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OAuth PAS Plugin

Project description


This module provides basic OAuth support for Zope/Plone while aiming to be extensible through the Zope Component Architecture such that more demanding features can be slotted in. Basic features will be provided, such as simple management of consumers and their keys, and local users will be able to approve consumer requests and revoke the keys later.

While the test coverage is fairly complete and demonstrates that access restriction seem to function as intented, this package is still a proof of concept at this point in time. Production usage of this package should be avoided without a full understanding of how this package is constructed.


This package may require Plone 4 or later. Might work with Plone 3.3.x but it has not been tested on that yet.

Installing with buildout

You can install pmr2.oauth using buildout by adding an entry for this package in both eggs and zcml sections.




eggs =

zcml =


For further usage information, please refer to the tests and the associated README files (i.e. pmr2/oauth/README.rst)

OAuth PAS Plug-in

This module provides OAuth authentication for Plone via the Pluggable Authentication Service.

To run this, we first import all the modules we need.

>>> import time
>>> import urlparse
>>> import oauth2 as oauth
>>> import zope.component
>>> import zope.interface
>>> from Testing.testbrowser import Browser
>>> from plone.z3cform.interfaces import IWrappedForm
>>> from pmr2.oauth.interfaces import *
>>> from pmr2.oauth.browser.token import *
>>> from pmr2.oauth.consumer import *
>>> from pmr2.oauth.tests.base import TestRequest
>>> from pmr2.oauth.tests.base import SignedTestRequest
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> o_logged_view = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
...     (self.portal, request), name='test_current_user')
>>> baseurl = self.portal.absolute_url()

Some of the forms need to be have the IWrappedForm interface applied to get the correct inner template adapted.

>>> from pmr2.oauth.browser import scope
>>> zope.interface.classImplements(scope.ScopeEditForm, IWrappedForm)

The default OAuth utility should have been registered.

>>> utility = zope.component.getUtility(IOAuthUtility)
>>> utility
<pmr2.oauth.utility.OAuthUtility object at ...>

The request adapter should have been registered.

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> zope.component.getAdapter(request, IRequest)

The default consumer manager should also be available via adapter.

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> consumerManager = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
...     (self.portal, request), IConsumerManager)
>>> consumerManager
<pmr2.oauth.consumer.ConsumerManager object at ...>

Ditto for the token manager.

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> tokenManager = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
...     (self.portal, request), ITokenManager)
>>> tokenManager
<pmr2.oauth.token.TokenManager object at ...>

Lastly, the scope manager.

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> scopeManager = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
...     (self.portal, request), IScopeManager)
>>> scopeManager
<pmr2.oauth.scope.DefaultScopeManager object at ...>

Consumer Registration

In order for a client to use the site contents, it needs to register onto the site. For now we just add a consumer to the ConsumerManager.

>>> consumer1 = Consumer('', 'consumer1-secret')
>>> consumerManager.add(consumer1)
>>> consumer1 == consumerManager.get('')

It will be possible to use the browser form to add one also.

Consumer Requests

Once the consumer is registered onto the site, it is now possible to use it to request token. We can try a standard request without any authorization, however we should log out here first.

>>> self.logout()
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> rt = RequestTokenPage(self.portal, request)
>>> rt()
Traceback (most recent call last):
BadRequest: missing oauth parameters

We can try to make up some random request, that should fail because it is not signed properly. ::

>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = TestRequest(oauth_keys={
...     'oauth_version': "1.0",
...     'oauth_consumer_key': "",
...     'oauth_nonce': "123123123123123123123123123",
...     'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
...     'oauth_callback': "",
...     'oauth_signature_method': "HMAC-SHA1",
...     'oauth_signature': "ANT2FEjwDqxg383D",
... })
>>> rt = RequestTokenPage(self.portal, request)
>>> rt()
Traceback (most recent call last):
BadRequest: Invalid signature...

Now we construct a request signed with the key, using python-oauth2. The desired request token string should be generated and returned. While the callback URL is still on the portal, this is for convenience sake.

>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(oauth_keys={
...     'oauth_version': "1.0",
...     'oauth_nonce': "4572616e48616d6d65724c61686176",
...     'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
...     'oauth_callback': baseurl + '/test_oauth_callback',
... }, consumer=consumer1)
>>> rt = RequestTokenPage(self.portal, request)
>>> tokenstr = rt()
>>> print tokenstr
>>> token = oauth.Token.from_string(tokenstr)

Try again using a browser, but try an oob callback.

