Python library for GUI automation and testing
Project description
pywinauto is a set of python modules to automate the Microsoft Windows GUI. At it’s simplest it allows you to send mouse and keyboard actions to windows dialogs and controls.
0.3.3 Added some methods, and fixed some small bugs
Added a wait for the control to be active and configurable sleeps after ‘modifying’ actions (e.g. Select, Deselect, etc)
Fixed Timings.Slow() and Timings.Fast() - they could in certain circumstances do the opposite! If you had already set a timing slower or faster then they would set it then they would blindly ignore that and set their own times. I added functionality that they will take either the slowest or fastest of the new/current setting rather then blindly setting to the new value.
Fixed some hidden bugs with HwndWrapper.CloseClick()
Fixed a bug in that would raise an error when no argument was specified
Added an argument to HwndWrapper.SendMessageTimeout so that the wait options could be passed in.
Added HwndWrapper.Close(), Maximize(), Minimize(), Restore() and GetShowState().
Commented out all deprecated methods (will be removed completely in some future release).
Added Application.kill_() method - which closes all windows and kills the application. If the application is asking if you want to save your changes - you will not be able to click yes or no and the application will be killed anyway!.
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