A Namespace Extension for ATXML
Project description
This products adds the export of the object’s workflow state to the atxml marshaller. As it could be difficult to set the state on the target site, because there might be workflow transition-scripts which should NOT be executed, the import only fires an event. You can subscribe to it:
<subscriber for="* collective.marshall.workflow.interfaces.IObjectReviewStateDeserializedEvent" handler=".handlers.yourHandler" />
Example for handler
def logDeserializedReviewState(object, event): print "Received a IObjectReviewStateDeserializedEvent for %s. State: %s" % (event.object, event.data)
So the handler receives the object and the data, which is the state as string, e.g. “published”.
A very good default handler is already included.
1.0.1 (2008-11-05)
Added utility to translate between workflow states
1.0 (2008-11-05)
First release