OpenStack Gceapi Service
Project description
Support of GCE-API for OpenStack.
Make sure that python-pip package is installed.
Check and correct default options in the begining of '' file.
Run "".
Check for other options in /etc/gceapi/gceapi.conf if needed.
Run it - "gce-api".
Download gcloud from Google and install it.
There are two ways for using it:
1. Run authorization command:
python google-cloud-sdk/platform/gcutil/gcutil --authorization_uri_base=http://localhost:8787 auth
and next any other commands:
python google-cloud-sdk/platform/gcutil/gcutil --api_host=http://localhost:8787/ --authorization_uri_base=http://localhost:8787 --project demo listzones
2. You have to have Google account
You can activate an already-authorized account with
gcloud config set account <account>
or authorize a new account with
gcloud auth login
Next you must authorize in Openstack by running authorization command:
gcutil --authorization_uri_base=http://localhost:8787 auth
and next you can run any other commands:
gcutil --api_host=http://localhost:8787/ --authorization_uri_base=http://localhost:8787 --project demo listzones
Make gcutil always use your GCE API endpoint using '--api_host' flag and your GCE API
authorization endpoint using '--authorization_uri_base' flag. Also you can store this
settings in "~/.gcutil.flags" file.
If it doesn't work by some reason check that your PYTHONPATH is exported and set correctly to something like
* Names are unique in GCE and are used for identification. Names are not unique in Nova. IDs are used instead.
Solution: GCE-managed OpenStack installation should also maintain unique naming.
* GCE IDs are ulong (8 bytes). Openstack IDs can be different (int, string) but mostly they are GUID (16 bytes).
Solution: Since Openstack IDs are of different length and nature and because GCE API never uses ID as a parameter
now, 8-byte hashes are generated and returned for any ID to report.
* GCE allows per-user SSH key specification, but Nova supports only one key.
Solution: Nova GCE API just uses first key.
* Default Openstack flavors are available as machine types. GCE doesn't allow symbol '.' in machine type names,
that's why GCE API plugin converts symbols '.' into '-' in 'get' requests (e.g. request of machine types converts
the name 'm1.tiny' into m1-tiny) and vise versa in 'put/post/delete' requests (e.g. instance creation converts
the name 'n1-standard-1' to 'n1.standard.1').
Authentication specifics
GCE API uses OAuth2.0 for authentication. Simple sufficient implementation of this protocol
was added into GCE API service in nova because of its absence in keystone.
Current implementation allows operation with several OpenStack projects for
one authenticated user as Google allows. For this initial token returned during
authentication doesn't contain information about project required by keystone.
Instead another authentication happens with each request when incoming project
information is added to existing user info and new token is acquired in keystone.
Supported Features
Standard Query Params (except for fields and prettyPrint) are not supported.
Supported resource types
* Addresses
* Disks
* Firewalls
* Images
* Instances
* MachineTypes
* Networks
* Projects
* Regions
* Zones
Unsupported resource types
* ForwardingRules
* HttpHealthChecks
* TargetPools
In the lists below:
"+" means supported
"-" unsupported
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/addresses
+delete DELETE /project/regions/region/addresses/address
+get GET /project/regions/region/addresses/address
+insert POST /project/regions/region/addresses
+list GET /project/regions/region/addresses
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/disks
+createSnapshot POST /project/zones/zone/disks/disk/createSnapshot
+delete DELETE /project/zones/zone/disks/disk
+get GET /project/zones/zone/disks/disk
+insert POST /project/zones/zone/disks
+list GET /project/zones/zone/disks
+delete DELETE /project/global/firewalls/firewall
+get GET /project/global/firewalls/firewall
+insert POST /project/global/firewalls
+list GET /project/global/firewalls
-patch PATCH /project/global/firewalls/firewall
-update PUT /project/global/firewalls/firewall
-aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/forwardingRules
-delete DELETE /project/regions/region/forwardingRules/forwardingRule
-get GET /project/regions/region/forwardingRules/forwardingRule
-insert POST /project/regions/region/forwardingRules
-list GET /project/regions/region/forwardingRules
-setTarget POST /project/regions/region/forwardingRules/forwardingRule/setTarget
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/operations
+delete DELETE /project/global/operations/operation
+get GET /project/global/operations/operation
+list GET /project/global/operations
-delete DELETE /project/global/httpHealthChecks/httpHealthCheck
-get GET /project/global/httpHealthChecks/httpHealthCheck
-insert POST /project/global/httpHealthChecks
-list GET /project/global/httpHealthChecks
-patch PATCH /project/global/httpHealthChecks/httpHealthCheck
-update PUT /project/global/httpHealthChecks/httpHealthCheck
+delete DELETE /project/global/images/image
-deprecate POST /project/global/images/image/deprecate
+get GET /project/global/images/image
+insert POST /project/global/images
+list GET /project/global/images
+addAccessConfig POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/addAccessConfig
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/instances
+attachDisk POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/attachDisk
+delete DELETE /project/zones/zone/instances/instance
