CMS in Python WSGI, using MySQL. No shell account needed. (can run as CGI)
Project description
PyLucid is a lightweight, OpenSource (GPL 2.x or newer) content management
system (CMS) written in pure Python WSGI.
Nearly all output can be customized.
No shell account is needed. You only need a standard webserver with Python
(at least v2.3) CGI and MySQL ( mySQLdb ) to run PyLucid.
You can use PyLucid as a Framework for you small Web-Application. Because you
can make you own Plugins!
PyLucid use the WSGI Standard, so you can run it as CGI, fastCGI or others...
PyLucid used the following components:
* WSGI publisher: `colubrid`_
* Template system: `jinja`_
* Highlighter system: `pygments`_
Check out the `PyLucid webpage`_.
* Characteristics
o clarify urls by page name shortcuts
o Wiki similar internal links.
o secure JavaScript-md5 Login - safe Login, also without HTTPs/SSL
(look at JSMD5Login)
o Plugin-API (look at PluginsDownload)
* functions (extract)
o <lucidFunction:SourceCode/> integrate Source-Files from local
Webserver in the CMS page: LucidFunctionSourceCode
o <lucidFunction:IncludeRemote>url</lucidFunction> Includes a external
webpage into your own page: LucidFunctionIncludeRemote
o <lucidFunction:RSS/> integrate external RSS feed in your CMS page:
o <lucidTag:RSSfeedGenerator/> Create a RSS news feed of the last
pages updates: RSS
* adaptability
o edits from internal sides (Login, all forms to change from Styles,
Templates etc..)
o edit the main template and styles
o administration Sub menu
* basis
o pages, stylesheets, templates create/edit/delete
o searching
o SiteMap
o list of the newest changes
o tree main menu + sub menu
* other
o see interna, inclusive SQL tables overview with optimization of the
o owner slimmer tinyTextile
o MySQLdump - Backup of database data
How you install PyLucid, look at the `install instructions`_.
.. _PyLucid webpage:
.. _install instructions:
.. _colubrid:
.. _jinja:
system (CMS) written in pure Python WSGI.
Nearly all output can be customized.
No shell account is needed. You only need a standard webserver with Python
(at least v2.3) CGI and MySQL ( mySQLdb ) to run PyLucid.
You can use PyLucid as a Framework for you small Web-Application. Because you
can make you own Plugins!
PyLucid use the WSGI Standard, so you can run it as CGI, fastCGI or others...
PyLucid used the following components:
* WSGI publisher: `colubrid`_
* Template system: `jinja`_
* Highlighter system: `pygments`_
Check out the `PyLucid webpage`_.
* Characteristics
o clarify urls by page name shortcuts
o Wiki similar internal links.
o secure JavaScript-md5 Login - safe Login, also without HTTPs/SSL
(look at JSMD5Login)
o Plugin-API (look at PluginsDownload)
* functions (extract)
o <lucidFunction:SourceCode/> integrate Source-Files from local
Webserver in the CMS page: LucidFunctionSourceCode
o <lucidFunction:IncludeRemote>url</lucidFunction> Includes a external
webpage into your own page: LucidFunctionIncludeRemote
o <lucidFunction:RSS/> integrate external RSS feed in your CMS page:
o <lucidTag:RSSfeedGenerator/> Create a RSS news feed of the last
pages updates: RSS
* adaptability
o edits from internal sides (Login, all forms to change from Styles,
Templates etc..)
o edit the main template and styles
o administration Sub menu
* basis
o pages, stylesheets, templates create/edit/delete
o searching
o SiteMap
o list of the newest changes
o tree main menu + sub menu
* other
o see interna, inclusive SQL tables overview with optimization of the
o owner slimmer tinyTextile
o MySQLdump - Backup of database data
How you install PyLucid, look at the `install instructions`_.
.. _PyLucid webpage:
.. _install instructions:
.. _colubrid:
.. _jinja: