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A web framework for WSGI

Project description


``repoze.bfg`` is a Python web application framework based on WSGI.
It is inspired by Zope, Pylons, and Django. See the `repoze.bfg
website <>`_ for more information.


Install using setuptools, e.g. (within a virtualenv)::

$ easy_install -i repoze.bfg

Further Documentation

See the `online documentation <>`_ or check
the ``docs`` directory of any ``repoze.bfg`` distribution package.

Reporting Bugs / Development Versions

Visit to report bugs. Visit to download development or tagged versions.

1.0.1 (2009-07-22)

- Added support for ``has_resource``, ``resource_isdir``, and
``resource_listdir`` to the resource "OverrideProvider"; this fixes
a bug with a symptom that a file could not be overridden in a
resource directory unless a file with the same name existed in the
original directory being overridden.

- Fixed documentation bug showing invalid test for values from the
``matchdict``: they are stored as attributes of the ``Article``, rather
than subitems.

- Fixed documentation bug showing wrong environment key for the ``matchdict``
produced by the matching route.

- Added a workaround for a bug in Python 2.6, 2.6.1, and 2.6.2 having
to do with a recursion error in the mimetypes module when trying to
serve static files from Paste's FileApp: Symptom: File
"/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 244, in guess_type return
guess_type(url, strict) RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth
exceeded. Thanks to Armin Ronacher for identifying the symptom and
pointing out a fix.

- Minor edits to tutorials for accuracy based on feedback.

- Declared Paste and PasteDeploy dependencies.

1.0 (2009-07-05)

- Retested and added some content to GAE tutorial.

- Edited "Extending" narrative docs chapter.

- Added "Deleting the Database" section to the "Defining Models"
chapter of the traversal wiki tutorial.

- Spell checking of narratives and tutorials.

1.0b2 (2009-07-03)

- ``remoteuserauthenticationpolicy`` ZCML directive didn't work
without an ``environ_key`` directive (didn't match docs).

- Fix ``configure_zcml`` filespec check on Windows. Previously if an
absolute filesystem path including a drive letter was passed as
``filename`` (or as ``configure_zcml`` in the options dict) to
``repoze.bfg.router.make_app``, it would be treated as a
package:resource_name specification.

- Fix inaccuracies and import errors in bfgwiki (traversal+ZODB) and
bfgwiki2 (urldispatch+SA) tutorials.

- Use bfgsite index for all tutorial setup.cfg files.

- Full documentation grammar/style/spelling audit.

1.0b1 (2009-07-02)


- Allow a Paste config file (``configure_zcml``) value or an
environment variable (``BFG_CONFIGURE_ZCML``) to name a ZCML file
(optionally package-relative) that will be used to bootstrap the
application. Previously, the integrator could not influence which
ZCML file was used to do the boostrapping (only the original
application developer could do so).


- Added a "Resources" chapter to the narrative documentation which
explains how to override resources within one package from another

- Added an "Extending" chapter to the narrative documentation which
explains how to extend or modify an existing BFG application using
another Python package and ZCML.

1.0a9 (2009-07-01)


- Make it possible to pass strings in the form
"package_name:relative/path" to APIs like ``render_template``,
``render_template_to_response``, and ``get_template``. Sometimes
the package in which a caller lives is a direct namespace package,
so the module which is returned is semi-useless for navigating from.
In this way, the caller can control the horizontal and vertical of
where things get looked up from.

1.0a8 (2009-07-01)


- Deprecate the ``authentication_policy`` and ``authorization_policy``
arguments to ``repoze.bfg.router.make_app``. Instead, developers
should use the various authentication policy ZCML directives
``remoteuserauthenticationpolicy`` and
``authtktauthenticationpolicy``) and the `aclauthorizationpolicy``
authorization policy directive as described in the changes to the
"Security" narrative documenation chapter and the wiki tutorials.


- Add three new ZCML directives which configure authentication

- ``repozewho1authenticationpolicy``

- ``remoteuserauthenticationpolicy``

- ``authtktauthenticationpolicy``

- Add a new ZCML directive which configures an ACL authorization
policy named ``aclauthorizationpolicy``.

Bug Fixes

- Bug fix: when a ``repoze.bfg.resource.PackageOverrides`` class was
instantiated, and the package it was overriding already had a
``__loader__`` attribute, it would fail at startup time, even if the
``__loader__`` attribute was another PackageOverrides instance. We
now replace any ``__loader__`` that is also a PackageOverrides
instance. Symptom: ``ConfigurationExecutionError: <type
'exceptions.TypeError'>: Package <module 'karl.views' from
already has a __loader__ (probably a module in a zipped egg)``.

1.0a7 (2009-06-30)


- Add a ``reload_resources`` configuration file setting (aka the
``BFG_RELOAD_RESOURCES`` environment variable). When this is set to
true, the server never needs to be restarted when moving files
between directory resource overrides (esp. for templates currently).

- Add a ``reload_all`` configuration file setting (aka the
``BFG_RELOAD_ALL`` environment variable) that implies both
``reload_resources`` and ``reload_templates``.

- The ``static`` helper view class now uses a ``PackageURLParser`` in
order to allow for the overriding of static resources (CSS / logo
files, etc) using the ``resource`` ZCML directive. The
``PackageURLParser`` class was added to a (new) ``static`` module in
BFG; it is a subclass of the ``StaticURLParser`` class in

- The ``repoze.bfg.templating.renderer_from_cache`` function now
checks for the ``reload_resources`` setting; if it's true, it does
not register a template renderer (it won't use the registry as a
template renderer cache).


- Add ``pkg_resources`` to the glossary.

- Update the "Environment" docs to note the existence of
``reload_resources`` and ``reload_all``.

- Updated the ``bfg_alchemy`` paster template to include two views:
the view on the root shows a list of links to records; the view on
a record shows the details for that object.


- Use a colon instead of a tab as the separator between package name
and relpath to form the "spec" when register a ITemplateRenderer.

- Register a ``repoze.bfg.resource.OverrideProvider`` as a
pkg_resources provider only for modules which are known to have
overrides, instead of globally, when a <resource> directive is used

1.0a6 (2009-06-29)

Bug Fixes

- Use ``caller_package`` function instead of ``caller_module``
function within ``templating`` to avoid needing to name the caller
module in resource overrides (actually match docs).

- Make it possible to override templates stored directly in a module
with templates in a subdirectory of the same module, stored directly
within another module, or stored in a subdirectory of another module
(actually match docs).

1.0a5 (2009-06-28)


- A new ZCML directive exists named "resource". This ZCML directive
allows you to override Chameleon templates within a package (both
directories full of templates and individual template files) with
other templates in the same package or within another package. This
allows you to "fake out" a view's use of a template, causing it to
retrieve a different template than the one actually named by a
relative path to a call like
``render_template_to_response('templates/')``. For
example, you can override a template file by doing::


The string passed to "to_override" and "override_with" is named a
"specification". The colon separator in a specification separates
the package name from a package-relative directory name. The colon
and the following relative path are optional. If they are not
specified, the override attempts to resolve every lookup into a
package from the directory of another package. For example::


Individual subdirectories within a package can also be overridden::


If you wish to override a directory with another directory, you must
make sure to attach the slash to the end of both the ``to_override``
specification and the ``override_with`` specification. If you fail
to attach a slash to the end of a specification that points a
directory, you will get unexpected results. You cannot override a
directory specification with a file specification, and vice versa (a
startup error will occur if you try).

You cannot override a resource with itself (a startup error will
occur if you try).

Only individual *package* resources may be overridden. Overrides
will not traverse through subpackages within an overridden package.
This means that if you want to override resources for both
``some.package:templates``, and ``some.package.views:templates``,
you will need to register two overrides.

The package name in a specification may start with a dot, meaning
that the package is relative to the package in which the ZCML file
resides. For example::


Overrides for the same ``to_overrides`` specification can be named
multiple times within ZCML. Each ``override_with`` path will be
consulted in the order defined within ZCML, forming an override
search path.

Resource overrides can actually override resources other than
templates. Any software which uses the ``pkg_resources``
``get_resource_filename``, ``get_resource_stream`` or
``get_resource_string`` APIs will obtain an overridden file when an
override is used. However, the only built-in facility which uses
the ``pkg_resources`` API within BFG is the templating stuff, so we
only call out template overrides here.

- Use the ``pkg_resources`` API to locate template filenames instead
of dead-reckoning using the ``os.path`` module.

- The ``repoze.bfg.templating`` module now uses ``pkg_resources`` to
locate and register template files instead of using an absolute
path name.

1.0a4 (2009-06-25)


- Cause ``:segment`` matches in route paths to put a Unicode-decoded
and URL-dequoted value in the matchdict for the value matched.
Previously a non-decoded non-URL-dequoted string was placed in the
matchdict as the value.

- Cause ``*remainder`` matches in route paths to put a *tuple* in the
matchdict dictionary in order to be able to present Unicode-decoded
and URL-dequoted values for the traversal path. Previously a
non-decoded non-URL-dequoted string was placed in the matchdict as
the value.

- Add optional ``max_age`` keyword value to the ``remember`` method of
``repoze.bfg.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy``; if this
value is passed to ``remember``, the generated cookie will have a
corresponding Max-Age value.


- Add information to the URL Dispatch narrative documentation about
path pattern matching syntax.

Bug Fixes

- Make ``route_url`` URL-quote segment replacements during generation.
Remainder segments are not quoted.

1.0a3 (2009-06-24)

Implementation Changes

- ``repoze.bfg`` no longer relies on the Routes package to interpret
URL paths. All known existing ``path`` patterns will continue to
work with the reimplemented logic, which lives in
``repoze.bfg.urldispatch``. ``<route>`` ZCML directives which use
certain attributes (uncommon ones) may not work (see "Backwards
Incompatibilities" below).

Bug Fixes

- ``model_url`` when passed a request that was generated as a result
of a route match would fail in a call to ``route.generate``.

- BFG-on-GAE didn't work due to a corner case bug in the fallback
Python implementation of ``threading.local`` (symptom:
"Initialization arguments are not supported"). Thanks to Michael
Bernstein for the bug report.


- Added a "corner case" explanation to the "Hybrid Apps" chapter
explaining what to do when "the wrong" view is matched.

- Use ``repoze.bfg.url.route_url`` API in tutorials rather than Routes
``url_for`` API.


- Added the ``repoze.bfg.url.route_url`` API. This API allows you to
generate URLs based on ``<route>`` declarations. See the URL
Dispatch narrative chapter and the "repoze.bfg.url" module API
documentation for more information.

Backwards Incompatibilities

- As a result of disusing Routes, using the Routes ``url_for`` API
inside a BFG application (as was suggested by previous iterations of
tutorials) will no longer work. Use the
``repoze.bfg.url.route_url`` method instead.

- The following attributes on the ``<route>`` ZCML directive no longer
work: ``encoding``, ``static``, ``filter``, ``condition_method``,
``condition_subdomain``, ``condition_function``, ``explicit``, or
``subdomains``. These were all Routes features.

- The ``<route>`` ZCML directive no longer supports the
``<requirement>`` subdirective. This was a Routes feature.

1.0a2 (2009-06-23)

Bug Fixes

- The ``bfg_routesalchemy`` paster template app tests failed due to a
mismatch between test and view signatures.


- Add a ``view_for`` attribute to the ``route`` ZCML directive. This
attribute should refer to an interface or a class (ala the ``for``
attribute of the ``view`` ZCML directive).


- Conditional documentation in installation section ("how to install a
Python interpreter").

Backwards Incompatibilities

- The ``callback`` argument of the ``repoze.bfg.authentication``
authentication policies named ``RepozeWho1AuthenticationPolicy``,
``RemoteUserAuthenticationPolicy``, and
``AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy`` now must accept two positional
arguments: the orginal argument accepted by each (userid or
identity) plus a second argument, which will be the current request.
Apologies, this is required to service finding groups when there is
no "global" database connection.

1.0a1 (2009-06-22)


- A new ZCML directive was added named ``notfound``. This ZCML
directive can be used to name a view that should be invoked when the
request can't otherwise be resolved to a view callable. For example::


- A new ZCML directive was added named ``forbidden``. This ZCML
directive can be used to name a view that should be invoked when a
view callable for a request is found, but cannot be invoked due to
an authorization failure. For example::


- Allow views to be *optionally* defined as callables that accept only
a request object, instead of both a context and a request (which
still works, and always will). The following types work as views in
this style:

- functions that accept a single argument ``request``, e.g.::

def aview(request):

- new and old-style classes that have an ``__init__`` method that
accepts ``self, request``, e.g.::

def View(object):
__init__(self, request):

- Arbitrary callables that have a ``__call__`` method that accepts
``self, request``, e.g.::

def AView(object):
def __call__(self, request):
view = AView()

This likely should have been the calling convention all along, as
the request has ``context`` as an attribute already, and with views
called as a result of URL dispatch, having the context in the
arguments is not very useful. C'est la vie.

- Cache the absolute path in the caller's package globals within
``repoze.bfg.path`` to get rid of repeated (expensive) calls to

- Add ``reissue_time`` and ``timeout`` parameters to
constructor. If these are passed, cookies will be reset every so
often (cadged from the same change to repoze.who lately).

- The matchdict related to the matching of a Routes route is available
on the request as the ``matchdict`` attribute:
``request.matchdict``. If no route matched, this attribute will be

- Make 404 responses slightly cheaper by showing
``environ["PATH_INFO"]`` on the notfound result page rather than the
fullly computed URL.

- Move LRU cache implementation into a separate package

- The concepts of traversal and URL dispatch have been unified. It is
now possible to use the same sort of factory as both a traversal
"root factory" and what used to be referred to as a urldispatch
"context factory".

- When the root factory argument (as a first argument) passed to
``repoze.bfg.router.make_app`` is ``None``, a *default* root factory
is used. This is in support of using routes as "root finders"; it
supplants the idea that there is a default

- The `view`` ZCML statement and the ``repoze.bfg.view.bfg_view``
decorator now accept an extra argument: ``route_name``. If a
``route_name`` is specified, it must match the name of a previously
defined ``route`` statement. When it is specified, the view will
only be called when that route matches during a request.

- It is now possible to perfom traversal *after* a route has matched.
Use the pattern ``*traverse`` in a ``<route>`` ``path`` attribute
within ZCML, and the path remainder which it matches will be used as
a traversal path.

- When any route defined matches, the WSGI environment will now
contain a key ``bfg.routes.route`` (the Route object which matched),
and a key ``bfg.routes.matchdict`` (the result of calling route.match).


- Utility registrations against
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.INotFoundView`` and
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IForbiddenView`` are now deprecated. Use
the ``notfound`` and ``forbidden`` ZCML directives instead (see the
"Hooks" chapter for more information). Such registrations will
continue to work, but the notfound and forbidden directives do
"extra work" to ensure that the callable named by the directive can
be called by the router even if it's a class or
request-argument-only view.


- The ``IRoutesContext``, ``IRoutesContextFactory``, and
``IContextNotFound`` interfaces were removed from
``repoze.bfg.interfaces``. These were never APIs.

- The ``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesContextNotFound``,
``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesModelTraverser`` and
``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesContextURL`` classes were removed.
These were also never APIs.

Backwards Incompatibilities

- Moved the ``repoze.bfg.push`` module, which implemented the ``pushpage``
decorator, into a separate distribution, ``repoze.bfg.pushpage``.
Applications which used this decorator should continue to work after
adding that distribution to their installation requirements.

- Changing the default request factory via an IRequestFactory utility
registration (as used to be documented in the "Hooks" chapter's
"Changing the request factory" section) is no longer supported. The
dance to manufacture a request is complicated as a result of
unifying traversal and url dispatch, making it highly unlikely for
anyone to be able to override it properly. For those who just want
to decorate or modify a request, use a NewRequestEvent subscriber
(see the Events chapter in the documentation).

- The ``repoze.bfg.IRequestFactory`` interface was removed. See the
bullet above for why.

- Routes "context factories" (spelled as the factory argument to a
route statement in ZCML) must now expect the WSGI environ as a
single argument rather than a set of keyword arguments. They can
obtain the match dictionary by asking for
environ['bfg.routes.matchdict']. This is the same set of keywords
that used to be passed to urldispatch "context factories" in BFG 0.9
and below.

- Using the ``@zope.component.adapter`` decorator on a bfg view
function no longer works. Use the ``@repoze.bfg.view.bfg_view``
decorator instead to mark a function (or a class) as a view.

- The name under which the matching route object is found in the
environ was changed from ``bfg.route`` to ``bfg.routes.route``.

- Finding the root is now done *before* manufacturing a request object
(and sending a new request event) within the router (it used to be
performed afterwards).

- Adding ``*path_info`` to a route no longer changes the PATH_INFO for
a request that matches using URL dispatch. This feature was only
there to service the ``repoze.bfg.wsgi.wsgiapp2`` decorator and it
did it wrong; use ``*subpath`` instead now.

- The values of ``subpath``, ``traversed``, and ``virtual_root_path``
attached to the request object are always now tuples instead of
lists (performance).

Bug Fixes

- The ``bfg_alchemy`` Paster template named "" in its
pipeline rather than "repoze.tm2", causing the startup to fail.

- Move BBB logic for registering an
IAuthenticationPolicy/IForbiddenView/INotFoundView based on older
concepts from the router module's ``make_app`` function into the
``repoze.bfg.zcml.zcml_configure`` callable, to service
compatibility with scripts that use "zope.configuration.xmlconfig"
(replace with ``repoze.bfg.zml.zcml_configure`` as necessary to get
BBB logic)


- Add interface docs related to how to create authentication policies
and authorization policies to the "Security" narrative chapter.

- Added a (fairly sad) "Combining Traversal and URL Dispatch" chapter
to the narrative documentation. This explains the usage of
``*traverse`` and ``*subpath`` in routes URL patters.

- A "router" chapter explaining the request/response lifecycle at a
high level was added.

- Replaced all mentions and explanations of a routes "context factory"
with equivalent explanations of a "root factory" (context factories
have been disused).

- Updated Routes bfgwiki2 tutorial to reflect the fact that context
factories are now no longer used.

0.9.1 (2009-06-02)


- Add API named ``repoze.bfg.settings.get_settings`` which retrieves a
derivation of values passed as the ``options`` value of
``repoze.bfg.router.make_app``. This API should be preferred
instead of using getUtility(ISettings). I added a new
``repoze.bfg.settings`` API document as well.

Bug Fixes

- Restored missing entry point declaration for bfg_alchemy paster
template, which was accidentally removed in 0.9.


- Fix a reference to ``wsgiapp`` in the ``wsgiapp2`` API documentation
within the ``repoze.bfg.wsgi`` module.

API Removals

- The ``repoze.bfg.location.locate`` API was removed: it didn't do
enough to be very helpful and had a misleading name.

0.9 (2009-06-01)

Bug Fixes

- It was not possible to register a custom ``IRoutesContextFactory``
for use as a default context factory as documented in the "Hooks"


- The ``request_type`` argument of ZCML ``view`` declarations and
``bfg_view`` decorators can now be one of the strings ``GET``,
``POST``, ``PUT``, ``DELETE``, or ``HEAD`` instead of a reference to
the respective interface type imported from

- The ``route`` ZCML directive now accepts ``request_type`` as an
alias for its ``condition_method`` argument for symmetry with the
``view`` directive.

- The ``bfg_routesalchemy`` paster template now provides a unit test
and actually uses the database during a view rendering.


- Remove ``repoze.bfg.threadlocal.setManager``. It was only used in
unit tests.

- Remove ``repoze.bfg.wsgi.HTTPException``,
``repoze.bfg.wsgi.NotFound``, and ``repoze.bfg.wsgi.Unauthorized``.
These classes were disused with the introduction of the
``IUnauthorizedView`` and ``INotFoundView`` machinery.


- Add description to narrative templating chapter about how to use
Chameleon text templates.

- Changed Views narrative chapter to use method strings rather than
interface types, and moved advanced interface type usage to Events
narrative chapter.

- Added a Routes+SQLAlchemy wiki tutorial.

0.9a8 (2009-05-31)


- It is now possible to register a custom
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.INotFoundView`` for a given application.
This feature replaces the
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.INotFoundAppFactory`` feature previously
described in the Hooks chapter. The INotFoundView will be called
when the framework detects that a view lookup done as a result of a
request fails; it should accept a context object and a request
object; it should return an IResponse object (a webob response,
basically). See the Hooks narrative chapter of the BFG docs for
more info.

- The error presented when a view invoked by the router returns a
non-response object now includes the view's name for troubleshooting

Bug Fixes

- A "new response" event is emitted for forbidden and notfound views.


- The ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.INotFoundAppFactory`` interface has been
deprecated in favor of using the new
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.INotFoundView`` mechanism.


- Renamed ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IForbiddenResponseFactory`` to

0.9a7 (2009-05-30)


- Remove "context" argument from ``effective_principals`` and
``authenticated_userid`` function APIs in ````,
effectively a doing reversion to 0.8 and before behavior. Both
functions now again accept only the ``request`` parameter.

0.9a6 (2009-05-29)


- Changed "BFG Wiki" tutorial to use AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy
rather than repoze.who.


- Add an AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy. This policy retrieves
credentials from an auth_tkt cookie managed by the application
itself (instead of relying on an upstream data source for
authentication data). See the Security API chapter of the
documentation for more info.

- Allow RemoteUserAuthenticationPolicy and
RepozeWho1AuthenticationPolicy to accept various constructor
arguments. See the Security API chapter of the documentation for
more info.

0.9a5 (2009-05-28)


- Add a ``get_app`` API functions to the ``paster`` module. This
obtains a WSGI application from a config file given a config file
name and a section name. See the ``repoze.bfg.paster`` API docs for
more information.

- Add a new module named ``scripting``. It contains a ``get_root``
API function, which, provided a Router instance, returns a traversal
root object and a "closer". See the ``repoze.bfg.scripting`` API
docs for more info.

0.9a4 (2009-05-27)

Bug Fixes

- Try checking for an "old style" security policy *after* we parse
ZCML (thinko).

0.9a3 (2009-05-27)


- Allow IAuthenticationPolicy and IAuthorizationPolicy to be
overridden via ZCML registrations (do ZCML parsing after
registering these in


- Added "BFG Wiki" tutorial to documentation; it describes
step-by-step how to create a traversal-based ZODB application with