+deleteAccessConfig POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/deleteAccessConfig
+detachDisk POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/detachDisk
+get GET /project/zones/zone/instances/instance
-getSerialPortOutput GET /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/serialPort
+insert POST /project/zones/zone/instances
+list GET /project/zones/zone/instances
+reset POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/reset
-setMetadata POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/setMetadata
-setTags POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/setTags
-setScheduling POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/setScheduling
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/machineTypes
+get GET /project/zones/zone/machineTypes/machineType
+list GET /project/zones/zone/machineTypes
+delete DELETE /project/global/networks/network
+get GET /project/global/networks/network
+insert POST /project/global/networks
+list GET /project/global/networks
+get GET /project
+setCommonInstanceMetadata POST /project/setCommonInstanceMetadata
+delete DELETE /project/regions/region/operations/operation
+get GET /project/regions/region/operations/operation
+list GET /project/regions/region/operations
+get GET /project/regions/region
+list GET /project/regions
+delete DELETE /project/global/routes/route
+get GET /project/global/routes/route
+insert POST /project/global/routes
+list GET /project/global/routes
+delete DELETE /project/global/snapshots/snapshot
+get GET /project/global/snapshots/snapshot
+list GET /project/global/snapshots
-addHealthCheck POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/addHealthCheck
-addInstance POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/addInstance
-aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/targetPools
-delete DELETE /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool
-get GET /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool
-getHealth POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/getHealth
-insert POST /project/regions/region/targetPools
-list GET /project/regions/region/targetPools
-removeHealthCheck POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/removeHealthCheck
-removeInstance POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/removeInstance
-setBackup POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/setBackup
+delete DELETE /project/zones/zone/operations/operation
+get GET /project/zones/zone/operations/operation
+list GET /project/zones/zone/operations
+get GET /project/zones/zone
+list GET /project/zones
Support of GCE-API for OpenStack.
Make sure that python-pip package is installed.
Check and correct default options in the begining of '' file.
Run "".
Check for other options in /etc/gceapi/gceapi.conf if needed.
Run it - "gce-api".
Download gcloud from Google and install it.
There are two ways for using it:
1. Run authorization command:
python google-cloud-sdk/platform/gcutil/gcutil --authorization_uri_base=http://localhost:8787 auth
and next any other commands:
python google-cloud-sdk/platform/gcutil/gcutil --api_host=http://localhost:8787/ --authorization_uri_base=http://localhost:8787 --project demo listzones
2. You have to have Google account
You can activate an already-authorized account with
gcloud config set account <account>
or authorize a new account with
gcloud auth login
Next you must authorize in Openstack by running authorization command:
gcutil --authorization_uri_base=http://localhost:8787 auth
and next you can run any other commands:
gcutil --api_host=http://localhost:8787/ --authorization_uri_base=http://localhost:8787 --project demo listzones
Make gcutil always use your GCE API endpoint using '--api_host' flag and your GCE API
authorization endpoint using '--authorization_uri_base' flag. Also you can store this
settings in "~/.gcutil.flags" file.
If it doesn't work by some reason check that your PYTHONPATH is exported and set correctly to something like
* Names are unique in GCE and are used for identification. Names are not unique in Nova. IDs are used instead.
Solution: GCE-managed OpenStack installation should also maintain unique naming.
* GCE IDs are ulong (8 bytes). Openstack IDs can be different (int, string) but mostly they are GUID (16 bytes).
Solution: Since Openstack IDs are of different length and nature and because GCE API never uses ID as a parameter
now, 8-byte hashes are generated and returned for any ID to report.
* GCE allows per-user SSH key specification, but Nova supports only one key.
Solution: Nova GCE API just uses first key.
* Default Openstack flavors are available as machine types. GCE doesn't allow symbol '.' in machine type names,
that's why GCE API plugin converts symbols '.' into '-' in 'get' requests (e.g. request of machine types converts
the name 'm1.tiny' into m1-tiny) and vise versa in 'put/post/delete' requests (e.g. instance creation converts
the name 'n1-standard-1' to 'n1.standard.1').
Authentication specifics
GCE API uses OAuth2.0 for authentication. Simple sufficient implementation of this protocol
was added into GCE API service in nova because of its absence in keystone.
Current implementation allows operation with several OpenStack projects for
one authenticated user as Google allows. For this initial token returned during
authentication doesn't contain information about project required by keystone.
Instead another authentication happens with each request when incoming project
information is added to existing user info and new token is acquired in keystone.
Supported Features
Standard Query Params (except for fields and prettyPrint) are not supported.
