Plone viewlet to prompt users to upgrade to a better web browser.
Project description
Enough is enough. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 was released in early 2009. For its time, it was a decent browser, but in 2010, it is still in use by a significant portion of the web population, and its time is now up.
As any web developer will tell you, working with IE 8 is one of the most difficult and frustrating things they have to deal with on a daily basis, taking up a disproportionate amount of their time. Beyond that, IE 8’s support for modern web standards is very lacking, restricting what developers can create and holding the web back.
This is a Plone viewlet that shows your site visitors a banner prompting them to upgrade their browser for a better experience.
Add collective.ie8nomore to your list of python eggs. For example, for buildout:
[buildout] eggs = ... collective.ie8nomore
You don’t need to install the product in the control panel. You just need to restart Plone and configure the order of your viewlets. To be able to do so, visit http://plonesite/@@manage-viewlets .
Noe Nieto, original author.
0.3 (16-Dec-2011)
Update version to 0.3.
Update trove classifiers.
Update package URL
Use z3c.autoinclude to avoid ZCML slug in buildout. Remove unnedded ZCML declaration
0.2 (15-Dec-2011)
Add spanish translations.
Update documentation.
Improve CSS.
Add a wrapper div.
0.1dev (unreleased)
Package created using zopeskel
Add the viewlet.