A buildout recipe to install and configure OpenERP
Project description
This is a `Buildout <https://github.com/buildout/buildout>`_ recipe for
downloading, installing and configuring one or several OpenERP servers, web
clients and/or gtk clients. It currently supports versions 6.0 and 6.1, custom
branches, custom addons and gunicorn deployment. For a quickstart you can
jump to the example section.
.. contents::
You get 3 recipes at once. The recipe to use is the following:
For the server::
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server
For the web client::
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:webclient
For the gtk client::
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:gtkclient
Default options from zc.recipe.egg
This recipe reuses the *zc.recipe.egg:scripts* recipe, so the options
are the same (*eggs*, *interpreter*, etc.), and some changes, documented below.
Consult the documentation here http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.recipe.egg/1.3.2
The main useful ones are below:
Starting from version 0.16 of the recipe, you don't need to put anything in
this option by default. But you may specify additional eggs needed by addons,
or just useful ones::
eggs =
The behaviour of this option is slightly modified :
by default, no script other than those directly related to OpenERP are
generated, but you may specify some explicitely, with the same semantics as the
normal behaviour (we simply set an empty default value, which means to not
produce scripts)::
scripts =
In the current state, beware to *not* require the same script in different
parts or rename them. See
https://bugs.launchpad.net/anybox.recipe.openerp/+bug/1020967 for details.
This is the default `interpreter` option of `zc.recipe.egg` that specifies the name
of the Python interpreter that shoud be included in the ``bin`` directory of the buildout::
interpreter = erp_python
Specific options
The recipe also adds a few specific options:
Specifies the OpenERP version to use. It can be:
The **version number** of an official OpenERP (server, web client or gtk client)::
version = 6.0.3
A **custom download**::
version = url http://example.com/openerp.tar.gz
An absolute or a relative **path**::
version = path /my/path/to/a/custom/openerp
A custom **bzr, hg, git or svn** branch or repository. The syntax is the same
as the `addons` option (see below)::
version = bzr lp:openobject-server/6.1 openerp61 last:1
A **nightly** build::
version = nightly 6.1 20120814-233345
or (dangerous)::
version = nightly 6.1 latest
Specifies additional addons, either a local path or a repository.
addons = local ../some/relative/path/for/custom_addons/
local /some/other/absolute/path/for/custom_addons
bzr lp:openobject-addons/trunk/ addons0 last:1
hg http://example.com/some_addons addons1 default
git http://example.com/some_addons addons2 master
svn http://example.com/some_addons addons3 head
bzr lp:openerp-web/trunk/ openerp-web last:1 subdir=addons
When using ``local`` paths you can either specify a directory holding
addons, or a single one. In that latter case, it will be actually
placed one directory below
For remote repositories the syntax is:
* *TYPE* can be ``bzr``, ``hg``, ``git`` or ``svn``
* *URL* is any URL scheme supported by the versionning tool
* *DESTINATION* is the local directory that will be created (relative or absolute)
* *REVISION* is any version specification supported (revision, tag, etc.)
* *OPTIONS* take the form ``name=value``. Currently, only the ``subdir``
option is recognized. If used, the given subdirectory of the
repository is registered as an addons directory.
Repositories are updated on each build according to the specified
revision. You have to be careful with the revision specification.
Buildout offline mode is supported. In that case, update to the
specified revision is performed, if the VCS allows it (Subversion does not).
Startup scripts are created in the `bin` directory. By default the name is:
start_<part_name>, so you can have several startup scripts for each part if you
configure several OpenERP servers or clients. You can pass additional typical
arguments to the server via the startup script, such as -i or -u options.
