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Mobius Framework

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The Mobius API is a Python library that simplifies the native cloud interfaces for various clouds such as FABRIC, Chameleon and adds many additional capabilities that are commonly used to create experiments.

The easiest way to get started using Mobius API is to use the example shown below.

    # Create a controller obect
    # Default slice name is picked up from the config file
    controller = Controller(config_file_location="./config.yml")
    # User specified slice name is used to identify the resources
    #controller = Controller(config_file_location="./config.yml", slice_name="test-slice")
    # Provision the resources as specified in the configuration file
    # Get the provisioned resources
    resources = controller.get_resources()
    # Print the resources provisioned
    for r in resources:

User is expected to provide a config file config.yml containing their credentials and resource parameters. Template mobius/config/config_template.yml can be used to create a config.yml. Please find below the list of the parameters that must be updated.

  • Update the SSH public and private key files to be used for the provisioned VMs/Bare Metals
  slice-private-key-location: /Users/kthare10/.ssh/id_rsa
  slice-public-key-location: /Users/kthare10/.ssh/
  • Update FABRIC credentials
    • Location of the user's FABRIC tokens
    • User's Bastion User name
    • User's Fabric Bastion Private Key
    • User's Project Id
  token-location: /Users/kthare10/renci/code/fabric/notebooks/tokens.json
  bastion-user-name: kthare10_0011904101
  bastion-key-location: /Users/kthare10/.ssh/fabric-bastion
  project_id: b9847fa1-13ef-49f9-9e07-ae6ad06cda3f
  • Update Chameleon credentials
    • UserName
    • Password
    • Key Pair
    • Project Name
    • Project Id
  user: kthare10
  key_pair: kthare10
  project_name: CH-822154
    tacc: a400724e818d40cbba1a5c6b5e714462
    uc: ae76673270164b048b59d3bd30676721
    kvm: a400724e818d40cbba1a5c6b5e714462
  • Update the resource counts
    • Set count to 0 or more depending on where the resources should be provisioned.
    • Copy and add more resource blocks if resources are needed at additional sites
    • Change other parameters as needed
    - resource:
        type: VM
        site: RENC # use FABRIC.RANDOM to choose a random site instead
        count: 1
        image: default_rocky_8
        nic_model: NIC_Basic # NIC_Basic(SRIOV), NIC_ConnectX_5 => 25GB, NIC_ConnectX_6 => 100GB
        name_prefix: node
          type: IPv6 # Allowed values IPv4 or IPv6
          cores: 2
          ram: 8
          disk: 10

    - resource:
        type: Baremetal
        site: KVM@TACC
        count: 1
        image: CC-CentOS8
          type: sharednet1
        name_prefix: node
          name: m1.large


You can install using the following command

pip install mobius-py


Requires python 3.9 or above version


Mobius Python API also provides following CLI interface as well.

  • Mobius Client
  • Condor Client
  • K8s Client

Details about the CLI interface can be found below.

Mobius Client

Mobius client to trigger Moobius REST commands.


usage: [-h] [-s SITE] [-m MOBIUSHOST] -o OPERATION -w
                        WORKFLOWID [-d DATA] [-r RESOURCETYPE] [-t TARGET]

Python client to provision cloud resources by invoking Mobius REST Commands.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SITE, --site SITE  Site
  -m MOBIUSHOST, --mobiushost MOBIUSHOST
                        Mobius Host e.g. http://localhost:8080/mobius
  -o OPERATION, --operation OPERATION
                        Operation allowed values: post|get|delete; post -
                        provision workflow or compute or storage or
                        stitchport; get - get a workflow; delete - delete a
  -d DATA, --data DATA  data, JSON data to send; if not specified; default
                        data is used; only used with post; must not be
                        specified if target is indicated; must be specified
                        for stitchport
                        resourcetype allowed values:
                        workflow|compute|storage|stitchport; only used with
                        post; must be specified
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        target hostname of the server to which to attach
                        storage; only used with resourcetype storage

K8s Client

Python client to provision K8s and Kube Edge Cluster by invoking various Mobius REST APIs on different clouds.


