Simple wrapper around LuaJIT
Project description
Lupa integrates the LuaJIT2 runtime into CPython. It is a partial rewrite of LunaticPython in Cython. Note that it is currently lacking many features and a lot of testing compared to LunaticPython, so if you need a production-ready Lua integration, use that instead.
The advantages over LunaticPython are:
separate Lua runtime states through a LuaRuntime class
frees the GIL and supports threading when calling into Lua
supports Python 2.x and 3.x, potentially starting with Python 2.3 (currently untested)
written for LuaJIT2, as opposed to the Lua interpreter (tested with LuaJIT 2.0.0-beta4)
much easier to hack on and extend as it is written in Cython, not C
Example usage:
>>> from lupa import LuaRuntime >>> lua = LuaRuntime() >>> lua.eval('1+1') 2 >>> def add1(n): return n+1 >>> func = lua.eval('function(f, n) return f(n) end') >>> func(add1, 2) 3
Installing lupa
Download and unpack lupa
Download LuaJIT2
Unpack the archive into the lupa base directory, e.g.:
Build LuaJIT:
cd LuaJIT-2.0.0-beta4 make cd ..
If you need specific C compiler flags, pass them to make as follows:
make CFLAGS="..."
Build lupa:
python build
Lupa change log
0.3 (2010-07-13)
fix several threading issues
safely free the GIL when calling into Lua
0.2 (2010-07-13)
propagate Python exceptions through Lua calls
0.1 (2010-07-12)
first public release