Module for script-based video editing
Project description
MoviePy is a Python module for script-based movie editing, which enables
basic operations (cuts, concatenations, title insertions) to be done
in a few lines. It can also be used for advanced compositing.
See the full documentation and demo videos here_ .
A typical MoviePy script looks like that: ::
from moviepy import *
# Load myHolidays.mp4 and select the subclip 00:00:50 - 00:00:60
clip =VideoFileClip("myHolidays.mp4").subclip(50,60)
# Generate a text clip (many options available ! )
txt_clip = TextClip("My Holidays 2013",fontsize=70,color='white')
txt_clip = txt_clip.set_pos('center').set_duration(10)
# Overlay the text clip above the first clip
final_clip = CompositeVideoClip([clip, txt_clip])
# write the result to a file in any format
final_clip.to_videofile("myHolidays_edited.avi",fps=25, codec='mpeg4')
Download and Installation
MoviePy cannot run without these dependencies:
- The software ffmpeg_ is needed for writing, reading, converting the sound and the video. Normally any version of FFMPEG should work but it is recommended to use a recent version for better results.
- `Numpy`_ is needed for image and sound manipulation
- The Decorator_ module is used in the MoviePy code for better code readability
Numpy and Decorator will be automatically installed during MoviePy's installation if not present on your computer. As for ffmpeg, you can either install it or save the binary files in any folder and specify the path to these folders before installing MoviePy (see manual_install_).
Installation with PIP
Coming soon.
.. _manual_install:
Manual installation
If you want the cutting edge version you can `download MoviePy`_ on its Github repository.
Just unzip everything in one folder, open a terminal and type ::
sudo python install
Before doing that, you should make sure that MoviePy can locate ffmpeg on your computer. To do that, run the script ``moviepy/``. It it fails, then you must enter the path in the first line of this file ::
FFMPEG_BINARY = path/to/your/ffmpeg
(Not so) Optional dependencies
You are not obliged to install these but for many uses MoviePy will scream at you and say that the package or the software is missing. All these dependencies can be installed any time after the installation of MoviePy.
- PyGame_ is needed for video and sound previews (really essential for advanced editing).
- imageMagick_ is needed for all text generation, GIF support, and much more in the future.
There are many packages for image manipulation/processing in python. Most effects are coded such that none of these packages are needed, or such that having at least one of these packages is sufficient.
- Scipy is needed for many advanced functionalities (tracking, segmenting, etc.)
- `Scikit Image`_ may be needed for some advanced image manipulation.
- The Python Imaging Library is not used yet (I don't like the copyright) but it is coming.
- `OpenCV 2.4.6`_ (which provides the python package ``cv2``) or more recent may be needed for some advanced image manipulation. See below for the installation of OpenCV.
If you are on linux, these will surely be in your repos.
Installing OpenCV 2.4.6
OpenCV is very optional, its installation is not always simple and I found it to be unstable, be warned. The installation seems easy for Windows. On linux, here is what I found on the Internet:
- Remove any other version of OpenCV if you installed it through a package manager.
- Unzip the source code of `OpenCV 2.4.6`_ in some folder. open a terminal in this folder.
- Make a new directory and go into this directory: ::
mkdir release
cd release
- Run ``cmake``. Here is the line I used: ::
- Run ``make``. This may take a few minutes (15 minutes on my computer). ::
- Finally, install. ::
sudo make install
And voilà !
You can check if it worked by opeing a Python console and typing ::
import cv2
print cv2.__version__
Advice: do not throw your ``release`` folder away. If later you have strange bugs with OpenCV involving ``.so`` files, just redo the ``sudo make install`` step.
.. _here:
.. _`download MoviePy`:
.. _`OpenCV 2.4.6`:
.. _Pygame:
.. _`Numpy`:
.. _`Scikit Image`:
.. _Decorator:
.. _ffmpeg:
.. _imageMagick:
MoviePy is a Python module for script-based movie editing, which enables
basic operations (cuts, concatenations, title insertions) to be done
in a few lines. It can also be used for advanced compositing.
See the full documentation and demo videos here_ .
A typical MoviePy script looks like that: ::
from moviepy import *
# Load myHolidays.mp4 and select the subclip 00:00:50 - 00:00:60
clip =VideoFileClip("myHolidays.mp4").subclip(50,60)
# Generate a text clip (many options available ! )
txt_clip = TextClip("My Holidays 2013",fontsize=70,color='white')
txt_clip = txt_clip.set_pos('center').set_duration(10)
# Overlay the text clip above the first clip
final_clip = CompositeVideoClip([clip, txt_clip])
# write the result to a file in any format
final_clip.to_videofile("myHolidays_edited.avi",fps=25, codec='mpeg4')
Download and Installation
MoviePy cannot run without these dependencies:
- The software ffmpeg_ is needed for writing, reading, converting the sound and the video. Normally any version of FFMPEG should work but it is recommended to use a recent version for better results.
- `Numpy`_ is needed for image and sound manipulation
- The Decorator_ module is used in the MoviePy code for better code readability
Numpy and Decorator will be automatically installed during MoviePy's installation if not present on your computer. As for ffmpeg, you can either install it or save the binary files in any folder and specify the path to these folders before installing MoviePy (see manual_install_).
Installation with PIP
Coming soon.
.. _manual_install:
Manual installation
If you want the cutting edge version you can `download MoviePy`_ on its Github repository.
Just unzip everything in one folder, open a terminal and type ::
sudo python install
Before doing that, you should make sure that MoviePy can locate ffmpeg on your computer. To do that, run the script ``moviepy/``. It it fails, then you must enter the path in the first line of this file ::
FFMPEG_BINARY = path/to/your/ffmpeg
(Not so) Optional dependencies
You are not obliged to install these but for many uses MoviePy will scream at you and say that the package or the software is missing. All these dependencies can be installed any time after the installation of MoviePy.
- PyGame_ is needed for video and sound previews (really essential for advanced editing).
- imageMagick_ is needed for all text generation, GIF support, and much more in the future.
There are many packages for image manipulation/processing in python. Most effects are coded such that none of these packages are needed, or such that having at least one of these packages is sufficient.
- Scipy is needed for many advanced functionalities (tracking, segmenting, etc.)
- `Scikit Image`_ may be needed for some advanced image manipulation.
- The Python Imaging Library is not used yet (I don't like the copyright) but it is coming.
- `OpenCV 2.4.6`_ (which provides the python package ``cv2``) or more recent may be needed for some advanced image manipulation. See below for the installation of OpenCV.
If you are on linux, these will surely be in your repos.
Installing OpenCV 2.4.6
OpenCV is very optional, its installation is not always simple and I found it to be unstable, be warned. The installation seems easy for Windows. On linux, here is what I found on the Internet:
- Remove any other version of OpenCV if you installed it through a package manager.
- Unzip the source code of `OpenCV 2.4.6`_ in some folder. open a terminal in this folder.
- Make a new directory and go into this directory: ::
mkdir release
cd release
- Run ``cmake``. Here is the line I used: ::
- Run ``make``. This may take a few minutes (15 minutes on my computer). ::
- Finally, install. ::
sudo make install
And voilà !
You can check if it worked by opeing a Python console and typing ::
import cv2
print cv2.__version__
Advice: do not throw your ``release`` folder away. If later you have strange bugs with OpenCV involving ``.so`` files, just redo the ``sudo make install`` step.
.. _here:
.. _`download MoviePy`:
.. _`OpenCV 2.4.6`:
.. _Pygame:
.. _`Numpy`:
.. _`Scikit Image`:
.. _Decorator:
.. _ffmpeg:
.. _imageMagick: