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Static code analysis for buildout-based Python projects.

Project description

.. image::
:alt: Egg Status

.. image::
:alt: Travis Build Status

.. image::
:alt: Test Coverage

.. image::
:alt: Downloads

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:alt: Python Versions

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:alt: Latest Version

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:alt: License

.. contents::


``plone.recipe.codeanalysis`` provides static code analysis for Buildout-based
Python projects, including `flake8`_, `JSHint`_, `CSS Lint`_, and
other code checks.

This buildout recipe creates a script to run the code analysis::


By default ``plone.recipe.codeanalysis`` also creates a git pre-commit hook, in
order to run the code analysis automatically before each commit.

``plone.recipe.codeanalysis`` comes with a Jenkins integration, that allows to
use the same code analysis settings on your local machine as well as on

It also allows to run code analysis to any arbitrary folder::

bin/code-analysis src/Products.CMFPlone


Just add a code-analysis section to your buildout.cfg:

.. code-block:: ini

parts += code-analysis

recipe = plone.recipe.codeanalysis
directory = ${buildout:directory}/src

The directory option is not required. Though, if you don't specify a directory
the code analysis will check every file in your buildout directory.

This configuration is helpful for working on already existing packages.
If you create a new package you might want to enable all checks.
This configuration looks like this:

.. code-block:: ini

recipe = plone.recipe.codeanalysis[recommended]
multiprocessing = True
jenkins = False
directory =
return-status-codes = True
pre-commit-hook = True
# JS
jshint = True
jshint-bin = ${buildout:bin-directory}/jshint
jshint-suppress-warnings = False
jscs = True
jscs-bin = ${buildout:bin-directory}/jscs
jscs-exclude =
csslint = True
csslint-bin = ${buildout:bin-directory}/csslint
zptlint = True
zptlint-bin = ${buildout:bin-directory}/zptlint
# Chameleon uses XML (there is no chameleon-lint-bin, it uses lxml)
chameleon-lint = False
# XML (there is no xmllint-bin, it uses lxml)
xmllint = True
# scss-lint
scsslint = True
scsslint-bin = ${buildout:bin-directory}/scss-lint
# TS
tslint = True
tslint-bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin/tslint
tslint-exclude = ${:jscs-exclude}
# Conventions
clean-lines = True
clean-lines-exclude = ${:jscs-exclude}
# dependency-checker
dependencychecker = True
dependencychecker-bin = ${buildout:directory}/bin/dependencychecker
# i18n
find-untranslated = True
i18ndude-bin = ${buildout:bin-directory}/i18ndude
flake8-exclude =,,docs,*.egg,*.cpy,*.vpy,overrides

recipe = gp.recipe.node
npms = csslint jshint jscs tslint
scripts = csslint jshint jscs tslint

``[recommended]`` extra

This extra enables a host of flake8 plugins.
They are mostly coding `Plone's styleguide`_ (specially the Python section).

These are the current extras installed:

- flake8-blind-except: warns about catching any exception, i.e ``except:``
- flake8-coding: warns about python files with missing coding header
- flake8-debugger: warns about debug statements found in code (like pdb...)
- flake8-deprecated: warns about deprecated method calls
- flake8-isort: warns about imports not sorted properly (note that an `extra configuration`_ is needed)
- flake8-pep3101: warns about old-style formatting, i.e ``'format a %s' % string``
- flake8-plone-api: warns about code that could be replaced by plone.api calls (note that this is forbidden for Plone core packages)
- flake8-plone-hasattr: warns about using ``hasattr`` as it shallows exceptions
- flake8-print: warns about ``print`` being used
- flake8-quotes: warns about using double quotes (plone style guide says single quotes)
- flake8-string-format: warns about errors on string formatting
- flake8-todo: warns if there are ``TODO``, ``XXX`` found on the code
- flake8-commas: warns if the last element on a method call, list or dictionary does not end with a comma

Git hooks

- pre-commit-hook
- pre-commit-return-status-codes
- pre-push-hook
- pre-push-return-status-codes

You can choose to activate git ``pre-commit-hook`` and/or ``pre-push-hook`` hooks.
You can make these hooks blocking (aborting) by setting ``return-status-codes``
to 'True'. You can tune the return code behavior differently from the default
for each hook, using ``pre-commit-return-status-codes`` and

What works best for you is a matter of taste, and code base.

