Excludes a subtree from search.
Project description
openc.excludesearch is designed to make it possible for an administrator to easily mark content as being hidden to searches.
NB: Requires dm’s AdvancedQuery from http://www.dieter.handshake.de/pyprojects/zope/#AdvancedQuery
First off, install myself:
>>> self.addProduct("openc.excludesearch")
We set up an object that will show in searches for “foo”:
>>> self.folder.invokeFactory('Document', 'foo', 'Foo Page') 'foo' >>> self.folder['foo'] <ATDocument at .../foo> >>> self.folder['foo'].setText("I am a foo object from foosville.")
We name it foo for convenience:
>>> foo = self.folder['foo']
We can see its text fine:
>>> foo.getText() '<p>I am a foo object from foosville.</p>' >>> foo.reindexObject()
If we search for it, we find it:
>>> app.plone.restrictedTraverse("queryCatalog")({"SearchableText":"foo"}) [<Products.ZCatalog.Catalog.mybrains object at ...>]
Once we activate the hiding functionality we don’t:
>>> foo.getField('hidesearch').get(foo) False >>> foo.getField('hidesearch').set(foo, value=True) >>> foo.reindexObject() >>> foo.getField('hidesearch').get(foo) True >>> app.plone.restrictedTraverse("queryCatalog")({"SearchableText":"foo"}) []
This is because it has a new marker interface:
>>> from openc.excludesearch.interfaces import IExcludeFromSearch >>> IExcludeFromSearch(foo) <ATDocument at .../foo>
If we remove this marker, we find it again:
>>> foo.getField('hidesearch').get(foo) True >>> foo.getField('hidesearch').set(foo, value=False) >>> foo.reindexObject() >>> foo.getField('hidesearch').get(foo) False >>> app.plone.restrictedTraverse("queryCatalog")({"SearchableText":"foo"}) [<Products.ZCatalog.Catalog.mybrains object at ...>]
As we no longer provide that interface:
>>> IExcludeFromSearch(foo) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: ('Could not adapt', <ATDocument at .../foo>, <InterfaceClass openc.excludesearch.interfaces.IExcludeFromSearch>)
Subclass/monkeypatch collections so they know to ignore things with the IExcludeFromSearch marker interface
0.1 - Unreleased
Doctest [MatthewWilkes]
Added an adapter for archetypes.schemaextended to add a boolean field to the settings schema of any AT content type that adds/removes the marker interface when used. [MatthewWilkes]
Customised the queryCatalog script in a skin layer to drop all results providing IExludeFromSearch using AdvancedQuery [MatthewWilkes]
Added a marker interface called IExcludeFromSearch [MatthewWilkes]