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A library for property based testing

Project description

Hypothesis is a library for property based testing in Python. You write tests encoding some invariant that you believe should always be true for a variety of inputs and then Hypothesis tries to prove you wrong.

For example:

from hypothesis import given

def test_strings_are_palindromic(x):
    assert x == ''.join(reversed(x))

You can then run this with your favourite testing framework and get the following output:

AssertionError: assert '01' == '10'

Hypothesis will also print out the example for you:

Falsifying example: x='01'

Hypothesis not only finds you counterexamples it finds you simple counter-examples.

Hypothesis is inspired by and strongly based on libraries for testing like Quickcheck, but in comparison has a distinctly dynamic flavour and a novel approach to data generation.

Its most direct ancestor is ScalaCheck from which it acquired its original approach to test case minimization (modern Hypothesis uses a different one) and the concept of stateful testing.

Hypothesis is not itself a testing framework (though it may grow one). It is a library for generating and minimizing data to falsify properties you believe to be true which should be easy to integrate into any testing library you use. Development and testing of Hypothesis itself is done with Pytest but there is no dependency on it and you should be able to use it just as easily with any other testing library.


Hypothesis is available on pypi as “hypothesis”. You can install it with:

pip install hypothesis


easy_install hypothesis

If you want to install directly from the source code (e.g. because you want to make changes and install the changed version) you can do this with:

python install

You should probably run the tests first to make sure nothing is broken. You can do this with:

python test

(note that if they’re not already installed this will try to install the test dependencies)

You may wish to do all of this in a virtualenv. For example:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install hypothesis

Will create an isolated environment for you to try hypothesis out in without affecting your system installed packages.

Discussion and help

If you use or are interested in using Hypothesis, we have a mailing list. We also have the IRC channel #hypothesis on freenode.

Feel free to use these to ask for help, provide feedback, or discuss anything remotely Hypothesis related at all. When you do, please abide by the Hacker School social rules.

In particular this is an inclusive environment for people from a variety of backgrounds and skill levels. Prejudice and aggression are unwelcome and everyone should be treated with respect.

I’ll do my best to pay attention to peoples’ behaviour, but if you see anyone violating these rules and I haven’t noticed, please alert me and I’ll deal with it. Usually I will simply ask people to modify their behaviour, but for particularly severe transgressions, repeat offenders or those unwilling to change their ways I’ll ban them from the community.


The entry point you are mostly likely to use for Hypothesis, at least initially, are the test annotations. These can be used to wrap any test method which is parametrized by some argument and turn it into a randomized test.

The way this works is that you provide a specification for what sort of arguments you want (currently only positional arguments are supported). Hypothesis then generates random examples matching that specification. If any of them cause an exception then the test fails, otherwise the test passes.

So the following test will pass:

@given(int, int)
def test_int_addition_is_commutative(x, y):
    assert x + y == y + x

And the following will fail:

@given(str, str)
def test_str_addition_is_commutative(x, y):
    assert x + y == y + x

With an error message something like:

    x = '0', y = '1'
    @given(str, str)
    def test_str_addition_is_commutative(x, y):
        assert x + y == y + x
E       assert '01' == '10'
E         - 01
E         + 10

(that’s py.test output. You’ll get whatever your test framework displays here)

Note that the examples produced are quite simple. This is because as well as generating examples hypothesis knows how to simplify them. Once it’s found an example that breaks the test it will try to turn that into a simpler example - e.g. by deleting characters, replacing them with simpler ones, etc.

Not all tests which pass are neccessarily consistently going to pass. By its nature, hypothesis is a form of randomized testing. However if you have a flaky test as a result of using hypothesis then what you have is a test that sometimes gives you false negatives: If it’s sometimes broken then the test genuinely is falsifiable, it’s just that Hypothesis struggles to find an example.

It can also be true that a test which is in theory falsifiable will always pass. For example:

def test_not_a_specific_value(x):
    assert x != "I am the very model of a modern major general"

Hypothesis is not magic and does not do any introspection on your code to find constants like this. All it knows is how to generate random instances and simplify values. It has a lot of careful tuning to create quite interesting distributions of values that should hit a lot of plausible areas, but when you’re trying to find something as improbable as a single value you’ll probably fail.

You can also write conditional tests if the data doesn’t exactly match the shape of what you want. For example if you only want to test your code on short lists:

def test_some_expensive_operation(xs):
    assume(len(xs) <= 10)
    result = do_some_expensive_operation(xs)
    assert is_good(result)

The “assume” call will halt execution by throwing an exception if it’s not satisfied. This will not cause the test to fail. Instead Hypothesis will try to control its data generation so that it avoids data that is likely to violate your requirements.

If however Hypothesis is unable to find enough examples satisfying your requirement it will fail the test, throwing an Unsatisfiable exception. This means that the match between your requirements and the generated data is too bad and you should redesign your test to accomodate it better. For example in the above you could just truncate the list you get to be of size 10 (though in this case Hypothesis should have no difficulty satisfying this requirement).

Because of the way Hypothesis handles minimization it’s important that the functions you test not depend on anything except their arguments as handled by Hypothesis. If you want to test randomized algorithms you can ask Hypothesis to provide you with a Random object:

def test_randint_in_range(random):
    assert 0 <= random.randint(0, 10) <= 9

This results in:

    assert 0 <= random.randint(0, 10) <= 9
E   assert 10 <= 9
E    +  where 10 = <bound method RandomWithSeed.randint of Random(211179787414642638728970637875071360079)>(0, 10)

Note the seed is provided for you so you can easily reproduce the specific problem.

As the use of Random demonstrates, side effects on arguments given to you by Hypothesis are completely fine. Hypothesis copies mutable data before giving it to you. For example the following is fine:

@given([int], int)
def test_deletion_results_in_element_not_in_list(xs, y):
    assume(y in xs)
    assert y not in xs

Running this then gives you:

Falsifying example: xs=[-10, -10], y=-10
    assert y not in xs

As a side note, the example is not as minimized as it could be. The reason for this is that it would require simultaneous minimization of three values, which is not something Hypothesis does currently - although it’s obvious to a human observer that the interesting thing about those -10 values is just that they’re the same, Hypothesis doesn’t know anything about that and can’t shrink it further. It did however produce a pleasantly small list at least, which is the main goal - examples will not necessarily be the simplest possible example but they should always be simple enough to understand.


You can control the behaviour of Hypothesis by altering the settings object. You can either do this by passing in an explicit settings object or modifying the defaults:

import hypothesis.settings as hs

hs.settings.default.max_examples = 500

@given([int], settings=hs.Settings(timeout=10))
def test_something(xs):

Any changes you make to the default parameter will be inherited in any settings you create unless you explicitly override them.

The three settings which are available as part of the stable API are:

  • timeout - try not to take more than this many seconds to falsify

  • max_examples - stop looking for new examples after this many have been considered

  • derandomize - run in deterministic mode, where the random seed for each run is determined as a hash of the function to test. This allows you to run your builds in such a way that failure is not random. It does decrease their power somewhat in that it means they will never discover new examples, but it may make it better to use in some situations where you e.g. have a large number of tests running in CI. If you use this setting you may wish to raise timeout and max_examples.

  • database - specify the database object you wish to use. See next section for what this means.

The Database

Hypothesis stores examples for reuse the next time you run your test suite (or inded for other tests in the same run). It attaches them to the type of the arguments rather than the test, so if for example you had two tests with @given(int, int) then these two would share the same pool of shared examples. This is a deliberate design choice: Generally if an example provokes a failure in one test it is in some sense “interesting” and thus is a good choice to try for other similar tests.

A Hypothesis database is an instance of hypothesis.database.ExampleDatabase. It knows how to save most common types, and custom serializations can be defined if you need them.

The feature is not on by default as randomly creating a database for you would be surprising behaviour, but it’s easy to turn on.

from hypothesis.database import ExampleDatabase
import hypothesis.settings as hs

# This will create an in memory database. Examples will be shared between
# tests in the current run but will not be persisted to disk
hs.default.database = ExampleDatabase()

# This will create an on-disk database that will be used across runs at the
# specified path
from hypothesis.database.backend import SQLiteBackend
hs.default.database = ExampleDatabase(

You can also set this by setting the environment variable HYPOTHESIS_DATABASE_FILE=/path/to/my/example.db

This uses the default format (and the only one supported out of the box), which is a simple subset of JSON stored in an SQLite database. However the storage API is very straight forward (it’s a key: unique multi value store) and it’s easy to define other backends if you want to for operational reasons (e.g. having a common DB server storing your values across multiple runs).

If you want to write your own serializers it’s not too hard to do so, but for now the best documentation on how is I’m afraid the source code.

Generally the example database should be entirely transparent: The only thing you should see is that Hypothesis gets a lot better at consistently finding examples. Some types are not serializable and will not be stored in the database. However the feature is quite new and somewhat experimental, so although it has been well tested you can probably expect there to be some bugs lurking in there.


In one sense, Hypothesis should be considered highly stable. In another it should be considered highly unstable.

It’s highly stable in the sense that it should mostly work very well. It’s extremely solidly tested and while there are almost certainly bugs lurking in it, as with any non-trivial codebase, they should be few and far between.

It’s highly unstable in that until it reaches 1.0 I will free to break the API. 1.0 will occur when I have all the features I desperately want in here hammered out, have decided what the public vs private APIs look like and generally consider it a “This is likely to work very well and is ready for widespread use”.