usage: [-h] [-s1 EXOGENISITE] [-s2 CHAMELEONSITE]
                     [-s3 JETSTREAMSITE] [-s4 MOCSITE] [-n1 EXOWORKERS]
                     [-n2 CHWORKERS] [-n3 JTWORKERS] [-n4 MOCWORKERS]
                     [-c COMETHOST] [-t CERT] [-k KEY] [-m MOBIUSHOST] -o
                     OPERATION [-w WORKFLOWID] [-i1 EXOIPSTART]
                     [-i2 CHIPSTART] [-i3 JTIPSTART] [-i4 MOCIPSTART]
                     [-l LEASEEND] [-d1 EXODATADIR] [-d2 CHDATADIR]
                     [-d3 JTDATADIR] [-d4 MOCDATADIR] [-kh KAFKAHOST]

Python client to create Condor cluster using mobius. Uses master.json,
submit.json and worker.json for compute requests present in data directory
specified. Currently only supports provisioning compute resources. Other
resources can be provisioned via mobius_client. Creates COMET contexts for
Chameleon resources and thus enables exchanging keys and hostnames within

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s1 EXOGENISITE, --exogenisite EXOGENISITE
                        Exogeni Site at which resources must be provisioned;
                        must be specified for create operation
                        Chameleon Site at which resources must be provisioned;
                        must be specified for create operation
                        Jetstream Site at which resources must be provisioned;
                        must be specified for create operation
  -s4 MOCSITE, --mocsite MOCSITE
                        Mass Open Cloud Site at which resources must be
                        provisioned; must be specified for create operation
  -n1 EXOWORKERS, --exoworkers EXOWORKERS
                        Number of workers to be provisioned on Exogeni; must
                        be specified for create operation
  -n2 CHWORKERS, --chworkers CHWORKERS
                        Number of workers to be provisioned on Chameleon; must
                        be specified for create operation
  -n3 JTWORKERS, --jtworkers JTWORKERS
                        Number of workers to be provisioned on Jetstream; must
                        be specified for create operation
  -n4 MOCWORKERS, --mocworkers MOCWORKERS
                        Number of workers to be provisioned on Mass Open
                        Cloud; must be specified for create operation
  -c COMETHOST, --comethost COMETHOST
                        Comet Host default(https://comet-
               used only for provisioning
                        resources on chameleon
  -t CERT, --cert CERT  Comet Certificate default(certs/client.pem); used only
                        for provisioning resources on chameleon
  -k KEY, --key KEY     Comet Certificate key default(certs/client.key); used
                        only for provisioning resources on chameleon
  -m MOBIUSHOST, --mobiushost MOBIUSHOST
                        Mobius Host e.g. http://localhost:8080/mobius
  -o OPERATION, --operation OPERATION
                        Operation allowed values: create|get|delete|list|add
                        Exogeni Start IP Address of the range of IPs to be
                        used for VMs; 1st IP is assigned to master and
                        subsequent IPs are assigned to submit node and
                        workers; can be specified for create operation
  -i2 CHIPSTART, --chipStart CHIPSTART
                        Chameleon Start IP Address of the range of IPs to be
                        used for VMs; 1st IP is assigned to master and
                        subsequent IPs are assigned to submit node and
                        workers; can be specified for create operation
  -i3 JTIPSTART, --jtipStart JTIPSTART
                        Jetstream Start IP Address of the range of IPs to be
                        used for VMs; 1st IP is assigned to master and
                        subsequent IPs are assigned to submit node and
                        workers; can be specified for create operation
                        Mass Open Cloud Start IP Address of the range of IPs
                        to be used for VMs; 1st IP is assigned to master and
                        subsequent IPs are assigned to submit node and
                        workers; can be specified for create operation
  -l LEASEEND, --leaseEnd LEASEEND
                        Lease End Time; can be specified for create operation
  -d1 EXODATADIR, --exodatadir EXODATADIR
                        Exogeni Data directory where to look for master.json,
                        submit.json and worker.json; must be specified for
                        create operation
  -d2 CHDATADIR, --chdatadir CHDATADIR
                        Chameleon Data directory where to look for
                        master.json, submit.json and worker.json; must be
                        specified for create operation
  -d3 JTDATADIR, --jtdatadir JTDATADIR
                        Jetstream Data directory where to look for
                        master.json, submit.json and worker.json; must be
                        specified for create operation
  -d4 MOCDATADIR, --mocdatadir MOCDATADIR
                        Mass Open Cloud Data directory where to look for
                        master.json, submit.json and worker.json; must be
                        specified for create operation
  -kh KAFKAHOST, --kafkahost KAFKAHOST
                        Kafka Host - monitoring server; must be specified for
                        delete operation

K8s Example

Provision K8s cluster on Exogeni

User can provision Kubernetes and Kube Edge cluster on Exogeni as below:

python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UFL (Gainesville, FL USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./flynet/exogeni/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -o create -w flynet2 -n1 2 -i1

Provision K8s cluster on Chameleon

NOTE: Additional Configuration is required in docker/ file for Chameleon KVM. Please check README in docker directory.

