pyramid_oereb, extension for pyramid web frame work to provide a basic server part for the oereb project
Project description
pyramid\_oereb (ÖREB-Server)
|Build Status|
*pyramid\_oereb* is an open-source implementation of the server side
part for the swiss `"Cadastre of Public-law Restrictions on
(PLR-cadastre) <>`__.
It is written in Python and designed as a plugin for the `Pyramid Web
Framework <>`__.
This allows *pyramid\_oereb* to be included in any Pyramid web
**Note:** Installing *pyramid\_oereb* requires a running Pyramid web
1. If not already existent, set up a Pyramid web application.
2. Install the Python package *pyramid\_oereb* in the Python environment
of your application.
pip install pyramid_oereb
3. Include the Pyramid plugin in your application. Edit the
application's main method and add the following line:
.. code:: python
config.include('pyramid_oereb', route_prefix='oereb')
It is recommended to define a route prefix like "oereb" or something
similar (You are free to choose whatever prefix you like).
4. Add your configuration as described in the following section.
5. Restart your web server. The PLR webservice should now be available
under the specified route prefix.
Basic idea
You are looking at a highly configurable piece of software. To get the
right understanding of the server it is recommended to read this part
Since the confederations definition and the specification for the
extract of OEREB data is really straight we had very narrow margins to
develop the code. Using this pyramid plugin you will get a running
server instance which is able to provide the services with output
satisfying the specification of the confederation. But to get this
extract you need to bind the data to this server. And this is basically
what you need to configure.
For configuration we use the
`YAML <>`__ system. It is a handy
way to separate config in a human and machine readable way in text
So the first goal for configuration is to have such a YAML file. To
point out which way you should go please follow this workflow sheet:
.. figure:: doc/images/configuration_workflow.png
:alt: Screenshot
After you know now what way you want to go you are probably curious what
you add as configuration content. This is simple: Mainly all content
from the
`pyramid\_oereb.yaml <>`__.
It contains the basic configuration which can be used as a start point.
The structure
When you open the `pyramid\_oereb.yaml <pyramid_oereb.yml>`__ you see
"pyramid\_oreb" in the first line. This is the section. This is the
entry point of the configuration. When ever you copy this config content
to a own config file, take care that this section needs to be at the
most left (without spaces in front). This ensures that it will be
available by the oereb application.
For further information read the comments inside this file attentively.
Running development version locally and standalone
You can checkout the current master and run *pyramid\_oereb* locally,
but we cannot guarantee a working configuration as it is under
development. We recommend to use a linux system but the application is
tested and may also be used in a windows environment.
Requirements: - git - python - virutalenv - docker - make
After installing the listed requirements, clone the repository and enter
its directory.
git clone
cd pyramid_oereb
You can set up the virtual environment using ``make install`` and run
the unit tests using ``make checks``.
To start a local server run ``make serve``. It should be available unter
http://localhost:6543/oereb/, e.g. http://localhost:6543/oereb/versions.
To stop the server, press ``CTRL + C``.
Running development version on a up and running already existing pyramid\_server
Before you start whith the following instructions you should think about
creating a branch of your applications code to not mess things up.
1. In the add "pyramid\_oereb" in the list of requirements
(often a python list stored in the variable "requires")
2. If you are using virtual environment enable it:
``source <path_to_your_venv>/bin/activate``
3. run the following command (This will install all new requirements):
``pip install -e .``
4. Now you have installed the pyramid oereb package
5. In the root folder of your pyramid app (the one where the
is stored too) run the command: ``create_standard_yaml``
6. You got a configuration file which contains all standard things (a
yaml, and two logo png files). **IMPORTANT:** There are several
places where database connections are defined. They all are defined
like this:
``db_connection: postgresql://postgres:password@localhost/pyramid_oereb``,
you **MUST** adapt this to your database configuration. Note that
the database you specify here must exist and it must be able to
handle spacial data (postgis,...). **This connections are used later
to create/drop standard tables and fill database with standard
data.** HINT: Use *find and replace* of your favorite editor and
replace all connection definitions. In addition to the database
connection you can find a line with the content:
``canton: YOUR_LOGO_HERE!``. Place a png file representing your
cantonal logo in this folder and replace 'YOUR\_LOGO\_HERE!' with
the name of your logo.