You can choose another name for the script by using the *script_name*
option ::
script_name = start_erp
Specifies a time in seconds to wait within the startup
script before actually launching OpenERP. The Gunicorn startup script (see
below) is not affected by this setting ::
startup_delay = 3
Allows to load development and useful testing tools, such as
``anybox.testing.datetime``. False by default::
with_devtools = true
URL to download official and nightly versions from
(assuming the archive filenames are constistent with those in
OpenERP download server). This is a basic mirroring capability::
base_url = http://download.example.com/openerp/
Specifies the destination download directory for OpenERP archives. The path may
be absolute or relative to thebuildout directory. By setting it in your
``default.cfg``, you may share the downloads among different buildouts.
openerp-downloads-directory = /home/user/.buildout/openerp-downloads
Gunicorn integration is only supported on OpenERP >= 6.1
This options allow to generate a script to start OpenERP with Gunicorn.
It currently support two values: ``direct`` and ``proxied``
Direct mode
Direct mode should be used to let Gunicorn serve requests directly::
gunicorn = direct
Proxied mode
Use this mode if you plan to run Gunicorn behind a reverse proxy::
gunicorn = proxied
Gunicorn options
Gunicorn-specific options are to be specified with the ``gunicorn.``
prefix and will end up in the the Gunicorn python configuration file
``etc/gunicorn_<part_name>.conf.py``, such as::
gunicorn.workers = 8
If you don't specify ``gunicorn.bind``, then a value is constructed
from the relevant options for the OpenERP script (currently
``options.xmlrpc_port`` and ``options.xmlrpc_interface``).
Other supported options and their default values are::
gunicorn.workers = 4
gunicorn.timeout = 240
gunicorn.max_requests = 2000
Finally, you can specify the Gunicorn script name with the
``gunicorn_script_name`` option. The configuration file will be named
OpenERP options
You can define OpenERP options directly from the buildout file. The OpenERP
configuration files are generated by OpenERP itself in the buildout `etc`
directory during the first buildout run. You can overwrite these options in
from the recipe section of your buildout.cfg. The options must be written
using a dotted notation prefixed with the name of the section. The specified
options will just overwrite the existing options in the corresponding config
files. You don't have to replicate all the options in your buildout.cfg. If an
option or a section does not exist in the openerp config file, it can be
created from there.
For example you can specify the xmlrpc port for the server or
even an additional option that does not exist in the default config file::
options.xmlrpc_port = 8069
options.additional_option = "foobar"
It will end-up in the server config as::
xmlrpc_port = 8069
additional_option = "foobar"
For the web client you can specify the company url with::
global.server.socket_port = 8080
openerp-web.company.url = 'http://anybox.fr'
It will modify the corresponding web client config::
server.socket_port = 8080
company.url = 'http://anybox.fr'
Example OpenERP 6.0 buildout
Here is a sample buildout with versions specification, 2 OpenERP servers (with
one using the latest 6.0 branch on the launchpad) using only NETRPC and
listening on 2 different ports, and 2 web clients::
parts = openerp1 web1 openerp2 web2
#allow-picked-versions = false
versions = versions
find-links = http://download.gna.org/pychart/
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server
version = 6.0.3
options.xmlrpc = False
options.xmlrpcs = False
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:webclient
version = 6.0.3
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server
version = bzr lp:openobject-server/6.0 openobject-server-6.x last:1
options.xmlrpc = False
options.xmlrpcs = False
options.netrpc_port = 8170
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:webclient
version = 6.0.3
global.openerp.server.port = '8170'
global.server.socket_port = 8180
MarkupSafe = 0.15
Pillow = 1.7.7
anybox.recipe.openerp = 0.9
caldav = 0.1.10
collective.recipe.cmd = 0.5
coverage = 3.5
distribute = 0.6.25
feedparser = 5.0.1
lxml = 2.1.5
mako = 0.4.2
nose = 1.1.2
psycopg2 = 2.4.2
pychart = 1.39
pydot = 1.0.25
pyparsing = 1.5.6
python-dateutil = 1.5
pytz = 2012b
pywebdav =
pyyaml = 3.10
reportlab = 2.5
vobject = 0.8.1c
z3c.recipe.scripts = 1.0.1
zc.buildout = 1.5.2
zc.recipe.egg = 1.3.2
Babel = 0.9.6
FormEncode = 1.2.4
simplejson = 2.1.6
Example OpenERP 6.1 buildout
Here is a simple example for a stock OpenERP 6.1, with a GTK client, and a
local addon you are developping for a client project
.. note:: with OpenERP 6.1 the web client is natively included in the server as a
simple module. In that case you don't need to write a separate part for the web
client, unless that's what you really want to do.