User can provision Kubernetes and Kube Edge cluster on Chameleon KVM as below:
python3 -s2 'Chameleon:KVM@TACC'  -d2 ./flynet/chameleon/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -o create -w flynet-chameleon -n2 2 -i2

Provision Hybrid K8s Cluster

  • Provision Kubernetes and Kube Edge cluster on Chameleon Baremetal
  • Provision Drone and BaseStation on Exogeni
python3 -s2 'Chameleon:CHI@UC'  -d2 ./flynet/chameleon-exo/ -s1 'Exogeni:UFL (Gainesville, FL USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./flynet/exogeni-drone/  -l `date -v +2d +%s` -o create -w flynet-hybrid -n2 1 -i2 -n1 0 -i1

Condor Client

Python client to create Condor clusters by invoking various supported Mobius REST commands.


usage: [-h] [-s1 EXOGENISITE] [-s2 CHAMELEONSITE]
                        [-s3 JETSTREAMSITE] [-s4 MOSSITE] [-n1 EXOWORKERS]
                        [-n2 CHWORKERS] [-n3 JTWORKERS] [-n4 MOSWORKERS]
                        [-c COMETHOST] [-t CERT] [-k KEY] [-m MOBIUSHOST] -o
                        OPERATION -w WORKFLOWID [-i1 EXOIPSTART]
                        [-i2 CHIPSTART] [-i3 JTIPSTART] [-i4 MOSIPSTART]
                        [-l LEASEEND] [-d1 EXODATADIR] [-d2 CHDATADIR]
                        [-d3 JTDATADIR] [-d4 MOSDATADIR] [-kh KAFKAHOST]

Python client to create Condor cluster using mobius. Uses master.json,
submit.json and worker.json for compute requests present in data directory
specified. Currently only supports provisioning compute resources. Other
resources can be provisioned via mobius_client. Creates COMET contexts for
Chameleon resources and thus enables exchanging keys and hostnames within

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s1 EXOGENISITE, --exogenisite EXOGENISITE
                        Exogeni Site at which resources must be provisioned;
                        must be specified for create operation
                        Chameleon Site at which resources must be provisioned;
                        must be specified for create operation
                        Jetstream Site at which resources must be provisioned;
                        must be specified for create operation
  -s4 MOSSITE, --mossite MOSSITE
                        Mass Open Cloud Site at which resources must be
                        provisioned; must be specified for create operation
  -n1 EXOWORKERS, --exoworkers EXOWORKERS
                        Number of workers to be provisioned on Exogeni; must
                        be specified for create operation
  -n2 CHWORKERS, --chworkers CHWORKERS
                        Number of workers to be provisioned on Chameleon; must
                        be specified for create operation
  -n3 JTWORKERS, --jtworkers JTWORKERS
                        Number of workers to be provisioned on Jetstream; must
                        be specified for create operation
  -n4 MOSWORKERS, --mosworkers MOSWORKERS
                        Number of workers to be provisioned on Mass Open
                        Cloud; must be specified for create operation
  -c COMETHOST, --comethost COMETHOST
                        Comet Host default(https://comet-
               used only for provisioning
                        resources on chameleon
  -t CERT, --cert CERT  Comet Certificate default(certs/inno-
                        hn_exogeni_net.pem); used only for provisioning
                        resources on chameleon
  -k KEY, --key KEY     Comet Certificate key default(certs/inno-
                        hn_exogeni_net.key); used only for provisioning
                        resources on chameleon
  -m MOBIUSHOST, --mobiushost MOBIUSHOST
                        Mobius Host e.g. http://localhost:8080/mobius
  -o OPERATION, --operation OPERATION
                        Operation allowed values: create|get|delete
                        Exogeni Start IP Address of the range of IPs to be
                        used for VMs; 1st IP is assigned to master and
                        subsequent IPs are assigned to submit node and
                        workers; can be specified for create operation
  -i2 CHIPSTART, --chipStart CHIPSTART
                        Chameleon Start IP Address of the range of IPs to be
                        used for VMs; 1st IP is assigned to master and
                        subsequent IPs are assigned to submit node and
                        workers; can be specified for create operation
  -i3 JTIPSTART, --jtipStart JTIPSTART
                        Jetstream Start IP Address of the range of IPs to be
                        used for VMs; 1st IP is assigned to master and
                        subsequent IPs are assigned to submit node and
                        workers; can be specified for create operation
                        Mass Open Cloud Start IP Address of the range of IPs
                        to be used for VMs; 1st IP is assigned to master and
                        subsequent IPs are assigned to submit node and
                        workers; can be specified for create operation
  -l LEASEEND, --leaseEnd LEASEEND
                        Lease End Time; can be specified for create operation
  -d1 EXODATADIR, --exodatadir EXODATADIR
                        Exogeni Data directory where to look for master.json,
                        submit.json and worker.json; must be specified for
                        create operation
  -d2 CHDATADIR, --chdatadir CHDATADIR
                        Chameleon Data directory where to look for
                        master.json, submit.json and worker.json; must be
                        specified for create operation
  -d3 JTDATADIR, --jtdatadir JTDATADIR
                        Jetstream Data directory where to look for
                        master.json, submit.json and worker.json; must be
                        specified for create operation
  -d4 MOSDATADIR, --mosdatadir MOSDATADIR
                        Mass Open Cloud Data directory where to look for
                        master.json, submit.json and worker.json; must be
                        specified for create operation
  -kh KAFKAHOST, --kafkahost KAFKAHOST
                        Kafka Host - monitoring server; must be specified for
                        delete operation    


