Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
Project description
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*Faker* is a Python package that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database,
create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service,
Faker is for you.
Faker is heavily inspired by PHP's [Faker][php-faker], Perl's [Data::Faker][perl-faker], and by ruby's [Faker][ruby-faker].
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/joke2k/faker.png)](https://travis-ci.org/joke2k/faker)
[![Bitdeli Badge](https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/joke2k/faker/trend.png)](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")
[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/joke2k/faker/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/joke2k/faker?branch=master)
[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/fake-factory.png)](http://badge.fury.io/py/fake-factory)
## Basic Usage
Install with pip:
pip install fake-factory
Use `fake.Factory.create()` to create and initialize a faker generator, which can generate data by accessing properties named after the type of data you want.
from faker import Factory
fake = Factory.create()
# OR
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
# 'Lucy Cechtelar'
# "426 Jordy Lodge
# Cartwrightshire, SC 88120-6700"
# Sint velit eveniet. Rerum atque repellat voluptatem quia rerum. Numquam excepturi
# beatae sint laudantium consequatur. Magni occaecati itaque sint et sit tempore. Nesciunt
# amet quidem. Iusto deleniti cum autem ad quia aperiam.
# A consectetur quos aliquam. In iste aliquid et aut similique suscipit. Consequatur qui
# quaerat iste minus hic expedita. Consequuntur error magni et laboriosam. Aut aspernatur
# voluptatem sit aliquam. Dolores voluptatum est.
# Aut molestias et maxime. Fugit autem facilis quos vero. Eius quibusdam possimus est.
# Ea quaerat et quisquam. Deleniti sunt quam. Adipisci consequatur id in occaecati.
# Et sint et. Ut ducimus quod nemo ab voluptatum.
Each call to method `fake.name()` yealds a different (random) result.
This is because faker forwards `faker.Genarator.method_name()' calls to `faker.Generator.format(method_name)`.
for i in range(0,10):
print fake.name()
# Adaline Reichel
# Dr. Santa Prosacco DVM
# Noemy Vandervort V
# Lexi O'Conner
# Gracie Weber
# Roscoe Johns
# Emmett Lebsack
# Keegan Thiel
# Wellington Koelpin II
# Ms. Karley Kiehn V
## Formatters
Each of the generator properties (like `name`, `address`, and `lorem`) are called "formatters".
A faker generator has many of them, packaged in "providers". Here is a list of the bundled formatters in the default locale.
### faker.providers.base
fake.random_digit_not_null() # 8
fake.random_int(min=9999) # 5447
fake.random_letter() # W
fake.random_digit() # 6
fake.bothify(text="## ??") # 10 lz
fake.random_element(array=('a', 'b', 'b')) # b
fake.random_number(digits=None) # 38541
fake.lexify(text="????") # MYQL
fake.randomize_nb_elements(number=False) # 12
fake.numerify(text="###") # 323
### faker.providers.lorem
fake.sentence(nbWords=True) # Totam non non consequuntur reprehenderit quia expedita.
fake.word() # aut
fake.paragraph(nbSentences=True) # Dolore necessitatibus aut temporibus et dolorum corporis.
Ullam et sit provident rem. Culpa aut modi ut in asperiores.
Iste quis quam rem non facere.
fake.paragraphs(nb=3) # ['Est nemo culpa velit aspernatur. Voluptatibus et velit consectetur
cum molestias assumenda molestiae. Pariatur voluptatum dignissimos
accusantium doloremque.',
'Iusto amet qui iusto minima dolor sint ipsum. Et ipsum qui aut at
dolor id et. Earum fugit deleniti eos distinctio eos libero vitae.
Atque animi commodi architecto. Aut rerum possimus nemo est ullam
tempora distinctio.',
'Dicta voluptatibus est voluptas doloribus. Reiciendis sed possimus
qui rerum et. Nisi ut optio nemo reprehenderit. Labore sed quia
reprehenderit ex incidunt soluta praesentium.']
fake.words(nb=3) # ['voluptas', 'et', 'aut']
fake.text(maxNbChars=200) # Sed et recusandae id enim sed soluta fugit. Optio minus qui dolore
eligendi veniam porro iste. Enim natus adipisci sit accusantium.
Vitae rerum nesciunt et et odit dolorum.
fake.sentences(nb=3) # ['Cupiditate et et qui dolorem ea ut.',
'Esse itaque quos excepturi quis temporibus iusto ducimus.',
'Quae id quaerat deleniti quaerat.']
### faker.providers.address
fake.state_abbr() # PW
fake.latitude() # -171.819862
fake.street_name() # Weimann Oval
fake.address() # 979 Luettgen Highway
# East Miltonmouth, ID 41175-2736
fake.street_address() # 25627 Stephen Trafficway Suite 021
fake.postcode() # 37602
fake.longitude() # 46.335322
fake.country() # Belarus
fake.geo_coordinate() # 85.943588
fake.street_suffix() # Summit
fake.city_prefix() # East
fake.city_suffix() # berg
fake.building_number() # 89215
fake.secondary_address() # Suite 810
fake.city() # Sauertown
fake.state() # SouthDakota
### faker.providers.person
fake.name() # Dorian Berge
fake.suffix() # V
fake.last_name() # Parisian
fake.first_name() # Margot
fake.prefix() # Mr.
### faker.providers.date_time
fake.date_time_ad() # 1628-01-22 16:14:56
fake.month() # 02
fake.am_pm() # PM
fake.date_time_this_century() # 1920-05-02 08:11:48
fake.date_time() # 1987-05-05 19:59:49
fake.date_time_between(startDate="now") # 2010-09-18 21:26:53
fake.date_time_this_month() # 2013-09-25 19:50:12
fake.date_time_this_decade() # 2009-09-27 21:29:58
fake.day_of_week() # Friday
fake.day_of_month() # 17
fake.time(pattern="%H:%M:%S") # 19:51:16
fake.iso8601() # 2002-04-11T09:11:42
fake.month_name() # December
fake.unix_time() # 768637430
fake.date_time_this_year() # 2012-12-18 06:20:08
fake.timezone() # Africa/Cairo
fake.century() # XVIII
fake.date(pattern="%Y-%m-%d") # 1972-04-10
fake.year() # 1972
### faker.providers.company
fake.company() # Mills Ltd
fake.company_suffix() # Inc
fake.catch_phrase() # Front-line bifurcated definition
fake.bs() # visualize ubiquitous ROI
### faker.providers.internet
fake.ipv4() #
fake.url() # http://www.cronin.com/
fake.company_email() # batz.shad@windlerbrakus.biz
fake.uri() # http://greenfelder.net/explore/category/faq/
fake.tld() # biz
fake.uri_path(deep=None) # blog
fake.free_email() # schamberger.asia@hotmail.com
fake.user_name() # leopold.feest
fake.free_email_domain() # gmail.com
fake.domain_name() # schmittbeahan.com
fake.uri_extension() # .html
fake.ipv6() # 6829:509b:713a:977f:1f7c:9d4b:a4e3:fa86
fake.safe_email() # beatty.frida@example.net
fake.uri_page() # search
fake.email() # dgorczany@yahoo.com
fake.domain_word() # jenkins
fake.slug(value=None) # non-dolor
### faker.providers.miscelleneous
fake.locale() # en_BZ
fake.md5(raw_output=False) # 2fcd9e5a6a44b0a83da7894e64371ca3
fake.sha1(raw_output=False) # a80d378c0d790786d4691cf4fda96435d7ac8254
fake.null_boolean() # None
fake.sha256(raw_output=False) # f16e5780cc183f8db22b650efe63798d3a2a293b4f6cbf91cc18294f0e03b2d9
fake.country_code() # SR
fake.boolean(chanceOfGettingTrue=50) # True
fake.language_code() # de
### faker.providers.phone_number
fake.phone_number() # +61(4)9107201136
### faker.providers.user_agent
fake.mac_processor() # U; Intel
fake.firefox() # Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv: Gecko/2011-10-31 06:51:36 Firefox/3.8
fake.linux_platform_token() # X11; Linux i686
fake.opera() # Opera/8.71 (X11; Linux i686; it-IT) Presto/2.9.175 Version/10.00
fake.windows_platform_token() # Windows NT 5.01
fake.internet_explorer() # Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Trident/4.1)
fake.user_agent() # Opera/9.60 (Windows NT 6.2; it-IT) Presto/2.9.172 Version/11.00
fake.chrome() # Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_6_7) AppleWebKit/5331 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.897.0 Safari/5331
fake.linux_processor() # i686
fake.mac_platform_token() # Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_7
fake.safari() # Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; sl-SI) AppleWebKit/531.13.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.5 Mobile/8B113 Safari/6531.13.1
### faker.providers.file
fake.mime_type(category=None) # application/xhtml+xml
### faker.providers.python
fake.pyunicode(maxChars=20) # Reprehenderit.
fake.pystr(maxChars=20) # Ullam quia ut.
fake.pytuple(nbElements=True) # ('Delectus iure et.', u'xbogan@hotmail.com', 4996, 'Impedit ducimus.',
datetime(2001, 11, 17, 7, 12, 24), 'Id adipisci veniam.', 4858)
fake.pydecimal(leftDigits=False) # -43.5720326077
fake.pystruct(count=10) # (['Accusantium est.', Decimal('3.08377127009E+12'),
datetime(1988, 10, 16, 17, 54, 4), 6350, -33.46725636,
'Dolores ut et.', 3748, 7235, datetime(1986, 10, 19, 11, 25, 40),
'Voluptatum.'], {'eum': 'Animi et et.', 'est': u'albert22@yost.com',
'quis': datetime(1973, 1, 16, 15, 39, 36),
'sit': u'pansy11@torphyoconnell.biz', 'voluptas': 8007,
'eveniet': 'Optio enim autem.', 'aliquid': 'Quo accusamus est.',
'voluptatem': 2923, 'aspernatur': u'wiley.morar@hotmail.com',
'cupiditate': 'Consequatur.'}, {'dolorum': {9: Decimal('-44997.5'),
10: [6251, 'Quia dolor.', u'http://pacocha.info/index/'],
11: {9: -4721.3736, 10: 220821631732559.0, 11: [
u'http://turcotte.info/home/', 3345]}}, 'ad': {2: 6306,
3: ['Sint unde ducimus.', datetime(1974, 3, 12, 7, 21), .... removed for brevity
fake.pyfloat(leftDigits=False) # -83.39386328
fake.pyset(nbElements=True) # set(['Voluptate nostrum.', u'http://jenkins.com/', u'lmckenzie@gmail.com',
'Delectus magnam.', 'Earum ut deleniti.', datetime(1976, 1, 10, 6, 9, 44),
u'hudson.deshaun@gmail.com', Decimal('1.7686'), 6836,
datetime(1983, 6, 4, 15, 35, 41)])
fake.pydict(nbElements=True) # {'quo': datetime(2005, 6, 10, 18, 56, 16),
'adipisci': datetime(1970, 5, 17, 3, 12, 38), 'ut': 1485,
'dignissimos': 'Asperiores.', 'facilis': 'Qui perferendis.',
'distinctio': u'http://www.moenblock.biz/categories/wp-content/',
'et': Decimal('-66087.540101'), 'cupiditate': datetime(1978, 7, 14, 17, 20, 5)}
fake.pybool() # False
fake.pyiterable(nbElements=True) # (u'http://www.corwinswaniawski.com/app/blog/post/', 9.69637877268032,
'Ut sed et est.', 5352, u'http://www.konopelski.com/list/search.php',
'Excepturi itaque.', 8663, 'Itaque voluptatem.', 'Voluptatem omnis.',
u'http://www.borer.com/tag/app/about/', 'Veritatis et.', 'Aut deleniti.')
fake.pylist(nbElements=True) # [1396, u'luis68@streich.com', u'http://www.strosin.com/', 'Atque accusamus.',
'Exercitationem sint.', 3545, u'http://www.okunevamurazik.com/', u'mraz.ernestina@rowe.info',
Decimal('-1131032.90283'), Decimal('89.2089'), 'Est alias error.']
fake.pyint() # 7920
## Localization
`faker.Factory` can take a locale as an argument, to return localized data.
If no localized provider is found, the factory fallbacks to the default locale (en_EN).
from faker import Factory
fake = Factory.create('it_IT')
for i in range(0,10):
print fake.name()
> Elda Palumbo
> Pacifico Giordano
> Sig. Avide Guerra
> Yago Amato
> Eustachio Messina
> Dott. Violante Lombardo
> Sig. Alighieri Monti
> Costanzo Costa
> Nazzareno Barbieri
> Max Coppola
You can check available Faker locales in the source code, under the providers package.
The localization of Faker is an ongoing process, for which we need your help.
Don't hesitate to create localized providers to your own locale and submit a PR!
Some example of included localized providers:
### faker.providers.address
fake.street_name() # Contrada Genziana
fake.address() # Stretto Noemi 006 Piano 3
Flavio laziale, 27476 Mantova (LU)
fake.street_address() # Stretto Lombardo 8 Piano 6
fake.postcode() # 94032
fake.longitude() # 92.051838
fake.country() # Germania
fake.street_suffix() # Rotonda
fake.city_prefix() # Quarto
fake.city_suffix() # calabro
fake.building_number() # 81
fake.secondary_address() # Appartamento 65
fake.city() # Sesto Filomena
fake.state() # Carbonia-Iglesias
### faker.providers.person
fake.name() # Gaetano Silvestri
fake.last_name() # Gentile
fake.first_name() # Costanzo
fake.prefix() # Dott.
### faker.providers.company
fake.company() # D'angelo-Vitali s.r.l.
fake.company_suffix() # Group
fake.catch_phrase() # Utilizzazione polarizzata stabile
fake.bs() # tecnologie utilizzo B2B
### faker.providers.phone_number
fake.phone_number() # +16 2658 2544588
### faker.providers.address
fake.address() # 14, rue Grégoire Hebert
27681 Lejeune
fake.department_number() # 57
fake.street_name() # chemin de Grenier
fake.department() # (u'80', u'Somme')
fake.department_name() # Aude
fake.street_address() # rue de Besnard
fake.postcode() # 23 699
fake.longitude() # 61.773719
fake.country() # Macau
fake.street_prefix() # rue
fake.street_suffix() # Street
fake.city_suffix() # -les-Bains
fake.building_number() # 81
fake.region() # Alsace
fake.city() # DenisBourg
### faker.providers.person
fake.name() # Julie Bailly
fake.last_name() # Bertrand
fake.first_name() # Marguerite
fake.prefix() # Le
### faker.providers.company
fake.company() # Gautier
fake.company_suffix() # SARL
fake.catch_phrase_verb() # d'atteindre vos buts
fake.catch_phrase() # La liberté de rouler naturellement
fake.catch_phrase_noun() # le confort
fake.siren() # 596 679 375
fake.siret(max_sequential_digits=2) # 291 991 838 00804
fake.catch_phrase_attribute() # de manière sûre
### faker.providers.internet
fake.url() # http://delorme.com/
fake.company_email() # olivier.besnard@andre.fr
fake.uri() # http://www.lebrun.fr/faq.html
fake.tld() # fr
fake.free_email() # elodie.gillet@live.com
fake.user_name() # jean.rossi
fake.free_email_domain() # orange.fr
fake.domain_name() # dumont.net
fake.safe_email() # lmarchand@example.com
fake.uri_page() # register
fake.email() # ncamus@noos.fr
fake.domain_word() # gallet
fake.slug(value=None) # voluptas
### faker.providers.phone_number
fake.phone_number() # +33 4 80 14 46 78
### faker.providers.address
fake.estado_nome() # Ceará
fake.latitude() # -42.176024
fake.street_name() # Colônia Emanuel Pereira
fake.street_prefix() # Aeroporto
fake.address() # Ladeira Nicole Silva, 40
51586-187 Santos / CE
fake.street_address() # Recanto Correia, 34
fake.bairro() # Dom Joaquim
fake.longitude() # 92.773043
fake.country() # Geórgia
fake.estado_sigla() # PA
fake.street_suffix() # Street
fake.city_suffix() # da Serra
fake.building_number() # 907
fake.estado() # (u'PB', u'Para\xedba')
fake.city() # Barbosa das Pedras
fake.postcode() # 45376684
### faker.providers.person
fake.name() # Igor-Gustavo Ferreira
fake.last_name() # Santos
fake.first_name() # Maria
fake.prefix() # de
### faker.providers.company
fake.company() # Gomes e Filhos
fake.company_suffix() # - ME
### faker.providers.internet
fake.url() # http://www.almeida.com/
fake.company_email() # bruna.souza@alves.br
fake.uri() # http://carvalho.com/main/tags/category/category/
fake.free_email() # melo.bárbara@uol.com.br
fake.user_name() # heloísa17
fake.free_email_domain() # ig.com.br
fake.domain_name() # martins.br
fake.safe_email() # rodrigues.antonio@example.com
fake.email() # andre.dias@silva.br
fake.domain_word() # ribeiro
fake.slug(value=None) # debitis-quo-sit
### faker.providers.phone_number
fake.phone_number() # +55 (081) 9413-8074
# Using from shell
In a python environment with faker installed you can use it with:
python -m faker [option] [*args]
* formatter name as `text`, `address`: display result of fake
* Provider name as `lorem`: display all Provider's fakes
[*args]: pass value to formatter (actually only strings)
$ python -m faker address
968 Bahringer Garden Apt. 722
Kristinaland, NJ 09890
# How to create a Provider
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
# first, import a similar Provider or use the default one
from faker.providers import BaseProvider
# create new provider class
class MyProvider(BaseProvider):
def foo(self):
return 'bar'
# then add new provider to faker instance
# now you can use:
> 'bar'
# Seeding the Generator
You may want to get always the same generated data - for instance when using Faker for unit testing purposes.
The generator offers a `seed()` method, which seeds the random number generator.
Calling the same script twice with the same seed produces the same results.
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
print fake.name() # Margaret Boehm
# Tests
Run tests:
$ python setup.py test
$ python -m unittest -v faker.tests
Write documentation for providers:
$ python -m faker > docs.txt
## License
Faker is released under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.
- [FZaninotto][fzaninotto] / [Faker][php-faker]
- [Distribute][distribute]
- [Buildout][buildout]
- [modern-package-template][modern-package-template]
[fzaninotto]: https://github.com/fzaninotto "F.Zaninotto"
[php-faker]: https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker "Php faker"
[perl-faker]: http://search.cpan.org/~jasonk/Data-Faker-0.07/ "Perl faker"
[ruby-faker]: http://faker.rubyforge.org/ "Ruby faker"
[buildout]: http://www.buildout.org/
[distribute]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute
[modern-package-template]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/modern-package-template
*Release date: Oct-2014*
* PEP8 style conversion (old camelCased methods are deprecated!)
* New language: pt_BR (thanks to @rvnovaes)
* all localized provider now uses `from __future__ import unicode_literals`
* documentor prints localized provider after all defaults
* FIX tests for python 2.6
*Release date: 01-Dic-2012*
* New providers: Python, File
* Providers imported with __import__
* Module is runnable with python -m faker [name] [*args]
* Rewrite fake generator system (allow autocompletation)
* New language: Franch
* Rewrite module __main__ and new Documentor class
*Release date: 13-Nov-2012*
* First release
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*Faker* is a Python package that generates fake data for you. Whether you need to bootstrap your database,
create good-looking XML documents, fill-in your persistence to stress test it, or anonymize data taken from a production service,
Faker is for you.
Faker is heavily inspired by PHP's [Faker][php-faker], Perl's [Data::Faker][perl-faker], and by ruby's [Faker][ruby-faker].
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/joke2k/faker.png)](https://travis-ci.org/joke2k/faker)
[![Bitdeli Badge](https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/joke2k/faker/trend.png)](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")
[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/joke2k/faker/badge.png?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/r/joke2k/faker?branch=master)
[![PyPI version](https://badge.fury.io/py/fake-factory.png)](http://badge.fury.io/py/fake-factory)
## Basic Usage
Install with pip:
pip install fake-factory
Use `fake.Factory.create()` to create and initialize a faker generator, which can generate data by accessing properties named after the type of data you want.
from faker import Factory
fake = Factory.create()
# OR
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
# 'Lucy Cechtelar'
# "426 Jordy Lodge
# Cartwrightshire, SC 88120-6700"
# Sint velit eveniet. Rerum atque repellat voluptatem quia rerum. Numquam excepturi
# beatae sint laudantium consequatur. Magni occaecati itaque sint et sit tempore. Nesciunt
# amet quidem. Iusto deleniti cum autem ad quia aperiam.
# A consectetur quos aliquam. In iste aliquid et aut similique suscipit. Consequatur qui
# quaerat iste minus hic expedita. Consequuntur error magni et laboriosam. Aut aspernatur
# voluptatem sit aliquam. Dolores voluptatum est.
# Aut molestias et maxime. Fugit autem facilis quos vero. Eius quibusdam possimus est.
# Ea quaerat et quisquam. Deleniti sunt quam. Adipisci consequatur id in occaecati.
# Et sint et. Ut ducimus quod nemo ab voluptatum.
Each call to method `fake.name()` yealds a different (random) result.
This is because faker forwards `faker.Genarator.method_name()' calls to `faker.Generator.format(method_name)`.
for i in range(0,10):
print fake.name()
# Adaline Reichel
# Dr. Santa Prosacco DVM
# Noemy Vandervort V
# Lexi O'Conner
# Gracie Weber
# Roscoe Johns
# Emmett Lebsack
# Keegan Thiel
# Wellington Koelpin II
# Ms. Karley Kiehn V
## Formatters
Each of the generator properties (like `name`, `address`, and `lorem`) are called "formatters".
A faker generator has many of them, packaged in "providers". Here is a list of the bundled formatters in the default locale.
### faker.providers.base
fake.random_digit_not_null() # 8
fake.random_int(min=9999) # 5447
fake.random_letter() # W
fake.random_digit() # 6
fake.bothify(text="## ??") # 10 lz
fake.random_element(array=('a', 'b', 'b')) # b
fake.random_number(digits=None) # 38541
fake.lexify(text="????") # MYQL
fake.randomize_nb_elements(number=False) # 12
fake.numerify(text="###") # 323
### faker.providers.lorem
fake.sentence(nbWords=True) # Totam non non consequuntur reprehenderit quia expedita.
fake.word() # aut
fake.paragraph(nbSentences=True) # Dolore necessitatibus aut temporibus et dolorum corporis.
Ullam et sit provident rem. Culpa aut modi ut in asperiores.
Iste quis quam rem non facere.
fake.paragraphs(nb=3) # ['Est nemo culpa velit aspernatur. Voluptatibus et velit consectetur
cum molestias assumenda molestiae. Pariatur voluptatum dignissimos
accusantium doloremque.',
'Iusto amet qui iusto minima dolor sint ipsum. Et ipsum qui aut at
dolor id et. Earum fugit deleniti eos distinctio eos libero vitae.
Atque animi commodi architecto. Aut rerum possimus nemo est ullam
tempora distinctio.',
'Dicta voluptatibus est voluptas doloribus. Reiciendis sed possimus
qui rerum et. Nisi ut optio nemo reprehenderit. Labore sed quia
reprehenderit ex incidunt soluta praesentium.']
fake.words(nb=3) # ['voluptas', 'et', 'aut']
fake.text(maxNbChars=200) # Sed et recusandae id enim sed soluta fugit. Optio minus qui dolore
eligendi veniam porro iste. Enim natus adipisci sit accusantium.
Vitae rerum nesciunt et et odit dolorum.
fake.sentences(nb=3) # ['Cupiditate et et qui dolorem ea ut.',
'Esse itaque quos excepturi quis temporibus iusto ducimus.',
'Quae id quaerat deleniti quaerat.']
