pp.server - Produce & Publish Server
Project description
pp.server - Produce & Publish Server
``pp.server`` is a Pyramid based server implementation and implements the
server side functionality of the Produce & Publish platform. It is known as
the ``Produce & Publish Server``.
The Produce & Publish Server provided web service APIs for converting
HTML/XML + assets to PDF using one of the following external PDF converters:
- PrinceXML (www.princexml.com, commercial)
- PDFreactor (www.realobjects.com, commercial)
- PhantomJS (free, unsupported)
- Speedata Publisher (www.speedata.de, open-source, experimental support)
- WKHTMLTOPDF (www.wkhtmltopdf.org, open-source, experimental support)
- Vivliostyle Formatter (www.vivliostyle.com, commercial, experimental support)
- Antennahouse 6.2 (www.antennahouse.com, commercial)
In addition there is experimental support for generating EPUB documents
using ``Calibre`` (www.calibre.org, open-source).
In addition the Produce & Publish server provides a simple conversion
API for converting format A to B (as supported through LibreOffice
or OpenOffice). The conversion is build on top of ``unoconv``.
The web service provides both synchronous and asynchronous operations.
- Python 3.3 or higher, no support for Python 2.x
- the external binaries
- PrinceXML: ``prince``,
- PDFreactor up to version 7: ``pdfreactor``,
- PDFreactor version 8 or higher: ``pdfreactor8``,
- Unoconv: ``unoconv``
- Speedata Publisher: ``sp``
- Calibre: ``ebook-convert``
- WKHTMLTOPDF: ``wkhtmltopdf``
- Vivliostyle: ``vivliostyle-formatter``
- Antennahouse: ``run.sh``
must be in the $PATH. Please refer to the installation documentation
of the individual products.
- create an ``virtualenv`` environment (Python 2.7 (or Python 3.4)) - either within your
current (empty) directory or by letting virtualenv create one for you.
(``easy_install virtualenv`` if ``virtualenv`` is not available on your
virtualenv --no-site-packages .
virtualenv --no-site-packages pp.server
- install the Produce & Publish server::
bin/pip install pp.server
- create a ``server.ini`` configuration file (and change it according to your needs)::
debug = true
use = egg:pp.server
reload_templates = true
debug_authorization = false
debug_notfound = false
use = egg:waitress#main
host =
port = 6543
- start the server (in foreground)::
bin/pserve server.ini
- or start it in background::
bin/pserve server.ini --daemon
Converter requirements
For the PDF conversion the related converter binaries or scripts
must be included in the ``$PATH`` of your server.
- ``prince`` for PrinceXML
- ``pdfreactor`` for PDFreactor 7
- ``pdfreactor8`` for PDFreactor 8 or higher
- ``phantomjs`` for PhantomJS
- ``wkhtmltopdf`` for WKHTMLToPDF
- ``ebook-convert`` for Calibre
- ``sp`` for the Speedata Publisher
- ``vivliostyle`` for the Vivliostyle Formatter
- ``antennahouse`` for the Antennahouse
API documentation
All API methods are available through a REST api
following API URL endpoint::
With the default server configuration this translates to::
PDF conversion API
Remember that all converters use HTML or XML as input for the conversion. All
input data (HTML/XML, images, stylesheets, fonts etc.) must be stored in ZIP
archive. The filename of the content **must** be named ``index.html``.
You have to ``POST`` the data to the
with the following parameters:
- ``file`` - the ZIP archive (multi/part encoding)
- ``converter`` - a string that determines the the PDF
converter to be used (either ``princexml``, ``pdfreactor``, ``phantomjs``, ``vivliostyle``,
or ``calibre`` for generating EPUB content)
- ``async`` - asynchronous ("1") or synchronous conversion ("0", default)
- ``cmd_options`` - an optional string of command line parameters added
as given to the calls of the externals converters
The API returns its result as JSON structure with the following key-value
- ``status`` - either ``OK`` or ``ERROR``
- ``data``- the generated PDF file encoded as base64 encoded byte string
- ``output`` - the conversion transcript (output of the converter run)
Unoconv conversion API
The unoconv web service wraps the OpenOffice/LibreOffice server mode
in order to perform document conversion (mainly used in the Produce & Publish
world for convertering DOC(X) documents to HTML/XML).
