PDS Venus Express site policy
Project description
This is the policy product for pdsvex.policy. It orchestrates the dependencies necessary in order to run a PDS Venus Express profile server.
To install this, create a buildout for Plone and add pdsvex.policy to your list of eggs, as well as pdsvex.policy to your list of ZCML slugs. No idea how to do this? Just follow these instructions:
Install Plone 3. As of this writing, you can download Plone 3.2.2. Download, extract, and follow the instructions for the “Unified Installer”. Use the unified installer to install a standalone version. Note the administrative account name and password once the installation is complete.
Change the current working directory to the Plone installation directory (usually /usr/local/plone, $HOME/Plone, etc.).
Edit the buildout.cfg file. Add pdsvex.policy to the eggs entry, right below Plone. Add pdsvex.policy to the zcml entry. Finally, edit the http-address entry to select what TCP port number the server will answer on.
Run bin/buildout. This will download and install the PDS VEX profile server into the newly installed Plone environment. Depending on your installation, you may need root privileges to run bin/buildout.
Run bin/plonectl start to start the server. Depending on your installation, you may need root privileges to run bin/plonectl.
Visit http://hostname:port/Plone/plone_control_panel (substituting hostname and port as needed) and, when prompted log in with the account name and password from step 1.
Click on “Add-on Products”.
Check the box next to “PDS Venus Express Data” Policy.
Click the “Install” button.
The PDS VEX Profile Server is now ready.
To access the PDS VEX Profile Server, use the following object key:
where hostname is the name or IP address of the host on which your server is running and port is the port number.
0.0.0 - Unreleased
Initial release