If you want to ensure that your working area is always clean on each commit,
and you'd like to abort the commit if anything untowards is found, you can

return-status-codes = True
pre-commit-hook = True

If you're working in a large code base, which takes a long time to
parse, and your workflow is to use many small commits, you may be
annoyed by the pre-commit delay. Or maybe you like to check in parts
of your work, while having other files hanging around in your working
tree which aren't cleaned up yet.

In that case you may want to disable pre-commit checks, and have a blocking
pre-push check instead::

return-status-codes = True
pre-commit-hook = False
pre-push-hook = True

Or maybe you want ``code-analysis`` by default to run unblocking, to
please Jenkins, but still want to have blocking checks on both pre-commit
and pre-push? Can do::

return-status-codes = False
pre-commit-hook = True
pre-commit-return-status-codes = True
pre-push-hook = True
pre-push-return-status-codes = True

Yeah I know, it's a contrived example, but it illustrates the relevant options.

Configuration ``overrides``

The options documented above configure code-analysis at the project level.
Sometimes developers may want to deviate from the project-level settings locally,
for example to make the git pre-commit hook block on violations, even when
the project-wide setting is to not abort the commit on violations.

If for example the project ``buildout.cfg`` reads::

overrides = code-analysis-overrides-acmecorp
return-status-codes = False
pre-commit-hook = True

But as a developer I'd rather have a blocking pre-push instead of a nonblocking
pre-commit, I can configure overrides in my
``.buildout/default.cfg`` configuration as follows::

return-status-codes = True
pre-commit-hook = False
pre-push-hook = True

This is especially handy to let users choose themselves whether they want
a pre-commit-hook or a pre-push-hook, and whether they want
to block on violations (so they don't have to amend commits) or whether they
want non-blocking checks (so they can have invalid files in their
working tree outside the commited c.q. pushed set of files). YMMV.

Note that if a project does not configure ``overrides`` at the project
level, you can as a dev still configure that in ``.buildout/default.cfg``::

overrides = code-analysis-overrides

return-status-codes = True

The recommended policy is to define an overrides name per project, so devs
can tune their overrides per project. Repo-specific override names only
make sense if the repo is really different (say much bigger) than typical.
Per-project override names would show up in a devs ``.buildout/default.cfg``
for example as follows::

return-status-codes = True
pre-commit-hook = True
pre-push-hook = True

<= code-analysis-overrides-plone

return-status-codes = True
pre-commit-hook = False
pre-push-hook = True

For projects that really really want to NOT offer this option to their
developers, there's the simple solution of blocking overrides in the
project ``buildout.cfg``::

overrides = False

It's recommended to actually talk to your fellow devs about which
overrides are not acceptable, instead of taking this nuclear option.
If a developer disagrees with the set of flake8 extensions you're validating
with, that's really a social issue, not something that can be solved in code.

A more suble way of controlling what local reconfigurations a dev is
allowed to perform is to configure the ``overrides-allowed`` whitelist
at the project level::

overrides-allowed = multiprocessing

As a result, only the override options listed here will be taken from
the developer's local configuration, all other options will be taken
from the project buildout.cfg. Listing an empty ``overrides-allowed``
option allows all options to be overridden.

But of course, all of this runs on the developer's machine...

Jenkins Installation

plone.recipe.codeanalysis provides a Jenkins setting that allows to run it on a Jenkins CI server and to process and integrate the output via the
`Jenkins Violations plugin`_.