Remember that all converters use HTML or XML as input for the conversion. All
input data (HTML/XML, images, stylesheets, fonts etc.) must be stored in ZIP
archive. The filename of the content **must** be named ``index.html``.
You have to ``POST`` the data to the
with the following parameters:
- ``file`` - the source files (multi/part encoding)
- ``async`` - asynchronous ("1") or synchronous conversion ("0", default)
- ``cmd_options`` - an optional string of command line parameters added
as given to the ``unoconv`` calls
The API returns its result as JSON structure with the following key-value
- ``status`` - either ``OK`` or ``ERROR``
- ``data`` - the converted output files as ZIP archive (e.g.
a DOCX file containing images will be converted to a HTML file
plus the list of extract image files)
- ``output`` - the conversion transcript (output of the converter run)
Asynchronous operations
If you set ``async`` to '1' in the API calls above then both calls
will return a JSON datastructure like
{'job_id': <some id>}
The ``job_id`` can be used to poll the Produce & Publish Server
in order to retrieve the conversion result asynchronously.
The poll API is provided through the URL
If the conversion is still pending the API will return a JSON
{'done': False}
If the conversion has finished then a PDF/Unoconv specific
return JSON document will be return (same format as for the synchronous
API calls). In addition the key-value pair {'done': True} will be included
with the JSOn reply.
Introspection API methods
Produce & Publish server version:
{"version": "0.3.2", "module": "pp.server"}
Installed/available converters:
{"unoconv": true, "pdfreactor": true, "phantomjs": false, "calibre": true, "princexml": true}
Versions of installed converter:
{'princexml': 'Version x.y', 'pdfreactor: 'Version a.b.c', ...}
Other API methods
Cleanup of the queue directory (removes conversion data older than one day)
{"directories_removed": 22}
Authorization support
The ``pp.server`` implementation provides a simple and optional authorization
mechanism by accepting a ``pp-token`` header from the client. In order to
enable the authorization support on the server side you need to configure the
authenticator method and the authorization token in your .ini file::
use = egg:pp.server
pp.authenticator = token_auth
pp.authentication_token = 12345
The ``token_auth`` string refers to a method in ``pp.server.authorization``
which is a simple authorization method (for the beta phase) supporting only one
token for now. The token is configured through the ``pp.authentication_token``
Any client sending a HTTP request to the ``pp.server`` server instance is required
to send a HTTP header for authorization (if enabled on the server)::
pp-token: <value of token>
pp-token: 12345
Advanced installation issues
Installation of PDFreactor using zc.buildout
- https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/raw/master/pdfreactor.cfg
Installation of PrinceXML using zc.buildout
- https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/raw/master/princexml.cfg
Production setup
``pserve`` and ``celeryd`` can be started automatically and
controlled using ``Circus``. Look into the following buildout
- https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/raw/master/circus-app.ini
Source code
Bug tracker
Support for Produce & Publish Server is currently only available on a project
``pp.server`` is published under the GNU Public License V2 (GPL 2).
| Hundskapfklinge 33
| D-72074 Tuebingen, Germany
| info@zopyx.com
| www.zopyx.com
| www.produce-and-publish.info
0.7.10 (2016/06/01)
- updated to Pyramid 1.7
0.7.7 (2016/01/24)
- updated support for latest Vivliostyle formatter
- added support for Antennahouse Formatter
0.7.6 (2015/11/30)
- support for PDFreactor 8
0.7.5 (2015/11/18)
- fixed race condition while creating directories
0.7.4 (2015/11/14)
- support for nested uploaded ZIP files
0.7.3 (2015/11/14)
- support for Vivliostyle Formatter
0.7.2 (2015/04/20)
- merged https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/pull-request/1/
