A web client for PostgreSQL. In spirit and intention: a PhpPgAdmin clone.
Project description
A web client for PostgreSQL written in Python. In spirit and intention, it is a PhpPgAdmin clone.
This is still unusable.
git clone https://github.com/darylyu/pypgadmin cd pypgadmin pip install -r requirements/dev.txt python manage.py db init python manage.py db migrate python manage.py db upgrade python manage.py server
In your production environment, make sure the PYPGADMIN_ENV environment variable is set to "prod".
To open the interactive shell, run
python manage.py shell
By default, you will have access to app, db, and the User model.
Running Tests
To run all tests, run
python manage.py test
Whenever a database migration needs to be made. Run the following commmands:
python manage.py db migrate
This will generate a new migration script. Then run:
python manage.py db upgrade
To apply the migration.
For a full migration command reference, run python manage.py db --help.