Web log util to arregate 206 requests
Project description
Small web log util which parses web logs such as apache or nginx and will attempt to find 206 requests which are likely related to an original 200 or 206 request and aggregate them into a single request. It does this by fingerprinting a request to guess if it was from the same user. The fingerprint is based on ‘request_header_referer’, ‘remote_user’, ‘request_header_user_agent’, ‘request_http_ver’, ‘request_method’, ‘request_url’, ‘remote_host’.
WARNING: The resulting log will likely be inaccurate. There is no way to know that two 206 requests from the same IP, for the same url, with the same user agent, come from the same user, or even the same user in two different browser tabs. Also the same user might pause for a long time before playing again.
Adjusting --delay argument can have a big effect on the total number of requests. If users typically pause videos for a long time, or take a long time to flip pages in a in browser pdf viewer, then would would want a long delay. However the longer the delay, the more chance of two different users with the same fingerprint being wrongly merge into a single request.
The combined request will be first request encountered except for the response bytes which will be a total.
The combined request will take the place of the last request to be combined. This means that log data will not be output in chronological order according to the timestamps
Usage: merge206.py [-p PATTERN] [-d SECONDS] [-i FILE] Options: -i FILE, --input FILE Logfile to read -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN Apache log format specification. see https://github.com/rory/apache-log-parser#supported-values -d SECONDS, --delay SECONDS The max time between 206 partial requests [default: 600] -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version.
1.1 (2017-6-8)
Fixed a bug that meant 404 and other error codes got merged with 206
Fixed some perforance issues
Put in some tests
Initial version
Known Issues
Currently there is a bug that two 200 requests within the delay perion will get merged.
merged requests don’t get output in chronological order.