ftw.keywordwidget provides three features:
A widget, which loads select2 for better usability on single and multiselect fields.
A ChoicePlus field, which allows new terms. This is prevents us from making a specific, complicated source, which allow new items.
Render a additional New Entry textarea for new terms.
Uses tags feature of select 2 to add new keywords.
The widget supports schema.Choice, schema.Tuple and schema.List fields.
The widget provides the same functionality as the AT Keywordwidget with some benefits.
Features from the AT Widget:
Configurable select2 widget
Sane defaults for the Widget
z3c.form Widget
Based on the SelectWidget (No new converter, etc. needed)
Configurable “add new terms permission” per field/widget possible
There are several other z3c form widgets for plone 4.x, which provides a similar feature set, Like collective.z3cform.keywordwidget, or the AutocompleteWidget.
Further you can configure the select2 plugin as you wish.
This Widget is not automatically applied to all possible select fields.
The idea is that you integrate it where needed by your self.
But for the primary Use-Case mentioned above, there is a behavior:
Install the default profile and the select2 profile if needed.
Enable the ftw.keywordwidget.behavior.IKeywordCategorization behavior on your content type.
For some other Use-Cases you can also enable the ftw.keywordwidget.behavior.IKeywordUseCases behavior.
This enables a single and multi select field.
Check behaviors.py for examples:
from ftw.keywordwidget.widget import KeywordFieldWidget
class IKeywordUseCases(model.Schema):
directives.widget('types', KeywordFieldWidget)
types = schema.List(
directives.widget('types2', KeywordFieldWidget)
types2 = schema.Choice(
title=u'Single type',
alsoProvides(IKeywordUseCases, IFormFieldProvider)
You can configure select2 as you wish by giving a js_config to widget factory.
js_config={'placeholder': 'Select something...'})
The select2 4.0.3 JS Plugin is shipped with this package.
But you it’s not installed with the default profile, because you may already have a
select2 JS installed for other purpose.
If you need select2 you can install the ftw.keywordwidget Install select2 jquery plugin profile.