parts = openerp gtk
#allow-picked-versions = false
versions = versions
find-links = http://download.gna.org/pychart/
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server
version = 6.1-1
addons = local ../path/to/my/local/addons
options.xmlrpcs = False
gunicorn = direct
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:gtkclient
version = 6.1-1
MarkupSafe = 0.15
Pillow = 1.7.7
PyXML = 0.8.4
babel = 0.9.6
feedparser = 5.1.1
gdata = 2.0.16
lxml = 2.3.3
mako = 0.6.2
psycopg2 = 2.4.4
pychart = 1.39
pydot = 1.0.28
pyparsing = 1.5.6
python-dateutil = 1.5
python-ldap = 2.4.9
python-openid = 2.2.5
pytz = 2012b
pywebdav =
pyyaml = 3.10
reportlab = 2.5
simplejson = 2.4.0
vatnumber = 1.0
vobject = 0.8.1c
werkzeug = 0.8.3
xlwt = 0.7.3
zc.buildout = 1.5.2
zc.recipe.egg = 1.3.2
zsi = 2.0-rc3
Authors and contributors:
* Christophe Combelles
* Georges Racinet
The primary branch is on the launchpad:
* Code repository and bug tracker: https://launchpad.net/anybox.recipe.openerp
* PyPI page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/anybox.recipe.openerp
Please don't hesitate to give feedback and especially report bugs or
ask for new features through launchpad at this URL: https://bugs.launchpad.net/anybox.recipe.openerp/+bugs
1.0.1 (24-08-2012)
- launchpad #1027994: 'base_url' option, to download from mirrors
- launchpad #1035978: restored 'local' version scheme for OpenERP
itself. Also implemented the 'url' version scheme.
- removed deprecated renaming of 6.1 to 6.1-1
- Refactored the documentation
0.17 (07-08-2012)
- launchpad #1033525: startup_delay option
- launchpad #1019888: Gunicorn integration.
- launchpad #1019886: installation of 'openerp' as a develop distribution, and
full python server startup script.
- launchpad #1025617: Support for nightly versions in 6.1 series
- launchpad #1025620: Support for latest version
- launchpad #1034124: Fix interference of buildout options with
gtkclient recipe
- launchpad #1021083: optional development tools loading in startup script
- launchpad #1020967: stop creating scripts by default
- launchpad #1027986: Better handling of interrupted downloads
0.16 (29-06-2012)
- launchapd #1017252: relying on Pillow to provide PIL unless PIL is
explicitely wanted.
- launchpad #1014066: lifted the prerequirement for Babel. Now the recipe
installs it if needed before inspection of OpenERP's setup.py
0.15 (14-06-2012)
- launchpad #1008931: Mercurial pull don't take URL changes into
account. Now the recipe manages the repo-local hgrc [paths]
section, updates the default paths while storing earlier values
- launchpad #1012899: Update problems with standalone vcs addons
- launchpad #1005509: Now bzr branches are stacked only if
``bzr-stacked-branches`` option is set to ``True``.
0.14.1 (17-05-2012)
- launchpad #1000352: fixed a concrete problem in Bzr reraising
0.14 (17-05-2012)
- launchpad #1000352: option vcs-clear-retry to retrieve from scratch in case
of diverged Bzr branches. Raising UpdateError in right place would trigger
the same for other VCSes.