- Added deprecations for imports of ``ACLSecurityPolicy``,
``InheritingACLSecurityPolicy``, ``RemoteUserACLSecurityPolicy``,
``RemoteUserInheritingACLSecurityPolicy``, ``WhoACLSecurityPolicy``,
and ``WhoInheritingACLSecurityPolicy`` from the
```` module; for the meantime (for backwards
compatibility purposes) these live in the ``repoze.bfg.secpols``
module. Note however, that the entire concept of a "security
policy" is deprecated in BFG in favor of separate authentication and
authorization policies, so any use of a security policy will
generate additional deprecation warnings even if you do start using
``repoze.bfg.secpols``. ``repoze.bfg.secpols`` will disappear in a
future release of ``repoze.bfg``.

Deprecated Import Alias Removals

- Remove ``repoze.bfg.template`` module. All imports from this
package have been deprecated since 0.3.8. Instead, import
``get_template``, ``render_template``, and
``render_template_to_response`` from the
``repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt`` module.

- Remove backwards compatibility import alias for
``repoze.bfg.traversal.split_path`` (deprecated since 0.6.5). This
must now be imported as ``repoze.bfg.traversal.traversal_path``).

- Remove backwards compatibility import alias for
``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesContext`` (deprecated since 0.6.5).
This must now be imported as

- Removed backwards compatibility import aliases for
``repoze.bfg.router.get_options`` and ``repoze.bfg.router.Settings``
(deprecated since 0.6.2). These both must now be imported from

- Removed backwards compatibility import alias for
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IRootPolicy`` (deprecated since 0.6.2). It
must be imported as ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IRootFactory`` now.

- Removed backwards compatibility import alias for
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITemplate`` (deprecated since 0.4.4). It
must be imported as ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITemplateRenderer`` now.

- Removed backwards compatibility import alias for
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITemplateFactory`` (deprecated since 0.4.4).
It must be imported as
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITemplateRendererFactory`` now.

- Removed backwards compatibility import alias for
``repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt.ZPTTemplateFactory`` (deprecated since
0.4.4). This must be imported as ``repoze.bfg.ZPTTemplateRenderer``

0.9a2 (2009-05-27)


- A paster command has been added named "bfgshell". This command can
be used to get an interactive prompt with your BFG root object in
the global namespace. E.g.::

bin/paster bfgshell /path/to/myapp.ini myapp

See the ``Project`` chapter in the BFG documentation for more


- The name ``repoze.bfg.registry.registry_manager`` was never an API,
but scripts in the wild were using it to set up an environment for
use under a debug shell. A backwards compatibility shim has been
added for this purpose, but the feature is deprecated.

0.9a1 (2009-5-27)


- New API functions named ``forget`` and ``remember`` are available in
the ``security`` module. The ``forget`` function returns headers
which will cause the currently authenticated user to be logged out
when set in a response. The ``remember`` function (when passed the
proper arguments) will return headers which will cause a principal
to be "logged in" when set in a response. See the Security API
chapter of the docs for more info.

- New keyword arguments to the ``repoze.bfg.router.make_app`` call
have been added: ``authentication_policy`` and
``authorization_policy``. These should, respectively, be an
implementation of an authentication policy (an object implementing
the ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IAuthenticationPolicy`` interface) and
an implementation of an authorization policy (an object implementing
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IAuthorizationPolicy)``. Concrete
implementations of authentication policies exist in
``repoze.bfg.authentication``. Concrete implementations of
authorization policies exist in ``repoze.bfg.authorization``.

Both ``authentication_policy`` and ``authorization_policy`` default
to ``None``.

If ``authentication_policy`` is ``None``, but
``authorization_policy`` is *not* ``None``, then
``authorization_policy`` is ignored (the ability to do authorization
depends on authentication).

If the ``authentication_policy`` argument is *not* ``None``, and the
``authorization_policy`` argument *is* ``None``, the authorization
policy defaults to an authorization implementation that uses ACLs

.. note:: we no longer encourage configuration of "security
policies" using ZCML, as previously we did for
``ISecurityPolicy``. This is because it's not uncommon to need to
configure settings for concrete authorization or authentication
policies using paste .ini parameters; the app entry point for your
application is the natural place to do this.

- Two new abstractions have been added in the way of adapters used by
the system: an ``IAuthorizationPolicy`` and an
``IAuthenticationPolicy``. A combination of these (as registered by
the ``securitypolicy`` ZCML directive) take the place of the
``ISecurityPolicy`` abstraction in previous releases of repoze.who.
The API functions in ```` (such as
``authentication_userid``, ``effective_principals``,
``has_permission``, and so on) have been changed to try to make use
of these new adapters. If you're using an older ``ISecurityPolicy``
adapter, the system will still work, but it will print deprecation
warnings when such a policy is used.

- The way the (internal) IViewPermission utilities registered via ZCML
are invoked has changed. They are purely adapters now, returning a
boolean result, rather than returning a callable. You shouldn't have
been using these anyway. ;-)

- New concrete implementations of IAuthenticationPolicy have been
added to the ``repoze.bfg.authentication`` module:
``RepozeWho1AuthenticationPolicy`` which uses ``repoze.who``
identity to retrieve authentication data from and
``RemoteUserAuthenticationPolicy``, which uses the ``REMOTE_USER``
value in the WSGI environment to retrieve authentication data.

- A new concrete implementation of IAuthorizationPolicy has been added
to the ``repoze.bfg.authorization`` module:
``ACLAuthorizationPolicy`` which uses ACL inheritance to do

- It is now possible to register a custom
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IForbiddenResponseFactory`` for a given
application. This feature replaces the
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IUnauthorizedAppFactory`` feature previously
described in the Hooks chapter. The IForbiddenResponseFactory will
be called when the framework detects an authorization failure; it
should accept a context object and a request object; it should
return an IResponse object (a webob response, basically). Read the
below point for more info and see the Hooks narrative chapter of the
BFG docs for more info.

Backwards Incompatibilities

- Custom NotFound and Forbidden (nee' Unauthorized) WSGI applications
(registered as a utility for INotFoundAppFactory and
IUnauthorizedAppFactory) could rely on an environment key named
``message`` describing the circumstance of the response. This key
has been renamed to ``repoze.bfg.message`` (as per the WSGI spec,
which requires environment extensions to contain dots).


- The ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IUnauthorizedAppFactory`` interface has
been deprecated in favor of using the new
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IForbiddenResponseFactory`` mechanism.

- The ``view_execution_permitted`` API should now be imported from the
```` module instead of the ``repoze.bfg.view``

