Monitors prices of Amazon products via Product Advertising API
Project description
Monitors prices of Amazon products via Product Advertising API.
Basic structure
This is a reusable Django app that can be plugged into your project. It consists basically of this parts:
Frontend components
Angular Frontend API
Amazon API component
representation of an Amazon product
representation of a price of an Amazon product at a specific time
subscribe to a product at a specific price with an email notification
Frontend components
The frontend displays all subscribed products with additional information and some graphs for price history.
We currently have 2 implementations, the (old) static one and the (new) one with AngularJS. After some issues have been resolved in the AngularJS implementation, we will remove the old static one.
The components feature the followung
static version
list products
add subscriptions
delete subscriptions
AngularJS version
list products
show product details
show product price graphs
add subscriptions
adjust subscription price value
delete subscriptions
Angular Frontend API
Simply the API consumed by AngularJS, based on Django REST Framework.
Amazon API component
Fetches product information from Amazon Product Advertising API through several tasks powered by Celery and weaves the data into the models.
This software is licensed with the MIT license. So feel free to do with it whatever you like.
Python 3.3, 3.4
Included angular libraries
angular-django-rest-resource (commit: 81d752b363668d674201c09d7a2ce6f418a44f13)
Basic setup
Add the following apps to INSTALLED_APPS:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'price_monitor', 'price_monitor.product_advertising_api', 'rest_framework', )
Then migrate:
python migrate
Adjust the settings appropiately, see next chapter.
The values of the following displayed settings are their default values. If the value is ‘…’ then there is no default value.
Must have settings
The following settings are absolutely necessary to the price monitor running, please set them:
You need to have a broker and a result backend set.
BROKER_URL = ... CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = ... # some additional settings CELERY_ACCEPT_CONTENT = ['pickle', 'json'] CELERY_CHORD_PROPAGATES = True
We use Rest-Framework for Angular frontend:
AWS and Product Advertising API credentials
# your Amazon Web Services access key id PRICE_MONITOR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = '...' # your Amazon Web Services secret access key PRICE_MONITOR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '...' # the region endpoint you want to use. # Typically the country you'll run the price monitor in. # possible values: CA, CN, DE, ES, FR, IT, JP, UK, US PRICE_MONITOR_AMAZON_PRODUCT_API_REGION = '...' # the assoc tag of the Amazon Product Advertising API PRICE_MONITOR_AMAZON_PRODUCT_API_ASSOC_TAG = '...'
Images protocol and domain
# if to use the HTTPS URLs for Amazon images. # if you're running the monitor on SSL, set this to True # INFO: # Product images are served directly from Amazon. # This is a restriction when using the Amazon Product Advertising API PRICE_MONITOR_IMAGES_USE_SSL = True # domain to use for image serving. # typically analog to the api region following the URL pattern # https://images-<REGION> PRICE_MONITOR_AMAZON_SSL_IMAGE_DOMAIN = ''
Optional settings
The following settings can be adjusted but come with reasonable default values.
Product synchronization
# time after which products shall be refreshed # Amazon only allows caching up to 24 hours, so the maximum value is 1440! PRICE_MONITOR_AMAZON_PRODUCT_REFRESH_THRESHOLD_MINUTES = 720 # 12 hours
To be able to send out the notification emails, set up a proper email backend (see Django documentation).
# time after which to notify the user again about a price limit hit (in minutes) PRICE_MONITOR_SUBSCRIPTION_RENOTIFICATION_MINUTES = 10080 # 7 days # sender address of the notification email PRICE_MONITOR_EMAIL_SENDER = 'noreply@localhost' # currency name to use on notifications PRICE_MONITOR_DEFAULT_CURRENCY = 'EUR' # subject and body of the notification emails gettext = lambda x: x PRICE_MONITOR_I18N_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT = gettext( 'Price limit for %(product)s reached' ) PRICE_MONITOR_I18N_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_BODY = gettext( 'The price limit of %(price_limit)0.2f %(currency)s has been reached for the ' 'article "%(product_title)s" - the current price is %(price)0.2f %(currency)s.' '\n\nPlease support our platform by using this ' 'link for buying: %(link)s\n\n\nRegards,\nThe Team' ) # name of the site in notifications PRICE_MONITOR_SITENAME = 'Price Monitor'
# key of cache (according to project config) to use for graphs # None disables caching. PRICE_MONITOR_GRAPH_CACHE_NAME = None # prefix for cache key used for graphs PRICE_MONITOR_GRAPH_CACHE_KEY_PREFIX = 'graph_'
Celery settings
To be able to run the required Celery tasks, Celery itself has to be set up. Please see the Celery Documentation about how to setup the whole thing. You’ll need a broker and a result backend configured.
Releases & Changelog
We don’t do regular PyPI releases but maintain this changelog to keep track of the most significant changes.
changed tests to use py.test and tox (#2)
rewrote task handling for communication with product advertising api (#27, #38)
updated to Django 1.8 (#32, PR #45)
performance for querying the Amazon Product Advertising API was increased (#41, PR #46)
adjusted model relation for more performance #25
highest and lowest price are now shown on products detail page (#25, PR #54)
Python 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4 support
first release
Management Commands
A management command to batch create a number of products by providing their ASIN:
python price_monitor_batch_create_products <ASIN1> <ASIN2> <ASIN3>
Recreates a product with the given asin. If product already exists, it is deleted. Only use in development!
python price_monitor_recreate_product <ASIN>
Searches for products at Amazon (not within the database) with the given ASINs and prints out their details.
python price_monitor_search <ASIN1> <ASIN2> ...
The app uses the logger “price_monitor” to log all error and info messages that are not included within a dedicated other logger. Please see the Django logging documentation for how to setup loggers.
Logger for everything related to the ProductAdvertisingAPI wrapper class that accesses the Amazon Product Advertising API through bottlenose.
Logger for the utils module.
Model graph
Product advertising api synchronization
Task workflow