- Basic tests for Git and Svn
- Refactor with classes of VCS package
0.13.1 (14-05-2012)
- launchpad #997107: fixed vcs-clear-locks option for bzr, that
requires a user confirmation that cannot be bypassed in older versions
0.13 (14-05-2012)
- launchpad #998404: more robust calls to hg and bzr (w/ unit tests),
and have exception raised if vcs call failed (break early, break
- launchpad #997107: vcs-clear-locks option (currently interpreted by
Bzr only)
0.12 (02-05-2012)
- launchpad #993362: addons subdir option, and made repositories being
one addon usable by creating an intermediate directory.
0.11 (18-04-2012)
- Faster tarball inspection (see lp issue #984237)
- Shared downloads and more generally configurable downloads
directory, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/anybox.recipe.openerp/+spec/shared-downloads
0.10 (02-04-2012)
- fixed the sample buildouts in the readme file
0.9 (23-03-2012)
- Clean-up and refactoring
- Removed `url` option (download url supported through `version`)
- Support OpenERP 6.1 and 6.0
- Added an 'addons' option allowing remote repositories and local directories
- Improved error messages
- Updated the documentation
- Handle bad Babel import in setup.py
- Support offline mode of buildout
- Create gtk client config without starting it
0.8 (20-12-2011)
- handle deploying custom bzr branches
0.7 (14-09-2011)
- handle new sections in openerp config
0.6 (11-09-2011)
- Overwrite config files each time
- Make the "dsextras" error more explicit (install PyGObject and PyGTK)
- fixed some deps
- improved the doc
0.5 (10-08-2011)
- Use dotted notation to add openerp options in the generated configs
0.4 (09-08-2011)
- Added support for the web client and gtk client
0.3 (08-08-2011)
- fixed config file creation
0.2 (08-08-2011)
- Pass the trailing args to the startup script of the server
0.1 (07-08-2011)
- Initial implementation for the OpenERP server only
This is a `Buildout <https://github.com/buildout/buildout>`_ recipe for
downloading, installing and configuring one or several OpenERP servers, web
clients and/or gtk clients. It currently supports versions 6.0 and 6.1, custom
branches, custom addons and gunicorn deployment. For a quickstart you can
jump to the example section.
.. contents::
You get 3 recipes at once. The recipe to use is the following:
For the server::
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server
For the web client::
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:webclient
For the gtk client::
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:gtkclient
Default options from zc.recipe.egg
This recipe reuses the *zc.recipe.egg:scripts* recipe, so the options
are the same (*eggs*, *interpreter*, etc.), and some changes, documented below.
Consult the documentation here http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.recipe.egg/1.3.2
The main useful ones are below:
Starting from version 0.16 of the recipe, you don't need to put anything in
this option by default. But you may specify additional eggs needed by addons,
or just useful ones::
eggs =
The behaviour of this option is slightly modified :
by default, no script other than those directly related to OpenERP are
generated, but you may specify some explicitely, with the same semantics as the
normal behaviour (we simply set an empty default value, which means to not
produce scripts)::
scripts =
In the current state, beware to *not* require the same script in different
parts or rename them. See
https://bugs.launchpad.net/anybox.recipe.openerp/+bug/1020967 for details.
This is the default `interpreter` option of `zc.recipe.egg` that specifies the name
of the Python interpreter that shoud be included in the ``bin`` directory of the buildout::
interpreter = erp_python
Specific options
The recipe also adds a few specific options:
Specifies the OpenERP version to use. It can be:
The **version number** of an official OpenERP (server, web client or gtk client)::
version = 6.0.3
A **custom download**::
version = url http://example.com/openerp.tar.gz
An absolute or a relative **path**::
version = path /my/path/to/a/custom/openerp
A custom **bzr, hg, git or svn** branch or repository. The syntax is the same
as the `addons` option (see below)::
version = bzr lp:openobject-server/6.1 openerp61 last:1
A **nightly** build::
version = nightly 6.1 20120814-233345
or (dangerous)::
version = nightly 6.1 latest
Specifies additional addons, either a local path or a repository.
