GitHub notifications alike app for Django.
Project description
``django-notifications`` Documentation
|build-status| |coveralls|
`django-notifications <>`_ is a GitHub notification alike app for Django, it was derived from `django-activity-stream <>`_
The major difference between ``django-notifications`` and ``django-activity-stream``:
* ``django-notifications`` is for building something like Github "Notifications"
* While ``django-activity-stream`` is for building Github "News Feed"
Notifications are actually actions events, which are categorized by four main components.
* ``Actor``. The object that performed the activity.
* ``Verb``. The verb phrase that identifies the action of the activity.
* ``Action Object``. *(Optional)* The object linked to the action itself.
* ``Target``. *(Optional)* The object to which the activity was performed.
``Actor``, ``Action Object`` and ``Target`` are ``GenericForeignKeys`` to any arbitrary Django object.
An action is a description of an action that was performed (``Verb``) at some instant in time by some ``Actor`` on some optional ``Target`` that results in an ``Action Object`` getting created/updated/deleted.
For example: `justquick <>`_ ``(actor)`` *closed* ``(verb)`` `issue 2 <>`_ ``(action_object)`` on `activity-stream <>`_ ``(target)`` 12 hours ago
Nomenclature of this specification is based on the Activity Streams Spec: `<>`_
- Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
- Django 2.2, 3.0
Installation is easy using ``pip`` and will install all required libraries.
$ pip install django-notifications-hq
or get it from source
$ git clone
$ cd django-notifications
$ python sdist
$ pip install dist/django-notifications-hq*
Note that `django-model-utils <>`_ will be installed: this is required for the pass-through QuerySet manager.
Then to add the Django Notifications to your project add the app ``notifications`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and urlconf.
The app should go somewhere after all the apps that are going to be generating notifications like ``django.contrib.auth``
Add the notifications urls to your urlconf::
import notifications.urls
urlpatterns = [
url('^inbox/notifications/', include(notifications.urls, namespace='notifications')),
The method of installing these urls, importing rather than using ``'notifications.urls'``, is required to ensure that the urls are installed in the ``notifications`` namespace.
To run schema migration, execute ``python migrate notifications``.
Generating Notifications
Generating notifications is probably best done in a separate signal.
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from notifications.signals import notify
from myapp.models import MyModel
def my_handler(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
notify.send(instance, verb='was saved')
post_save.connect(my_handler, sender=MyModel)
To generate an notification anywhere in your code, simply import the notify signal and send it with your actor, recipient, and verb.
from notifications.signals import notify
notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='you reached level 10')
The complete syntax is.
notify.send(actor, recipient, verb, action_object, target, level, description, public, timestamp, **kwargs)
* **actor**: An object of any type. (Required) Note: Use **sender** instead of **actor** if you intend to use keyword arguments
* **recipient**: A **Group** or a **User QuerySet** or a list of **User**. (Required)
* **verb**: An string. (Required)
* **action_object**: An object of any type. (Optional)
* **target**: An object of any type. (Optional)
* **level**: One of Notification.LEVELS ('success', 'info', 'warning', 'error') (default=info). (Optional)
* **description**: An string. (Optional)
* **public**: An boolean (default=True). (Optional)
* **timestamp**: An tzinfo ( (Optional)
Extra data
You can attach arbitrary data to your notifications by doing the following:
Then, any extra arguments you pass to ``notify.send(...)`` will be attached to the ``.data`` attribute of the notification object.
These will be serialised using the JSONField's serialiser, so you may need to take that into account: using only objects that will be serialised is a good idea.
Soft delete
By default, ``delete/(?P<slug>\d+)/`` deletes specified notification record from DB.
You can change this behaviour to "mark ``Notification.deleted`` field as ``True``" by:
With this option, QuerySet methods ``unread`` and ``read`` contain one more filter: ``deleted=False``.
Meanwhile, QuerySet methods ``deleted``, ``active``, ``mark_all_as_deleted``, ``mark_all_as_active`` are turned on.