In the mean time you should feel free to use it because it’s great, but expect some incompatibilities between versions.

Everything in the intro section above should be considered a public API which I’m committed to supporting. Everything else should be considered somewhat provisional. I’ll make some effort to not break things that people are actively using but if there’s a really good reason to break something I will.

Supported versions

2.7.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x are all fully supported and should work correctly. If you find a bug please let me know and I will fix it.

Earlier than 2.7 will not work and will probably never be supported.

pypy, 3.1.x and 3.2.x will probably work but are not part of CI and likely have some quirks. If you find a bug let me know but I make no promises I’ll fix it if it’s too hard to do. If you really really need hypothesis on one of these and find a bug that is preventing you, we can have a talk about what you can do to help me support them.

I have no idea if Hypothesis works on Jython, IronPython, etc. Do people really use those?

Adding custom types

Hypothesis comes with support for a lot of common built-in types out of the box, but you may want to test over spaces that involve your own data types. The easiest way to accomplish this is to derive a SearchStrategy from an existing strategy by extending MappedSearchStrategy.

The following example defines a search strategy for Decimal. It maps int values by dividing 100, so the generated values have two digits after the decimal point.

from decimal import Decimal
from hypothesis.searchstrategy import MappedSearchStrategy

class DecimalStrategy(MappedSearchStrategy):
    def pack(self, x):
        return Decimal(x) / 100

This strategy is going to wrap some strategy for producing integers. Pack takes an integer and returns a Decimal

You then need to register this strategy so that when you just refer to Decimal, Hypothesis knows that this is the one you intend to use:

from hypothesis import strategy

def decimal_strategy(d, settings):
    return DecimalStrategy(

strategy(Decimal) will now return an instance of the DecimalStrategy you defined, based on the appropriate Strategy(int).

Note that although in this case (and in most of the common cases) your DecimalStrategy produces values of the type you use for the descriptor, this is in fact not in any way required. You can use whatever you want there and it will work just fine.

Once you’ve defined your custom type, there is a standard test suite you can use to validate that your implementation is correct.

from hypothesis.descriptortests import descriptor_test_suite

TestDecimal = descriptor_test_suite(Decimal)

This is a unittest.TestCase. You can either run it explicitly or let pytest or similar pick it up automatically. It will run a battery of standard tests against your implementation to check that it is correct.

Hypothesis extra packages

Hypothesis avoids dependencies in the core package, so there’s a notion of extra packages which are basically Hypothesis + one or more dependencies. So far there are two:

  • hypothesis-datetime: Gives you datetime support, depends on pytz

  • hypothesis-pytest: A pytest plugin for better reporting, depends on pytest

  • hypothesis-fakefactory: Uses data provided by fake-factory to provide data.


This version of hypothesis has been tested on OSX, Windows and Linux using CPython 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and Pypy 2.5.0. Builds are checked with Travis and Appveyor.


I’m not incredibly keen on external contributions prior to the 1.0 release. I think you’re going to have a hard time of it.

In the meantime I’d rather you do any of the following

  • Submit bug reports

  • Submit feature requests

  • Write about Hypothesis

  • Build libraries and tools on top of Hypothesis outside the main repo

If you need any help with any of these, get in touch and I’ll be extremely happy to provide it.

However if you really really want to submit code to Hypothesis, the process is as follows:

You must own the copyright to the patch you’re submitting as an individual. I’m not currently clear on how to accept patches from organisations and other legal entities.

If you have not already done so, you must sign a CLA assigning copyright to me. Send an email to with an attached copy of the current version of the CLA and the text in the body “I, (your name), have read the attached CLA and agree to its terms” (you should in fact have actually read it). Note that it’s important to attach a copy of the CLA because I may change it from time to time as new things come up and this keeps a record of which version of it you agreed to.

Then submit a pull request on Github. This will be checked by Travis and Appveyor to see if the build passes.

Advance warning that passing the build requires:

  1. Really quite a lot of tests to pass (it looks like it’s only 600+ but many of these use Hypothesis itself to run 1000 examples through them, and the build is run in 4 configurations across 16 different OS/python version combinations).

  2. Your code to have 100% branch coverage.

  3. Your code to be flake8 clean.

  4. Your code to be a fixed point for a variety of reformatting operations (defined in

It is a fairly strict process.

(Unfortunately right now the build is also a bit flaky. I’m working on fixing that, but in the meantime if a test fails and you don’t understand why you should probably just run the build again to see what happens. Sorry)

Once all this has happened I’ll review your patch. I don’t promise to accept it, but I do promise to review it as promptly as I can and to tell you why if I reject it.

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