### faker.providers.address
fake.state_abbr() # PW
fake.latitude() # -171.819862
fake.street_name() # Weimann Oval
fake.address() # 979 Luettgen Highway
# East Miltonmouth, ID 41175-2736
fake.street_address() # 25627 Stephen Trafficway Suite 021
fake.postcode() # 37602
fake.longitude() # 46.335322
fake.country() # Belarus
fake.geo_coordinate() # 85.943588
fake.street_suffix() # Summit
fake.city_prefix() # East
fake.city_suffix() # berg
fake.building_number() # 89215
fake.secondary_address() # Suite 810
fake.city() # Sauertown
fake.state() # SouthDakota
### faker.providers.person
fake.name() # Dorian Berge
fake.suffix() # V
fake.last_name() # Parisian
fake.first_name() # Margot
fake.prefix() # Mr.
### faker.providers.date_time
fake.date_time_ad() # 1628-01-22 16:14:56
fake.month() # 02
fake.am_pm() # PM
fake.date_time_this_century() # 1920-05-02 08:11:48
fake.date_time() # 1987-05-05 19:59:49
fake.date_time_between(startDate="now") # 2010-09-18 21:26:53
fake.date_time_this_month() # 2013-09-25 19:50:12
fake.date_time_this_decade() # 2009-09-27 21:29:58
fake.day_of_week() # Friday
fake.day_of_month() # 17
fake.time(pattern="%H:%M:%S") # 19:51:16
fake.iso8601() # 2002-04-11T09:11:42
fake.month_name() # December
fake.unix_time() # 768637430
fake.date_time_this_year() # 2012-12-18 06:20:08
fake.timezone() # Africa/Cairo
fake.century() # XVIII
fake.date(pattern="%Y-%m-%d") # 1972-04-10
fake.year() # 1972
### faker.providers.company
fake.company() # Mills Ltd
fake.company_suffix() # Inc
fake.catch_phrase() # Front-line bifurcated definition
fake.bs() # visualize ubiquitous ROI
### faker.providers.internet
fake.ipv4() #
fake.url() # http://www.cronin.com/
fake.company_email() # batz.shad@windlerbrakus.biz
fake.uri() # http://greenfelder.net/explore/category/faq/
fake.tld() # biz
fake.uri_path(deep=None) # blog
fake.free_email() # schamberger.asia@hotmail.com
fake.user_name() # leopold.feest
fake.free_email_domain() # gmail.com
fake.domain_name() # schmittbeahan.com
fake.uri_extension() # .html
fake.ipv6() # 6829:509b:713a:977f:1f7c:9d4b:a4e3:fa86
fake.safe_email() # beatty.frida@example.net
fake.uri_page() # search
fake.email() # dgorczany@yahoo.com
fake.domain_word() # jenkins
fake.slug(value=None) # non-dolor
### faker.providers.miscelleneous
fake.locale() # en_BZ
fake.md5(raw_output=False) # 2fcd9e5a6a44b0a83da7894e64371ca3
fake.sha1(raw_output=False) # a80d378c0d790786d4691cf4fda96435d7ac8254
fake.null_boolean() # None
fake.sha256(raw_output=False) # f16e5780cc183f8db22b650efe63798d3a2a293b4f6cbf91cc18294f0e03b2d9
fake.country_code() # SR
fake.boolean(chanceOfGettingTrue=50) # True
fake.language_code() # de
### faker.providers.phone_number
fake.phone_number() # +61(4)9107201136
### faker.providers.user_agent
fake.mac_processor() # U; Intel
fake.firefox() # Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv: Gecko/2011-10-31 06:51:36 Firefox/3.8
fake.linux_platform_token() # X11; Linux i686
fake.opera() # Opera/8.71 (X11; Linux i686; it-IT) Presto/2.9.175 Version/10.00
fake.windows_platform_token() # Windows NT 5.01
fake.internet_explorer() # Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Trident/4.1)
fake.user_agent() # Opera/9.60 (Windows NT 6.2; it-IT) Presto/2.9.172 Version/11.00
fake.chrome() # Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_6_7) AppleWebKit/5331 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.897.0 Safari/5331
fake.linux_processor() # i686
fake.mac_platform_token() # Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_7
fake.safari() # Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; sl-SI) AppleWebKit/531.13.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0.5 Mobile/8B113 Safari/6531.13.1
### faker.providers.file
fake.mime_type(category=None) # application/xhtml+xml
### faker.providers.python
fake.pyunicode(maxChars=20) # Reprehenderit.
fake.pystr(maxChars=20) # Ullam quia ut.