See more details in QuerySet methods section.
QuerySet methods
Using ``django-model-utils``, we get the ability to add queryset methods to not only the manager, but to all querysets that will be used, including related objects. This enables us to do things like::
which returns all unread notifications. To do this for a single user, we can do::
user = User.objects.get(pk=pk)
There are some other QuerySet methods, too.
Return all of the unsent notifications, filtering the current queryset. (emailed=False)
Return all of the sent notifications, filtering the current queryset. (emailed=True)
Return all of the unread notifications, filtering the current queryset.
When ``SOFT_DELETE=True``, this filter contains ``deleted=False``.
Return all of the read notifications, filtering the current queryset.
When ``SOFT_DELETE=True``, this filter contains ``deleted=False``.
``qs.mark_all_as_read()`` | ``qs.mark_all_as_read(recipient)``
Mark all of the unread notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as read.
``qs.mark_all_as_unread()`` | ``qs.mark_all_as_unread(recipient)``
Mark all of the read notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as unread.
``qs.mark_as_sent()`` | ``qs.mark_as_sent(recipient)``
Mark all of the unsent notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as sent.
``qs.mark_as_unsent()`` | ``qs.mark_as_unsent(recipient)``
Mark all of the sent notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as unsent.
Return all notifications that have ``deleted=True``, filtering the current queryset.
Must be used with ``SOFT_DELETE=True``.
Return all notifications that have ``deleted=False``, filtering the current queryset.
Must be used with ``DELETE=True``.
``qs.mark_all_as_deleted()`` | ``qs.mark_all_as_deleted(recipient)``
Mark all notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as ``deleted=True``.
Must be used with ``DELETE=True``.
``qs.mark_all_as_active()`` | ``qs.mark_all_as_active(recipient)``
Mark all notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as ``deleted=False``.
Must be used with ``SOFT_DELETE=True``.
Model methods
A wrapper for Django's ``timesince`` function.
Mark the current object as read.
Template tags
Put `{% load notifications_tags %}` in the template before you actually use notification tags.
{% notifications_unread %}
Give the number of unread notifications for a user, or nothing (an empty string) for an anonymous user.
Storing the count in a variable for further processing is advised, such as::
{% notifications_unread as unread_count %}
{% if unread_count %}
You have <strong>{{ unread_count }}</strong> unread notifications.
{% endif %}
Live-updater API
To ensure users always have the most up-to-date notifications, `django-notifications` includes a simple javascript API
for updating specific fields within a django template.
There are two possible API calls that can be made:
1. ``api/unread_count/`` that returns a javascript object with 1 key: ``unread_count`` eg::
#. ``api/unread_list/`` that returns a javascript object with 2 keys: `unread_count` and `unread_list` eg::
"unread_list":[--list of json representations of notifications--]
Representations of notifications are based on the django method: ``model_to_dict``
Query string arguments:
- **max** - maximum length of unread list.
- **mark_as_read** - mark notification in list as read.
For example, get ``api/unread_list/?max=3&mark_as_read=true`` returns 3 notifications and mark them read (remove from list on next request).
How to use:
1. Put ``{% load notifications_tags %}`` in the template before you actually use notification tags.
2. In the area where you are loading javascript resources add the following tags in the order below::
<script src="{% static 'notifications/notify.js' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% register_notify_callbacks callbacks='fill_notification_list,fill_notification_badge' %}
``register_notify_callbacks`` takes the following arguments:
1. ``badge_class`` (default ``live_notify_badge``) - The identifier `class` of the element to show the unread count, that will be periodically updated.
#. ``menu_class`` (default ``live_notify_list``) - The identifier `class` of the element to insert a list of unread items, that will be periodically updated.
#. ``refresh_period`` (default ``15``) - How often to fetch unread items from the server (integer in seconds).
#. ``fetch`` (default ``5``) - How many notifications to fetch each time.
#. ``callbacks`` (default ``<empty string>``) - A comma-separated list of javascript functions to call each period.
