Automated, distributed next-gen sequencing pipeline; includes Galaxy interaction
Project description
## Overview
Python scripts and modules for automated next gen sequencing analysis.
These provide a fully automated pipeline for taking sequencing results
from an Illumina sequencer, converting them to standard Fastq format,
aligning to a reference genome, doing SNP calling, and producing a
summary PDF of results.
The pipeline runs on single multicore machines, in compute clusters
managed by LSF or SGE, or on the Amazon cloud. [This tutorial][o5]
describes running the pipeline on Amazon with [CloudBioLinux][o6] and
The scripts are tightly integrated with the [Galaxy][o1]
web-based analysis tool. Tracking of samples occurs via a web based LIMS
system, and processed results are uploading into Galaxy Data Libraries for
researcher access and additional analysis. See the
[installation instructions for the front end][o2] and a
[detailed description of the full system][o3].
![Overview of workflow][o4]
## Code structure
The main scripts that handle automation of the analysis and storage
* `scripts/` -- Sits on the sequencer
output machine; run via a cron job every hour to check for new
output runs.
* `scripts/` -- Main server script;
runs specific servers for top level analysis management, storage, or
distributed processing of individual analysis steps:
* Called with `-q toplevel` -- Coordinate sample processing,
running the full automated analysis and optionally uploading
results to Galaxy. `` and a Galaxy
graphical front end both send messages on this queue for starting
* Called with no queue arguments -- Run individual steps in the
analysis pipeline. Start multiple servers on distributed machines
connected with a shared filesystem to allow scaling on a
cluster or Amazon EC2.
* Called with `-q storage` -- Manage long term storage of larger
files, like qseq and images.
Specify system specific information in configuration files:
* `config/transfer_info.yaml` -- Configuration on the sequencing
machine, specifying where to check for new sequencing data.
* `config/post_process.yaml` -- Configuration for analysis and
storage. This contains links to Galaxy, program locations and
customization for processing algorithms.
* `config/universe_wsgi.ini` -- Variables used from your Galaxy
server configuration, including RabbitMQ details for communication
between the sequencing and analysis machines.
Scripts involved in the processing:
* `scripts/` -- Drives the high level analysis of
sequencing lanes based on information specified through the Galaxy LIMS
system or in a YAML configuration file. Also produces a PDF summary file with
statistics on alignments, duplicates, GC distribution, quality scores,
and other metrics of interest.
* `scripts/` -- Handles storing and uploading Fastq,
alignment, analysis and summary files to Galaxy.
## Installation
### Required libraries and data files
The code drives a number of next-generation sequencing analysis
tools; install these on any machines involved in the processing. The
[CloudBioLinux][i2] and [Galaxy CloudMan][i3] projects contain
automated scripts to help with installation:
* [Install bioinformatics software][i4]
* Install data files like genome builds in association with
Galaxy: [my script][i5] and [from the Galaxy team][i6].
Or they can be install manually; the Requirements section below lists
all software used by the pipeline.
### Scripts and configuration
Clone a copy of the code from GitHub:
git clone
Use a recent version of Python 2 (2.6 or 2.7), and install with:
cd bcbb/nextgen && python install
The setup script installs required python library dependencies.
Copy the YAML & ini files in config and adjust them to match your
environment. It is also a good idea to set your $PATH pointing to
any third-party binaries you are using.
### Parallel execution
The pipeline runs in parallel in two different ways:
* multiple cores -- Analyses will run in parallel using multiple cores
on a single machine. This requires only the `mulitprocessing`
Python library, included by default with most Python
installations. Change `num_cores` in your `post_process.yaml` file
to specify the number of parallel cores to use.
* parallel messaging -- This allows scaling beyond the cores on a
single machine. It requires multiple machines with a shared
filesystem, with communication handled using RabbitMQ messaging.
This is ideally suited for clusters.
To enable parallel messaging:
1. Configure RabbitMQ as described below. Ensure all processing
machines can talk to the RabbitMQ server on port 5672. Update
`universe_wsgi.ini` to contain the server details.
2. Change `num_cores` in `post_process.yaml` to `messaging`
The `` helper script runs pipelines in a
distributed cluster environment. It takes care of starting worker
nodes, running the processing, and then cleaning up after jobs:
1. Edit your `post_process.yaml` file to set parameters in the
`distributed` section corresponding to your environment: this
includes the type of cluster management, arguments to start jobs,
and the number of workers to start.