- The ``authenticated_userid`` and ``effective_principals`` APIs in
```` used to only take a single argument
(request). They now accept two arguments (``context`` and
``request``). Calling them with a single argument is still
supported but issues a deprecation warning. (NOTE: this change was
reverted in 0.9a7; meaning the 0.9 versions of these functions
again accept ``request`` only, just like 0.8 and before).

- Use of "old-style" security policies (those base on ISecurityPolicy)
is now deprecated. See the "Security" chapter of the docs for info
about activating an authorization policy and an authentication poicy.

0.8.1 (2009-05-21)


- Class objects may now be used as view callables (both via ZCML and
via use of the ``bfg_view`` decorator in Python 2.6 as a class
decorator). The calling semantics when using a class as a view
callable is similar to that of using a class as a Zope "browser
view": the class' ``__init__`` must accept two positional parameters
(conventionally named ``context``, and ``request``). The resulting
instance must be callable (it must have a ``__call__`` method).
When called, the instance should return a response. For example::

from webob import Response

class MyView(object):
def __init__(self, context, request):
self.context = context
self.request = request

def __call__(self):
return Response('hello from %s!' % self.context)

See the "Views" chapter in the documentation and the
``repoze.bfg.view`` API documentation for more information.

- Removed the pickling of ZCML actions (the code that wrote
``configure.zcml.cache`` next to ``configure.zcml`` files in
projects). The code which managed writing and reading of the cache
file was a source of subtle bugs when users switched between
imperative (e.g. ``@bfg_view``) registrations and declarative
registrations (e.g. the ``view`` directive in ZCML) on the same
project. On a moderately-sized project (535 ZCML actions and 15 ZCML
files), executing actions read from the pickle was saving us only
about 200ms (2.5 sec vs 2.7 sec average). On very small projects (1
ZCML file and 4 actions), startup time was comparable, and sometimes
even slower when reading from the pickle, and both ways were so fast
that it really just didn't matter anyway.

0.8 (2009-05-18)


- Added a ``traverse`` function to the ``repoze.bfg.traversal``
module. This function may be used to retrieve certain values
computed during path resolution. See the Traversal API chapter of
the documentation for more information about this function.


- Internal: ``ITraverser`` callables should now return a dictionary
rather than a tuple. Up until 0.7.0, all ITraversers were assumed
to return a 3-tuple. In 0.7.1, ITraversers were assumed to return a
6-tuple. As (by evidence) it's likely we'll need to add further
information to the return value of an ITraverser callable, 0.8
assumes that an ITraverser return a dictionary with certain elements
in it. See the ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITraverser`` interface for
the list of keys that should be present in the dictionary.
``ITraversers`` which return tuples will still work, although a
deprecation warning will be issued.

Backwards Incompatibilities

- If your code used the ITraverser interface directly (not via an API
function such as ``find_model``) via an adapter lookup, you'll need
to change your code to expect a dictionary rather than a 3- or
6-tuple if your code ever gets return values from the default
ModelGraphTraverser or RoutesModelTraverser adapters.

0.8a7 (2009-05-16)

Backwards Incompatibilities

- The ``RoutesMapper`` class in ``repoze.bfg.urldispatch`` has been
removed, as well as its documentation. It had been deprecated since
0.6.3. Code in ``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesModelTraverser``
which catered to it has also been removed.

- The semantics of the ``route`` ZCML directive have been simplified.
Previously, it was assumed that to use a route, you wanted to map a
route to an externally registered view. The new ``route`` directive
instead has a ``view`` attribute which is required, specifying the
dotted path to a view callable. When a route directive is
processed, a view is *registered* using the name attribute of the
route directive as its name and the callable as its value. The
``view_name`` and ``provides`` attributes of the ``route`` directive
are therefore no longer used. Effectively, if you were previously
using the ``route`` directive, it means you must change a pair of
ZCML directives that look like this::



To a ZCML directive that looks like this::


In other words, to make old code work, remove the ``view``
directives that were only there to serve the purpose of backing
``route`` directives, and move their ``view=`` attribute into the
``route`` directive itself.

This change also necessitated that the ``name`` attribute of the
``route`` directive is now required. If you were previously using
``route`` directives without a ``name`` attribute, you'll need to
add one (the name is arbitrary, but must be unique among all
``route`` and ``view`` statements).

The ``provides`` attribute of the ``route`` directive has also been
removed. This directive specified a sequence of interface types
that the generated context would be decorated with. Since route
views are always generated now for a single interface
(``repoze.bfg.IRoutesContext``) as opposed to being looked up
arbitrarily, there is no need to decorate any context to ensure a
view is found.


- Added API docs for the ``repoze.bfg.testing`` methods
``registerAdapter``, ``registerUtiity``, ``registerSubscriber``, and

- Added glossary entry for "root factory".

- Noted existence of ``repoze.bfg.pagetemplate`` template bindings in
"Available Add On Template System Bindings" in Templates chapter in
narrative docs.

- Update "Templates" narrative chapter in docs (expand to show a
sample template and correct macro example).


- Courtesty Carlos de la Guardia, added an ``alchemy`` Paster
template. This paster template sets up a BFG project that uses
SQAlchemy (with SQLite) and uses traversal to resolve URLs. (no
Routes areused). This template can be used via ``paster create -t

- The Routes ``Route`` object used to resolve the match is now put
into the environment as ``bfg.route`` when URL dispatch is used.

- You can now change the default Routes "context factory" globally.
See the "ZCML Hooks" chapter of the documentation (in the "Changing
the Default Routes Context Factory" section).

0.8a6 (2009-05-11)


- Added a ``routesalchemy`` Paster template. This paster template
sets up a BFG project that uses SQAlchemy (with SQLite) and uses
Routes exclusively to resolve URLs (no traversal root factory is
used). This template can be used via ``paster create -t


- Added documentation to the URL Dispatch chapter about how to catch
the root URL using a ZCML ``route`` directive.

- Added documentation to the URL Dispatch chapter about how to perform
a cleanup function at the end of a request (e.g. close the SQL

Bug Fixes

- In version 0.6.3, passing a ``get_root`` callback (a "root factory")
to ``repoze.bfg.router.make_app`` became optional if any ``route``
declaration was made in ZCML. The intent was to make it possible to
disuse traversal entirely, instead relying entirely on URL dispatch
(Routes) to resolve all contexts. However a compound set of bugs
prevented usage of a Routes-based root view (a view which responds
to "/"). One bug existed in `repoze.bfg.urldispatch``, another
existed in Routes itself.

To resolve this issue, the urldispatch module was fixed, and a fork
of the Routes trunk was put into the "dev" index named
``Routes-1.11dev-chrism-home``. The source for the fork exists at
<>`_; its contents have been
merged into the Routes trunk (what will be Routes 1.11).

0.8a5 (2009-05-08)


- Two new security policies were added:
RemoteUserInheritingACLSecurityPolicy and
WhoInheritingACLSecurityPolicy. These are security policies which
take into account *all* ACLs defined in the lineage of a context
rather than stopping at the first ACL found in a lineage. See the
"Security" chapter of the API documentation for more information.

- The API and narrative documentation dealing with security was
changed to introduce the new "inheriting" security policy variants.

- Added glossary entry for "lineage".


- The security policy previously named
``RepozeWhoIdentityACLSecurityPolicy`` now has the slightly saner
name of ``WhoACLSecurityPolicy``. A deprecation warning is emitted
when this policy is imported under the "old" name; usually this is
due to its use in ZCML within your application. If you're getting
this deprecation warning, change your ZCML to use the new name,
e.g. change::




0.8a4 (2009-05-04)


- ``zope.testing`` is no longer a direct dependency, although our
dependencies (such as ``zope.interface``, ``repoze.zcml``, etc)
still depend on it.

- Tested on Google App Engine. Added a tutorial to the documentation
explaining how to deploy a BFG app to GAE.

Backwards Incompatibilities

- Applications which rely on ``zope.testing.cleanup.cleanUp`` in unit
tests can still use that function indefinitely. However, for
maximum forward compatibility, they should import ``cleanUp`` from
``repoze.bfg.testing`` instead of from ``zope.testing.cleanup``.
The BFG paster templates and docs have been changed to use this
function instead of the ``zope.testing.cleanup`` version.

0.8a3 (2009-05-03)


- Don't require a successful import of ``zope.testing`` at BFG
application runtime. This allows us to get rid of ``zope.testing``
on platforms like GAE which have file limits.

0.8a2 (2009-05-02)


- We no longer include the ``configure.zcml`` of the ``chameleon.zpt``
package within the ``configure.zcml`` of the "repoze.bfg.includes"
package. This has been a no-op for some time now.

- The ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt`` package no longer imports from
``chameleon.zpt`` at module scope, deferring the import until later
within a method call. The ``chameleon.zpt`` package can't be
imported on platforms like GAE.

0.8a1 (2009-05-02)

Deprecation Warning and Import Alias Removals

- Since version 0.6.1, a deprecation warning has been emitted when the
name ``model_url`` is imported from the ``repoze.bfg.traversal``
module. This import alias (and the deprecation warning) has been
removed. Any import of the ``model_url`` function will now need to
be done from ``repoze.bfg.url``; any import of the name
``model_url`` from ``repoze.bfg.traversal`` will now fail. This was
done to remove a dependency on zope.deferredimport.

- Since version 0.6.5, a deprecation warning has been emitted when the
name ``RoutesModelTraverser`` is imported from the
``repoze.bfg.traversal`` module. This import alias (and the
deprecation warning) has been removed. Any import of the
``RoutesModelTraverser`` class will now need to be done from
``repoze.bfg.urldispatch``; any import of the name
``RoutesModelTraverser`` from ``repoze.bfg.traversal`` will now
fail. This was done to remove a dependency on zope.deferredimport.


- This release of ``repoze.bfg`` is "C-free". This means it has no
hard dependencies on any software that must be compiled from C
