieldRenderer objects. Returns the objects instead of list of primary keys when working with ForeignKeys.
add IntervalFieldRenderer
switch back to WebHelpers
add Hungarian translation (125)
fix bug with latest version of couchdbkit
update paster template to Pylons 1.0b1
fix issues 123, 124, 127, 128
include css in
new controllers to generate CRUD interfaces based on pylons RESTController
couchdb support improvement (allow to use RESTController)
Experimental RDFAlchemy support
Add date formats to config module.
add fs.copy()
zope.schema.List and zope.schema.Choice support (thanks to Christophe Combelles)
fix issues 107, 113, 114, 117, 118
css improvement for pylons admin interface
Added fs.append(field) fs.insert(field, new_field) and del fs.field to Fieldset. fs.add() is deprecated.
Added field.set() to modify the field inplace.
bug fixes: issues 70, 80, 82, 97
added spanish tanslation (thanks to robarago)
added the .with_html method to AbstractField which will be passed to the renderers, allowing to add some HTML attributes to rendered HTML tags. Removed html_options from render method. (See issue #60)
validators are now passed as second argument the field being validated. WARN: this will mean adding the parameter to your functions to be backwards compatible. The validator function signature changed from myfunc(value) to myfunc(value, field=None).
ext.couchdb now use couchdbkit instead of py-simplecouchdb
added the .with_metadata method to AbstractField which allows you to add metadata to your field. The difference with .with_html() is that the attributes passed in will not be rendered in the HTML element, but are there only to be used in your templates, to tweak the output according to those properties. See docs/forms.txt
add a paster template to bootstrap a pylons project with FA support enabled
much sexier look for admin interface
performance improvements
non-SQLA Fields are no longer considered “experimental”
with_null_as feature (see issue #52)
prefix feature (see issue #59)
when auto-querying for option values, the order_by given on the relation is used, if any
synonym awareness (you don’t have to manually exclude the shadowed attribute)
ext.couchdb (experimental)
bug fixes: issues 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49
added EscapingReadonlyRenderer
add Date*Renderer translation
formalchemy.ext.pylons.admin added; see
formalchemy.ext.fsblob added; see
support for composite primary keys
support for composite foreign keys of primitive types
model argument now optional for FieldSet.bind
apply i8n to Grid labels
documentation improvement
bug fixes
Bug fixes
i18n support (gael.pasgrimaud)
file upload support (gael.pasgrimaud)
mapper property alias support (gael.pasgrimaud)
add kwargs to FieldSet and Grid render methods, which are passed on to the template. this allows easy custom template use w/o having to subclass. (lbruno)
removed query_options. Just pass the query as the argument to the options parameter, and FA will turn it into (description, value) pairs. FA will also accept an iterable of objects as a value to the options parameter.
unicode(object) is used as the default option description, not str(object). (Before, unicode was only used if the engine had convert_unicode turned on.) This is more consistent with normal SA behavior.
added sanity checks to disallow getting into an inconsistent state. notably, binding to an object that belongs to a session but does NOT have a primary key set is not allowed. workaround: bind to the class, and FA will instantiate it and take it out of the session [until sync()]. Then you can pull that instance out as the .model attribute.
sync() will save model to session, if necessary
add Field.with_renderer
allow manually-added fields to pull their value from the bound model
fs.[field] returns the configured version of the field, not the unconfigured. fs.fields renamed to fs._fields. Added Field.reset() to deepcopy the unconfigured version.
explicit renderers required for custom types (FieldRenderer.render removed)
new documentation (gael.pasgrimaud)
bug fixes
Synonym support
Bug fixes
Composite field and custom type support
Joined table support
Grid (companion to FieldSet) renders and edits multiple instances at once.
readonly support for FieldSet (replacing undocumented Table), Grid (replacing TableCollection)
FieldSet can render Fields from a non-mapped class (experimental)
Saner (backwards-incompatible, but easy port) widget (FieldRenderer) API
FieldSet.render_fields is now an OrderedDict like FieldSet.fields. Use render_fields.[iter]values() to get an iterable like the old render_fields.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Much better DateTime support
Extensible widget API (want to use your favorite date picker instead? No problem.)
FieldRenderer is now part of from formalchemy import * for use here
Minor changes to template API (details in documentation). Does not affect you unless you already wrote a custom template
order fields by declared order as much as possible, instead of alphabetical, when include= is absent
Validator suite fleshed out (minlength, maxlength, regex, email, currency)
Added doc sections on widget API and validation functions
Completely new API, based on Fields instead of column names
Support manually added Fields, not just attributes from the SA model
Relations (a FK will be rendered with a dropdown of related objects)
Validation + sync
Template-based rendering for greater customizibility. Tempita is included; Mako is detected and used if present
WebHelpers is no longer a dependency; the small parts FA needs have been moved into (This was prompted by WebHelpers 0.6 breaking backwards compatibility in nontrivial ways.)
Pervasive docstrings
Preliminary SA 0.5 support
Regression test suite
Added ‘disable’, ‘disable_pk’, ‘disable_fk’ options.
Fixed a bug where ‘readonly*’ options only worked for ‘password’ fields.
Added ‘date’, ‘time’ and ‘datetime’ options for date/time fields formatting.
Added ‘bool_as_radio’ option.
Added a hack to force browsers to POST unckecked checkboxes.
Fixed a bug where ‘opts’ from the ‘dropdown’ option is no longer rendered as an attribute of the <select> tag.
Fixed a compatibility issue with SQLAlchemy 0.4.1. The ‘foreign_key’ Column attribute is now ‘foreign_keys’.
Added ‘fieldset’ option.
Added ‘include’ option. Patch from Adam Gomaa.
Added ‘textarea’ option. Additionnal patch provided by Adam Gomaa for passing native tuple of intergers as size argument value.
Added new experimental, little customizable, ‘TableItem’ and ‘TableCollection’. TableItem renders a table from a bound model. TableCollection renders a table from a collection of items that are of the same class than the bound model: TableCollection(bind=client, collection=client_list). The bound model can be a non-instantiated mapped class.
Removed NullType type column detection for now, as it seems to be a SA 0.4 only thing. What would a NullType HTML field represent anyway?
FieldSet now returns fields embedded in <fieldset> HTML tags.
Implemented the ‘legend’ option for FieldSet to provide an optional and customizable <legend> tag. FieldSet uses the bound model’s class name as the legend by default. The legend can be customized by passing a string to the ‘legend’ option: legend=’My legend’. The fieldset can be legend-less by passing legend=False.
Big core changes. Splitted the single module into a formalchemy package. More classes, more flexibility. Plus, we’re now using model-level and column-level rendering engines: ‘ModelRenderer’ and ‘FieldRenderer’.
‘ModelRender’ and ‘FieldRender’ allows you to render a whole model (like FieldSet, but without the fieldset/legend tags) or a single column.
FieldSet now uses ‘ModelRenderer’.
Added new experimental, little customizable, non-form related, ‘TableItem’ and ‘TableCollection’. TableItem renders a table from a bound model. TableCollection renders a table from a collection of items that are of the same class than the bound model: TableCollection(bind=client, collection=client_list). The bound model can be a non-instantiated mapped class.
Initial release.