7. Open the development.ini file and add two lines to the end of the
"[app:main]" block
pyramid_oereb.cfg.file = pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
pyramid_oereb.cfg.section = pyramid_oereb
8. Do the same in the production.ini file
9. In the **init** file of your application inside of the main method
add this line just before the config.scan() call.
config.include('pyramid_oereb', route_prefix='oereb')
10. execute the command in the folder where you created the
pyramid\_oereb.yml to make sure having a clean database for start
(this should only influence the pyramid\_oereb related data):
drop_standard_tables -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
11. execute the command in the folder where you created the
create_standard_tables -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
12. execute the command in the folder where you created the
pyramid\_oereb.yaml (this will create a test data set):
load_standard_sample_data -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
13. Check with a tool of your choise that the structure was created
successfully in you desired database. You should find 17 database
schemas named (snake\_case) by their code attribute from the yml
file. Plus one schema called "pyramid\_oereb\_main" containing the
app global stuff (addresses, municipalities, etc.). At least these
tables need to be filled up with your data with a tool of your
14. Start your pyramid application (``pserve development.ini``).
15. Point your browser to: /oereb/extract/embeddable/json/CH113928077734
WINDOWS: Getting a development version running with a clean and basic pyramid app as base
1. Creation of base directory for the project:
mkdir oereb
cd oereb
2. Prepare it for git:
git init
3. Install the virtual environnement (supposed you already have python
virtualenv --setuptools --no-site-packages .build/venv
4. Install a basic Pyramid component\*
(\* if you are sure about what you do, you may activate venv with
to further ommit the path to your venv, but otherwise leave it and enter
the complete path for each install command)
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install pyramid==1.7.4
5. get one level up to create the empty project
cd ..
oereb\.build\venv\Scripts\pcreate.exe -s alchemy oereb
6. Delete unused files for this project:
cd oereb
rm [filename]
- .coveragerc
- pytest.ini
7. Maybe create an github project with this base structure and push it
but first create a .gitignore file with at least
- \*.pyc
- /.build as content - other files will follow...
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "added .gitignore"
then create your git repository and add is as remote to the local
git remote add upstream
8. collect complementary files created on github such as the
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
9. Add your local files and push them to the repository to get an clean
initial version
git add -A
git commit -m "commit message"
git push upstream master
10. On windows there's a problem with the shapely dependencies, so
before installing all the other dependencies, one should manually
install shapely and psycopg2 wheels:
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install wheel [path to psycopg2-2.5.5-cp27-none-win32.whl or newer version]
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install wheel [path to Shapely-1.5.13-cp27-none-win32.whl or newer version]
11. Then install the pyramid\_oereb egg and the dependencies
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install pyramid_oereb
In the add "pyramid\_oereb" in the list of requirements
then run
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install -e .