#. ``api_name`` (default ``list``) - The name of the API to call (this can be either ``list`` or ``count``).
3. To insert a live-updating unread count, use the following template::
{% live_notify_badge %}
``live_notify_badge`` takes the following arguments:
1. ``badge_class`` (default ``live_notify_badge``) - The identifier ``class`` for the ``<span>`` element that will be created to show the unread count.
4. To insert a live-updating unread list, use the following template::
{% live_notify_list %}
``live_notify_list`` takes the following arguments:
1. ``list_class`` (default ``live_notify_list``) - The identifier ``class`` for the ``<ul>`` element that will be created to insert the list of notifications into.
Using the live-updater with bootstrap
The Live-updater can be incorporated into bootstrap with minimal code.
To create a live-updating bootstrap badge containing the unread count, simply use the template tag::
{% live_notify_badge badge_class="badge" %}
To create a live-updating bootstrap dropdown menu containing a selection of recent unread notifications, simply use the template tag::
{% live_notify_list list_class="dropdown-menu" %}
Customising the display of notifications using javascript callbacks
While the live notifier for unread counts should suit most use cases, users may wish to alter how
unread notifications are shown.
The ``callbacks`` argument of the ``register_notify_callbacks`` dictates which javascript functions are called when
the unread api call is made.
To add a custom javascript callback, simply add this to the list, like so::
{% register_notify_callbacks callbacks='fill_notification_badge,my_special_notification_callback' %}
The above would cause the callback to update the unread count badge, and would call the custom function `my_special_notification_callback`.
All callback functions are passed a single argument by convention called `data`, which contains the entire result from the API.
For example, the below function would get the recent list of unread messages and log them to the console::
function my_special_notification_callback(data) {
for (var i=0; i < data.unread_list.length; i++) {
msg = data.unread_list[i];
Testing the live-updater
1. Clone the repo
2. Run `./ runserver`
3. Browse to `yourserverip/test/`
4. Click 'Make a notification' and a new notification should appear in the list in 5-10 seconds.
Serializing the django-notifications Model
See here -
In this example the target object can be of type Foo or Bar and the appropriate serializer will be used.
class GenericNotificationRelatedField(serializers.RelatedField):
def to_representation(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Foo):
serializer = FooSerializer(value)
if isinstance(value, Bar):
serializer = BarSerializer(value)
class NotificationSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
recipient = PublicUserSerializer(User, read_only=True)
unread = serializers.BooleanField(read_only=True)
target = GenericNotificationRelatedField(read_only=True)
Thanks to @DaWy
``AbstractNotification`` model
In case you need to customize the notification model in order to add field or
customised features that depend on your application, you can inherit and extend
the ``AbstractNotification`` model, example:
.. code-block:: python
from django.db import models
from notifications.base.models import AbstractNotification
class Notification(AbstractNotification):
# custom field example
category = models.ForeignKey('myapp.Category',
class Meta(AbstractNotification.Meta):
abstract = False
Email Notification
Sending email to users has not been integrated into this library. So for now you need to implement it if needed. There is a reserved field `Notification.emailed` to make it easier.
``django-notifications`` Team
Core contributors (in alphabetical order):
- `Alvaro Leonel <>`_
- `Samuel Spencer <>`_
- `Yang Yubo <>`_
- `Zhongyuan Zhang <>`_
.. |build-status| image::
.. |coveralls| image::
:alt: Code coverage on coveralls
:scale: 100%
|build-status| |coveralls|
`django-notifications <>`_ is a GitHub notification alike app for Django, it was derived from `django-activity-stream <>`_
The major difference between ``django-notifications`` and ``django-activity-stream``:
* ``django-notifications`` is for building something like Github "Notifications"
* While ``django-activity-stream`` is for building Github "News Feed"
Notifications are actually actions events, which are categorized by four main components.
* ``Actor``. The object that performed the activity.
* ``Verb``. The verb phrase that identifies the action of the activity.