addons = local ../some/relative/path/for/custom_addons/
local /some/other/absolute/path/for/custom_addons
bzr lp:openobject-addons/trunk/ addons0 last:1
hg http://example.com/some_addons addons1 default
git http://example.com/some_addons addons2 master
svn http://example.com/some_addons addons3 head
bzr lp:openerp-web/trunk/ openerp-web last:1 subdir=addons
When using ``local`` paths you can either specify a directory holding
addons, or a single one. In that latter case, it will be actually
placed one directory below
For remote repositories the syntax is:
* *TYPE* can be ``bzr``, ``hg``, ``git`` or ``svn``
* *URL* is any URL scheme supported by the versionning tool
* *DESTINATION* is the local directory that will be created (relative or absolute)
* *REVISION* is any version specification supported (revision, tag, etc.)
* *OPTIONS* take the form ``name=value``. Currently, only the ``subdir``
option is recognized. If used, the given subdirectory of the
repository is registered as an addons directory.
Repositories are updated on each build according to the specified
revision. You have to be careful with the revision specification.
Buildout offline mode is supported. In that case, update to the
specified revision is performed, if the VCS allows it (Subversion does not).
Startup scripts are created in the `bin` directory. By default the name is:
start_<part_name>, so you can have several startup scripts for each part if you
configure several OpenERP servers or clients. You can pass additional typical
arguments to the server via the startup script, such as -i or -u options.
You can choose another name for the script by using the *script_name*
option ::
script_name = start_erp
Specifies a time in seconds to wait within the startup
script before actually launching OpenERP. The Gunicorn startup script (see
below) is not affected by this setting ::
startup_delay = 3
Allows to load development and useful testing tools, such as
``anybox.testing.datetime``. False by default::
with_devtools = true
URL to download official and nightly versions from
(assuming the archive filenames are constistent with those in
OpenERP download server). This is a basic mirroring capability::
base_url = http://download.example.com/openerp/
Specifies the destination download directory for OpenERP archives. The path may
be absolute or relative to thebuildout directory. By setting it in your
``default.cfg``, you may share the downloads among different buildouts.
openerp-downloads-directory = /home/user/.buildout/openerp-downloads
Gunicorn integration is only supported on OpenERP >= 6.1
This options allow to generate a script to start OpenERP with Gunicorn.
It currently support two values: ``direct`` and ``proxied``
Direct mode
Direct mode should be used to let Gunicorn serve requests directly::
gunicorn = direct
Proxied mode
Use this mode if you plan to run Gunicorn behind a reverse proxy::
gunicorn = proxied
Gunicorn options
Gunicorn-specific options are to be specified with the ``gunicorn.``
prefix and will end up in the the Gunicorn python configuration file
``etc/gunicorn_<part_name>.conf.py``, such as::
gunicorn.workers = 8
If you don't specify ``gunicorn.bind``, then a value is constructed
from the relevant options for the OpenERP script (currently
``options.xmlrpc_port`` and ``options.xmlrpc_interface``).
Other supported options and their default values are::
gunicorn.workers = 4
gunicorn.timeout = 240
gunicorn.max_requests = 2000
Finally, you can specify the Gunicorn script name with the
``gunicorn_script_name`` option. The configuration file will be named
OpenERP options
You can define OpenERP options directly from the buildout file. The OpenERP
configuration files are generated by OpenERP itself in the buildout `etc`
directory during the first buildout run. You can overwrite these options in
from the recipe section of your buildout.cfg. The options must be written
using a dotted notation prefixed with the name of the section. The specified
options will just overwrite the existing options in the corresponding config
files. You don't have to replicate all the options in your buildout.cfg. If an
option or a section does not exist in the openerp config file, it can be
created from there.