12. Create the standard parameters file by running:
13. Now to the configuration - you could do a commit and push on git to
have a clean project before configuration... :) you want to add
\*.egg-info/ in your .gitignore file first then add the new and
changed files, commit
git add [files]
git commit -m "clean unconfigured standard project"
git push upstream [branch]
With this proper instance we start messing around: Create a
pyramid\_oereb.yml file in the project root folder and copy the content
of pyramid\_oereb\_standard.yml we created before in it and adapt the
necessary parameters to your environnement - p.ex db\_connection and so
on in the development.ini and production.ini at the end of the
[app:main] block add
pyramid_oereb.cfg.file = pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
pyramid_oereb.cfg.section = pyramid_oereb
14. Install all the standard test and db scripts in the project
.build\venv\Scripts\python develop
15. Configure the database settings and install standard tables Make
sure (eg using pgAdmin) the configured database exists and has the
postgis extensions installed (create extension postgis) Set the db
parameters in your pyramid\_oereb.yml config or use
pyramid\_oereb\_standard.yml for your test environnement then
.build\venv\Scripts\create_standard_tables.exe -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
16. Load sample data in the standard db or connect your own PLR database
for standard sample data:
.build\venv\Scripts\load_standard_sample_data.exe -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
17. Don't forget to include the configuration adding
config.include('pyramid_oereb', route_prefix='oereb')
in :raw-latex:`\oereb`\_\_init\_\ just befor the line
For testing start the local instance with:
.build\venv\Scripts\pserve --reload development.ini
!! ATTENTION, on windows you may have an error message regarding
'encoding' if that's the case, remove the --reload from the command:
.build\venv\Scripts\pserve development.ini
And call a sample extract:
http://localhost:6543/oereb/extract/embeddable/json/CH113928077734 or at
least http://localhost:6543/oereb/versions.json
Update existing pyramid\_oereb egg
- Uninstall the existing egg
.build\venv\Scripts\pip uninstall pyramid_oereb
- Install the new version
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install pyramid_oereb
If for some reasons you need the latest version from git (master),
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install git+
then rebuild the app with
.build\venv\Scripts\python develop
External link
- `Documentation <>`__
.. |Build Status| image::
|Build Status|
*pyramid\_oereb* is an open-source implementation of the server side
part for the swiss `"Cadastre of Public-law Restrictions on
(PLR-cadastre) <>`__.
It is written in Python and designed as a plugin for the `Pyramid Web
Framework <>`__.
This allows *pyramid\_oereb* to be included in any Pyramid web
**Note:** Installing *pyramid\_oereb* requires a running Pyramid web
1. If not already existent, set up a Pyramid web application.
2. Install the Python package *pyramid\_oereb* in the Python environment
of your application.
pip install pyramid_oereb
3. Include the Pyramid plugin in your application. Edit the
application's main method and add the following line:
.. code:: python
config.include('pyramid_oereb', route_prefix='oereb')
It is recommended to define a route prefix like "oereb" or something
similar (You are free to choose whatever prefix you like).
4. Add your configuration as described in the following section.
5. Restart your web server. The PLR webservice should now be available
under the specified route prefix.
Basic idea
You are looking at a highly configurable piece of software. To get the
right understanding of the server it is recommended to read this part
Since the confederations definition and the specification for the
extract of OEREB data is really straight we had very narrow margins to
develop the code. Using this pyramid plugin you will get a running
server instance which is able to provide the services with output
satisfying the specification of the confederation. But to get this
extract you need to bind the data to this server. And this is basically
what you need to configure.
For configuration we use the
`YAML <>`__ system. It is a handy
way to separate config in a human and machine readable way in text
So the first goal for configuration is to have such a YAML file. To
point out which way you should go please follow this workflow sheet:
.. figure:: doc/images/configuration_workflow.png
:alt: Screenshot
After you know now what way you want to go you are probably curious what
you add as configuration content. This is simple: Mainly all content
from the
`pyramid\_oereb.yaml <>`__.
It contains the basic configuration which can be used as a start point.
The structure
When you open the `pyramid\_oereb.yaml <pyramid_oereb.yml>`__ you see
"pyramid\_oreb" in the first line. This is the section. This is the
entry point of the configuration. When ever you copy this config content
to a own config file, take care that this section needs to be at the
most left (without spaces in front). This ensures that it will be
available by the oereb application.
For further information read the comments inside this file attentively.
Running development version locally and standalone
You can checkout the current master and run *pyramid\_oereb* locally,
but we cannot guarantee a working configuration as it is under
development. We recommend to use a linux system but the application is
tested and may also be used in a windows environment.