Supported resource types
* Addresses
* Disks
* Firewalls
* Images
* Instances
* MachineTypes
* Networks
* Projects
* Regions
* Zones
Unsupported resource types
* ForwardingRules
* HttpHealthChecks
* TargetPools
In the lists below:
"+" means supported
"-" unsupported
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/addresses
+delete DELETE /project/regions/region/addresses/address
+get GET /project/regions/region/addresses/address
+insert POST /project/regions/region/addresses
+list GET /project/regions/region/addresses
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/disks
+createSnapshot POST /project/zones/zone/disks/disk/createSnapshot
+delete DELETE /project/zones/zone/disks/disk
+get GET /project/zones/zone/disks/disk
+insert POST /project/zones/zone/disks
+list GET /project/zones/zone/disks
+delete DELETE /project/global/firewalls/firewall
+get GET /project/global/firewalls/firewall
+insert POST /project/global/firewalls
+list GET /project/global/firewalls
-patch PATCH /project/global/firewalls/firewall
-update PUT /project/global/firewalls/firewall
-aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/forwardingRules
-delete DELETE /project/regions/region/forwardingRules/forwardingRule
-get GET /project/regions/region/forwardingRules/forwardingRule
-insert POST /project/regions/region/forwardingRules
-list GET /project/regions/region/forwardingRules
-setTarget POST /project/regions/region/forwardingRules/forwardingRule/setTarget
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/operations
+delete DELETE /project/global/operations/operation
+get GET /project/global/operations/operation
+list GET /project/global/operations
-delete DELETE /project/global/httpHealthChecks/httpHealthCheck
-get GET /project/global/httpHealthChecks/httpHealthCheck
-insert POST /project/global/httpHealthChecks
-list GET /project/global/httpHealthChecks
-patch PATCH /project/global/httpHealthChecks/httpHealthCheck
-update PUT /project/global/httpHealthChecks/httpHealthCheck
+delete DELETE /project/global/images/image
-deprecate POST /project/global/images/image/deprecate
+get GET /project/global/images/image
+insert POST /project/global/images
+list GET /project/global/images
+addAccessConfig POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/addAccessConfig
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/instances
+attachDisk POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/attachDisk
+delete DELETE /project/zones/zone/instances/instance
+deleteAccessConfig POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/deleteAccessConfig
+detachDisk POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/detachDisk
+get GET /project/zones/zone/instances/instance
-getSerialPortOutput GET /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/serialPort
+insert POST /project/zones/zone/instances
+list GET /project/zones/zone/instances
+reset POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/reset
-setMetadata POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/setMetadata
-setTags POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/setTags
-setScheduling POST /project/zones/zone/instances/instance/setScheduling
+aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/machineTypes
+get GET /project/zones/zone/machineTypes/machineType
+list GET /project/zones/zone/machineTypes
+delete DELETE /project/global/networks/network
+get GET /project/global/networks/network
+insert POST /project/global/networks
+list GET /project/global/networks
+get GET /project
+setCommonInstanceMetadata POST /project/setCommonInstanceMetadata
+delete DELETE /project/regions/region/operations/operation
+get GET /project/regions/region/operations/operation
+list GET /project/regions/region/operations
+get GET /project/regions/region
+list GET /project/regions
+delete DELETE /project/global/routes/route
+get GET /project/global/routes/route
+insert POST /project/global/routes
+list GET /project/global/routes
+delete DELETE /project/global/snapshots/snapshot
+get GET /project/global/snapshots/snapshot
+list GET /project/global/snapshots
-addHealthCheck POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/addHealthCheck
-addInstance POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/addInstance
-aggregatedList GET /project/aggregated/targetPools
-delete DELETE /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool
-get GET /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool
-getHealth POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/getHealth
-insert POST /project/regions/region/targetPools
-list GET /project/regions/region/targetPools
-removeHealthCheck POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/removeHealthCheck
-removeInstance POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/removeInstance
-setBackup POST /project/regions/region/targetPools/targetPool/setBackup
+delete DELETE /project/zones/zone/operations/operation
+get GET /project/zones/zone/operations/operation
+list GET /project/zones/zone/operations
+get GET /project/zones/zone
+list GET /project/zones
Project details
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(204.6 kB
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(217.2 kB
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File details
Details for the file gce-api-3.0.0.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: gce-api-3.0.0.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 204.6 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 5a9260a70e7b6310bf2c5c1f0ec31f7b697fbb80d936fd5724153e3191a64db0 |
MD5 | e78f24a56d14ec7124b93ec852c0f289 |
BLAKE2b-256 | b77ebf2be7a8b1c616a24b4546af29404ad02ae0fddc09bca2d442587b0da99c |
File details
Details for the file gce_api-3.0.0-py2-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: gce_api-3.0.0-py2-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 217.2 kB
- Tags: Python 2
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | af18e87ca940e466a950efd0b7a2f81301dd8e7905ed48cd74dba204487c8e09 |
MD5 | 462d9450c2127715272c46062d0ab022 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 03d4b7d15dc5efbabb0afeb6342b7ef6a414f18cc6b5fde3cd6f0ee175f502a0 |