source at installation time. In particular, ``repoze.bfg`` no
longer depends on the ``lxml`` package.

.. note:: this change has introduced some backwards
incompatibilities, described in the "Backwards
Incompatibilities" section below.

- This release was tested on Windows XP. It appears to work fine and
all the tests pass.

Backwards Incompatibilities

Incompatibilities related to making ``repoze.bfg`` "C-free":

- Removed the ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_genshi`` module, and thus support
for Genshi-style chameleon templates. Genshi-style Chameleon
templates depend upon ``lxml``, which is implemented in C (as
opposed to pure Python) and the ``repoze.bfg`` core is "C-free" as
of this release. You may get Genshi-style Chameleon support back by
installing the ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_genshi`` package availalable
from (also
available in the index at
All existing code that depended on the ``chameleon_genshi`` module
prior to this release of ``repoze.bfg`` should work without change
after this addon is installed.

- Removed the ``repoze.bfg.xslt`` module and thus support for XSL
templates. The ``repoze.bfg.xslt`` module depended upon ``lxml``,
which is implemented in C, and the ``repoze.bfg`` core is "C-free"
as of this release. You bay get XSL templating back by installing
the ``repoze.bfg.xslt`` package available from (also available in the index
at All existing code that
depended upon the ``xslt`` module prior to this release of
``repoze.bfg`` should work without modification after this addon is

- Removed the ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.INodeTemplateRenderer``
interface and the an old b/w compat aliases from that interface to
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.INodeTemplate``. This interface must now be
imported from the ``repoze.bfg.xslt.interfaces`` package after
installation of the ``repoze.bfg.xslt`` addon package described
above as ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.INodeTemplateRenderer``. This
interface was never part of any public API.

Other backwards incompatibilities:

- The ``render_template`` function in ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt``
returns Unicode instead of a string. Likewise, the individual
values returned by the iterable created by the
``render_template_to_iterable`` function are also each Unicode.
This is actually a backwards incompatibility inherited from our new
use of the combination of ``chameleon.core`` 1.0b32 (the
non-lxml-depending version) and ``chameleon.zpt`` 1.0b16+ ; the
``chameleon.zpt`` PageTemplateFile implementation used to return a
string, but now returns Unicode.

0.7.1 (2009-05-01)


- The canonical package index location for ``repoze.bfg`` has changed.
The "old" index ( has
been superseded by a new index location
<>`_). The installation
documentation has been updated as well as the ``setup.cfg`` file in
this package. The "lemonade" index still exists, but it is not
guaranteed to have the latest BFG software in it, nor will it be
maintained in the future.


- The "paster create" templates have been modified to use links to the
new "" and "" websites.

- Added better documentation for virtual hosting at a URL prefix
within the virtual hosting docs chapter.

- The interface for ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITraverser`` and the
built-in implementations that implement the interface
(``repoze.bfg.traversal.ModelGraphTraverser``, and
``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesModelTraverser``) now expect the
``__call__`` method of an ITraverser to return 3 additional
arguments: ``traversed``, ``virtual_root``, and
``virtual_root_path`` (the old contract was that the ``__call__``
method of an ITraverser returned; three arguments, the contract new
is that it returns six). ``traversed`` will be a sequence of
Unicode names that were traversed (including the virtual root path,
if any) or ``None`` if no traversal was performed, ``virtual_root``
will be a model object representing the virtual root (or the
physical root if traversal was not performed), and
``virtual_root_path`` will be a sequence representing the virtual
root path (a sequence of Unicode names) or ``None`` if traversal was
not performed.

Six arguments are now returned from BFG ITraversers. They are
returned in this order: ``context``, ``view_name``, ``subpath``,
``traversed``, ``virtual_root``, and ``virtual_root_path``.

Places in the BFG code which called an ITraverser continue to accept
a 3-argument return value, although BFG will generate and log a
warning when one is encountered.

- The request object now has the following attributes: ``traversed``
(the sequence of names traversed or ``None`` if traversal was not
performed), ``virtual_root`` (the model object representing the
virtual root, including the virtual root path if any), and
``virtual_root_path`` (the seuquence of names representing the
virtual root path or ``None`` if traversal was not performed).

- A new decorator named ``wsgiapp2`` was added to the
``repoze.bfg.wsgi`` module. This decorator performs the same
function as ``repoze.bfg.wsgi.wsgiapp`` except it fixes up the
``SCRIPT_NAME``, and ``PATH_INFO`` environment values before
invoking the WSGI subapplication.

- The ``repoze.bfg.testing.DummyRequest`` object now has default
attributes for ``traversed``, ``virtual_root``, and

- The RoutesModelTraverser now behaves more like the Routes
"RoutesMiddleware" object when an element in the match dict is named
``path_info`` (usually when there's a pattern like
``http://foo/*path_info``). When this is the case, the
``PATH_INFO`` environment variable is set to the value in the match
dict, and the ``SCRIPT_NAME`` is appended to with the prefix of the
original ``PATH_INFO`` not including the value of the new variable.

- The notfound debug now shows the traversed path, the virtual root,
and the virtual root path too.

- Speed up / clarify 'traversal' module's 'model_path', 'model_path_tuple',
and '_model_path_list' functions.

Backwards Incompatibilities

- In previous releases, the ``repoze.bfg.url.model_url``,
``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path`` and
``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path_tuple`` functions always ignored
the ``__name__`` argument of the root object in a model graph (
effectively replacing it with a leading ``/`` in the returned value)
when a path or URL was generated. The code required to perform this
operation was not efficient. As of this release, the root object in
a model graph *must* have a ``__name__`` attribute that is either
``None`` or the empty string (``''``) for URLs and paths to be
generated properly from these APIs. If your root model object has a
``__name__`` argument that is not one of these values, you will need
to change your code for URLs and paths to be generated properly. If
your model graph has a root node with a string ``__name__`` that is
not null, the value of ``__name__`` will be prepended to every path
and URL generated.

- The ``repoze.bfg.location.LocationProxy`` class and the
``repoze.bfg.location.ClassAndInstanceDescr`` class have both been
removed in order to be able to eventually shed a dependency on
``zope.proxy``. Neither of these classes was ever an API.

- In all previous releases, the ``repoze.bfg.location.locate``
function worked like so: if a model did not explicitly provide the
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ILocation`` interface, ``locate`` returned a
``LocationProxy`` object representing ``model`` with its
``__parent__`` attribute assigned to ``parent`` and a ``__name__``
attribute assigned to ``__name__``. In this release, the
``repoze.bfg.location.locate`` function simply jams the ``__name__``
and ``__parent__`` attributes on to the supplied model
unconditionally, no matter if the object implements ILocation or
not, and it never returns a proxy. This was done because the
LocationProxy behavior has now moved into an add-on package
(``repoze.bfg.traversalwrapper``), in order to eventually be able to
shed a dependency on ``zope.proxy``.

- In all previous releases, by default, if traversal was used (as
opposed to URL-dispatch), and the root object supplied
the``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ILocation`` interface, but the children
returned via its ``__getitem__`` returned an object that did not
implement the same interface, :mod:`repoze.bfg` provided some
implicit help during traversal. This traversal feature wrapped
subobjects from the root (and thereafter) that did not implement
``ILocation`` in proxies which automatically provided them with a
``__name__`` and ``__parent__`` attribute based on the name being
traversed and the previous object traversed. This feature has now
been removed from the base ``repoze.bfg`` package for purposes of
eventually shedding a dependency on ``zope.proxy``.

In order to re-enable the wrapper behavior for older applications
which cannot be changed, register the "traversalwrapper"
``ModelGraphTraverser`` as the traversal policy, rather than the
default ``ModelGraphTraverser``. To use this feature, you will need
to install the ``repoze.bfg.traversalwrapper`` package (an add-on
package, available at Then change your
application's ``configure.zcml`` to include the following stanza:


When this ITraverserFactory is used instead of the default, no
object in the graph (even the root object) must supply a
``__name__`` or ``__parent__`` attribute. Even if subobjects
returned from the root *do* implement the ILocation interface,
these will still be wrapped in proxies that override the object's
"real" ``__parent__`` and ``__name__`` attributes.

See also changes to the "Models" chapter of the documentation (in
the "Location-Aware Model Instances") section.

0.7.0 (2009-04-11)

Bug Fixes

- Fix a bug in ``repoze.bfg.wsgi.HTTPException``: the content length
was returned as an int rather than as a string.

- Add explicit dependencies on ``zope.deferredimport``,
``zope.deprecation``, and ``zope.proxy`` for forward compatibility
reasons (``zope.component`` will stop relying on
``zope.deferredimport`` soon and although we use it directly, it's
only a transitive dependency, and ''zope.deprecation`` and
``zope.proxy`` are used directly even though they're only transitive
dependencies as well).

- Using ``model_url`` or ``model_path`` against a broken model graph
(one with models that had a non-root model with a ``__name__`` of
``None``) caused an inscrutable error to be thrown: ( if not
``_must_quote[cachekey].search(s): TypeError: expected string or
buffer``). Now URLs and paths generated against graphs that have
None names in intermediate nodes will replace the None with the
empty string, and, as a result, the error won't be raised. Of
course the URL or path will still be bogus.


- Make it possible to have ``testing.DummyTemplateRenderer`` return
some nondefault string representation.

- Added a new ``anchor`` keyword argument to ``model_url``. If
``anchor`` is present, its string representation will be used
as a named anchor in the generated URL (e.g. if ``anchor`` is
passed as ``foo`` and the model URL is
````, the generated URL will be

