Distributed Autotuning with PostgreSQL
Project description
For all of this, you’ll need authentication details for a PostgreSQL server, in a bunch of environment variables. Perhaps you might set those like this:
export TUNE_DBHOST=tuning-database.example.com export TUNE_DBNAME=disttune export TUNE_DBUSER=sampleuse export TUNE_DBPASSWORD=Yeizah2u
Create jobs for an autotuning run:
python -m disttune enum exampletune.Run
The dotted name exampletune.Run is actually the name of the class that’s driving the run.
Actually run jobs:
python -m disttune run --stop -v --filter run_class=exampletune.Run "it_type~list"
The filter expression can be used to limit what jobs are run.
Run interactive Python shell with database connection:
python -m disttune console >>> .q select * from run;