2. Execute `` using the same arguments as
``: the `post_process.yaml`
configuration file, the directory of fastq files, and a
`run_info.yaml` file specifying the fastq details, barcodes,
and the types of analyses to run.
If you have a different architecture you can run the distributed
processing by hand:
1. Start the processing server, `` on each
processing machine. This takes one argument, the
`post_process.yaml` file (which references the `universe_wsgi.ini`
2. Run the analysis script ``. This will
offload parallel work to the workers started in step 3 but also
does processing itself, so is also submitted as a job in cluster
### Testing
The test suite exercises the scripts driving the analysis, so
are a good starting point to ensure correct installation.
Run tests from the main code directory using [nose][i7]. To test the main
variant calling pipeline:
$ cd tests
$ nosetests -v -s
To run the full test suite:
$ nosetest -v -s
`tests/` exercises the full framework using
an automatically downloaded test dataset. It runs through barcode
deconvolution, alignment and full SNP analysis. Tweak the
configuration for the tests for your environment:
* `tests/data/automated/post_process.yaml` -- May need adjustment to
point to installed software in non-standard locations. Change the
num_cores parameter to test multiple processor and parallel
* `tests/data/automated/universe_wsgi.ini` -- Defines the location of
the RabbitMQ server for messaging based parallel execution during
* `tests/data/automated/run_info.yaml` -- Change the `analysis` variable
can to 'Standard' if SNP calling is not required in your
environment. This will run a smaller pipeline of alignment and analysis.
### RabbitMQ messaging server
RabbitMQ messaging manages communication between the sequencing
machine and the analysis machine. This allows complete separation
between all of the machines. The RabbitMQ server can run anywhere; an
easy solution is to install it on the Galaxy and analysis server:
(yum or apt-get) install rabbitmq-server
Setup rabbitmq for passing Galaxy and processing messages:
rabbitmqctl add_user <username> <password>
rabbitmqctl add_vhost bionextgen
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p bionextgen <username> ".*" ".*" ".*"
Then adjust the `[galaxy_amqp]` section of your `universe_wsgi.ini`
Galaxy configuration file. An example configuration is available in
the config directory; you'll need to specifically change these three
host = <host you installed the RabbitMQ server on>
userid = <username>
password = <password>
### ssh keys
The sequencing, analysis and storage machines transfer files using
secure copy. This requires that you can securely copy files between
machines without passwords, using [ssh public key authentication][i1].
You want to enable password-less ssh for the following machine
* Analysis server to `illumina_finished_msg` machine
* Storage server to `illumina_finished_msg` machine
### Sequencing machines
The sequencer automation has been fully tested using Illumina GAII and
HiSeq sequencing machines. The framework is general and supports other
platforms; we welcome feedback from researchers with different
machines at their institutions.
Illumina machines produce run directories that include the date, machine
identifier, and flowcell ID:
A shortened name, with just date and flowcell ID, is used to uniquely
identify each flowcell during processing.
### Development environment
The installation instructions assume that you have full root access to install
python modules and packages (production environment). If this is not the case,
you may want to install a python VirtualEnv and other tools automatically on your $HOME
to ease your development needs using the following script:
wget && ./
## Requirements
### Next gen analysis
* [Picard][3]
* [bowtie][5] or [bwa][5b]
* [FastQC][6]
* [GATK][4] (version 1.2; only for variant calling)
* [snpEff][16] (version 2.0.2; only for variant calling)
### Processing infrastructure
* RabbitMQ for communication between machines
* LaTeX and pdflatex for report generation
### Optional software for generating report graphs
* R with ggplot2, plyr, sqldf libraries.
* [rpy2][11]. Build R with shared libraries available: `./configure --enable-R-shlib`.
### Python modules installed with the package
* [biopython][10]
* [pysam][12]
* [mako][13]
* [PyYAML][14]
* [logbook] [17]
* [celery][18]
* [numpy][19]
## Variant calling
Broad's [GATK][4] pipeline drives variant (SNPs and Indels) analysis. This
requires some associated data files, and also has some configurable options. The
relevant section from the `post_process.yaml` file is:
coverage_depth: "low" # other options: high
coverage_interval: "exome" # other options: genome, regional
dbsnp: variation/dbsnp_132.vcf
train_hapmap: variation/hapmap_3.3.vcf
train_1000g_omni: variation/1000G_omni2.5.vcf
train_indels: variation/Mills_Devine_2hit.indels.vcf
The dbSNP and training files are from the [GATK resource bundle][v1]. These are
inputs into the training models for recalibration. The automated
[CloudBioLinux][o6] data scripts will download and install these in the
variation subdirectory relative to the genome files.