Backwards Incompatibilities

- The default request charset encoding is now ``utf-8``. As a result,
the request machinery will attempt to decode values from the utf-8
encoding to Unicode automatically when they are obtained via
``request.params``, ``request.GET``, and ``request.POST``. The
previous behavior of BFG was to return a bytestring when a value was
accessed in this manner. This change will break form handling code
in apps that rely on values from those APIs being considered
bytestrings. If you are manually decoding values from form
submissions in your application, you'll either need to change the
code that does that to expect Unicode values from
``request.params``, ``request.GET`` and ``request.POST``, or you'll
need to explicitly reenable the previous behavior. To reenable the
previous behavior, add the following to your application's

<subscriber for="repoze.bfg.interfaces.INewRequest"

See also the documentation in the "Views" chapter of the BFG docs
entitled "Using Views to Handle Form Submissions (Unicode and
Character Set Issues)".


- Add a section to the narrative Views chapter entitled "Using Views
to Handle Form Submissions (Unicode and Character Set Issues)"
explaining implicit decoding of form data values.

0.6.9 (2009-02-16)

Bug Fixes

- lru cache was unstable under concurrency (big surprise!) when it
tried to redelete a key in the cache that had already been deleted.
Symptom: line 64 in put:del data[oldkey]:KeyError: '/some/path'.
Now we just ignore the key error if we can't delete the key (it has
already been deleted).

- Empty location names in model paths when generating a URL using
``repoze.bfg.model_url`` based on a model obtained via traversal are
no longer ignored in the generated URL. This means that if a
non-root model object has a ``__name__`` of ``''``, the URL will
reflect it (e.g. ``model_url`` will generate ``http://foo/bar//baz``
if an object with the ``__name__`` of ``''`` is a child of bar and
the parent of baz). URLs generated with empty path segments are,
however, still irresolveable by the model graph traverser on request
ingress (the traverser strips empty path segment names).


- Microspeedups of ``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path``,
``repoze.bfg.traversal.quote_path_segment``, and

- add zip_safe = false to setup.cfg.


- Add a note to the ``repoze.bfg.traversal.quote_path_segment`` API
docs about caching of computed values.

Implementation Changes

- Simplification of
``repoze.bfg.traversal.TraversalContextURL.__call__`` (it now uses
``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path`` instead of rolling its own

0.6.8 (2009-02-05)

Backwards Incompatibilities

- The ``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path`` API now returns a *quoted*
string rather than a string represented by series of unquoted
elements joined via ``/`` characters. Previously it returned a
string or unicode object representing the model path, with each
segment name in the path joined together via ``/`` characters,
e.g. ``/foo /bar``. Now it returns a string, where each segment is
a UTF-8 encoded and URL-quoted element e.g. ``/foo%20/bar``. This
change was (as discussed briefly on the repoze-dev maillist)
necessary to accomodate model objects which themselves have
``__name__`` attributes that contain the ``/`` character.

For people that have no models that have high-order Unicode
``__name__`` attributes or ``__name__`` attributes with values that
require URL-quoting with in their model graphs, this won't cause any
issue. However, if you have code that currently expects
``model_path`` to return an unquoted string, or you have an existing
application with data generated via the old method, and you're too
lazy to change anything, you may wish replace the BFG-imported
``model_path`` in your code with this function (this is the code of
the "old" ``model_path`` implementation)::

from repoze.bfg.location import lineage

def i_am_too_lazy_to_move_to_the_new_model_path(model, *elements):
rpath = []
for location in lineage(model):
if location.__name__:
path = '/' + '/'.join(reversed(rpath))
if elements:
suffix = '/'.join(elements)
path = '/'.join([path, suffix])
return path

- The ``repoze.bfg.traversal.find_model`` API no longer implicitly
converts unicode representations of a full path passed to it as a
Unicode object into a UTF-8 string. Callers should either use
prequoted path strings returned by
``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path``, or tuple values returned by the
result of ``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path_tuple`` or they should
use the guidelines about passing a string ``path`` argument
described in the ``find_model`` API documentation.


- Each argument contained in ``elements`` passed to
``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path`` will now have any ``/``
characters contained within quoted to ``%2F`` in the returned
string. Previously, ``/`` characters in elements were left unquoted
(a bug).


- A ``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path_tuple`` API was added. This API
is an alternative to ``model_path`` (which returns a string);
``model_path_tuple`` returns a model path as a tuple (much like
Zope's ``getPhysicalPath``).

- A ``repoze.bfg.traversal.quote_path_segment`` API was added. This
API will quote an individual path segment (string or unicode
object). See the ``repoze.bfg.traversal`` API documentation for
more information.

- The ``repoze.bfg.traversal.find_model`` API now accepts "path
tuples" (see the above note regarding ``model_path_tuple``) as well
as string path representations (from
``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_path``) as a ``path`` argument.

- Add ` `renderer`` argument (defaulting to None) to
``repoze.bfg.testing.registerDummyRenderer``. This makes it
possible, for instance, to register a custom renderer that raises an
exception in a unit test.

Implementation Changes

- Moved _url_quote function back to ``repoze.bfg.traversal`` from
``repoze.bfg.url``. This is not an API.

0.6.7 (2009-01-27)


- The ``repoze.bfg.url.model_url`` API now works against contexts
derived from Routes URL dispatch (``Routes.util.url_for`` is called
under the hood).

- "Virtual root" support for traversal-based applications has been
added. Virtual root support is useful when you'd like to host some
model in a :mod:`repoze.bfg` model graph as an application under a
URL pathname that does not include the model path itself. For more
information, see the (new) "Virtual Hosting" chapter in the

- A ``repoze.bfg.traversal.virtual_root`` API has been added. When
called, it returns the virtual root object (or the physical root
object if no virtual root has been specified).

Implementation Changes

- ``repoze.bfg.traversal.RoutesModelTraverser`` has been moved to

- ``model_url`` URL generation is now performed via an adapter lookup
based on the context and the request.

- ZCML which registers two adapters for the ``IContextURL`` interface
has been added to the configure.zcml in ``repoze.bfg.includes``.

0.6.6 (2009-01-26)

Implementation Changes

- There is an indirection in ``repoze.bfg.url.model_url`` now that
consults a utility to generate the base model url (without extra
elements or a query string). Eventually this will service virtual
hosting; for now it's undocumented and should not be hooked.

0.6.5 (2009-01-26)


- You can now override the NotFound and Unauthorized responses that
:mod:`repoze.bfg` generates when a view cannot be found or cannot be
invoked due to lack of permission. See the "ZCML Hooks" chapter in
the docs for more information.

- Added Routes ZCML directive attribute explanations in documentation.

- Added a ``traversal_path`` API to the traversal module; see the
"traversal" API chapter in the docs. This was a function previously
known as ``split_path`` that was not an API but people were using it
anyway. Unlike ``split_path``, it now returns a tuple instead of a
list (as its values are cached).