>>> url = baseurl + '/OAuthRequestToken'
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(
...     oauth_keys={
...         'oauth_version': "1.0",
...         'oauth_nonce': "4572616e48616d6d65724c61686176",
...         'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
...         'oauth_callback': 'oob',
...     },
...     consumer=consumer1,
...     url=url,
... )
>>> auth = request._auth
>>> browser = Browser()
>>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth %s' % auth)
>>> btokenstr = browser.contents
>>> print btokenstr
>>> btoken = oauth.Token.from_string(btokenstr)

Token Authorization

Now the consumer can store this token, and redirect the resource owner to the authorization page. Instead of invoking the object directly, we use the testbrowser to demonstrate the functionality of the authentication surrounding this.

Before that though, see if the form itself will render the error message for an unknown token (we will log our local user back in first). Also, we will treat our page as a subform such that the rest of the Plone templates is not rendered.

>>> class AuthorizeToken(AuthorizeTokenPage):
...     zope.interface.implements(IWrappedForm)
>>> from Products.PloneTestCase.ptc import portal_owner
>>> from Products.PloneTestCase.ptc import default_user
>>> from Products.PloneTestCase.ptc import default_password
>>> self.login(default_user)
>>> request = TestRequest(form={
...     'oauth_token': 'nope',
... })
>>> rt = AuthorizeToken(self.portal, request)
>>> result = rt()
>>> 'Invalid Token.' in result
>>> 'type="submit"' in result

Also that the form is rendered for an authorized token.

>>> request = TestRequest(form={
...     'oauth_token': token.key,
... })
>>> rt = AuthorizeToken(self.portal, request)
>>> result = rt()
>>> 'Invalid Token.' in result
>>> 'type="submit"' in result

Now we do the test with the test browser class. First we see that the browser is currently not logged in.

>>> u_browser = Browser()
>>> + '/test_current_user')
>>> print u_browser.contents
Anonymous User

Trying to view the token authorization page should result in redirection to login form in a vanilla site.

>>> + '/OAuthAuthorizeToken?oauth_token=test')
>>> 'credentials_cookie_auth' in u_browser.url

So we log in, and try again. The page should render, but the token provided was invalid so we will receive a token invalid page.

>>> auth_baseurl = baseurl + '/OAuthAuthorizeToken'
>>> + '/login')
>>> u_browser.getControl(name='__ac_name').value = default_user
>>> u_browser.getControl(name='__ac_password').value = default_password
>>> u_browser.getControl(name='submit').click()
>>> + '/test_current_user')
>>> print u_browser.contents
>>> + '?oauth_token=test')
>>> 'Invalid Token' in u_browser.contents
>>> 'Grant access' in u_browser.contents
>>> 'Deny access' in u_browser.contents

Now we use the token string returned by the token request initiated a bit earlier. Two confirmation button should be visible along with the name of the consumer, along with its identity.

>>> + '?oauth_token=' + token.key)
>>> 'Grant access' in u_browser.contents
>>> 'Deny access' in u_browser.contents
>>> 'The site <strong>' + consumer1.key + '</strong>' in u_browser.contents

We can approve this token by selecting the ‘Grant access’ button. Since no xoauth_displayname was specified, the browser should have been redirected to the callback URL with the token and verifier specified by the consumer, such that the consumer can request the access token with it.

>>> u_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.approve').click()
>>> callback_baseurl = baseurl + '/test_oauth_callback?'
>>> url = u_browser.url
>>> url.startswith(callback_baseurl)
>>> qs = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(url).query)
>>> token_verifier = qs['oauth_verifier'][0]
>>> token_key = qs['oauth_token'][0]
>>> token.key == token_key

Assuming the redirection was successful, the consumer will now know the verifier associated with this token, but since we control the consumer here, we can defer this till a bit later.

On the provider side, the request token should be updated to include the id of the user that performed the authorization.

>>> tokenManager.get(token_key).user

Going to do the same to the second request token with an oob callback. The difference is, the user will be shown the verification code and will be asked to supply it to the consumer manually.

>>> + '?oauth_token=' + btoken.key)
>>> u_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.approve').click()
>>> u_browser.url.startswith(baseurl)

We are going to extract the token verifier from the token manager and see that it’s in the contents.

>>> tmpToken = tokenManager.get(btoken.key)
>>> btoken_verifier = tmpToken.verifier
>>> btoken_verifier in u_browser.contents

Of course the user should have the opportunity to deny the token. We can create tokens manually and let the user deny it. The token would then be purged, and user will be redirected back to the callback, which the consumer will then handle this denial.

>>> testtok = tokenManager._generateBaseToken(consumer1, None)
>>> testtok.callback = baseurl + u'/test_oauth_callback?'
>>> testtok.set_verifier()
>>> tokenManager.add(testtok)
>>> + '?oauth_token=' + testtok.key)
>>> u_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.deny').click()
>>> u_browser.url == testtok.get_callback_url()
>>> tokenManager.get(testtok) is None

In the case of a rejected oob token, a message will be displayed.

>>> testtok = tokenManager._generateBaseToken(consumer1, None)
>>> testtok.callback = u'oob'
>>> tokenManager.add(testtok)
>>> + '?oauth_token=' + testtok.key)
>>> u_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.deny').click()
>>> u_browser.url.startswith(baseurl)
>>> 'Token has been denied.' in u_browser.contents
>>> tokenManager.get(testtok) is None

Request the Authorized Token

As the consumer had received the verifier from the resource owner in the previous step, construction of the final request to acquire the authorized token can proceed.

Trying to request an access token without a supplying a valid token will get you this (log back out first).

>>> self.logout()
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(oauth_keys={
...     'oauth_version': "1.0",
...     'oauth_nonce': "806052fe5585b22f63fe27cba8b78732",
...     'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
... }, consumer=consumer1)
>>> rt = GetAccessTokenPage(self.portal, request)
>>> result = rt()
Traceback (most recent call last):
BadRequest: invalid token

Now for the token, but let’s try to request an access token without the correct verifier assigned.

>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(oauth_keys={
...     'oauth_version': "1.0",
...     'oauth_nonce': "806052fe5585b22f63fe27cba8b78732",
...     'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
... }, consumer=consumer1, token=token)
>>> rt = GetAccessTokenPage(self.portal, request)
>>> print rt()
Traceback (most recent call last):
BadRequest: invalid token

Okay, now do this properly with the verifier provided, as the consumer just accessed the callback URL of the consumer to supply it with the correct verifier.

>>> token.verifier = token_verifier
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(oauth_keys={
...     'oauth_version': "1.0",
...     'oauth_nonce': "806052fe5585b22f63fe27cba8b78732",
...     'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
... }, consumer=consumer1, token=token)
>>> rt = GetAccessTokenPage(self.portal, request)
>>> accesstokenstr = rt()
>>> print accesstokenstr
>>> access_token = oauth.Token.from_string(accesstokenstr)

After verification, the old token should have been discarded and cannot be used again to request a new token.

>>> token.verifier = token_verifier
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(oauth_keys={
...     'oauth_version': "1.0",
...     'oauth_nonce': "806052fe5585b22f63fe27cba8b78732",
...     'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
... }, consumer=consumer1, token=token)
>>> rt = GetAccessTokenPage(self.portal, request)
>>> rt()
Traceback (most recent call last):
BadRequest: invalid token

Now try again using the browser.

>>> url = baseurl + '/OAuthGetAccessToken'
>>> btoken.verifier = btoken_verifier
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(consumer=consumer1, token=btoken, url=url)
>>> auth = request._auth
>>> browser = Browser()
>>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth %s' % auth)
>>> baccesstokenstr = browser.contents
>>> print baccesstokenstr
>>> bacctoken = oauth.Token.from_string(baccesstokenstr)

Using OAuth Tokens

This is basic auth, which we want to avoid since consumers would have to retain (thus know) the user/password combination.

>>> baseurl = self.portal.absolute_url()
>>> browser = Browser()
>>> auth = '%s:%s' % (default_user, default_password)
>>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % auth.encode('base64'))
>>> + '/test_current_user')
>>> print browser.contents

For the OAuth testing request, we need to generate the authorization header proper, so we instantiate a signed request object and use it to build this string.

