Pulp plugin to manage Ansible content, e.g. roles
Project description
Pulp Ansible
This is the ``pulp_ansible`` repository which provides Pulp with the
ability to manage Ansible content e.g. Roles.
All REST API examples below use `httpie <https://httpie.org/doc>`__ to
perform the requests.
Install ``pulpcore``
Follow the `installation
instructions <https://docs.pulpproject.org/en/3.0/nightly/installation/instructions.html>`__
for pulpcore.
Install plugin
Install from PyPI
1) sudo -u pulp -i
2) source ~/pulpvenv/bin/activate
3) pip install pulp-ansible
4) pulp-manager makemigrations pulp\_ansible
5) pulp-manager migrate pulp\_ansible
6) django-admin runserver
7) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_resource\_manager
8) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_worker@1
9) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_worker@2
From source
0) source ~/pulpvenv/bin/activate
1) git clone https://github.com/pulp/pulp\_ansible.git
2) cd pulp\_ansible
3) python setup.py develop
4) pulp-manager makemigrations pulp\_ansible
5) pulp-manager migrate pulp\_ansible
6) django-admin runserver
7) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_resource\_manager
8) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_worker@1
Create a repository ``foo``
``$ http POST http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/ name=foo``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/8d7cd67a-9421-461f-9106-2df8e4854f5f/",
``$ export REPO_HREF=$(http :8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/ | jq -r '.results[] | select(.name == "foo") | ._href')``
Create a new remote ``bar``
``$ http POST :8000/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/ name=bar url='https://galaxy.ansible.com/api/v1/roles/?namespace=elastic'``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/13ac2d63-7b7b-401d-b71b-9a5af05aab3c/",
``$ export REMOTE_HREF=$(http :8000/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/ | jq -r '.results[] | select(.name == "bar") | ._href')``
Sync repository ``foo`` using remote ``bar``
``$ http POST $REMOTE_HREF'sync/' repository=$REPO_HREF``
Look at the new Repository Version created
``$ http GET $REPO_HREF'versions/1/'``
.. code:: json
"_added_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/933164fd-0514-4b0a-826f-c2e389ab1607/versions/1/added_content/",
"_content_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/933164fd-0514-4b0a-826f-c2e389ab1607/versions/1/content/",
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/933164fd-0514-4b0a-826f-c2e389ab1607/versions/1/",
"_removed_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/933164fd-0514-4b0a-826f-c2e389ab1607/versions/1/removed_content/",
"content_summary": {
"ansible": 11
"created": "2018-03-12T19:23:31.000923Z",
"number": 1
Upload a Role to Pulp
Download a role version.
``curl -L https://github.com/pulp/ansible-pulp3/archive/master.tar.gz -o pulp.tar.gz``
Create an Artifact by uploading the role version tarball to Pulp.
``$ export ARTIFACT_HREF=$(http --form POST http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/artifacts/ file@pulp.tar.gz | jq -r '._href')``
Create a Role content unit
Create an Ansible role in Pulp.
``$ export ROLE_HREF=$(http http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/content/ansible/roles/ namespace=pulp name=pulp | jq -r '._href')``
Create a ``role version`` from the Role and Artifact
Create a content unit and point it to your Artifact and Role
``$ export CONTENT_HREF=$(http POST ${ROLE_HREF}versions/ version=0.0.1 artifact=$ARTIFACT_HREF | jq -r '._href')``
Add content to repository ``foo``
``$ http POST $REPO_HREF'versions/' add_content_units:="[\"$CONTENT_HREF\"]"``
Create an Ansible publisher
``$ http POST http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/publishers/ansible/ name=bar``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/publishers/ansible/bar/",
``$ export PUBLISHER_HREF=$(http :8000/pulp/api/v3/publishers/ansible/ | jq -r '.results[] | select(.name == "bar") | ._href')``
Use the ``bar`` Publisher to create a Publication
``$ http POST $PUBLISHER_HREF'publish/' repository=$REPO_HREF``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/tasks/fd4cbecd-6c6a-4197-9cbe-4e45b0516309/",
"task_id": "fd4cbecd-6c6a-4197-9cbe-4e45b0516309"
``$ export PUBLICATION_HREF=$(http :8000/pulp/api/v3/publications/ | jq -r --arg PUBLISHER_HREF "$PUBLISHER_HREF" '.results[] | select(.publisher==$PUBLISHER_HREF) | ._href')``
Create a Distribution for the Publication
``$ http POST http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/distributions/ name='baz' base_path='dev' publication=$PUBLICATION_HREF``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/distributions/9b29f1b2-6726-40a2-988a-273d3f009a41/",
Install the ansible kubernetes Role
Using a direct path
To install your role using a link to the direct tarball, do the following:
``$ ansible-galaxy install http://localhost:8000/pulp/content/dev/elastic/elasticsearch/6.2.4.tar.gz,,elastic.elasticsearch``
Using the Pulp Galaxy API
Alternatively, Pulp offers a built-in Galaxy API. To use this, set up your distribution in your
ansible config (e.g. ``~/.ansible.cfg`` or ``/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg``):
.. code::
server: http://localhost:8000/pulp_ansible/galaxy/dev
Then install your role using namespace and name:
.. code::
$ ansible-galaxy install elastic.elasticsearch
- downloading role 'elasticsearch', owned by elastic
- downloading role from http://localhost:8000/pulp/content/dev/elastic/elasticsearch/6.2.4.tar.gz
- extracting elastic.elasticsearch to /home/vagrant/.ansible/roles/elastic.elasticsearch
- elastic.elasticsearch (6.2.4) was installed successfully
This is the ``pulp_ansible`` repository which provides Pulp with the
ability to manage Ansible content e.g. Roles.
All REST API examples below use `httpie <https://httpie.org/doc>`__ to
perform the requests.
Install ``pulpcore``
Follow the `installation
instructions <https://docs.pulpproject.org/en/3.0/nightly/installation/instructions.html>`__
for pulpcore.
Install plugin
Install from PyPI
1) sudo -u pulp -i
2) source ~/pulpvenv/bin/activate
3) pip install pulp-ansible
4) pulp-manager makemigrations pulp\_ansible
5) pulp-manager migrate pulp\_ansible
6) django-admin runserver
7) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_resource\_manager
8) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_worker@1
9) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_worker@2
From source
0) source ~/pulpvenv/bin/activate
1) git clone https://github.com/pulp/pulp\_ansible.git
2) cd pulp\_ansible
3) python setup.py develop
4) pulp-manager makemigrations pulp\_ansible
5) pulp-manager migrate pulp\_ansible
6) django-admin runserver
7) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_resource\_manager
8) sudo systemctl restart pulp\_worker@1
Create a repository ``foo``
``$ http POST http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/ name=foo``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/8d7cd67a-9421-461f-9106-2df8e4854f5f/",
``$ export REPO_HREF=$(http :8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/ | jq -r '.results[] | select(.name == "foo") | ._href')``
Create a new remote ``bar``
``$ http POST :8000/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/ name=bar url='https://galaxy.ansible.com/api/v1/roles/?namespace=elastic'``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/13ac2d63-7b7b-401d-b71b-9a5af05aab3c/",
``$ export REMOTE_HREF=$(http :8000/pulp/api/v3/remotes/ansible/ | jq -r '.results[] | select(.name == "bar") | ._href')``
Sync repository ``foo`` using remote ``bar``
``$ http POST $REMOTE_HREF'sync/' repository=$REPO_HREF``
Look at the new Repository Version created
``$ http GET $REPO_HREF'versions/1/'``
.. code:: json
"_added_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/933164fd-0514-4b0a-826f-c2e389ab1607/versions/1/added_content/",
"_content_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/933164fd-0514-4b0a-826f-c2e389ab1607/versions/1/content/",
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/933164fd-0514-4b0a-826f-c2e389ab1607/versions/1/",
"_removed_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/repositories/933164fd-0514-4b0a-826f-c2e389ab1607/versions/1/removed_content/",
"content_summary": {
"ansible": 11
"created": "2018-03-12T19:23:31.000923Z",
"number": 1
Upload a Role to Pulp
Download a role version.
