http client/server for asyncio
Project description
http client/server for asyncio
Supports both client and server side of HTTP protocol.
Supports both client and server Web-Sockets out-of-the-box.
Web-server has middlewares and pluggable routing.
Python >= 3.4.1
Optionally you may install cChardet library:
aiohttp is offered under the Apache 2 license.
Source code
The latest developer version is available in a github repository:
If you are interested in by efficiency, AsyncIO community maintains a list of benchmarks on the official wiki:
Getting started
To retrieve something from the web:
import aiohttp
import asyncio
async def get_body(client, url):
async with client.get(url) as response:
return await
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop)
raw_html = loop.run_until_complete(get_body(client, ''))
If you want to use timeouts for aiohttp client please use standard asyncio approach:
yield from asyncio.wait_for(client.get(url), 10)
This is simple usage example:
import asyncio
from aiohttp import web
async def handle(request):
name = request.match_info.get('name', "Anonymous")
text = "Hello, " + name
return web.Response(body=text.encode('utf-8'))
async def wshandler(request):
ws = web.WebSocketResponse()
while True:
msg = await ws.receive()
if == web.MsgType.text:
ws.send_str("Hello, {}".format(
elif == web.MsgType.binary:
elif == web.MsgType.close:
return ws
async def init(loop):
app = web.Application(loop=loop)
app.router.add_route('GET', '/echo', wshandler)
app.router.add_route('GET', '/{name}', handle)
srv = await loop.create_server(app.make_handler(),
'', 8080)
print("Server started at")
return srv
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Note: examples are written for Python 3.5+ and utilize PEP-492 aka async/await. If you are using Python 3.4 please replace await with yield from and async def with @coroutine e.g.:
async def coro(...): ret = await f()
shoud be replaced by:
@asyncio.coroutine def coro(...): ret = yield from f()
0.18.2 (22-10-2015)
Fix regression for OpenSSL < 1.0.0 #583
0.18.1 (20-10-2015)
Relax rule for router names: they may contain dots and columns starting from now
0.18.0 (19-10-2015)
Use errors.HttpProcessingError.message as HTTP error reason and message #459
Optimize cythonized multidict a bit
Change repr’s of multidicts and multidict views
default headers in ClientSession are now case-insensitive
Make ‘=’ char and ‘wss://’ schema safe in urls #477
ClientResponse.close() forces connection closing by default from now #479 N.B. Backward incompatible change: was .close(force=False) Using `force parameter for the method is deprecated: use .release() instead.
Properly requote URL’s path #480
add skip_auto_headers parameter for client API #486
Properly parse URL path in aiohttp.web.Request #489
Raise RuntimeError when chunked enabled and HTTP is 1.0 #488
Fix a bug with processing io.BytesIO as data parameter for client API #500
Skip auto-generation of Content-Type header #507
Use sendfile facility for static file handling #503
Default response_factory in app.router.add_static now is StreamResponse, not None. The functionality is not changed if default is not specified.
Drop ClientResponse.message attribute, it was always implementation detail.
Streams are optimized for speed and mostly memory in case of a big HTTP message sizes #496
Fix a bug for server-side cookies for dropping cookie and setting it again without Max-Age parameter.
Don’t trim redirect URL in client API #499
Extend precision of access log “D” to milliseconds #527
Deprecate StreamResponse.start() method in favor of StreamResponse.prepare() coroutine #525
.start() is still supported but responses begun with .start() doesn’t call signal for response preparing to be sent.
Add StreamReader.__repr__
Drop Python 3.3 support, from now minimal required version is Python 3.4.1 #541
Add async with support for ClientSession.request() and family #536
Ignore message body on 204 and 304 responses #505
TCPConnector processed both IPv4 and IPv6 by default #559
Add .routes() view for urldispatcher #519
Route name should be a valid identifier name from now #567
Implement server signals #562
Drop an year-old deprecated files parameter from client API.
Added async for support for aiohttp stream #542
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