Usually you don't want the recipe to create Jenkins output files on your
local machine. Therefore it makes sense to enable the Jenkins output only
on the CI machine. To do so, just create a jenkins.cfg that extends and
overrides the default buildout file (that includes the other settings):

.. code-block:: ini

parts += code-analysis

recipe = plone.recipe.codeanalysis
jenkins = True

The Jenkins job itself should run ``bin/code-analysis``::

python -c jenkins.cfg
bin/buildout -c jenkins.cfg
bin/jenkins-test --all

The `Jenkins Violations plugin`_ needs to be configured to read the output
files generated by this configuration.

pep8 (to read the flake8 output)::






jslint (to read the jshint output)::


checkstyle (to read the jscs output)::


Filesystem output

If jenkins is set to False, you can still store the output on the filesystem by setting ``flake8-filesystem = True``.
This is ignored if jenkins is set to True.




Code repository:

Continuous Integration:

Issue Tracker:

Supported options

If you need to bypass checks for some reasons on a specific line you may use
``# noqa`` in Python or ``// noqa`` in Javascript files. This works for most
of our checks.

The recipe supports the following options:

Directory that is subject to the code analysis.

If set to True, the ``bin/code-analysis`` script returns an error code
that Continuous Integration servers (like Travis CI) can use to fail or
pass a job, based on the code analysis output. Note that Jenkins usually
does not need this option (this is better handled by the Jenkins
Violations plugin). Note that this option does not have any effect on the
other code analysis scripts. Default is ``False``.

Note that this option can be overridden command-line by using the
``--return-status-codes`` or ``--no-return-status-codes`` command-line

Note also that the pre-commit and post-commit hooks can be tuned to
have a different status code behavior, if wanted, see below.

If set to True, a git pre-commit hook is installed that runs the code
analysis before each commit. Default is ``True``.

If set to True, if a pre-commit hook is run it will abort the commit
if violations are found. Default value is the value configured for

If set to True, a git pre-push hook is installed that runs the code
analysis before it gets pushed to a remote. Default is ``False``.

If set to True, if a pre-push hook is run it will abort the push
if violations are found. Default value is the value configured for

Note that in general it will be advisable to set this option to ``True``
so you will avoid pushing broken work. YMMV.

If set to ``True``, ``code-analysis`` will fork multiple processes and run
all linters in parallel. This will dramatically increase speed on a
multi-core system, specially when using ``code-analysis`` as pre-commit
hook. Default is ``False``.

If set to True, the code analysis steps will
write output files that can be processed by the
`Jenkins Violations plugin`_. Default is ``False``.

If set to True, the flake8 code analysis step will
write an output file. Ignored if jenkins is True. Default is ``False``.

If set to True, run Flake8 code analysis. Default is ``True``.

Flake8 now takes advantage of ``flake8`` extension system. Default is none.
If ``flake8`` is set to False, this option will be ignored. Example to
supercharge with some extensions:

.. code-block:: ini

recipe = plone.recipe.codeanalysis
flake8 = True
flake8-extensions =

**flake8 Settings**

Flake8 uses the following files to look for settings:

- setup.cfg (recommended for Plone)
- tox.ini
- .flake8

.. code-block:: ini

exclude =,,docs,*.egg
max-complexity = 10
max-line-length = 79

Look at `flake8 documentation <>`_
and it's plugins to see which options are available.

If set to True, ``check-manifest`` will be run to check you
file. Default is ``False``.

Default is ``.`` which means check the current package where you included
code-analysis in buildout.

EXPERIMENTAL: For project buildouts where you use several source
packages you may want to enter multiple directories or use
``${buildout:develop}`` to include all your development packages.

If set to True, import statement analysis is run and verified
against declared dependencies in Default is ``False``.

Set the path to a custom version of ``dependencychecker``.

If set to True, import statement analysis is run and unused
imports are reported. Default is ``False``.

Set the path to a custom version of ``importchecker``.

If set to True, jshint code analysis is run. Default is ``False``. Note
that plone.recipe.codeanalysis requires jshint >= 1.0.

JSHint executable. Default is ``jshint``. If you have JSHint installed on
your system and in your path, there is nothing to do. To install JSHint in
your buildout, use the following:

.. code-block:: ini

recipe = gp.recipe.node
npms = jshint
scripts = jshint

set jshint-bin to ``${buildout:bin-directory}/jshint``.