The `coverage_depth` and `coverage_interval` are adjustable from the defaults
within individual `run_info.yaml` files describing the sample; a fastq file
with standard phred quality scores, full genome coverage and high sequencing
- analysis: SNP calling
quality_format: Standard
coverage_interval: genome
coverage_depth: high
## Configuration options
The YAML configuration file provides a number of hooks to customize analysis.
Place these under the `analysis` keyword. For variant calling:
- `aligner` Aligner to use: [bwa, bowtie, bowtie2, mosaik, novoalign, false]
- `trim_reads` Whether to trim off 3' B-only ends from fastq reads [false, true]
- `align_split_size`: Split FASTQ files into specified number of records per
file. Allows parallelization at the cost of increased temporary disk space usage.
- `variantcaller` Variant calling algorithm [gatk, freebayes]
- `quality_format` Quality format of fastq inputs [illumina, standard]
- `coverage_interval` Regions covered by sequencing. Influences GATK
options for filtering [exome, genome, regional]
- `coverage_depth` Depth of sequencing coverage. Influences GATK variant
calling [high, low]
- `hybrid_target` BED file with target regions for hybrid selection experiments.
- `variant_regions` BED file of regions to call variants in.
- `ploidy` Ploidy of called reads. Defaults to 2 (diploid).
- `recalibrate` Perform variant recalibration [true, false]
- `mark_duplicates` Identify and remove variants [false, true]
- `realign` Do variant realignment [true, false]
- `write_summary` Write a PDF summary of results [true, false]
Global reference files for variant calling and assessment:
- `train_hapmap`, `train_1000g_omni`, `train_indels` Training files for GATK
variant recalibration.
- `call_background` Background VCF to use for calling.
## Internals: files generated by this pipeline
### Initial Fastq files (pre-analysis)
After basecalling, a number of FastQ files are generated via <a href=""></a> script:
The template of them being:
Where 1|2 is the forward and reverse read respectively. Only reads that
pass the quality filter (PF) are kept. Quality scores
are not converted to Sanger, but are kept in the produced format (currently
Illumina 1.3+). The dots in the fastq files are converted into Ns.
## Post-processing generated files
Those are distributed in three directories: alignments, barcode and the top level run directory.
### Top level directory
Those files comprise both plain text files, images and structured data
that can be useful both automatically and in human-readable form to get
different aspects about the sequencing results.
* `run_summary.yaml`
Contains a structured view of the run global parameters.
- barcode_id: '2'
barcode_type: SampleSheet
lane: '8'
Aligned: '1204752'
Pair duplicates: '881332'
Read length: '101'
Reads: '11594437'
request: ''
researcher: ''
sample: ''
* PDF files
Taking a look at an specific sample in a lane, we find the different
sub-components that conform the final summary report (`*-summary.pdf`).
The summary contains GC content, read quality figures and an insert size
* BigWig files
Per-sample wigtoBigWig converted files.
* `*_metrics files`
They contain plain text values from picard, namely:
They contain output metrics from Picard, which are parsed later and
used to generate plots. For instance, for `sort-dup.align_metrics`, the
output from net.sf.picard.analysis.CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics is
### alignments directory
Contains the results of the alignments for each sample. As we see
on the listing below, lane 1, barcode id 5 has been aligned in
[SAM][in1] and BAM formats. For convenience,
to facilitate SNP calling, for instance, a sorted BAM file is also
### *_barcode directories
Those contain fastq files conforming with the naming schema we've seen before. They are the result of the demultiplexing process, where the "unmatched" files contain the reads that have not passed the approximate barcoding matching algorithm:
`*-barcodes.cfg` contains a simple mapping between barcode id's and the actual barcode sequence:
The `_bc.metrics` file has a plain read distribution for each barcode:
2 11594437
3 20247932
9 14390566
unmatched 908420
Barcodes are added to the 3' end of the first sequence. That way, it
remains platform-independent and can be easily handled downstream.
This [GitHub discussion][in2] explains how demultiplexing works. The
demultiplexing is performed by the [][in3] script.
Python scripts and modules for automated next gen sequencing analysis.
These provide a fully automated pipeline for taking sequencing results
from an Illumina sequencer, converting them to standard Fastq format,
aligning to a reference genome, doing SNP calling, and producing a
summary PDF of results.
The pipeline runs on single multicore machines, in compute clusters
managed by LSF or SGE, or on the Amazon cloud. [This tutorial][o5]
describes running the pipeline on Amazon with [CloudBioLinux][o6] and
The scripts are tightly integrated with the [Galaxy][o1]
web-based analysis tool. Tracking of samples occurs via a web based LIMS
system, and processed results are uploading into Galaxy Data Libraries for
researcher access and additional analysis. See the
[installation instructions for the front end][o2] and a
[detailed description of the full system][o3].
![Overview of workflow][o4]
## Code structure
The main scripts that handle automation of the analysis and storage
* `scripts/` -- Sits on the sequencer
output machine; run via a cron job every hour to check for new
output runs.
* `scripts/` -- Main server script;
runs specific servers for top level analysis management, storage, or
distributed processing of individual analysis steps:
* Called with `-q toplevel` -- Coordinate sample processing,
running the full automated analysis and optionally uploading
results to Galaxy. `` and a Galaxy
graphical front end both send messages on this queue for starting
* Called with no queue arguments -- Run individual steps in the
analysis pipeline. Start multiple servers on distributed machines
connected with a shared filesystem to allow scaling on a
cluster or Amazon EC2.
* Called with `-q storage` -- Manage long term storage of larger
files, like qseq and images.
Specify system specific information in configuration files:
* `config/transfer_info.yaml` -- Configuration on the sequencing
machine, specifying where to check for new sequencing data.
* `config/post_process.yaml` -- Configuration for analysis and
storage. This contains links to Galaxy, program locations and
customization for processing algorithms.
* `config/universe_wsgi.ini` -- Variables used from your Galaxy
server configuration, including RabbitMQ details for communication
between the sequencing and analysis machines.
Scripts involved in the processing:
* `scripts/` -- Drives the high level analysis of
sequencing lanes based on information specified through the Galaxy LIMS
system or in a YAML configuration file. Also produces a PDF summary file with
statistics on alignments, duplicates, GC distribution, quality scores,
and other metrics of interest.
* `scripts/` -- Handles storing and uploading Fastq,
alignment, analysis and summary files to Galaxy.
## Installation
### Required libraries and data files
The code drives a number of next-generation sequencing analysis
tools; install these on any machines involved in the processing. The
[CloudBioLinux][i2] and [Galaxy CloudMan][i3] projects contain
automated scripts to help with installation:
* [Install bioinformatics software][i4]
* Install data files like genome builds in association with
Galaxy: [my script][i5] and [from the Galaxy team][i6].
Or they can be install manually; the Requirements section below lists
all software used by the pipeline.
### Scripts and configuration
Clone a copy of the code from GitHub:
git clone
Use a recent version of Python 2 (2.6 or 2.7), and install with:
cd bcbb/nextgen && python install
The setup script installs required python library dependencies.
Copy the YAML & ini files in config and adjust them to match your
environment. It is also a good idea to set your $PATH pointing to
any third-party binaries you are using.
### Parallel execution
The pipeline runs in parallel in two different ways:
* multiple cores -- Analyses will run in parallel using multiple cores
on a single machine. This requires only the `mulitprocessing`
Python library, included by default with most Python
installations. Change `num_cores` in your `post_process.yaml` file
to specify the number of parallel cores to use.
* parallel messaging -- This allows scaling beyond the cores on a
single machine. It requires multiple machines with a shared
filesystem, with communication handled using RabbitMQ messaging.
This is ideally suited for clusters.
To enable parallel messaging:
1. Configure RabbitMQ as described below. Ensure all processing
machines can talk to the RabbitMQ server on port 5672. Update
`universe_wsgi.ini` to contain the server details.
2. Change `num_cores` in `post_process.yaml` to `messaging`
The `` helper script runs pipelines in a
distributed cluster environment. It takes care of starting worker
nodes, running the processing, and then cleaning up after jobs:
1. Edit your `post_process.yaml` file to set parameters in the
`distributed` section corresponding to your environment: this
includes the type of cluster management, arguments to start jobs,
and the number of workers to start.
2. Execute `` using the same arguments as
``: the `post_process.yaml`
configuration file, the directory of fastq files, and a
`run_info.yaml` file specifying the fastq details, barcodes,
and the types of analyses to run.
If you have a different architecture you can run the distributed
processing by hand:
1. Start the processing server, `` on each
processing machine. This takes one argument, the
`post_process.yaml` file (which references the `universe_wsgi.ini`
2. Run the analysis script ``. This will
offload parallel work to the workers started in step 3 but also
does processing itself, so is also submitted as a job in cluster
### Testing
The test suite exercises the scripts driving the analysis, so
are a good starting point to ensure correct installation.
Run tests from the main code directory using [nose][i7]. To test the main
variant calling pipeline:
$ cd tests
$ nosetests -v -s
To run the full test suite:
$ nosetest -v -s
`tests/` exercises the full framework using
an automatically downloaded test dataset. It runs through barcode
deconvolution, alignment and full SNP analysis. Tweak the
configuration for the tests for your environment:
* `tests/data/automated/post_process.yaml` -- May need adjustment to
point to installed software in non-standard locations. Change the
num_cores parameter to test multiple processor and parallel
* `tests/data/automated/universe_wsgi.ini` -- Defines the location of
the RabbitMQ server for messaging based parallel execution during
* `tests/data/automated/run_info.yaml` -- Change the `analysis` variable
can to 'Standard' if SNP calling is not required in your
environment. This will run a smaller pipeline of alignment and analysis.
### RabbitMQ messaging server
RabbitMQ messaging manages communication between the sequencing
machine and the analysis machine. This allows complete separation
between all of the machines. The RabbitMQ server can run anywhere; an
easy solution is to install it on the Galaxy and analysis server:
(yum or apt-get) install rabbitmq-server
Setup rabbitmq for passing Galaxy and processing messages:
rabbitmqctl add_user <username> <password>
rabbitmqctl add_vhost bionextgen
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p bionextgen <username> ".*" ".*" ".*"
Then adjust the `[galaxy_amqp]` section of your `universe_wsgi.ini`
Galaxy configuration file. An example configuration is available in
the config directory; you'll need to specifically change these three
host = <host you installed the RabbitMQ server on>
userid = <username>
password = <password>
### ssh keys
The sequencing, analysis and storage machines transfer files using
secure copy. This requires that you can securely copy files between
machines without passwords, using [ssh public key authentication][i1].
You want to enable password-less ssh for the following machine
* Analysis server to `illumina_finished_msg` machine
* Storage server to `illumina_finished_msg` machine
### Sequencing machines
The sequencer automation has been fully tested using Illumina GAII and
HiSeq sequencing machines. The framework is general and supports other
platforms; we welcome feedback from researchers with different
machines at their institutions.
Illumina machines produce run directories that include the date, machine
identifier, and flowcell ID:
A shortened name, with just date and flowcell ID, is used to uniquely
identify each flowcell during processing.
### Development environment
The installation instructions assume that you have full root access to install
python modules and packages (production environment). If this is not the case,
you may want to install a python VirtualEnv and other tools automatically on your $HOME
to ease your development needs using the following script:
wget && ./
## Requirements
### Next gen analysis
* [Picard][3]
* [bowtie][5] or [bwa][5b]
* [FastQC][6]
* [GATK][4] (version 1.2; only for variant calling)
* [snpEff][16] (version 2.0.2; only for variant calling)
### Processing infrastructure
* RabbitMQ for communication between machines
* LaTeX and pdflatex for report generation
### Optional software for generating report graphs
* R with ggplot2, plyr, sqldf libraries.
* [rpy2][11]. Build R with shared libraries available: `./configure --enable-R-shlib`.
### Python modules installed with the package
* [biopython][10]
* [pysam][12]
* [mako][13]
* [PyYAML][14]
* [logbook] [17]
* [celery][18]
* [numpy][19]
## Variant calling
Broad's [GATK][4] pipeline drives variant (SNPs and Indels) analysis. This
requires some associated data files, and also has some configurable options. The
relevant section from the `post_process.yaml` file is:
coverage_depth: "low" # other options: high
coverage_interval: "exome" # other options: genome, regional
dbsnp: variation/dbsnp_132.vcf
train_hapmap: variation/hapmap_3.3.vcf
train_1000g_omni: variation/1000G_omni2.5.vcf
train_indels: variation/Mills_Devine_2hit.indels.vcf
The dbSNP and training files are from the [GATK resource bundle][v1]. These are
inputs into the training models for recalibration. The automated
[CloudBioLinux][o6] data scripts will download and install these in the
variation subdirectory relative to the genome files.