Json Data for Master, Submit and Worker Nodes is read from Mobius/python/data directory.


Example Comet Certficates are present in Mobius/python/certs directory.

Mobius Client Examples

Create a workflow

python3 -o post -r workflow -w abcd-1234

Create a compute node in a workflow

The following example also shows IP address assignment controlled by user.

python3 -o post -r compute -w abcd-1234 -d '{
    "site":"Exogeni:UH (Houston, TX USA) XO Rack",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "postBootScript":"curl -o /root/; sh /root/"

python3 -o post -r compute -w abcd-1234 -f ../mobius/test/computeMaster.json

Create a stitch port in a workflow

python3 -o post -w abcd-1234 -r stitchPort -d '{
     "stitchIP": "",

python3 -o post -w abcd-1234 -r stitchPort -f ../mobius/test/stitch.json

Get status of a workflow

python3 -o get -w abcd-1234

Delete a workflow

python3 -o delete -w abcd-1234

List workflows

python3 -o get

Condor Client Examples

Create a condor cluster

Create a condor cluster with 1 master, 1 submit and 1 worker node. NOTE: Comet context for each node is created and neuca tools are also installed on each node. This results in hostnames and keys to be exchanged between all nodes in condor cluster

  • Master, Worker, Submit and Storage nodes on Chameleon (if json for either of the nodes is not present they are not instantiated)
python3  -s2 Chameleon:CHI@UC -d2 ./chameleon/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i2 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n2 1
Chameleon(with Monitoring and Stitching to Exogeni):
python3  -s2 Chameleon:CHI@UC -d2 ./chameleon_mon/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i2 "" -o create -w ch-abcd-1114 -n2 1

NOTE: Start IP address passed via -i2 should match the network specified in JSON for the nodes.