Allows you to specify directories which you don't want to be linted.
Default is none. If you want JSHint to skip some files you can list them
in a file named ``.jshintignore``. See `JSHint documentation`_ for more

By default warnings of jshint are suppressed and not shown. You may disable
this by setting to False, default is ``True`` for backward compatibility

If set to True, jscs code analysis is run. Default is ``False``.

JavaScript Code Style options should be configured using a ``.jscs.json``
file. You should align your javascript code to the next generation of
Plone's javascript framework Mockup_ and take it's ``.jscs.json`` file
which is available here:

All configuration options are documented on the `jscs website`_.

Set the path to a custom version of JSCS, e.g. ``/usr/local/bin/jscs``.

If you have Javascript Code Style Checker installed in your system and
path, you have nothing to do. To install with Buildout, add the following
section to your buildout and set jscs-bin to

.. code-block:: ini

recipe = gp.recipe.node
npms = jscs
scripts = jscs

Allows you to specify directories and/or files which you don't want to be
checked. Default is none. Note that these directories have to be given in
absolute paths, use ``${buildout:directory}/foo/bar/static/js-3rd-party``
for example.

If set to True, CSS Lint code analysis is run. Default is ``False``.

CSS Lint options should be configured using a ``.csslintrc`` file. A
typical ``.csslintrc`` file will look like this::


This typical configuration includes a list of CSS rules that will be
ignored as they are `considered useless`_.

See `CSS Lint documentation`_ and `CSS Lint command-line interface`_ for a
detailed list and description of the rules.

Set the path to a custom version of CSS Lint, e.g. ``/usr/local/bin/csslint``.

If you have CSS Lint installed in your system and path, you have nothing
to do. To install CSS Lint with Buildout, add the following section to
your buildout and set csslint-bin to

.. code-block:: ini

recipe = gp.recipe.node
npms = csslint
scripts = csslint

Allows you to specify directories and/or files which you don't want to be
checked. Default is none.

If set to True, ChamleonLint code analysis is run. Default is ``False``.

ChameleonLint uses ``lxml`` for xml parsing. There is no ``chameleon-lint-bin``.

Note that you will want to activate either ``chameleon-lint`` or ``zpt-lint``,
not both, since they will apply to the same set of file extensions (``.pt``,
``.cpt``, ``.zpt``). The ``zpt-lint`` parser uses the actual TAL expression engine
to validate templates, and this will generally choke on the Chameleon extensions.
The ``chameleon-lint`` parser on the other hand just checks that the template is
valid XML basically.

If set to True, XMLLint code analysis is run. Default is ``False``.

XMLLint uses ``lxml`` for xml parsing. There is no ``xmllint-bin``.

If set to True, **any file** containing trailing spaces or tabs anywhere
on the lines will cause a warning. Default is ``False``.

Allows you to specify directories and/or files which you don't want to be
checked. Default is none.

i18ndude, scsslint and zptlint support

To reduce the number of Zope/Plone direct dependencies, plone.recipe.codeanalysis no longer depends on `i18ndude`_ nor `SCSS Lint`_ nor `zptlint`_;
in order to use the following options you have to install them on your
system, see ``buildout.cfg`` for an example install.

If set to True, scan Zope templates to find untranslated strings.
Default is ``False``.
To use this you will need to set the ``i18ndude-bin`` option.

Allows you to specify directories and/or files which you don't want to be
checked. Default is none.

The report will contain only the errors for each file.
Default is ``False``.
However, summaries will also be suppressed when ``jenkins`` is set to ``True.

Set the path to a custom version of `i18ndude`_.
Default is none.

If set to True, `SCSS Lint`_ code analysis is run. Default is ``True``.

Set the path to a custom version of `SCSS Lint`_.
Default is none.

Note that you'll typically install the gem ``scss_lint`` (with underscore)
to get a bin file ``scss-lint`` (with a dash).

If you have SCSS Lint installed in your system and path, you have nothing
to do. To install SCSS Lint with Buildout, add the following section to
your buildout and set scsslint-bin to

.. code-block:: ini

recipe = rubygemsrecipe
gems = scss_lint

Please note that due to some buildout weirdness this will break buildout
on the first buildout run; a second buildout run will complete just fine.