* ``Action Object``. *(Optional)* The object linked to the action itself.
* ``Target``. *(Optional)* The object to which the activity was performed.
``Actor``, ``Action Object`` and ``Target`` are ``GenericForeignKeys`` to any arbitrary Django object.
An action is a description of an action that was performed (``Verb``) at some instant in time by some ``Actor`` on some optional ``Target`` that results in an ``Action Object`` getting created/updated/deleted.
For example: `justquick <>`_ ``(actor)`` *closed* ``(verb)`` `issue 2 <>`_ ``(action_object)`` on `activity-stream <>`_ ``(target)`` 12 hours ago
Nomenclature of this specification is based on the Activity Streams Spec: `<>`_
- Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
- Django 2.2, 3.0
Installation is easy using ``pip`` and will install all required libraries.
$ pip install django-notifications-hq
or get it from source
$ git clone
$ cd django-notifications
$ python sdist
$ pip install dist/django-notifications-hq*
Note that `django-model-utils <>`_ will be installed: this is required for the pass-through QuerySet manager.
Then to add the Django Notifications to your project add the app ``notifications`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and urlconf.
The app should go somewhere after all the apps that are going to be generating notifications like ``django.contrib.auth``
Add the notifications urls to your urlconf::
import notifications.urls
urlpatterns = [
url('^inbox/notifications/', include(notifications.urls, namespace='notifications')),
The method of installing these urls, importing rather than using ``'notifications.urls'``, is required to ensure that the urls are installed in the ``notifications`` namespace.
To run schema migration, execute ``python migrate notifications``.
Generating Notifications
Generating notifications is probably best done in a separate signal.
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from notifications.signals import notify
from myapp.models import MyModel
def my_handler(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
notify.send(instance, verb='was saved')
post_save.connect(my_handler, sender=MyModel)
To generate an notification anywhere in your code, simply import the notify signal and send it with your actor, recipient, and verb.
from notifications.signals import notify
notify.send(user, recipient=user, verb='you reached level 10')
The complete syntax is.
notify.send(actor, recipient, verb, action_object, target, level, description, public, timestamp, **kwargs)
* **actor**: An object of any type. (Required) Note: Use **sender** instead of **actor** if you intend to use keyword arguments
* **recipient**: A **Group** or a **User QuerySet** or a list of **User**. (Required)
* **verb**: An string. (Required)
* **action_object**: An object of any type. (Optional)
* **target**: An object of any type. (Optional)
* **level**: One of Notification.LEVELS ('success', 'info', 'warning', 'error') (default=info). (Optional)
* **description**: An string. (Optional)
* **public**: An boolean (default=True). (Optional)
* **timestamp**: An tzinfo ( (Optional)
Extra data
You can attach arbitrary data to your notifications by doing the following:
Then, any extra arguments you pass to ``notify.send(...)`` will be attached to the ``.data`` attribute of the notification object.
These will be serialised using the JSONField's serialiser, so you may need to take that into account: using only objects that will be serialised is a good idea.
Soft delete
By default, ``delete/(?P<slug>\d+)/`` deletes specified notification record from DB.
You can change this behaviour to "mark ``Notification.deleted`` field as ``True``" by:
With this option, QuerySet methods ``unread`` and ``read`` contain one more filter: ``deleted=False``.
Meanwhile, QuerySet methods ``deleted``, ``active``, ``mark_all_as_deleted``, ``mark_all_as_active`` are turned on.
See more details in QuerySet methods section.
QuerySet methods
Using ``django-model-utils``, we get the ability to add queryset methods to not only the manager, but to all querysets that will be used, including related objects. This enables us to do things like::
which returns all unread notifications. To do this for a single user, we can do::
user = User.objects.get(pk=pk)
There are some other QuerySet methods, too.
Return all of the unsent notifications, filtering the current queryset. (emailed=False)
Return all of the sent notifications, filtering the current queryset. (emailed=True)
Return all of the unread notifications, filtering the current queryset.
