Project description
Getting Started
First, Install the dependencies of the project:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python develop
Next, run our console script to setup the database:
$ su_setup <your app config.ini>
Finally, to include pyramid_signup in your project, in your apps configuration, you should include the package pyramid_mailer for the validation e-mail and forgot password e-mail and tell pyramid_signup which session to use for the database objects.
config.include(‘pyramid_mailer’) from pyramid_signup.interfaces import ISUSession config.registry.registerUtility(DBSession, ISUSession) config.include(‘pyramid_signup’)
Extending pyramid_signup
If you would like to modify any of the forms in pyramid signup, you just need to register the new deform class to use in the registry.
The interaces you have available to override from pyramid_signup.interfaces:
ISULoginForm ISURegisterForm ISUForgotPasswordForm ISUResetPasswordForm
This is how you would do it (uniform being a custom deform Form class):
config.registry.registerUtility(UNIForm, ISULoginForm)
If you would like to override the templates you can use pyramid’s override asset functionality:
- config.override_asset(
to_override=’pyramid_signup:templates/template.mako’, override_with=’your_package:templates/anothertemplate.mako’)
- The templates you have available to override are:
login.mako register.mako forgot_password.mako reset_password.mako
If you would like to override the templates with Jinja2, you just have to override the view configuration:
- config.add_view(‘pyramid_signup.views.AuthController’, attr=’login’, route_name=’login’,
- config.add_view(‘pyramid_signup.views.ForgotPasswordController’, attr=’forgot_password’, route_name=’forgot_password’,
- config.add_view(‘pyramid_signup.views.ForgotPasswordController’, attr=’reset_password’, route_name=’reset_password’,
- config.add_view(‘pyramid_signup.views.RegisterController’, attr=’register’, route_name=’register’,
Initial version