run test project
You can run the test environment by:
$ ./
$ ./publisher_test_project/ run_test_project_dev_server
The following steps will be executed:
Create django users if not exists:
A django ‘superuser’
The user editor: He can accept/reject un-/publish requests
The user reporter: He can create un-/publish requests
note: Both users will used the same password as the ‘superuser’ !
run migration
insert test fixtures (Create Django CMS pages)
collect static files
run the django development server on localhost
You can pass arguments to the helper script, e.g.:
$ ./ --help
usage: run_test_project_dev_server [-h] [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}]
[--settings SETTINGS]
[--pythonpath PYTHONPATH]
[--traceback] [--no-color]
[--ipv6] [--nothreading]
[--noreload] [--nostatic]
To ‘reset’ the test fixtures, run this:
$ ./publisher_test_project/ create_test_data --fresh
For a complete fresh database, just remove the sqlite file, e.g.:
$ rm publisher_test_project/publisher_test_database.sqlite3