fake.pytuple(nbElements=True) # ('Delectus iure et.', u'xbogan@hotmail.com', 4996, 'Impedit ducimus.',
datetime(2001, 11, 17, 7, 12, 24), 'Id adipisci veniam.', 4858)
fake.pydecimal(leftDigits=False) # -43.5720326077
fake.pystruct(count=10) # (['Accusantium est.', Decimal('3.08377127009E+12'),
datetime(1988, 10, 16, 17, 54, 4), 6350, -33.46725636,
'Dolores ut et.', 3748, 7235, datetime(1986, 10, 19, 11, 25, 40),
'Voluptatum.'], {'eum': 'Animi et et.', 'est': u'albert22@yost.com',
'quis': datetime(1973, 1, 16, 15, 39, 36),
'sit': u'pansy11@torphyoconnell.biz', 'voluptas': 8007,
'eveniet': 'Optio enim autem.', 'aliquid': 'Quo accusamus est.',
'voluptatem': 2923, 'aspernatur': u'wiley.morar@hotmail.com',
'cupiditate': 'Consequatur.'}, {'dolorum': {9: Decimal('-44997.5'),
10: [6251, 'Quia dolor.', u'http://pacocha.info/index/'],
11: {9: -4721.3736, 10: 220821631732559.0, 11: [
u'http://turcotte.info/home/', 3345]}}, 'ad': {2: 6306,
3: ['Sint unde ducimus.', datetime(1974, 3, 12, 7, 21), .... removed for brevity
fake.pyfloat(leftDigits=False) # -83.39386328
fake.pyset(nbElements=True) # set(['Voluptate nostrum.', u'http://jenkins.com/', u'lmckenzie@gmail.com',
'Delectus magnam.', 'Earum ut deleniti.', datetime(1976, 1, 10, 6, 9, 44),
u'hudson.deshaun@gmail.com', Decimal('1.7686'), 6836,
datetime(1983, 6, 4, 15, 35, 41)])
fake.pydict(nbElements=True) # {'quo': datetime(2005, 6, 10, 18, 56, 16),
'adipisci': datetime(1970, 5, 17, 3, 12, 38), 'ut': 1485,
'dignissimos': 'Asperiores.', 'facilis': 'Qui perferendis.',
'distinctio': u'http://www.moenblock.biz/categories/wp-content/',
'et': Decimal('-66087.540101'), 'cupiditate': datetime(1978, 7, 14, 17, 20, 5)}
fake.pybool() # False
fake.pyiterable(nbElements=True) # (u'http://www.corwinswaniawski.com/app/blog/post/', 9.69637877268032,
'Ut sed et est.', 5352, u'http://www.konopelski.com/list/search.php',
'Excepturi itaque.', 8663, 'Itaque voluptatem.', 'Voluptatem omnis.',
u'http://www.borer.com/tag/app/about/', 'Veritatis et.', 'Aut deleniti.')
fake.pylist(nbElements=True) # [1396, u'luis68@streich.com', u'http://www.strosin.com/', 'Atque accusamus.',
'Exercitationem sint.', 3545, u'http://www.okunevamurazik.com/', u'mraz.ernestina@rowe.info',
Decimal('-1131032.90283'), Decimal('89.2089'), 'Est alias error.']
fake.pyint() # 7920
## Localization
`faker.Factory` can take a locale as an argument, to return localized data.
If no localized provider is found, the factory fallbacks to the default locale (en_EN).
from faker import Factory
fake = Factory.create('it_IT')
for i in range(0,10):
print fake.name()
> Elda Palumbo
> Pacifico Giordano
> Sig. Avide Guerra
> Yago Amato
> Eustachio Messina
> Dott. Violante Lombardo
> Sig. Alighieri Monti
> Costanzo Costa
> Nazzareno Barbieri
> Max Coppola
You can check available Faker locales in the source code, under the providers package.
The localization of Faker is an ongoing process, for which we need your help.
Don't hesitate to create localized providers to your own locale and submit a PR!
Some example of included localized providers:
### faker.providers.address
fake.street_name() # Contrada Genziana
fake.address() # Stretto Noemi 006 Piano 3
Flavio laziale, 27476 Mantova (LU)
fake.street_address() # Stretto Lombardo 8 Piano 6
fake.postcode() # 94032
fake.longitude() # 92.051838
fake.country() # Germania
fake.street_suffix() # Rotonda
fake.city_prefix() # Quarto
fake.city_suffix() # calabro
fake.building_number() # 81
fake.secondary_address() # Appartamento 65
fake.city() # Sesto Filomena
fake.state() # Carbonia-Iglesias
### faker.providers.person
fake.name() # Gaetano Silvestri
fake.last_name() # Gentile
fake.first_name() # Costanzo
fake.prefix() # Dott.
### faker.providers.company
fake.company() # D'angelo-Vitali s.r.l.
