CCMValDiag with CDX Data Access
Project description
This is CCMValDiag with enhancements to read data from CDX.
CCMVal Diagnostic Tool
This is the Chemistry Climate Model Validation Diagnostic tool with modifications by the CDX (Climate Data Exchange) project of JPL to support transparent access to data stored within the CDX “cloud”.
These modifications enhance the CCMValDiag tool by enabling it to access data not only in NetCDF files in the local filesystem but also stored within CDX product servers. It does so by allowing you to specify a cdx: style URL in your diagnostic namelist file in place of a regular local filesystem path.
What You Get
In this distribution you’ll find:
- ccmval
The beta9 version of the CCMValDiag code taken from its subversion repository including enhancements by CDX.
- README.txt
This file.
Standard distutils and setuptools metadata.
- setup.cfg
Standard configuration for distutils and setuptools.
The enhancements to CCMValDiag rely on the cdx.client package. You can learn more about cdx.client at this address:
or by reviewing its Python Package Index (“Cheeseshop”) entry at:
See either website for detailed installation instructions. To see if your Python installation already has the cdx.client package, try running python and enter the following:
>>> import cdx.client
If you receive an ImportError, you’ll need to install cdx.client.
For use of CCMValDiag, consult the README* files in the ccmval directory. (JPL is solely responsible for the enhancements that enable reading from CDX product servers and, unfortunately, cannot assist you with running of CCMValDiag.)
The input models for CCMValDiag are specified as filesystem path names in a “namelist” file. You create a namelist file to identify input models, variables to validate, plot types, and so forth. To query from CDX, you replace the filesystem path name with a cdx: URL.
Here is an example cdx: URL:
Let’s look at each part of this URL.
- cdx:
This is the URL scheme. It should always be cdx:
This is the net location of the CDX product server. In this case, we’re access the host called and the server listening on port number 8080.
- cdxesg
This is the web endpoint to use. It identifies a particular web application on the server listening on port 8080, in this case cdxesg. Each CDX product server is differentiated by its web endpoint.
- prod
This string indicates we want to access the product service. It should always be prod.
- /commit/atm/da/hfls/pr/ncar_ccsm3_0/run1
This identifies the path within the product server of the data to access. In this case, this path references three NetCDF files on the product server that live in the run1 directory (which lives in the ncar_ccsm3_0 directory, and so forth).
By placing such a URL in the MODELS section of a namelist file, CCMValDiag will be able to work its magic on CDX data.
For an example namelist that uses CDX URLs, see the namelist_cdx file in the ccmval directory.
0.0.0 - Unreleased
Initial release
The enhancements to CCMValDiag that enable reading from CDX are copyright 2009 by the California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The remaining software retains the copyright of its original owners.
The enhancements are owned by Caltech/JPL and are protected by United States copyright laws and applicable international treaties and/or conventions. The United States Government may have prior rights to use some or all of the enhancements as determined under applicable contracts and license agreements with Caltech/JPL.
The enhancements were developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, an operating division of the California Institute of Technology and are not available for use by any person, organization, or other entity without prior, specific written permission.