SCSS Lint options can be configured, see `SCSS Lint`_ README.

If set to True, zptlint code analysis is run.
Default is ``False``.
To use this you will need to set the ``zptlint-bin`` option.

Note that you will want to use either ``zptlint`` or ``chameleon-lint``, not both.

Set the path to a custom version of `zptlint`_.
Default is none.

Allows you to specify directories and/or files which you don't want to be
checked. Default is none.

Self-tests for these extra linters are disabled by default.
To run a ``plone.recipe.codeanalysis`` self-test that covers these extra linters::

TEST_ALL=true bin/test

Known Issues

JSHint "ERROR: Unknown option --verbose"::

JSHint [ OK ]
ERROR: Unknown option --verbose

Upgrade JSHint to latest version (>= 1.0) to fix this issue, e.g.::

$ sudo npm install -g jshint

JSHint "ERROR: Unknown option --exclude"::

JSHint [ OK ]
ERROR: Unknown option --exclude

Upgrade JSHint to latest version (>= 2.1.6) to fix this issue, e.g.::

$ sudo npm install -g jshint

Rubygems woes::

Installing rubygems.
rubygems: Extracting package to /app/plone.recipe.codeanalysis/parts
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)
Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/specifications/default/bundler-1.16.1.gemspec
rubygems: b''
rubygems: Command failed with exit code 1: ['ruby', 'setup.rb', 'all', '--prefix=/app/plone.recipe.codeanalysis/parts/rubygems', '--no-rdoc', '--no-ri']
Installing rubygems.
Error: System error

Solution: run buildout again. Really.

Tests fail::

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/plone.recipe.codeanalysis/plone/recipe/codeanalysis/", line 18, in <module>
import zc.buildout
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zc.buildout'

This is likely caused by
Solution: run::

bin/easy_install -U zc.buildout==2.11.0

before running ``bin/buildout``.

.. _`considered useless`:
.. _`CSS Lint documentation`:
.. _`CSS Lint command-line interface`:
.. _`CSS Lint`:
.. _`SCSS Lint`:
.. _`Flake8 documentation`:
.. _`Jenkins Violations plugin`:
.. _`flake8`:
.. _`JSHint documentation`:
.. _`JSHint`:
.. _`PEP 3101 (Advanced String Formatting)`:
.. _`plone.api conventions`:
.. _`zptlint`:
.. _`i18ndude`:
.. _`Unit testing framework documentation`:
.. _`Mockup`:
.. _`jscs website`:
.. _`Plone's styleguide`:
.. _`extra configuration`:

Example usage

Minimal buildout::

>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... parts = code-analysis
... [code-analysis]
... recipe = plone.recipe.codeanalysis
... directory = %(directory)s
... """ % {
... 'directory' : '${buildout:directory}/plone/recipe/codeanalysis',
... })

Running the buildout gives us a 'code-analysis' script that runs the entire
code analysis::

>>> buildout_output_lower = system(buildout).lower()
>>> '/sample-buildout/bin/code-analysis' in buildout_output_lower

It is also possible to run single code analysis scripts::

>>> '/sample-buildout/bin/code-analysis-flake8' in buildout_output_lower
>>> '/sample-buildout/bin/code-analysis-jshint' in buildout_output_lower

Flake 8 is installed by the buildout script, there is no need to install it on
the system::

>>> '/sample-buildout/bin/flake8' in buildout_output_lower

Pre-commit hook

If we have a git repository::

>>> import subprocess
>>>['mkdir', '-p', '.git/hooks'])

And run buildout again::

>>> buildout_output_lower = system(buildout).lower()

Then the git pre-commit hook is installed::

>>> 'installed git pre-commit hook.' in buildout_output_lower


- Timo Stollenwerk, Original Author
- Gil Forcada
- Héctor Velarde
- Ramiro Batista da Luz
- Daniel Widerin
- Michael Davis

Change history

3.0.0a (2018-06-15)

- removed flake8 default settings in favor of using setug.cfg [iham]

- Add XMLLint for .xml .xsl .zcml files. [janjaapdriessen]

- Add scss-lint for sass files. [janjaapdriessen]

- Add a XML linter for Chameleon template files.