>>> url = baseurl + '/test_current_user'
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(
...     oauth_keys={
...         'oauth_version': "1.0",
...         'oauth_nonce': "806052fe5585b22f63fe27cba8b78732",
...         'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
...     },
...     consumer=consumer1,
...     token=access_token,
...     url=url,
... )
>>> auth = request._auth
>>> browser = Browser()
>>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth %s' % auth)
Traceback (most recent call last):
HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

There is one more security consideration that needs to be satisified still - the scope. The default scope manager only permit GET requests, and they must match one of the permit rules that it contains. Add this URL and try again.

>>> scopeManager.permitted = 'test_current_user$\ntest_current_roles$\n'
>>> print browser.contents

Try the roles view also, since it is also permitted.

>>> url = baseurl + '/test_current_roles'
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(
...     oauth_keys={
...         'oauth_version': "1.0",
...         'oauth_nonce': "806052fe5585b22f63fe27cba8b78732",
...         'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
...     },
...     consumer=consumer1,
...     token=access_token,
...     url=url,
... )
>>> auth = request._auth
>>> browser = Browser()
>>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth %s' % auth)
>>> print browser.contents


While the current scope manager already place limits on what consumers can access, individual users should be able to place further restrictions on the amount of their resources a given consumer may access. Attaching a scope to a token is a method that enables this limitation. As the implementation is completely extensible, the specific parameters used/accepted by the scope is dependent on those details, likewise for the presentation of the scope to the end user (e.g. implementation of scope managers can translate raw scope into icons of a provided service more easily identifiable to end users).

For our demonstration, we continue our usage of the default scope manager by specifying a regular expression matching a URI. Here we have a consumer requesting a token like earlier, but with a scope parameter defined.

>>> url = baseurl + '/OAuthRequestToken?scope=test_current_user%24'
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(
...     oauth_keys={
...         'oauth_version': "1.0",
...         'oauth_nonce': "109850980381481596938563",
...         'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
...         'oauth_callback': baseurl + '/test_oauth_callback',
...     },
...     consumer=consumer1,
...     url=url,
... )
>>> auth = request._auth
>>> consumer_browser = Browser()
>>> consumer_browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth %s' % auth)
>>> scoped_request_tokenstr = consumer_browser.contents
>>> print scoped_request_tokenstr
>>> scoped_request_token = oauth.Token.from_string(scoped_request_tokenstr)

Verify that our scope value is stored in the request token.

>>> srt_key = scoped_request_token.key
>>> raw_srt = tokenManager.get(srt_key)
>>> print raw_srt.scope

Much like before, the user would be directed to the authorization page, this time the specific scope this consumer would like to access is visible. We also reuse the original current user’s browser (which should still be logged in). Also, since this token is limited in scope, the user should be informed.

>>> + '?oauth_token=' + srt_key)
>>> 'The site <strong>' + consumer1.key + '</strong>' in u_browser.contents
>>> 'test_current_user$' in u_browser.contents

User is nice once more and authorizes this second token.

>>> u_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.approve').click()
>>> url = u_browser.url
>>> qs = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(url).query)
>>> token_verifier = qs['oauth_verifier'][0]
>>> scoped_request_token.verifier = token_verifier

Complete the authorization by requesting the access token, and see that it retains the scope that was specified in the request token.

>>> url = baseurl + '/OAuthGetAccessToken'
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(
...     oauth_keys={
...         'oauth_version': "1.0",
...         'oauth_nonce': "028516734893275926641849",
...         'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
...     },
...     consumer=consumer1,
...     token=scoped_request_token,
...     url=url,
... )
>>> auth = request._auth
>>> consumer_browser = Browser()
>>> consumer_browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth %s' % auth)
>>> scoped_access_tokenstr = consumer_browser.contents
>>> print scoped_access_tokenstr
>>> scoped_access_token = oauth.Token.from_string(scoped_access_tokenstr)
>>> sat_key = scoped_access_token.key
>>> raw_sat = tokenManager.get(sat_key)
>>> print raw_sat.scope

With this token, consumer only requested the current user and not the roles view, so this request should result in a forbidden error (even though it is publicly visible).