Requirements: - git - python - virutalenv - docker - make
After installing the listed requirements, clone the repository and enter
its directory.
git clone
cd pyramid_oereb
You can set up the virtual environment using ``make install`` and run
the unit tests using ``make checks``.
To start a local server run ``make serve``. It should be available unter
http://localhost:6543/oereb/, e.g. http://localhost:6543/oereb/versions.
To stop the server, press ``CTRL + C``.
Running development version on a up and running already existing pyramid\_server
Before you start whith the following instructions you should think about
creating a branch of your applications code to not mess things up.
1. In the add "pyramid\_oereb" in the list of requirements
(often a python list stored in the variable "requires")
2. If you are using virtual environment enable it:
``source <path_to_your_venv>/bin/activate``
3. run the following command (This will install all new requirements):
``pip install -e .``
4. Now you have installed the pyramid oereb package
5. In the root folder of your pyramid app (the one where the
is stored too) run the command: ``create_standard_yaml``
6. You got a configuration file which contains all standard things (a
yaml, and two logo png files). **IMPORTANT:** There are several
places where database connections are defined. They all are defined
like this:
``db_connection: postgresql://postgres:password@localhost/pyramid_oereb``,
you **MUST** adapt this to your database configuration. Note that
the database you specify here must exist and it must be able to
handle spacial data (postgis,...). **This connections are used later
to create/drop standard tables and fill database with standard
data.** HINT: Use *find and replace* of your favorite editor and
replace all connection definitions. In addition to the database
connection you can find a line with the content:
``canton: YOUR_LOGO_HERE!``. Place a png file representing your
cantonal logo in this folder and replace 'YOUR\_LOGO\_HERE!' with
the name of your logo.
7. Open the development.ini file and add two lines to the end of the
"[app:main]" block
pyramid_oereb.cfg.file = pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
pyramid_oereb.cfg.section = pyramid_oereb
8. Do the same in the production.ini file
9. In the **init** file of your application inside of the main method
add this line just before the config.scan() call.
config.include('pyramid_oereb', route_prefix='oereb')
10. execute the command in the folder where you created the
pyramid\_oereb.yml to make sure having a clean database for start
(this should only influence the pyramid\_oereb related data):
drop_standard_tables -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
11. execute the command in the folder where you created the
create_standard_tables -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
12. execute the command in the folder where you created the
pyramid\_oereb.yaml (this will create a test data set):
load_standard_sample_data -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
13. Check with a tool of your choise that the structure was created
successfully in you desired database. You should find 17 database
schemas named (snake\_case) by their code attribute from the yml
file. Plus one schema called "pyramid\_oereb\_main" containing the
app global stuff (addresses, municipalities, etc.). At least these
tables need to be filled up with your data with a tool of your
14. Start your pyramid application (``pserve development.ini``).
15. Point your browser to: /oereb/extract/embeddable/json/CH113928077734
WINDOWS: Getting a development version running with a clean and basic pyramid app as base
1. Creation of base directory for the project:
mkdir oereb
cd oereb
2. Prepare it for git:
git init
3. Install the virtual environnement (supposed you already have python
virtualenv --setuptools --no-site-packages .build/venv
4. Install a basic Pyramid component\*
(\* if you are sure about what you do, you may activate venv with
to further ommit the path to your venv, but otherwise leave it and enter
the complete path for each install command)
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install pyramid==1.7.4
5. get one level up to create the empty project
cd ..
oereb\.build\venv\Scripts\pcreate.exe -s alchemy oereb
6. Delete unused files for this project:
cd oereb
rm [filename]
- .coveragerc
- pytest.ini
7. Maybe create an github project with this base structure and push it
but first create a .gitignore file with at least
- \*.pyc
- /.build as content - other files will follow...