``curl -L https://github.com/pulp/ansible-pulp3/archive/master.tar.gz -o pulp.tar.gz``
Create an Artifact by uploading the role version tarball to Pulp.
``$ export ARTIFACT_HREF=$(http --form POST http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/artifacts/ file@pulp.tar.gz | jq -r '._href')``
Create a Role content unit
Create an Ansible role in Pulp.
``$ export ROLE_HREF=$(http http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/content/ansible/roles/ namespace=pulp name=pulp | jq -r '._href')``
Create a ``role version`` from the Role and Artifact
Create a content unit and point it to your Artifact and Role
``$ export CONTENT_HREF=$(http POST ${ROLE_HREF}versions/ version=0.0.1 artifact=$ARTIFACT_HREF | jq -r '._href')``
Add content to repository ``foo``
``$ http POST $REPO_HREF'versions/' add_content_units:="[\"$CONTENT_HREF\"]"``
Create an Ansible publisher
``$ http POST http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/publishers/ansible/ name=bar``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/publishers/ansible/bar/",
``$ export PUBLISHER_HREF=$(http :8000/pulp/api/v3/publishers/ansible/ | jq -r '.results[] | select(.name == "bar") | ._href')``
Use the ``bar`` Publisher to create a Publication
``$ http POST $PUBLISHER_HREF'publish/' repository=$REPO_HREF``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/tasks/fd4cbecd-6c6a-4197-9cbe-4e45b0516309/",
"task_id": "fd4cbecd-6c6a-4197-9cbe-4e45b0516309"
``$ export PUBLICATION_HREF=$(http :8000/pulp/api/v3/publications/ | jq -r --arg PUBLISHER_HREF "$PUBLISHER_HREF" '.results[] | select(.publisher==$PUBLISHER_HREF) | ._href')``
Create a Distribution for the Publication
``$ http POST http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/distributions/ name='baz' base_path='dev' publication=$PUBLICATION_HREF``
.. code:: json
"_href": "http://localhost:8000/pulp/api/v3/distributions/9b29f1b2-6726-40a2-988a-273d3f009a41/",
Install the ansible kubernetes Role
Using a direct path
To install your role using a link to the direct tarball, do the following:
``$ ansible-galaxy install http://localhost:8000/pulp/content/dev/elastic/elasticsearch/6.2.4.tar.gz,,elastic.elasticsearch``
Using the Pulp Galaxy API
Alternatively, Pulp offers a built-in Galaxy API. To use this, set up your distribution in your
ansible config (e.g. ``~/.ansible.cfg`` or ``/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg``):
.. code::
server: http://localhost:8000/pulp_ansible/galaxy/dev
Then install your role using namespace and name:
.. code::
$ ansible-galaxy install elastic.elasticsearch
- downloading role 'elasticsearch', owned by elastic
- downloading role from http://localhost:8000/pulp/content/dev/elastic/elasticsearch/6.2.4.tar.gz
- extracting elastic.elasticsearch to /home/vagrant/.ansible/roles/elastic.elasticsearch
- elastic.elasticsearch (6.2.4) was installed successfully
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.
Source Distribution
(14.9 kB
view details)
Built Distribution
File details
Details for the file pulp-ansible-0.1.0b2.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: pulp-ansible-0.1.0b2.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 14.9 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 14191cbfeed48670f7a9fd87eb37ebf7eb9756a387a08a8ee4eaa93bcb27c384 |
MD5 | c66eac6254951ad11dce7d9b36ecdbb8 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 776f936e99ec6ceda2449866e15b5dc31b36e3e4c16154b04d9eee191a21c62f |
File details
Details for the file pulp_ansible-0.1.0b2-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: pulp_ansible-0.1.0b2-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 7.2 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 146c8c5ea8d8b84e5993a75464facf09400fb70ba1ef01dd08fc59a1c4cc6021 |
MD5 | 3bec92de7bb7dc1f55f66beea7e5f6b3 |
BLAKE2b-256 | d24118fa249a0ebfaaec131a96b7cfa1495f9041a6f0b48a39bf830203eee749 |