fake.company_suffix() # Group
fake.catch_phrase() # Utilizzazione polarizzata stabile
fake.bs() # tecnologie utilizzo B2B
### faker.providers.phone_number
fake.phone_number() # +16 2658 2544588
### faker.providers.address
fake.address() # 14, rue Grégoire Hebert
27681 Lejeune
fake.department_number() # 57
fake.street_name() # chemin de Grenier
fake.department() # (u'80', u'Somme')
fake.department_name() # Aude
fake.street_address() # rue de Besnard
fake.postcode() # 23 699
fake.longitude() # 61.773719
fake.country() # Macau
fake.street_prefix() # rue
fake.street_suffix() # Street
fake.city_suffix() # -les-Bains
fake.building_number() # 81
fake.region() # Alsace
fake.city() # DenisBourg
### faker.providers.person
fake.name() # Julie Bailly
fake.last_name() # Bertrand
fake.first_name() # Marguerite
fake.prefix() # Le
### faker.providers.company
fake.company() # Gautier
fake.company_suffix() # SARL
fake.catch_phrase_verb() # d'atteindre vos buts
fake.catch_phrase() # La liberté de rouler naturellement
fake.catch_phrase_noun() # le confort
fake.siren() # 596 679 375
fake.siret(max_sequential_digits=2) # 291 991 838 00804
fake.catch_phrase_attribute() # de manière sûre
### faker.providers.internet
fake.url() # http://delorme.com/
fake.company_email() # olivier.besnard@andre.fr
fake.uri() # http://www.lebrun.fr/faq.html
fake.tld() # fr
fake.free_email() # elodie.gillet@live.com
fake.user_name() # jean.rossi
fake.free_email_domain() # orange.fr
fake.domain_name() # dumont.net
fake.safe_email() # lmarchand@example.com
fake.uri_page() # register
fake.email() # ncamus@noos.fr
fake.domain_word() # gallet
fake.slug(value=None) # voluptas
### faker.providers.phone_number
fake.phone_number() # +33 4 80 14 46 78
### faker.providers.address
fake.estado_nome() # Ceará
fake.latitude() # -42.176024
fake.street_name() # Colônia Emanuel Pereira
fake.street_prefix() # Aeroporto
fake.address() # Ladeira Nicole Silva, 40
51586-187 Santos / CE
fake.street_address() # Recanto Correia, 34
fake.bairro() # Dom Joaquim
fake.longitude() # 92.773043
fake.country() # Geórgia
fake.estado_sigla() # PA
fake.street_suffix() # Street
fake.city_suffix() # da Serra
fake.building_number() # 907
fake.estado() # (u'PB', u'Para\xedba')
fake.city() # Barbosa das Pedras
fake.postcode() # 45376684
### faker.providers.person
fake.name() # Igor-Gustavo Ferreira
fake.last_name() # Santos
fake.first_name() # Maria
fake.prefix() # de
### faker.providers.company
fake.company() # Gomes e Filhos
fake.company_suffix() # - ME
### faker.providers.internet
fake.url() # http://www.almeida.com/
fake.company_email() # bruna.souza@alves.br
fake.uri() # http://carvalho.com/main/tags/category/category/
fake.free_email() # melo.bárbara@uol.com.br
fake.user_name() # heloísa17
fake.free_email_domain() # ig.com.br
fake.domain_name() # martins.br
fake.safe_email() # rodrigues.antonio@example.com
fake.email() # andre.dias@silva.br
fake.domain_word() # ribeiro
fake.slug(value=None) # debitis-quo-sit
### faker.providers.phone_number
fake.phone_number() # +55 (081) 9413-8074
# Using from shell
In a python environment with faker installed you can use it with:
python -m faker [option] [*args]
* formatter name as `text`, `address`: display result of fake
* Provider name as `lorem`: display all Provider's fakes
[*args]: pass value to formatter (actually only strings)
$ python -m faker address
968 Bahringer Garden Apt. 722
Kristinaland, NJ 09890
# How to create a Provider
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
# first, import a similar Provider or use the default one
from faker.providers import BaseProvider
# create new provider class
class MyProvider(BaseProvider):
def foo(self):
return 'bar'
# then add new provider to faker instance
# now you can use:
> 'bar'
# Seeding the Generator
You may want to get always the same generated data - for instance when using Faker for unit testing purposes.
The generator offers a `seed()` method, which seeds the random number generator.
Calling the same script twice with the same seed produces the same results.
from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
print fake.name() # Margaret Boehm
# Tests
Run tests:
$ python setup.py test
$ python -m unittest -v faker.tests
Write documentation for providers:
$ python -m faker > docs.txt
## License
Faker is released under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.
- [FZaninotto][fzaninotto] / [Faker][php-faker]
- [Distribute][distribute]
- [Buildout][buildout]
- [modern-package-template][modern-package-template]
[fzaninotto]: https://github.com/fzaninotto "F.Zaninotto"
[php-faker]: https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker "Php faker"
[perl-faker]: http://search.cpan.org/~jasonk/Data-Faker-0.07/ "Perl faker"
[ruby-faker]: http://faker.rubyforge.org/ "Ruby faker"
[buildout]: http://www.buildout.org/
[distribute]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute
[modern-package-template]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/modern-package-template
*Release date: Oct-2014*
* PEP8 style conversion (old camelCased methods are deprecated!)
* New language: pt_BR (thanks to @rvnovaes)
* all localized provider now uses `from __future__ import unicode_literals`
* documentor prints localized provider after all defaults
* FIX tests for python 2.6
*Release date: 01-Dic-2012*
* New providers: Python, File
* Providers imported with __import__
* Module is runnable with python -m faker [name] [*args]
* Rewrite fake generator system (allow autocompletation)
* New language: Franch
* Rewrite module __main__ and new Documentor class
*Release date: 13-Nov-2012*
* First release
Project details
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