- Work around Travis bootstrapping and coverage failures caused by and, which obscure that the tests
are actually green. Mark python3 builds without extras as critical again.
Note that this requires a double-buildout sequence to get the ``scss-lint``
gem properly installed...
Fixes #214.

- Revive XMLLint, and SCSSLint work by janjaapdriessen.
Add tests and documentation.

- Replace unmaintained ``zptlint`` upstream by ``spirit.zptlint``.

- Add tests for Chameleon Linter and fixup the linter.
Fixes #180, sort of; the validation is much less strict than the ZPTLint one.

- Pull in ``i18ndude`` python3 fixes and mark EXTRAS tests as critical.

- Update ``z3c.dependencychecker`` dependency and provide an analyser for it.
No tests for this since it would require a full egg fixture.
Fixes #67.

- Add ``importchecker`` linter.
Fixes #67.

- Post-merge cleanup of source dependencies for the python3 work.

- Introduce ``overrides`` to support individual developer preferences.

- Introduce ``pre-push-hook`` and allow command-line and githook
deviation from default ``return-status-codes``.

- Remove trailing dot from Jenkins output, to ease copy-pasting filenames.

- Bring our own dogfood linter config and version pins in sync with coredev qa.cfg.

2.3 (2018-01-18)

- Install isort script if flake8-isort is installed as well.

- Add a new recommended flake8 plugin:
`flake8-commas <>`_.

- Fix Continuous Integration (Travis) by using pip to install setuptools and zc.buildout.

- Run tests only once on CI.

- Remove as it is no longer used.

- Fix code analysis errors.

- Fix travis (newer setuptools and zc.buildout needed)

- Check Python 3.5 and 3.6 in travis as well (although they fail currently).

- Add 'find-untranslated-no-summary' option for i18ndude.

2.2 (2016-02-20)

- Fix issue where commit hook did not work on NixOS
(fixed to use ``/usr/bin/env bash`` instead ``/bin/bash``).

- Allow to pass a folder where to run code analysis against.

- Increase minimum requirement of flake8. Older versions could make
checks with exceptions in plugins as passed.

2.1 (2015-09-21)

- Remove debug statements checker,
`flake8-debugger <>`_,
`flake8-print <>`_
and jshint can do the same job.

- Removed pep3101 checker,
`flake8-pep3101 <>`_
works exactly the same.

- Remove deprecated aliases checker,
`flake8-deprecated <>`_
does the same job.

- Remove hasattr checker,
`flake8-plone-hasattr <>`_
does the same job.

- Add a ``[recommended]`` extra to install a set of flake8 plugins,
some of them where part of p.r.codeanalysis up until this release.

- Remove leftovers from utf-8 checker removal.

- Remove imports checker,
`flake8-isort <>`_
does the same job.
[tisto] [gforcada]

- Fix typo on test that prevented ipdb imports from being found.

2.0.2 (2015-09-03)

- Less false positives for pep3101.

- Add ``--jobs=1`` to flake8 if ``multiprocessing`` is set to ``False``.

- Fix #151 by not instantiating ``Lock`` and ``Value`` if ``multiprocessing``
was set to ``False``.

2.0.1 (2015-09-02)

- synchronize :-)
Fix multiprocessing bug. Shared state is hard to

- Change pep3101 logic. No more false positives on log

- Clean tests output.

2.0 (2015-08-07)

- Improve split_lines from analyser which makes exclude statements with more
than one directory to be ignored with ``zc.buildout 1.7.1``.

- Allow passing any option to flake8 or its plugins.

- Create .git/hooks folder if it doesn't exist.

- Compile all regexes on initialization to not have to compile them
at every single use, it should make code analysis faster.

2.0b1 (2015-05-03)

- Allow usage of wildcards in exclude statements.

- Add ``check-manifest`` as new dependency and a basic check.

- Add a new option to disable ``jshint`` warning suppression.

- If an executable could not be found the code-analysis always failed. We've
changed this behaviour to return True and succeed the code-analysis.

