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Auto-generated forms for dolmen.content

Project description

dolmen.forms.crud is a module which helps developers create their C.R.U.D forms using Grok, megrok.z3cform and dolmen.content. It provides a collection of base classes to add, edit, and access content. It provides adapters to customize the fields of a form.

Adding view

dolmen.forms.crud provides an abstraction for the ‘adding’ action. It allows pluggability at the container level and handles naming and persistence. More explicitly, it’s a named adapter that will query the add form, check the constraints, choose a name (using a INameChooser) and finally, if everything went smoothly, add it on the context.

A base adding view is registered out-of-the-box as a named traversable adapter called ‘add’. It uses the following pattern: ++add++factory_name. factory_name must be the name of a dolmen.content.IFactory component.

Let’s first create a container in which we’ll test the adding view:

>>> import dolmen.content
>>> from dolmen.forms.crud.tests import Sietch

>>> sietch = Sietch()
>>> sietch.title = u'Tabr'
>>> dolmen.content.IBaseContent.providedBy(sietch)

>>> from import getRootFolder
>>> root = getRootFolder()
>>> root['sietch'] = sietch

With the container created, the adding view should be available and operational. Let’s have a quick overview:

>>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> addingview = getMultiAdapter((sietch, request), name='add')
>>> addingview
<dolmen.forms.crud.addview.Adder object at ...>

The adding view component explicitly checks the security requirement on the factory. To test that behavior, we set up two accounts. ‘zope.manager’ has all the permissions granted while ‘zope.manfred’ only has the ‘zope.View’ credentials. Our factory explicitly requires a ‘zope.ManageContent’ permission to be called. Let’s try to access it with Manfred:

>>> import as security
>>> from import Principal, Participation

>>> manager = Principal('zope.manager', 'Manager')
>>> manfred = Principal('zope.manfred', 'Manfred')

>>> security.newInteraction(Participation(manfred))
>>> addingview.traverse('fremen', [])
Traceback (most recent call last):
Unauthorized: <class 'dolmen.forms.crud.tests.Fremen'> requires the 'zope.ManageContent' permission.
>>> security.endInteraction()

Manfred is not authorized, however Manager should successfully be able to access the addingview:

>>> security.newInteraction(Participation(manager))
>>> addingview.traverse('fremen', [])
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotFound: Object: <dolmen.forms.crud.tests.Sietch object at ...>, name: 'fremen'

The adding view is available for our item. Though, as we have no add form registered, a NotFound error will be raised if we try to access our current factory.

Let’s create and register a very basic generic crud add form:

>>> import dolmen.forms.crud as crud
>>> class AddForm(crud.Add):
...     '''Generic add form.
...     '''

>>> import grokcore.component
>>> grokcore.component.testing.grok_component('addform', AddForm)

>>> addform = addingview.traverse('fremen', [])
>>> addform
<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.AddForm object at ...>

Our AddForm is returned as we traverse toward the factory ‘fremen’.

Perfect. Our adding view is ready to be used. Before testing the AddForm itself, let’s have a try at the add method:

>>> from dolmen.forms.crud.tests import Fremen

>>> naib = Fremen()
>>> added_item = addingview.add(naib)
>>> added_item
<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.Fremen object at ...>

>>> added_item.__name__
>>> added_item.__parent__ is sietch

An IAdding component should always be locatable:

>>> addingview.__parent__
<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.Sietch object at ...>
>>> addingview.__name__

The add method checks if the constraints are respected. If the container has defined restrictions or if some interface contract is violated, we get an error:

>>> from dolmen.forms.crud.tests import Harkonnen

>>> rabban = Harkonnen()
>>> addingview.add(rabban)
Traceback (most recent call last):
InvalidItemType: (<...Sietch object at ...>, <...Harkonnen object at ...>, (<InterfaceClass dolmen.forms.crud.tests.IDesertWarrior>,))

The add method of the adding view can be called from the AddForm to delegate the adding operation. The generic adding view already handles the common operations such as naming and persistence. Still, our add form is responsible for the factoring of the item. Let’s test the important attributes and methods:

>>> addform.fields.keys()
['title', 'water']

>>> fremen = addform.create({'title': u'Chani', 'water': 5})
>>> fremen
<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.Fremen object at ...>

>>> fremen.title
>>> fremen.water

The adding view works as intended. The real interest in using such an abstraction is the ease with which you can switch adding behaviors, just by registering a new component.

Generic forms

dolmen.forms.crud provides a set of ready-to-use base classes that will auto-generate forms based on dolmen.content schemas.