For example you can specify the xmlrpc port for the server or
even an additional option that does not exist in the default config file::
options.xmlrpc_port = 8069
options.additional_option = "foobar"
It will end-up in the server config as::
xmlrpc_port = 8069
additional_option = "foobar"
For the web client you can specify the company url with::
global.server.socket_port = 8080
openerp-web.company.url = 'http://anybox.fr'
It will modify the corresponding web client config::
server.socket_port = 8080
company.url = 'http://anybox.fr'
Example OpenERP 6.0 buildout
Here is a sample buildout with versions specification, 2 OpenERP servers (with
one using the latest 6.0 branch on the launchpad) using only NETRPC and
listening on 2 different ports, and 2 web clients::
parts = openerp1 web1 openerp2 web2
#allow-picked-versions = false
versions = versions
find-links = http://download.gna.org/pychart/
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server
version = 6.0.3
options.xmlrpc = False
options.xmlrpcs = False
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:webclient
version = 6.0.3
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server
version = bzr lp:openobject-server/6.0 openobject-server-6.x last:1
options.xmlrpc = False
options.xmlrpcs = False
options.netrpc_port = 8170
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:webclient
version = 6.0.3
global.openerp.server.port = '8170'
global.server.socket_port = 8180
MarkupSafe = 0.15
Pillow = 1.7.7
anybox.recipe.openerp = 0.9
caldav = 0.1.10
collective.recipe.cmd = 0.5
coverage = 3.5
distribute = 0.6.25
feedparser = 5.0.1
lxml = 2.1.5
mako = 0.4.2
nose = 1.1.2
psycopg2 = 2.4.2
pychart = 1.39
pydot = 1.0.25
pyparsing = 1.5.6
python-dateutil = 1.5
pytz = 2012b
pywebdav =
pyyaml = 3.10
reportlab = 2.5
vobject = 0.8.1c
z3c.recipe.scripts = 1.0.1
zc.buildout = 1.5.2
zc.recipe.egg = 1.3.2
Babel = 0.9.6
FormEncode = 1.2.4
simplejson = 2.1.6
Example OpenERP 6.1 buildout
Here is a simple example for a stock OpenERP 6.1, with a GTK client, and a
local addon you are developping for a client project
.. note:: with OpenERP 6.1 the web client is natively included in the server as a
simple module. In that case you don't need to write a separate part for the web
client, unless that's what you really want to do.
parts = openerp gtk
#allow-picked-versions = false
versions = versions
find-links = http://download.gna.org/pychart/
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:server
version = 6.1-1
addons = local ../path/to/my/local/addons
options.xmlrpcs = False
gunicorn = direct
recipe = anybox.recipe.openerp:gtkclient
version = 6.1-1
MarkupSafe = 0.15
Pillow = 1.7.7
PyXML = 0.8.4
babel = 0.9.6
feedparser = 5.1.1
gdata = 2.0.16
lxml = 2.3.3
mako = 0.6.2
psycopg2 = 2.4.4
pychart = 1.39
pydot = 1.0.28
pyparsing = 1.5.6
python-dateutil = 1.5
python-ldap = 2.4.9
python-openid = 2.2.5
pytz = 2012b
pywebdav =
pyyaml = 3.10
reportlab = 2.5
simplejson = 2.4.0
vatnumber = 1.0
vobject = 0.8.1c
werkzeug = 0.8.3
xlwt = 0.7.3
zc.buildout = 1.5.2
zc.recipe.egg = 1.3.2
zsi = 2.0-rc3
Authors and contributors:
* Christophe Combelles
* Georges Racinet
The primary branch is on the launchpad:
* Code repository and bug tracker: https://launchpad.net/anybox.recipe.openerp
* PyPI page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/anybox.recipe.openerp
Please don't hesitate to give feedback and especially report bugs or
ask for new features through launchpad at this URL: https://bugs.launchpad.net/anybox.recipe.openerp/+bugs
1.0.1 (24-08-2012)
- launchpad #1027994: 'base_url' option, to download from mirrors
- launchpad #1035978: restored 'local' version scheme for OpenERP
itself. Also implemented the 'url' version scheme.