>>> url = baseurl + '/test_current_roles'
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(
...     oauth_keys={
...         'oauth_version': "1.0",
...         'oauth_nonce': "028516734893275926641849",
...         'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
...     },
...     consumer=consumer1,
...     token=scoped_access_token,
...     url=url,
... )
>>> auth = request._auth
>>> consumer_browser = Browser()
>>> consumer_browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth %s' % auth)
Traceback (most recent call last):
HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

Now attempt to use it to access a permitted resource, in this case it would be the test_current_user view.

>>> url = baseurl + '/test_current_user'
>>> timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
>>> request = SignedTestRequest(
...     oauth_keys={
...         'oauth_version': "1.0",
...         'oauth_nonce': "028516734893275926641849",
...         'oauth_timestamp': timestamp,
...     },
...     consumer=consumer1,
...     token=scoped_access_token,
...     url=url,
... )
>>> auth = request._auth
>>> consumer_browser = Browser()
>>> consumer_browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth %s' % auth)
>>> print consumer_browser.contents

However, if this view is no longer permitted by the default scope manager, it should no longer be accessible.

>>> scopeManager.permitted = 'test_current_roles$\n'
Traceback (most recent call last):
HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

Management Interfaces

Finally, the user (and site managers) would need to know what tokens are stored for who and also the ability to revoke tokens when they no longer wish to retain access for the consumer. This is where the management form comes in.

Do note that as of this release, the URIs to the following management interfaces are not linked. Site administrators may wish to add them manually if they wish to make these functions more visible.

As our test user have granted access to two tokens already, they both should show up if the listing page is viewed.

>>> from pmr2.oauth.browser import user
>>> self.login(default_user)
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> view = user.UserTokenForm(self.portal, request)
>>> result = view()
>>> access_token.key in result
>>> scoped_access_token.key in result
>>> '' in result

All the required data are present in the form. Let’s try to remove one of the tokens using the test browser.

>>> + '/issued_oauth_tokens')
>>> u_browser.getControl(name="form.widgets.key").controls[0].click()
>>> u_browser.getControl(name='form.buttons.revoke').click()
>>> len(tokenManager.getTokensForUser(default_user))
>>> result = u_browser.contents
>>> 'Access successfully removed' in result

Same deal for consumers, we can open the consumer management form and we should see the single consumer that had been added earlier. Site managers can access this page at ${portal_url}/manage-oauth-consumers.

>>> from pmr2.oauth.browser import consumer
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> view = consumer.ConsumerManageForm(self.portal, request)
>>> result = view()
>>> '' in result

We can try to add a few consumers using the form also.

>>> request = TestRequest(form={
...     'form.widgets.key': '',
...     'form.buttons.add': 1,
... })
>>> view = consumer.ConsumerAddForm(self.portal, request)
>>> view.update()

>>> request = TestRequest(form={
...     'form.widgets.key': '',
...     'form.buttons.add': 1,
... })
>>> view = consumer.ConsumerAddForm(self.portal, request)
>>> view.update()

Now the management form should show these couple new consumers.

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> view = consumer.ConsumerManageForm(self.portal, request)
>>> result = view()
>>> '' in result
>>> '' in result

Should have no problems removing them either.

>>> request = TestRequest(form={
...     'form.widgets.key': [
...         '', ''],
...     'form.buttons.remove': 1,
... })
>>> view = consumer.ConsumerManageForm(self.portal, request)
>>> result = view()
>>> '' in result
>>> '' in result

Lastly, scope manager also has a simple form that allow basic editing of global scope parameters for the current active scope manager. The URI to this is ${portal_url}/manage-oauth-consumers.

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> view = scope.ScopeEditForm(self.portal, request)
>>> result = view()
>>> 'test_current_roles$' in result

That value can be edited.

>>> request = TestRequest(form={
...     'form.widgets.permitted': 'test_current_user$',
...     'form.buttons.apply': 1,
... })
>>> view = scope.ScopeEditForm(self.portal, request)
>>> result = view()
>>> 'test_current_roles$' in result
>>> 'test_current_user$' in result


0.2 - 2012-10-16

  • Completing i18n coverage and added Italian support. [giacomos]

  • Added intermediate form class to eliminate the neeed to define wrapper classes for compatibility between Plone and z3c.form.

0.1 - 2011-10-20

  • Provide the core functionality of OAuth into Zope/Plone, through the use of custom forms and the Pluggable Authentication System.

  • Contain just the basic storage for all associated data types, but extensibility is allowed.

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