The add form implementation is tightly tied to the adding view. As the add form behavior has been mostly covered above, we’ll only test the presence of the fields and the label on the form itself:

>>> addform = addingview.traverse('fremen', [])
>>> addform
<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.AddForm object at ...>

>>> print addform.label
Fremen training camp

>>> addform.fields.keys()
['title', 'water']

>>> addform.updateForm()
>>> for action in addform.actions: print action


A special kind of form allows you display your content:

>>> class DefaultView(crud.Display):
...     '''Generic display form.
...     '''

>>> grokcore.component.testing.grok_component('display', DefaultView)

>>> view = getMultiAdapter((fremen, request), name='defaultview')
>>> view
<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.DefaultView object at ...>

The Display form removes the ‘title’ from the list of fields. This particular attribute is used directly by the template:

>>> view.fields.keys()

A display form has no actions:

>>> view.updateForm()
>>> for action in view.actions: print action
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'DefaultView' object has no attribute 'actions'

dolmen.forms.crud provides a very basic template for that form. As we can see, the title attribute is used as the HTML header (h1) of the page:

>>> print view()
<div class="defaultview">
  <div class="field">
    <label for="form-widgets-water">
      <span>Number water gallons owned</span>
    <p class="discreet"></p>
    <div class="widget">
      <span id="form-widgets-water"
            class="text-widget required int-field">5</span>


An edit form can be registered simply by sublassing the Edit base class:

>>> class EditForm(crud.Edit):
...     '''Generic edit form.
...     '''
...     def nextURL(self):
...         return u"We don't have a persistent data."

>>> grokcore.component.testing.grok_component('editform', EditForm)

This form registered, we can check if all the fields are ready to be edited:

>>> request = TestRequest(form={
...     'form.widgets.water': '25',
...     'form.widgets.title': u'Stilgar',
...     'form.buttons.apply': u'Apply'}
...     )

>>> editform = getMultiAdapter((fremen, request), name='editform')
>>> editform
<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.EditForm object at ...>

>>> editform.updateForm()
>>> for action in editform.actions: print action

>>> editform.fields.keys()
['title', 'water']

The values should now be set:

>>> fremen.title
>>> fremen.water


A delete form is a simple form with no fields, that only provides a ‘confirm’ action:

>>> class DeleteForm(crud.Delete):
...     '''Generic delete form.
...     '''
...     def nextURL(self):
...         return u"We don't have a persistent data."

>>> grokcore.component.testing.grok_component('delete_form', DeleteForm)

>>> deleteform = getMultiAdapter((fremen, request), name='deleteform')
>>> deleteform
<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.DeleteForm object at ...>

>>> deleteform.updateForm()
>>> for action in deleteform.actions: print action

>>> deleteform.fields

When confirmed, the form tries to delete the object:

>>> post = TestRequest(form={
...     'form.buttons.confirm': u'Confirm'}
...     )

>>> list(sietch.keys())

>>> victim = sietch['Fremen']
>>> deleteform = getMultiAdapter((victim, post), name='deleteform')
>>> deleteform.updateForm()

>>> list(sietch.keys())

Form customization

To customize forms, the usual solution is to subclass them and to work with the subclass. dolmen.forms.crud proposes a new component to customize your forms. Defined by the IFieldsCustomization interface, it’s an adapter that allows you to interact at the field level.

In a IFieldsCustomization, the customization happens at the __call__ level. The forms, while they update the objects fields, query a IFieldsCustomization adapter and call it, giving the fields as an argument.

Let’s implement an example:

>>> class RemoveWater(crud.FieldsCustomizer):
...    grokcore.component.adapts(Fremen, crud.Add, None)
...    def __call__(self, fields):
...       """Alters the form fields"""
...       return fields.omit('water')

>>> from zope.interface import verify
>>> verify.verifyClass(crud.IFieldsCustomization, RemoveWater)

We can now register and test the customization:

>>> grokcore.component.testing.grok_component('custom', RemoveWater)

>>> addform = addingview.traverse('fremen', [])
>>> for field in addform.fields: print field

One important thing is noticeable here : the ‘RemoveWater’ adapter was registered for the ‘Fremen’ component. To be able to lookup the registery for suitable adapters, the add form uses a special lookup function : dolmen.forms.crud.utils.queryClassMultiAdapter.

We can test a more complex example, returning a brand new instance of Fields:

>>> import dolmen.forms.base
>>> class AddFieldToView(crud.FieldsCustomizer):
...    grokcore.component.adapts(Fremen, crud.Display, None)
...    def __call__(self, fields):
...       """Returns a new instance of Fields.
...       """
...       schema = dolmen.content.schema.bind().get(self.context)
...       return dolmen.forms.base.Fields(*schema)

>>> grokcore.component.testing.grok_component('viewer', AddFieldToView)

Checking the fields, we should get all the fields defined by the Fremen schema:

>>> view = getMultiAdapter((fremen, request), name='defaultview')
>>> view.fields.keys()
['title', 'water']

Events and field updates

When using the generic dolmen.forms.crud forms, some events are triggered for you. They represent the lifecycle of the manipulated object.