(improper check for wkhtmltopdf)
- merged https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/pull-request/2/
(fix for async operations)
0.7.1 (2015/03/13)
- unicode fix in runcmd()
0.7.0 (2015/02/15)
- 0.6.x was completely badly packaged
- changed repo structure
0.6.1 (2015/02/02)
- add /api/converter-versions to webservice API
0.6.0 (2015/01/26)
- dropped Python 2.X support, Python 3.3 or higher
is now a mandatory requirement
0.5.5 (2015/01/23)
- UTF8 handling fix
0.5.3 (2014/11/23)
- support for WKHTMLTOPDF
0.5.2 (2014/11/19)
- support for Speedata Publisher
0.5.1 (2014/10/12)
- improved error handling
0.5.0 (2014/10/12)
- official Python 3.3/3.4 support
0.4.7 (25.09.2014)
- fixed documentation bug
0.4.6 (22.08.2014)
- removed PDFreactor --addlog option
0.4.5 (22.08.2014)
- added supplementary commandline options to pdfreactor commandline call
0.4.4 (24.01.2014)
- minor typos fixed
0.4.3 (20.01.2014)
- implemented automatic queue cleanup after one day
0.4.2 (18.01.2014)
- URL fix in index.pt related to virtual hosting
0.4.1 (13.01.2014)
- show Python version and converters on index.pt
- authorization support added
0.4.0 (17.10.2013)
- Python 3.3 support
- Pyramid 1.5 support
0.3.5 (05.10.2013)
- added 'cmd_options' to pdf and unoconv API
methods for specifying arbitary command line parameters
for the external converters
0.3.4 (05.10.2013)
- added 'cleanup' API
0.3.3 (05.10.2013)
- added 'version' and 'converter' API methods
0.3.2 (04.10.2013)
- added support EPUB conversion using ``Calibre``
0.3.1 (03.10.2013)
- updated documentation
0.3.0 (14.07.2013)
- unoconv conversion now returns a ZIP archive
(e.g. a HTML file + extracted images)
0.2.7 (06.07.2013)
- added support for Phantom.js converter
0.2.5 (05.07.2013)
- better detecting of prince and pdfreactor binaries
0.2.2 (05.07.2013)
- updated the documentation
- minor cleanup
0.2.1 (04.07.2013)
- re-added poll API
0.2.0 (03.07.2013)
- converted XML-RPC api to REST api
0.1.9 (01.07.2013)
- monkeypatch pyramid_xmlrpc.parse_xmlrpc_request in order
to by-pass its stupid DOS request body check
0.1.7 (29.06.2013)
- more tests
- fixes
- updated documentation
0.1.5 (27.06.2013)
- test for synchronous operations
- fixes
0.1.0 (24.06.2013)
- initial release
``pp.server`` is a Pyramid based server implementation and implements the
server side functionality of the Produce & Publish platform. It is known as
the ``Produce & Publish Server``.
The Produce & Publish Server provided web service APIs for converting
HTML/XML + assets to PDF using one of the following external PDF converters:
- PrinceXML (www.princexml.com, commercial)
- PDFreactor (www.realobjects.com, commercial)
- PhantomJS (free, unsupported)
- Speedata Publisher (www.speedata.de, open-source, experimental support)
- WKHTMLTOPDF (www.wkhtmltopdf.org, open-source, experimental support)
- Vivliostyle Formatter (www.vivliostyle.com, commercial, experimental support)
- Antennahouse 6.2 (www.antennahouse.com, commercial)
In addition there is experimental support for generating EPUB documents
using ``Calibre`` (www.calibre.org, open-source).
In addition the Produce & Publish server provides a simple conversion
API for converting format A to B (as supported through LibreOffice
or OpenOffice). The conversion is build on top of ``unoconv``.
The web service provides both synchronous and asynchronous operations.
- Python 3.3 or higher, no support for Python 2.x
- the external binaries
- PrinceXML: ``prince``,
- PDFreactor up to version 7: ``pdfreactor``,
- PDFreactor version 8 or higher: ``pdfreactor8``,
- Unoconv: ``unoconv``
- Speedata Publisher: ``sp``
- Calibre: ``ebook-convert``
- WKHTMLTOPDF: ``wkhtmltopdf``
- Vivliostyle: ``vivliostyle-formatter``
- Antennahouse: ``run.sh``
must be in the $PATH. Please refer to the installation documentation
of the individual products.
- create an ``virtualenv`` environment (Python 2.7 (or Python 3.4)) - either within your
current (empty) directory or by letting virtualenv create one for you.