The `coverage_depth` and `coverage_interval` are adjustable from the defaults
within individual `run_info.yaml` files describing the sample; a fastq file
with standard phred quality scores, full genome coverage and high sequencing
- analysis: SNP calling
quality_format: Standard
coverage_interval: genome
coverage_depth: high
## Configuration options
The YAML configuration file provides a number of hooks to customize analysis.
Place these under the `analysis` keyword. For variant calling:
- `aligner` Aligner to use: [bwa, bowtie, bowtie2, mosaik, novoalign, false]
- `trim_reads` Whether to trim off 3' B-only ends from fastq reads [false, true]
- `align_split_size`: Split FASTQ files into specified number of records per
file. Allows parallelization at the cost of increased temporary disk space usage.
- `variantcaller` Variant calling algorithm [gatk, freebayes]
- `quality_format` Quality format of fastq inputs [illumina, standard]
- `coverage_interval` Regions covered by sequencing. Influences GATK
options for filtering [exome, genome, regional]
- `coverage_depth` Depth of sequencing coverage. Influences GATK variant
calling [high, low]
- `hybrid_target` BED file with target regions for hybrid selection experiments.
- `variant_regions` BED file of regions to call variants in.
- `ploidy` Ploidy of called reads. Defaults to 2 (diploid).
- `recalibrate` Perform variant recalibration [true, false]
- `mark_duplicates` Identify and remove variants [false, true]
- `realign` Do variant realignment [true, false]
- `write_summary` Write a PDF summary of results [true, false]
Global reference files for variant calling and assessment:
- `train_hapmap`, `train_1000g_omni`, `train_indels` Training files for GATK
variant recalibration.
- `call_background` Background VCF to use for calling.
## Internals: files generated by this pipeline
### Initial Fastq files (pre-analysis)
After basecalling, a number of FastQ files are generated via <a href=""></a> script:
The template of them being:
Where 1|2 is the forward and reverse read respectively. Only reads that
pass the quality filter (PF) are kept. Quality scores
are not converted to Sanger, but are kept in the produced format (currently
Illumina 1.3+). The dots in the fastq files are converted into Ns.
## Post-processing generated files
Those are distributed in three directories: alignments, barcode and the top level run directory.
### Top level directory
Those files comprise both plain text files, images and structured data
that can be useful both automatically and in human-readable form to get
different aspects about the sequencing results.
* `run_summary.yaml`
Contains a structured view of the run global parameters.
- barcode_id: '2'
barcode_type: SampleSheet
lane: '8'
Aligned: '1204752'
Pair duplicates: '881332'
Read length: '101'
Reads: '11594437'
request: ''
researcher: ''
sample: ''
* PDF files
Taking a look at an specific sample in a lane, we find the different
sub-components that conform the final summary report (`*-summary.pdf`).
The summary contains GC content, read quality figures and an insert size
* BigWig files
Per-sample wigtoBigWig converted files.
* `*_metrics files`
They contain plain text values from picard, namely:
They contain output metrics from Picard, which are parsed later and
used to generate plots. For instance, for `sort-dup.align_metrics`, the
output from net.sf.picard.analysis.CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics is
### alignments directory
Contains the results of the alignments for each sample. As we see
on the listing below, lane 1, barcode id 5 has been aligned in
[SAM][in1] and BAM formats. For convenience,
to facilitate SNP calling, for instance, a sorted BAM file is also
### *_barcode directories
Those contain fastq files conforming with the naming schema we've seen before. They are the result of the demultiplexing process, where the "unmatched" files contain the reads that have not passed the approximate barcoding matching algorithm:
`*-barcodes.cfg` contains a simple mapping between barcode id's and the actual barcode sequence:
The `_bc.metrics` file has a plain read distribution for each barcode:
2 11594437
3 20247932
9 14390566
unmatched 908420
Barcodes are added to the 3' end of the first sequence. That way, it
remains platform-independent and can be easily handled downstream.
This [GitHub discussion][in2] explains how demultiplexing works. The
demultiplexing is performed by the [][in3] script.
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File details
Details for the file bcbio-nextgen-0.4a.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: bcbio-nextgen-0.4a.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 97.9 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | a30493df08398c599b390447a722202fac3f8072c8637f7b6b4df4c693650348 |
MD5 | 5ec1858c2be12e9ef1b58e9cb6dd839c |
BLAKE2b-256 | 0e49246923a06b97219180d601b7b57fba2ccf7c2a203ed4fd83d95a90614a39 |