To check on all the events triggered, we can set up a simple event logging list and a generic handler:

>>> from zope.component import provideHandler
>>> from zope.component.interfaces import IObjectEvent
>>> logger = []

>>> def event_logger(object, event):
...   logger.append(event)

>>> provideHandler(event_logger, (Fremen, IObjectEvent))

Adding events

In order to notify the lifecycle handlers, two main events are fired while an object is created using an add form:

>>> arrakin = root['arrakin'] = dolmen.content.Container()
>>> addingview = getMultiAdapter((arrakin, request), name='add')
>>> addform = addingview.traverse('fremen', [])

>>> chani = addform.createAndAdd({'title': u'Chani'})

We iterate through the logger to check the events triggered during the object creation:

>>> for event in logger: print event
< object at ...>
< object at ...>

We can see that there is no zope.lifecycleevent.ObjectCreatedEvent fired. Instead, we have a dolmen.forms.crud.ObjectInitializedEvent. Let’s have a closer look at this homegrown event:

>>> from zope.lifecycleevent import IObjectCreatedEvent
>>> init_event = logger[0]

>>> IObjectCreatedEvent.providedBy(init_event)

>>> for desc in init_event.descriptions:
...   print "%r: %s" % (desc.interface, desc.attributes)
<InterfaceClass dolmen.content.interfaces.IBaseContent>: ('title',)

Editing events

Let’s have the same introspection check with the edit form:

>>> logger = []

We provide data for the update:

>>> request = TestRequest(form={
...     'form.widgets.water': '10',
...     'form.widgets.title': u'Sihaya',
...     'form.buttons.apply': u'Apply'}
...     )

>>> editform = getMultiAdapter((chani, request), name='editform')
>>> editform.updateForm()

We check the trigged events:

>>> for event in logger: print event
<...ObjectModifiedEvent object at ...>

In depth, we can check if the updated fields are correctly set in the event’s descriptions:

>>> for desc in logger[0].descriptions:
...   print "%r: %s" % (desc.interface, desc.attributes)
<InterfaceClass dolmen.forms.crud.tests.IDesertWarrior>: ('water',)
<InterfaceClass dolmen.content.interfaces.IBaseContent>: ('title',)

>>> chani.title
>>> chani.water

Field update

dolmen.forms.base provides the description of a new component that can be used to atomize the updating process of an object: IFieldUpdate. An implementation is available in dolmen.forms.crud, using an event handler, listening on ObjectModifiedEvent and ObjectInitializedEvent:

>>> updates = []

>>> from zope.schema import TextLine
>>> from zope.component import adapter, provideAdapter
>>> from zope.interface import implementer
>>> from dolmen.forms.base import IFieldUpdate

>>> @implementer(IFieldUpdate)
... @adapter(Fremen, TextLine)
... def updated_textfield(field, context):
...    updates.append((field, context))

>>> provideAdapter(updated_textfield, name="updatetext")

Using an add form, the IFieldUpdate adapters should be called during an objects creation:

>>> desert = root['desert'] = dolmen.content.Container()
>>> addingview = getMultiAdapter((desert, request), name='add')
>>> addform = addingview.traverse('fremen', [])

>>> kynes = addform.createAndAdd({'title': u'liet'})
>>> print updates
[(<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.Fremen object at ...>, <zope.schema._bootstrapfields.TextLine object at ...>)]

We can do the same thing for the edit form:

>>> updates = []

>>> request = TestRequest(form={
...     'form.widgets.water': '50',
...     'form.widgets.title': u'Imperial weather specialist',
...     'form.buttons.apply': u'Apply'}
...     )

>>> editform = getMultiAdapter((kynes, request), name='editform')
>>> editform.updateForm()

>> kynes.title
u'Imperial weather specialist'

>>> updates
[(<dolmen.forms.crud.tests.Fremen object at ...>, <zope.schema._bootstrapfields.TextLine object at ...>)]

Updating a field without a registered IFieldUpdate adapter shouldn’t do anything:

>>> updates = []

 >>> request = TestRequest(form={
 ...     'form.widgets.water': '40',
 ...     'form.buttons.apply': u'Apply'}
 ...     )

 >>> editform = getMultiAdapter((kynes, request), name='editform')
 >>> editform.updateForm()

 >>> updates


0.2 (2009-11-02)

  • Added a DeleteForm

  • Added titles to all the forms

  • Corrected double nextURL method in the EditForm.

0.1 (2009-10-26)

  • Initial release

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