  • Master, Worker, Submit and Storage nodes on Exogeni (if json for either of the nodes is not present they are not instantiated)
  • Stitch.json if present in the directory would be used to stitch
python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UH (Houston, TX USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./exogeni/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i1 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n1 1
Exogeni(with Monitoring)
python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UFL (Gainesville, FL USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./exogeni_mon/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i1 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n1 1
  • Master, Worker nodes on MOC
python3 -o create -w casa-moc-test -s4 'Mos:moc-kzn' -d4 ./moc-casa/ -i4 "" -l `date -v +2d +%s`  -n4 1
Hybrid Model:
  • Master, Worker and Storage nodes on Exogeni
  • Storage node stitched to UNT and Chameleon
  • Storage node acts a forwarder to transfer traffic from Exogeni to Chameleon and viceversa
  • Storage node acts a forwarder to transfer traffic from UNT to Exogeni and viceversa
Submit and Master node running together
python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UH (Houston, TX USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./hybrid/exogeni-casa/ -s2 Chameleon:CHI@UC -d2 ./hybrid/chameleon-casa/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i1 "" -i2 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n1 1 -n2 1
Separate submit node
python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UH (Houston, TX USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./hybrid/exogeni/ -s2 Chameleon:CHI@UC -d2 ./hybrid/chameleon/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i1 "" -i2 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n1 1 -n2 1
Submit and Master node running together with monitoring enabled
python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UH (Houston, TX USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./hybrid/exogeni-casa-mon/ -s2 Chameleon:CHI@UC -d2 ./hybrid/chameleon-casa-mon/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i1 "" -i2 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n1 1 -n2 1
python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UFL (Gainesville, FL USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./hybrid/exogeni-casa-mon/ -s2 Chameleon:CHI@TACC -d2 ./hybrid/chameleon-casa-mon/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i1 "" -i2 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n1 0 -n2 1
Submit and Master node running together with monitoring and sdx enabled
python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UFL (Gainesville, FL USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./hybrid/exogeni-casa-mon-sdx/ -s2  Chameleon:CHI@TACC -d2 ./hybrid/chameleon-casa-mon-sdx/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i1 "" -i2 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n1 0 -n2 1

NOTE: Start IP address passed via -i2 should match the network specified in JSON for the nodes. NOTE: Nodes for hybrid model on exogeni if instantitaed on UH rack, chameleon nodes should be instantiated on UC as stitchport from UH rack to Chameleon TACC site is not allowed

Cluster spanning 4 clouds
  • Master and submit node on Exogeni
  • Worker on Chameleon, Jetstream and Mass Open Cloud
python3 -o create -w merit-w1 -s1 'Exogeni:UH (Houston, TX USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./merit/exogeni/ -s2 Chameleon:CHI@UC -d2 ./merit/chameleon/ -s3 'Jetstream:TACC' -d3 ./merit/jetstream/ -s4 'Mos:moc-kzn' -d4 ./merit/mos/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -n1 1 -n2 1 -n3 1 -n4 1
Multiple Clusters in a single workflow spanning Exogeni and Chameleon with VSDX and Qos applied

Mobius containers should be brought up using the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose_sdx.yml up -d

Note: Please update docker/docker-compose_sdx.yml and docker/config/sdx.conf to point to appropriate SSH files before bringing up the container. Mobius doesn’t control the lease of the sdx slice so it should be extended from the Flukes if it needs to stay up for more than 1 day.

Such a configuration can be created by using the following two commands.

Creating the 1st cluster


python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UMass (UMass Amherst, MA, USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./hybrid/multi-subnet/exogeni-casa-mon-sdx/  -s2  'Chameleon:CHI@UC' -d2 ./hybrid/multi-subnet/subnet1/chameleon-casa-mon-sdx/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i1 ""  -i2 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n1 0 -n2 1


python3 -s1 'Exogeni:UMass (UMass Amherst, MA, USA) XO Rack'  -d1 ./hybrid/multi-subnet/exogeni-casa-mon-sdx/  -s2  'Chameleon:CHI@UC' -d2 ./hybrid/multi-subnet/subnet1/chameleon-casa-mon-sdx/ -l `date -d "+2days" +%s` -i1 ""  -i2 "" -o create -w abcd-1114 -n1 0 -n2 1

Adding the 2nd cluster to the workflow


python3 -s2  'Chameleon:CHI@UC' -d2 ./hybrid/multi-subnet/subnet2/chameleon-casa-mon-sdx/ -l `date -v +2d +%s` -i2 "" -o add -w abcd-1114 -n2 1


python3 -s2  'Chameleon:CHI@UC' -d2 ./hybrid/multi-subnet/subnet2/chameleon-casa-mon-sdx/ -l `date -d "+2days" +%s` -i2 "" -o add -w abcd-1114 -n2 1

Cluster will look like this

Get status of condor cluster

python3 -o get -w abcd-1114

Delete condor cluster

python3 -o delete -w abcd-1114 

List workflows

python3 -o list

Project details

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Source Distribution

mobius-py-1.1.tar.gz (44.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

mobius_py-1.1-py3-none-any.whl (57.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page