(``easy_install virtualenv`` if ``virtualenv`` is not available on your
virtualenv --no-site-packages .
virtualenv --no-site-packages pp.server
- install the Produce & Publish server::
bin/pip install pp.server
- create a ``server.ini`` configuration file (and change it according to your needs)::
debug = true
use = egg:pp.server
reload_templates = true
debug_authorization = false
debug_notfound = false
use = egg:waitress#main
host =
port = 6543
- start the server (in foreground)::
bin/pserve server.ini
- or start it in background::
bin/pserve server.ini --daemon
Converter requirements
For the PDF conversion the related converter binaries or scripts
must be included in the ``$PATH`` of your server.
- ``prince`` for PrinceXML
- ``pdfreactor`` for PDFreactor 7
- ``pdfreactor8`` for PDFreactor 8 or higher
- ``phantomjs`` for PhantomJS
- ``wkhtmltopdf`` for WKHTMLToPDF
- ``ebook-convert`` for Calibre
- ``sp`` for the Speedata Publisher
- ``vivliostyle`` for the Vivliostyle Formatter
- ``antennahouse`` for the Antennahouse
API documentation
All API methods are available through a REST api
following API URL endpoint::
With the default server configuration this translates to::
PDF conversion API
Remember that all converters use HTML or XML as input for the conversion. All
input data (HTML/XML, images, stylesheets, fonts etc.) must be stored in ZIP
archive. The filename of the content **must** be named ``index.html``.
You have to ``POST`` the data to the
with the following parameters:
- ``file`` - the ZIP archive (multi/part encoding)
- ``converter`` - a string that determines the the PDF
converter to be used (either ``princexml``, ``pdfreactor``, ``phantomjs``, ``vivliostyle``,
or ``calibre`` for generating EPUB content)
- ``async`` - asynchronous ("1") or synchronous conversion ("0", default)
- ``cmd_options`` - an optional string of command line parameters added
as given to the calls of the externals converters
The API returns its result as JSON structure with the following key-value
- ``status`` - either ``OK`` or ``ERROR``
- ``data``- the generated PDF file encoded as base64 encoded byte string
- ``output`` - the conversion transcript (output of the converter run)
Unoconv conversion API
The unoconv web service wraps the OpenOffice/LibreOffice server mode
in order to perform document conversion (mainly used in the Produce & Publish
world for convertering DOC(X) documents to HTML/XML).
Remember that all converters use HTML or XML as input for the conversion. All
input data (HTML/XML, images, stylesheets, fonts etc.) must be stored in ZIP
archive. The filename of the content **must** be named ``index.html``.
You have to ``POST`` the data to the
with the following parameters:
- ``file`` - the source files (multi/part encoding)
- ``async`` - asynchronous ("1") or synchronous conversion ("0", default)
- ``cmd_options`` - an optional string of command line parameters added
as given to the ``unoconv`` calls
The API returns its result as JSON structure with the following key-value
- ``status`` - either ``OK`` or ``ERROR``
- ``data`` - the converted output files as ZIP archive (e.g.
a DOCX file containing images will be converted to a HTML file
plus the list of extract image files)
- ``output`` - the conversion transcript (output of the converter run)
Asynchronous operations
If you set ``async`` to '1' in the API calls above then both calls
will return a JSON datastructure like
{'job_id': <some id>}
The ``job_id`` can be used to poll the Produce & Publish Server
in order to retrieve the conversion result asynchronously.
The poll API is provided through the URL
If the conversion is still pending the API will return a JSON
{'done': False}
If the conversion has finished then a PDF/Unoconv specific
return JSON document will be return (same format as for the synchronous
API calls). In addition the key-value pair {'done': True} will be included
with the JSOn reply.
Introspection API methods
Produce & Publish server version:
{"version": "0.3.2", "module": "pp.server"}
Installed/available converters:
{"unoconv": true, "pdfreactor": true, "phantomjs": false, "calibre": true, "princexml": true}
Versions of installed converter:
{'princexml': 'Version x.y', 'pdfreactor: 'Version a.b.c', ...}
Other API methods
Cleanup of the queue directory (removes conversion data older than one day)
{"directories_removed": 22}
Authorization support
The ``pp.server`` implementation provides a simple and optional authorization
mechanism by accepting a ``pp-token`` header from the client. In order to
enable the authorization support on the server side you need to configure the
authenticator method and the authorization token in your .ini file::
use = egg:pp.server
pp.authenticator = token_auth
pp.authentication_token = 12345
The ``token_auth`` string refers to a method in ``pp.server.authorization``
which is a simple authorization method (for the beta phase) supporting only one
token for now. The token is configured through the ``pp.authentication_token``
Any client sending a HTTP request to the ``pp.server`` server instance is required
to send a HTTP header for authorization (if enabled on the server)::
pp-token: <value of token>
pp-token: 12345
Advanced installation issues
Installation of PDFreactor using zc.buildout
- https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/raw/master/pdfreactor.cfg
Installation of PrinceXML using zc.buildout
- https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/raw/master/princexml.cfg
Production setup
``pserve`` and ``celeryd`` can be started automatically and
controlled using ``Circus``. Look into the following buildout
- https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/raw/master/circus-app.ini
Source code
Bug tracker
Support for Produce & Publish Server is currently only available on a project
``pp.server`` is published under the GNU Public License V2 (GPL 2).
