Convert a Chainer model into ONNX
Project description
# ONNX-Chainer
![Build Status](
![MIT License](
This is an add-on package for ONNX support by Chainer.
## Tested environment
- ONNX 1.1.1
- Chainer 3.5.0, 4.2.0
- Python 2.7.14, 3.5.5, 3.6.5
### Compatibility tests
- with MXNet 1.2.0
- with NNVM (under TVM repository at commit ID = `ebdde3c277a9807a67b233cecfaf6d9f96c0c1bc`)
## Installation
### On Ubuntu 14.04/16.04
**Please install Chainer first.**
pip install chainer
pip install onnx-chainer
## Run Test
### 1. Build Docker images
cd docker
### 2. Run tests
bash docker/
## Quick Start
First, install [ChainerCV]( to get the pre-trained models.
import numpy as np
import chainer
import chainercv.links as C
import onnx_chainer
model = C.VGG16(pretrained_model='imagenet')
# Pseudo input
x = np.zeros((1, 3, 224, 224), dtype=np.float32)
onnx_chainer.export(model, x, filename='vgg16.onnx')
## Load models from MXNet
Install [MXNet]( first, then try the following code:
import collections
import mxnet
import numpy as np
import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainercv.links as C
import onnx_chainer
# Prepare an input tensor
x = np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224).astype(np.float32) * 255
# Run the model on the data
with chainer.using_config('train', False):
chainer_out = model(x).array
# Export Chainer model into ONNX
onnx_chainer.export(model, x, fn)
# Load ONNX model into MXNet symbol
sym, arg, aux = mxnet.contrib.onnx.import_model(fn)
# Find the name of input tensor
data_names = [graph_input for graph_input in sym.list_inputs()
if graph_input not in arg and graph_input not in aux]
data_shapes = [(data_names[0], x.shape)]
# Create MXNet model
mod = mxnet.mod.Module(
symbol=sym, data_names=data_names, context=mxnet.cpu(),
for_training=False, data_shapes=data_shapes,
arg_params=arg, aux_params=aux, allow_missing=True,
# Create input data
Batch = collections.namedtuple('Batch', ['data'])
input_data = Batch([mxnet.nd.array(x)])
# Forward computation using MXNet
# Retrieve the output of forward result
mxnet_out = mod.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
# Check the prediction results are same
assert np.argmax(chainer_out) == np.argmax(mxnet_out)
# Check both outputs have same values
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(chainer_out, mxnet_out, decimal=5)
## Compile the Chainer model via ONNX
Please install [TVM]( at a specified commit ID (ebdde3c277a9807a67b233cecfaf6d9f96c0c1bc) with NNVM first.
import collections
import numpy as np
import onnx
import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainercv.links as C
import nnvm
import onnx_chainer
import tvm
model = C.ResNet50(pretrained_model='imagenet', arch='he')
# Change cover_all option to False to match the default behavior of MXNet's pooling
model.pool1 = lambda x: F.max_pooling_2d(x, ksize=3, stride=2, cover_all=False)
save_as_onnx_then_import_from_nnvm(model, 'resnet50.onnx')
# Prepare an input tensor
x = np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224).astype(np.float32) * 255
# Run the model on the data
with chainer.using_config('train', False):
chainer_out = model(x).array
# Export Chainer model into ONNX
onnx_chainer.export(model, x, fn)
# Load the saved ONNX file using ONNX module
model_onnx = onnx.load(fn)
# Convert the ONNX model object into NNVM symbol
sym, params = nnvm.frontend.from_onnx(model_onnx)
# Choose the compilation target
target = 'llvm'
# Extract the name of input variable in the ONNX graph
input_name = sym.list_input_names()[0]
shape_dict = {input_name: x.shape}
# Compile the model using NNVM
graph, lib, params =
sym, target, shape_dict, params=params)
# Convert the compiled model into TVM module
module = tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, tvm.cpu(0))
# Set the input tensor x
module.set_input(input_name, tvm.nd.array(x))
# Run the model
# Retrieve the inference result
out_shape = (1, 1000)
output = tvm.nd.empty(out_shape, ctx=tvm.cpu(0))
nnvm_output = module.get_output(0, output).asnumpy()
# Check both outputs have same values
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(chainer_out, nnvm_output, decimal=5)
## Supported Functions
Currently 49 Chainer Functions are supported to export in ONNX format.
### Activation
- HardSigmoid
- LeakyReLU
- LogSoftmax
- PReLUFunction
- ReLU
- Sigmoid
- Softmax
- Softplus
- Tanh
### Array
- Cast
- Concat
- Depth2Space
- Pad <sup>[1](#pad1)</sup><sup>[2](#pad2)</sup>
- Reshape
- Space2Depth
- SplitAxis
- Squeeze
- Tile
- Transpose
### Connection
- Convolution2DFunction
- ConvolutionND
- Deconvolution2DFunction
- DeconvolutionND
- EmbedIDFunction <sup>[3](#embed1)</sup>
- LinearFunction
### Math
- Add
- Absolute
- Div
- Mul
- Neg
- PowVarConst
- Sub
- Clip
- Exp
- Identity
- MatMul
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Sqrt
- Sum
### Noise
- Dropout <sup>[4](#dropout1)</sup>
### Pooling
- AveragePooling2D
- AveragePoolingND
- MaxPooling2D
- MaxPoolingND
### Normalization
- BatchNormalization
- FixedBatchNormalization
- LocalResponseNormalization
<a name="pad1">1</a>: mode should be either 'constant', 'reflect', or 'edge'<br />
<a name="pad2">2</a>: ONNX doesn't support multiple constant values for Pad operation<br />
<a name="embed1">3</a>: Current ONNX doesn't support ignore_label for EmbedID<br />
<a name="dropout1">4</a>: In test mode, all dropout layers aren't included in the exported file<br />
![Build Status](
![MIT License](
This is an add-on package for ONNX support by Chainer.
## Tested environment
- ONNX 1.1.1
- Chainer 3.5.0, 4.2.0
- Python 2.7.14, 3.5.5, 3.6.5
### Compatibility tests
- with MXNet 1.2.0
- with NNVM (under TVM repository at commit ID = `ebdde3c277a9807a67b233cecfaf6d9f96c0c1bc`)
## Installation
### On Ubuntu 14.04/16.04
**Please install Chainer first.**
pip install chainer
pip install onnx-chainer
## Run Test
### 1. Build Docker images
cd docker
### 2. Run tests
bash docker/
## Quick Start
First, install [ChainerCV]( to get the pre-trained models.
import numpy as np
import chainer
import chainercv.links as C
import onnx_chainer
model = C.VGG16(pretrained_model='imagenet')
# Pseudo input
x = np.zeros((1, 3, 224, 224), dtype=np.float32)
onnx_chainer.export(model, x, filename='vgg16.onnx')
## Load models from MXNet
Install [MXNet]( first, then try the following code:
import collections
import mxnet
import numpy as np
import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainercv.links as C
import onnx_chainer
# Prepare an input tensor
x = np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224).astype(np.float32) * 255
# Run the model on the data
with chainer.using_config('train', False):
chainer_out = model(x).array
# Export Chainer model into ONNX
onnx_chainer.export(model, x, fn)
# Load ONNX model into MXNet symbol
sym, arg, aux = mxnet.contrib.onnx.import_model(fn)
# Find the name of input tensor
data_names = [graph_input for graph_input in sym.list_inputs()
if graph_input not in arg and graph_input not in aux]
data_shapes = [(data_names[0], x.shape)]
# Create MXNet model
mod = mxnet.mod.Module(
symbol=sym, data_names=data_names, context=mxnet.cpu(),
for_training=False, data_shapes=data_shapes,
arg_params=arg, aux_params=aux, allow_missing=True,
# Create input data
Batch = collections.namedtuple('Batch', ['data'])
input_data = Batch([mxnet.nd.array(x)])
# Forward computation using MXNet
# Retrieve the output of forward result
mxnet_out = mod.get_outputs()[0].asnumpy()
# Check the prediction results are same
assert np.argmax(chainer_out) == np.argmax(mxnet_out)
# Check both outputs have same values
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(chainer_out, mxnet_out, decimal=5)
## Compile the Chainer model via ONNX
Please install [TVM]( at a specified commit ID (ebdde3c277a9807a67b233cecfaf6d9f96c0c1bc) with NNVM first.
import collections
import numpy as np
import onnx
import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainercv.links as C
import nnvm
import onnx_chainer
import tvm
model = C.ResNet50(pretrained_model='imagenet', arch='he')
# Change cover_all option to False to match the default behavior of MXNet's pooling
model.pool1 = lambda x: F.max_pooling_2d(x, ksize=3, stride=2, cover_all=False)
save_as_onnx_then_import_from_nnvm(model, 'resnet50.onnx')
# Prepare an input tensor
x = np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224).astype(np.float32) * 255
# Run the model on the data
with chainer.using_config('train', False):
chainer_out = model(x).array
# Export Chainer model into ONNX
onnx_chainer.export(model, x, fn)
# Load the saved ONNX file using ONNX module
model_onnx = onnx.load(fn)
# Convert the ONNX model object into NNVM symbol
sym, params = nnvm.frontend.from_onnx(model_onnx)
# Choose the compilation target
target = 'llvm'
# Extract the name of input variable in the ONNX graph
input_name = sym.list_input_names()[0]
shape_dict = {input_name: x.shape}
# Compile the model using NNVM
graph, lib, params =
sym, target, shape_dict, params=params)
# Convert the compiled model into TVM module
module = tvm.contrib.graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, tvm.cpu(0))
# Set the input tensor x
module.set_input(input_name, tvm.nd.array(x))
# Run the model
# Retrieve the inference result
out_shape = (1, 1000)
output = tvm.nd.empty(out_shape, ctx=tvm.cpu(0))
nnvm_output = module.get_output(0, output).asnumpy()
# Check both outputs have same values
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(chainer_out, nnvm_output, decimal=5)
## Supported Functions
Currently 49 Chainer Functions are supported to export in ONNX format.
### Activation
- HardSigmoid
- LeakyReLU
- LogSoftmax
- PReLUFunction
- ReLU
- Sigmoid
- Softmax
- Softplus
- Tanh
### Array
- Cast
- Concat
- Depth2Space
- Pad <sup>[1](#pad1)</sup><sup>[2](#pad2)</sup>
- Reshape
- Space2Depth
- SplitAxis
- Squeeze
- Tile
- Transpose
### Connection
- Convolution2DFunction
- ConvolutionND
- Deconvolution2DFunction
- DeconvolutionND
- EmbedIDFunction <sup>[3](#embed1)</sup>
- LinearFunction
### Math
- Add
- Absolute
- Div
- Mul
- Neg
- PowVarConst
- Sub
- Clip
- Exp
- Identity
- MatMul
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Sqrt
- Sum
### Noise
- Dropout <sup>[4](#dropout1)</sup>
### Pooling
- AveragePooling2D
- AveragePoolingND
- MaxPooling2D
- MaxPoolingND
### Normalization
- BatchNormalization
- FixedBatchNormalization
- LocalResponseNormalization
<a name="pad1">1</a>: mode should be either 'constant', 'reflect', or 'edge'<br />
<a name="pad2">2</a>: ONNX doesn't support multiple constant values for Pad operation<br />
<a name="embed1">3</a>: Current ONNX doesn't support ignore_label for EmbedID<br />
<a name="dropout1">4</a>: In test mode, all dropout layers aren't included in the exported file<br />
Project details
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(13.2 kB
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File details
Details for the file onnx-chainer-1.1.1a1.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: onnx-chainer-1.1.1a1.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 13.2 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 68750f560bf5db19db1dc1844883afa5c6a3eb55f01a32c7e2eb9b64e7f3d1a4 |
MD5 | 79a3c368cf9b892b418e44643c23f0a4 |
BLAKE2b-256 | ca3ac091b3ddab31a451e1087593b5d5fb3b298fdcf781f4204dbf13cb98c5d6 |