When ``SOFT_DELETE=True``, this filter contains ``deleted=False``.
Return all of the read notifications, filtering the current queryset.
When ``SOFT_DELETE=True``, this filter contains ``deleted=False``.
``qs.mark_all_as_read()`` | ``qs.mark_all_as_read(recipient)``
Mark all of the unread notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as read.
``qs.mark_all_as_unread()`` | ``qs.mark_all_as_unread(recipient)``
Mark all of the read notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as unread.
``qs.mark_as_sent()`` | ``qs.mark_as_sent(recipient)``
Mark all of the unsent notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as sent.
``qs.mark_as_unsent()`` | ``qs.mark_as_unsent(recipient)``
Mark all of the sent notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as unsent.
Return all notifications that have ``deleted=True``, filtering the current queryset.
Must be used with ``SOFT_DELETE=True``.
Return all notifications that have ``deleted=False``, filtering the current queryset.
Must be used with ``DELETE=True``.
``qs.mark_all_as_deleted()`` | ``qs.mark_all_as_deleted(recipient)``
Mark all notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as ``deleted=True``.
Must be used with ``DELETE=True``.
``qs.mark_all_as_active()`` | ``qs.mark_all_as_active(recipient)``
Mark all notifications in the queryset (optionally also filtered by ``recipient``) as ``deleted=False``.
Must be used with ``SOFT_DELETE=True``.
Model methods
A wrapper for Django's ``timesince`` function.
Mark the current object as read.
Template tags
Put `{% load notifications_tags %}` in the template before you actually use notification tags.
{% notifications_unread %}
Give the number of unread notifications for a user, or nothing (an empty string) for an anonymous user.
Storing the count in a variable for further processing is advised, such as::
{% notifications_unread as unread_count %}
{% if unread_count %}
You have <strong>{{ unread_count }}</strong> unread notifications.
{% endif %}
Live-updater API
To ensure users always have the most up-to-date notifications, `django-notifications` includes a simple javascript API
for updating specific fields within a django template.
There are two possible API calls that can be made:
1. ``api/unread_count/`` that returns a javascript object with 1 key: ``unread_count`` eg::
#. ``api/unread_list/`` that returns a javascript object with 2 keys: `unread_count` and `unread_list` eg::
"unread_list":[--list of json representations of notifications--]
Representations of notifications are based on the django method: ``model_to_dict``
Query string arguments:
- **max** - maximum length of unread list.
- **mark_as_read** - mark notification in list as read.
For example, get ``api/unread_list/?max=3&mark_as_read=true`` returns 3 notifications and mark them read (remove from list on next request).
How to use:
1. Put ``{% load notifications_tags %}`` in the template before you actually use notification tags.
2. In the area where you are loading javascript resources add the following tags in the order below::
<script src="{% static 'notifications/notify.js' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% register_notify_callbacks callbacks='fill_notification_list,fill_notification_badge' %}
``register_notify_callbacks`` takes the following arguments:
1. ``badge_class`` (default ``live_notify_badge``) - The identifier `class` of the element to show the unread count, that will be periodically updated.
#. ``menu_class`` (default ``live_notify_list``) - The identifier `class` of the element to insert a list of unread items, that will be periodically updated.
#. ``refresh_period`` (default ``15``) - How often to fetch unread items from the server (integer in seconds).
#. ``fetch`` (default ``5``) - How many notifications to fetch each time.
#. ``callbacks`` (default ``<empty string>``) - A comma-separated list of javascript functions to call each period.
#. ``api_name`` (default ``list``) - The name of the API to call (this can be either ``list`` or ``count``).
3. To insert a live-updating unread count, use the following template::
{% live_notify_badge %}
``live_notify_badge`` takes the following arguments:
1. ``badge_class`` (default ``live_notify_badge``) - The identifier ``class`` for the ``<span>`` element that will be created to show the unread count.
4. To insert a live-updating unread list, use the following template::
{% live_notify_list %}
``live_notify_list`` takes the following arguments:
1. ``list_class`` (default ``live_notify_list``) - The identifier ``class`` for the ``<ul>`` element that will be created to insert the list of notifications into.
Using the live-updater with bootstrap
The Live-updater can be incorporated into bootstrap with minimal code.
To create a live-updating bootstrap badge containing the unread count, simply use the template tag::
{% live_notify_badge badge_class="badge" %}
To create a live-updating bootstrap dropdown menu containing a selection of recent unread notifications, simply use the template tag::
{% live_notify_list list_class="dropdown-menu" %}
Customising the display of notifications using javascript callbacks
While the live notifier for unread counts should suit most use cases, users may wish to alter how
unread notifications are shown.
The ``callbacks`` argument of the ``register_notify_callbacks`` dictates which javascript functions are called when
the unread api call is made.
To add a custom javascript callback, simply add this to the list, like so::
{% register_notify_callbacks callbacks='fill_notification_badge,my_special_notification_callback' %}
The above would cause the callback to update the unread count badge, and would call the custom function `my_special_notification_callback`.
All callback functions are passed a single argument by convention called `data`, which contains the entire result from the API.
For example, the below function would get the recent list of unread messages and log them to the console::
function my_special_notification_callback(data) {
for (var i=0; i < data.unread_list.length; i++) {
msg = data.unread_list[i];
Testing the live-updater
1. Clone the repo
2. Run `./ runserver`
3. Browse to `yourserverip/test/`
4. Click 'Make a notification' and a new notification should appear in the list in 5-10 seconds.
Serializing the django-notifications Model
See here -
In this example the target object can be of type Foo or Bar and the appropriate serializer will be used.
class GenericNotificationRelatedField(serializers.RelatedField):
def to_representation(self, value):
if isinstance(value, Foo):
serializer = FooSerializer(value)
if isinstance(value, Bar):
serializer = BarSerializer(value)
class NotificationSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
recipient = PublicUserSerializer(User, read_only=True)
unread = serializers.BooleanField(read_only=True)
target = GenericNotificationRelatedField(read_only=True)
Thanks to @DaWy
``AbstractNotification`` model
In case you need to customize the notification model in order to add field or
customised features that depend on your application, you can inherit and extend
the ``AbstractNotification`` model, example:
.. code-block:: python
from django.db import models
from notifications.base.models import AbstractNotification
class Notification(AbstractNotification):
# custom field example
category = models.ForeignKey('myapp.Category',
class Meta(AbstractNotification.Meta):
abstract = False
Email Notification
Sending email to users has not been integrated into this library. So for now you need to implement it if needed. There is a reserved field `Notification.emailed` to make it easier.
``django-notifications`` Team
Core contributors (in alphabetical order):
- `Alvaro Leonel <>`_
- `Samuel Spencer <>`_
- `Yang Yubo <>`_
- `Zhongyuan Zhang <>`_
.. |build-status| image::
.. |coveralls| image::
:alt: Code coverage on coveralls
:scale: 100%
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
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File details
Details for the file django-notifications-hq-1.6.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: django-notifications-hq-1.6.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 24.8 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.0.0 pkginfo/ requests/2.21.0 setuptools/41.6.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.38.0 CPython/3.7.5
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | debeb71b7076b08487b40bf07664d1cc43b9977c4480bbc969b30236dda7a461 |
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BLAKE2b-256 | 12b9dd3525a3af44dea70a67f614056750daf4f506a32b1c8af41a2dd335b244 |
File details
Details for the file django_notifications_hq-1.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: django_notifications_hq-1.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 24.7 kB
- Tags: Python 2, Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.0.0 pkginfo/ requests/2.21.0 setuptools/41.6.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.38.0 CPython/3.7.5
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | dfc6f8bd4034ceae91143bc3802ddfb6e276eaec90e63dd23e2584c052561576 |
MD5 | 974d8bc73d959b5a0681a4c04d278e0c |
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