| Hundskapfklinge 33
| D-72074 Tuebingen, Germany
| info@zopyx.com
| www.zopyx.com
| www.produce-and-publish.info
0.7.10 (2016/06/01)
- updated to Pyramid 1.7
0.7.7 (2016/01/24)
- updated support for latest Vivliostyle formatter
- added support for Antennahouse Formatter
0.7.6 (2015/11/30)
- support for PDFreactor 8
0.7.5 (2015/11/18)
- fixed race condition while creating directories
0.7.4 (2015/11/14)
- support for nested uploaded ZIP files
0.7.3 (2015/11/14)
- support for Vivliostyle Formatter
0.7.2 (2015/04/20)
- merged https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/pull-request/1/
(improper check for wkhtmltopdf)
- merged https://bitbucket.org/ajung/pp.server/pull-request/2/
(fix for async operations)
0.7.1 (2015/03/13)
- unicode fix in runcmd()
0.7.0 (2015/02/15)
- 0.6.x was completely badly packaged
- changed repo structure
0.6.1 (2015/02/02)
- add /api/converter-versions to webservice API
0.6.0 (2015/01/26)
- dropped Python 2.X support, Python 3.3 or higher
is now a mandatory requirement
0.5.5 (2015/01/23)
- UTF8 handling fix
0.5.3 (2014/11/23)
- support for WKHTMLTOPDF
0.5.2 (2014/11/19)
- support for Speedata Publisher
0.5.1 (2014/10/12)
- improved error handling
0.5.0 (2014/10/12)
- official Python 3.3/3.4 support
0.4.7 (25.09.2014)
- fixed documentation bug
0.4.6 (22.08.2014)
- removed PDFreactor --addlog option
0.4.5 (22.08.2014)
- added supplementary commandline options to pdfreactor commandline call
0.4.4 (24.01.2014)
- minor typos fixed
0.4.3 (20.01.2014)
- implemented automatic queue cleanup after one day
0.4.2 (18.01.2014)
- URL fix in index.pt related to virtual hosting
0.4.1 (13.01.2014)
- show Python version and converters on index.pt
- authorization support added
0.4.0 (17.10.2013)
- Python 3.3 support
- Pyramid 1.5 support
0.3.5 (05.10.2013)
- added 'cmd_options' to pdf and unoconv API
methods for specifying arbitary command line parameters
for the external converters
0.3.4 (05.10.2013)
- added 'cleanup' API
0.3.3 (05.10.2013)
- added 'version' and 'converter' API methods
0.3.2 (04.10.2013)
- added support EPUB conversion using ``Calibre``
0.3.1 (03.10.2013)
- updated documentation
0.3.0 (14.07.2013)
- unoconv conversion now returns a ZIP archive
(e.g. a HTML file + extracted images)
0.2.7 (06.07.2013)
- added support for Phantom.js converter
0.2.5 (05.07.2013)
- better detecting of prince and pdfreactor binaries
0.2.2 (05.07.2013)
- updated the documentation
- minor cleanup
0.2.1 (04.07.2013)
- re-added poll API
0.2.0 (03.07.2013)
- converted XML-RPC api to REST api
0.1.9 (01.07.2013)
- monkeypatch pyramid_xmlrpc.parse_xmlrpc_request in order
to by-pass its stupid DOS request body check
0.1.7 (29.06.2013)
- more tests
- fixes
- updated documentation
0.1.5 (27.06.2013)
- test for synchronous operations
- fixes
0.1.0 (24.06.2013)
- initial release
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
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