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "added .gitignore"
then create your git repository and add is as remote to the local
git remote add upstream
8. collect complementary files created on github such as the
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
9. Add your local files and push them to the repository to get an clean
initial version
git add -A
git commit -m "commit message"
git push upstream master
10. On windows there's a problem with the shapely dependencies, so
before installing all the other dependencies, one should manually
install shapely and psycopg2 wheels:
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install wheel [path to psycopg2-2.5.5-cp27-none-win32.whl or newer version]
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install wheel [path to Shapely-1.5.13-cp27-none-win32.whl or newer version]
11. Then install the pyramid\_oereb egg and the dependencies
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install pyramid_oereb
In the add "pyramid\_oereb" in the list of requirements
then run
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install -e .
12. Create the standard parameters file by running:
13. Now to the configuration - you could do a commit and push on git to
have a clean project before configuration... :) you want to add
\*.egg-info/ in your .gitignore file first then add the new and
changed files, commit
git add [files]
git commit -m "clean unconfigured standard project"
git push upstream [branch]
With this proper instance we start messing around: Create a
pyramid\_oereb.yml file in the project root folder and copy the content
of pyramid\_oereb\_standard.yml we created before in it and adapt the
necessary parameters to your environnement - p.ex db\_connection and so
on in the development.ini and production.ini at the end of the
[app:main] block add
pyramid_oereb.cfg.file = pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
pyramid_oereb.cfg.section = pyramid_oereb
14. Install all the standard test and db scripts in the project
.build\venv\Scripts\python develop
15. Configure the database settings and install standard tables Make
sure (eg using pgAdmin) the configured database exists and has the
postgis extensions installed (create extension postgis) Set the db
parameters in your pyramid\_oereb.yml config or use
pyramid\_oereb\_standard.yml for your test environnement then
.build\venv\Scripts\create_standard_tables.exe -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
16. Load sample data in the standard db or connect your own PLR database
for standard sample data:
.build\venv\Scripts\load_standard_sample_data.exe -c pyramid_oereb_standard.yml
17. Don't forget to include the configuration adding
config.include('pyramid_oereb', route_prefix='oereb')
in :raw-latex:`\oereb`\_\_init\_\ just befor the line
For testing start the local instance with:
.build\venv\Scripts\pserve --reload development.ini
!! ATTENTION, on windows you may have an error message regarding
'encoding' if that's the case, remove the --reload from the command:
.build\venv\Scripts\pserve development.ini
And call a sample extract:
http://localhost:6543/oereb/extract/embeddable/json/CH113928077734 or at
least http://localhost:6543/oereb/versions.json
Update existing pyramid\_oereb egg
- Uninstall the existing egg
.build\venv\Scripts\pip uninstall pyramid_oereb
- Install the new version
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install pyramid_oereb
If for some reasons you need the latest version from git (master),
.build\venv\Scripts\pip install git+
then rebuild the app with
.build\venv\Scripts\python develop
External link
- `Documentation <>`__
.. |Build Status| image::
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
Download files
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Source Distribution
(282.9 kB
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Built Distribution
File details
Details for the file pyramid_oereb-1.0.0a2.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: pyramid_oereb-1.0.0a2.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 282.9 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | ab185b61bfbf9700968841114bea4fe442a1ee4f631fd70c4e5d4db83d1e87ab |
MD5 | 22406bb7947806cf5c7a0de0f3720811 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 0f460e58033f42c50aaf304e70b69378bc9bb289d7d8eaacf302f5666cce0c4a |
File details
Details for the file pyramid_oereb-1.0.0a2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: pyramid_oereb-1.0.0a2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 2.8 MB
- Tags: Python 2, Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 95857e410c9baf734749977c1383ebeda47aa30728f854f6808645ea6f614bbe |
MD5 | 3b86eb0b32fc30c60ee52b1cb24b9160 |
BLAKE2b-256 | e581f50bdc4627125732b185df05f1559d6a91417606746c4ad3592b39648787 |