- Exclude paths directly in ``find`` unix command which speeds up again a lot.

- Exclude empty strings in ``self.extensions`` which broke install with
``zc.buildout 1.7.1``.

- Add check for relative imports.

2.0a2 (2015-04-30)

- Replace manual comparisons of buildout options to ``False`` with a
``bool_option`` method.

- Removed some plugins and replaced them with ``flake8`` plugins. Please
not the API change in buildout. Following options have been removed:

- **utf8-headers** has been removed, replace it with ``flake8-coding`` if
- **utf8-headers-exclude**
- **prefer-single-quotes** has been removed, replace it with
- **prefer-single-quotes-exclude**
- **debug-statements** has some reduced functionality, because python
debugger checks should be included using ``flake8-debugger`` extension which
also checks for ``ipdb``.


- Add missing tests for deprecated_aliases parser.

- Add new double quotes parser and add test for it. It now also supports
# noqa statments and nested quotes.

2.0a1 (2015-04-27)

- Added multiprocessing. This will dramatically increase speed on large
packages when using pre-commit hooks.

- Return correct exit codes for console-scripts.

- Refactor whole linters framework to use OO design patterns, inherit from
``Analyser`` abstract base class.

- Add to flake8-exclude default. zc.buildout > 2 uses instead of

1.1 (2014-12-04)

- Add a check to look for hasattr() calls, which are considered bad practice.
[gforcada, jensens]

- Add option to store flake8 output if jenkins is False
[Michael Davis]

- Fix find_files from utils to find files, not directories

1.0 (2014-12-04)

- Nothing changed since 1.0rc1.

1.0rc1 (2014-06-18)

- Return a string to avoid TypeError when no file was checked with ``jscs``.

- Check import sorting in ``code_analysis_imports`` and add tests for
clean and sorted imports.

- Refactor ``code_analysis_clean_lines`` to use a new method to retrieve
files and avoid too complex violation.

1.0b8 (2014-06-05)

- Add ``clean-lines-exclude`` support and updated README.

- Added tests for clean-lines checks.

- Use indices for format() to support Python 2.6.

1.0b7 (2014-05-04)

- Add Javascript Code Style Checker ``jscs`` support.

- Remove hard dependency on i18ndude and zptlint; this will reduce the number
of Zope/Plone direct dependencies to make life happier to people using
Pyramid and other web Python-based development frameworks.

- Do not print out jshint and csslint output for Jenkins. Those files can
become quite large.

1.0b6 (2013-10-16)

- Remove progress bullets from flake8 check.

- Improve the way to handle an exception if the command used in popen does
not exist.

1.0b5 (2013-10-08)

- Fix code analysis method by making it call each check only if the option
is activated.

- Keep backward compatibility with 'string-formatting' option.

- Rename 'deprecated-alias' to 'deprecated-aliases' and keep backward

1.0b4 (2013-10-06)

- Implement Jenkins option on CSS Lint and JSHint.
[hvelarde, ramiroluz]

- Rename 'deprecated-methods' to 'deprecated-alias'.

- Rename 'string-formatting' option to 'pep3101' to keep consistency.

- Remove unused CSSLINT_IGNORE remainings.

- Simplify code analysis method and make it more readable.

1.0b3 (2013-09-12)

- Add return-status-codes option that allows to fail a CI-build on Travis.

- Make system wide installed csslint the default value for
the csslint-bin option.

1.0b2 (2013-09-11)

- Deprecate 'csslint-quiet', 'csslint-ignore' and 'csslint-exclude-list'
options; CSS Lint must be configured now using a '.csslintrc' file.
'csslint-bin' option now defaults to ``bin/csslint``; documentation was
updated (closes #20).

- Implement removal of pre-commit hook.

1.0b1 (2013-08-12)

- Workaround over JSHint limitations to avoid displaying warning messages as

- Fix CSS Lint validation and implement new 'csslint-quiet' option.

- Fix package distribution.

1.0a1 (2013-08-04)

- Initial release.

Project details

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plone.recipe.codeanalysis-3.0.0a0.tar.gz (65.3 kB view hashes)

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