- removed deprecated renaming of 6.1 to 6.1-1
- Refactored the documentation
0.17 (07-08-2012)
- launchpad #1033525: startup_delay option
- launchpad #1019888: Gunicorn integration.
- launchpad #1019886: installation of 'openerp' as a develop distribution, and
full python server startup script.
- launchpad #1025617: Support for nightly versions in 6.1 series
- launchpad #1025620: Support for latest version
- launchpad #1034124: Fix interference of buildout options with
gtkclient recipe
- launchpad #1021083: optional development tools loading in startup script
- launchpad #1020967: stop creating scripts by default
- launchpad #1027986: Better handling of interrupted downloads
0.16 (29-06-2012)
- launchapd #1017252: relying on Pillow to provide PIL unless PIL is
explicitely wanted.
- launchpad #1014066: lifted the prerequirement for Babel. Now the recipe
installs it if needed before inspection of OpenERP's setup.py
0.15 (14-06-2012)
- launchpad #1008931: Mercurial pull don't take URL changes into
account. Now the recipe manages the repo-local hgrc [paths]
section, updates the default paths while storing earlier values
- launchpad #1012899: Update problems with standalone vcs addons
- launchpad #1005509: Now bzr branches are stacked only if
``bzr-stacked-branches`` option is set to ``True``.
0.14.1 (17-05-2012)
- launchpad #1000352: fixed a concrete problem in Bzr reraising
0.14 (17-05-2012)
- launchpad #1000352: option vcs-clear-retry to retrieve from scratch in case
of diverged Bzr branches. Raising UpdateError in right place would trigger
the same for other VCSes.
- Basic tests for Git and Svn
- Refactor with classes of VCS package
0.13.1 (14-05-2012)
- launchpad #997107: fixed vcs-clear-locks option for bzr, that
requires a user confirmation that cannot be bypassed in older versions
0.13 (14-05-2012)
- launchpad #998404: more robust calls to hg and bzr (w/ unit tests),
and have exception raised if vcs call failed (break early, break
- launchpad #997107: vcs-clear-locks option (currently interpreted by
Bzr only)
0.12 (02-05-2012)
- launchpad #993362: addons subdir option, and made repositories being
one addon usable by creating an intermediate directory.
0.11 (18-04-2012)
- Faster tarball inspection (see lp issue #984237)
- Shared downloads and more generally configurable downloads
directory, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/anybox.recipe.openerp/+spec/shared-downloads
0.10 (02-04-2012)
- fixed the sample buildouts in the readme file
0.9 (23-03-2012)
- Clean-up and refactoring
- Removed `url` option (download url supported through `version`)
- Support OpenERP 6.1 and 6.0
- Added an 'addons' option allowing remote repositories and local directories
- Improved error messages
- Updated the documentation
- Handle bad Babel import in setup.py
- Support offline mode of buildout
- Create gtk client config without starting it
0.8 (20-12-2011)
- handle deploying custom bzr branches
0.7 (14-09-2011)
- handle new sections in openerp config
0.6 (11-09-2011)
- Overwrite config files each time
- Make the "dsextras" error more explicit (install PyGObject and PyGTK)
- fixed some deps
- improved the doc
0.5 (10-08-2011)
- Use dotted notation to add openerp options in the generated configs
0.4 (09-08-2011)
- Added support for the web client and gtk client
0.3 (08-08-2011)
- fixed config file creation
0.2 (08-08-2011)
- Pass the trailing args to the startup script of the server
0.1 (07-08-2011)
- Initial implementation for the OpenERP server only
Project details
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Source Distribution
Hashes for anybox.recipe.openerp-1.0.1.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 2e61aabb14fe7a806eb45489025ce4f7b60d0e0c892e7b444c908224b09ffa08 |
MD5 | 48acefc7528604b8c454cbc15b4e56f8 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 9bc2e37ff7735c653d5fb238650a8b90283845761102ee2ccbca550f4aeb8f9a |