Behavior Changes

- The ``repoze.bfg.view.render_view_to_response`` API will no longer
raise a ValueError if an object returned by a view function it calls
does not possess certain attributes (``headerlist``, ``app_iter``,
``status``). This API used to attempt to perform a check using the
``is_response`` function in ``repoze.bfg.view``, and raised a
``ValueError`` if the ``is_response`` check failed. The
responsibility is now the caller's to ensure that the return value
from a view function is a "real" response.

- WSGI environ dicts passed to ``repoze.bfg`` 's Router must now
contain a REQUEST_METHOD key/value; if they do not, a KeyError will
be raised (speed).

- It is no longer permissible to pass a "nested" list of principals to
``repoze.bfg.ACLAuthorizer.permits`` (e.g. ``['fred', ['larry',
'bob']]``). The principals list must be fully expanded. This
feature was never documented, and was never an API, so it's not a
backwards incompatibility.

- It is no longer permissible for a security ACE to contain a "nested"
list of permissions (e.g. ``(Allow, Everyone, ['read', ['view',
['write', 'manage']]])`)`. The list must instead be fully expanded
(e.g. ``(Allow, Everyone, ['read', 'view', 'write', 'manage])``). This
feature was never documented, and was never an API, so it's not a
backwards incompatibility.

- The ``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesRootFactory`` now injects the
``wsgiorg.routing_args`` environment variable into the environ when
a route matches. This is a tuple of ((), routing_args) where
routing_args is the value that comes back from the routes mapper
match (the "match dict").

- The ``repoze.bfg.traversal.RoutesModelTraverser`` class now wants to
obtain the ``view_name`` and ``subpath`` from the
``wsgiorgs.routing_args`` environment variable. It falls back to
obtaining these from the context for backwards compatibility.

Implementation Changes

- Get rid of ````: the
``ACLSecurityPolicy`` now does what it did inline.

- Get rid of ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.NoAuthorizationInformation``
exception: it was used only by ``ACLAuthorizer``.

- Use a homegrown NotFound error instead of ``webob.exc.HTTPNotFound``
(the latter is slow).

- Use a homegrown Unauthorized error instead of
``webob.exc.Unauthorized`` (the latter is slow).

- the ``repoze.bfg.lru.lru_cached`` decorator now uses functools.wraps
in order to make documentation of LRU-cached functions possible.

- Various speed micro-tweaks.

Bug Fixes

- ``repoze.bfg.testing.DummyModel`` did not have a ``get`` method;
it now does.

0.6.4 (2009-01-23)

Backwards Incompatibilities

- The ``unicode_path_segments`` configuration variable and the
``BFG_UNICODE_PATH_SEGMENTS`` configuration variable have been
removed. Path segments are now always passed to model
``__getitem__`` methods as unicode. "True" has been the default for
this setting since 0.5.4, but changing this configuration setting to
false allowed you to go back to passing raw path element strings to
model ``__getitem__`` methods. Removal of this knob services a
speed goal (we get about +80 req/s by removing the check), and it's
clearer just to always expect unicode path segments in model
``__getitem__`` methods.

Implementation Changes

- ``repoze.bfg.traversal.split_path`` now also handles decoding
path segments to unicode (for speed, because its results are

- ``repoze.bfg.traversal.step`` was made a method of the

- Use "precooked" Request subclasses
(e.g. ``repoze.bfg.request.GETRequest``) that correspond to HTTP
request methods within ```` when constructing a request
object rather than using ``alsoProvides`` to attach the proper
interface to an unsubclassed ``webob.Request``. This pattern is
purely an optimization (e.g. preventing calls to ``alsoProvides``
means the difference between 590 r/s and 690 r/s on a MacBook 2GHz).

- Tease out an extra 4% performance boost by changing the Router;
instead of using imported ZCA APIs, use the same APIs directly
against the registry that is an attribute of the Router.

- The registry used by BFG is now a subclass of
``zope.component.registry.Components`` (defined as
``repoze.bfg.registry.Registry``); it has a ``notify`` method, a
``registerSubscriptionAdapter`` and a ``registerHandler`` method.
If no subscribers are registered via ``registerHandler`` or
``registerSubscriptionAdapter``, ``notify`` is a noop for speed.

- The Allowed and Denied classes in ```` now are
lazier about constructing the representation of a reason message for
speed; ``repoze.bfg.view_execution_permitted`` takes advantage of

- The ``is_response`` check was sped up by about half at the expense
of making its code slightly uglier.

New Modules

- ``repoze.bfg.lru`` implements an LRU cache class and a decorator for
internal use.

0.6.3 (2009-01-19)

Bug Fixes

- Readd ``root_policy`` attribute on Router object (as a property
which returns the IRootFactory utility). It was inadvertently
removed in 0.6.2. Code in the wild depended upon its presence
(esp. scripts and "debug" helpers).


- URL-dispatch has been overhauled: it is no longer necessary to
manually create a RoutesMapper in your application's entry point
callable in order to use URL-dispatch (aka `Routes
<>`_). A new ``route`` directive has been
added to the available list of ZCML directives. Each ``route``
directive inserted into your application's ``configure.zcml``
establishes a Routes mapper connection. If any ``route``
declarations are made via ZCML within a particular application, the
``get_root`` callable passed in to ``repoze.bfg.router.make_app``
will automatically be wrapped in the equivalent of a RoutesMapper.
Additionally, the new ``route`` directive allows the specification
of a ``context_interfaces`` attribute for a route, this will be used
to tag the manufactured routes context with specific interfaces when
a route specifying a ``context_interfaces`` attribute is matched.

- A new interface ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IContextNotFound`` was
added. This interface is attached to a "dummy" context generated
when Routes cannot find a match and there is no "fallback" get_root
callable that uses traversal.

- The ``bfg_starter`` and ``bfg_zodb`` "paster create" templates now
contain images and CSS which are displayed when the default page is
displayed after initial project generation.

- Allow the ``repoze.bfg.view.static`` helper to be passed a relative
``root_path`` name; it will be considered relative to the file in
which it was called.

- The functionality of ``repoze.bfg.convention`` has been merged into
the core. Applications which make use of ``repoze.bfg.convention``
will continue to work indefinitely, but it is recommended that apps
stop depending upon it. To do so, substitute imports of
``repoze.bfg.convention.bfg_view`` with imports of
``repoze.bfg.view.bfg_view``, and change the stanza in ZCML from
``<convention package=".">`` to ``<scan package=".">``. As a result
of the merge, bfg has grown a new dependency: ``martian``.

- View functions which use the pushpage decorator are now pickleable
(meaning their use won't prevent a ``configure.zcml.cache`` file
from being written to disk).

- Instead of invariably using ``webob.Request`` as the "request
factory" (e.g. in the ``Router`` class) and ``webob.Response`` and
the "response factory" (e.g. in ``render_template_to_response``),
allow both to be overridden via a ZCML utility hook. See the "Using
ZCML Hooks" chapter of the documentation for more information.


- The class ``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesContext`` has been renamed
to ``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.DefaultRoutesContext``. The class
should be imported by the new name as necessary (although in reality
it probably shouldn't be imported from anywhere except internally
within BFG, as it's not part of the API).

Implementation Changes

- The ``repoze.bfg.wsgi.wsgiapp`` decorator now uses
``webob.Request.get_response`` to do its work rather than relying on
homegrown WSGI code.

- The ``repoze.bfg.view.static`` helper now uses
``webob.Request.get_response`` to do its work rather than relying on
homegrown WSGI code.

- The ``repoze.bfg.urldispatch.RoutesModelTraverser`` class has been
moved to ``repoze.bfg.traversal.RoutesModelTraverser``.

- The ``repoze.bfg.registry.makeRegistry`` function was renamed to
``repoze.bfg.registry.populateRegistry`` and now accepts a
``registry`` argument (which should be an instance of

Documentation Additions

- Updated narrative urldispatch chapter with changes required by
``<route..>`` ZCML directive.

- Add a section on "Using BFG Security With URL Dispatch" into the
urldispatch chapter of the documentation.

- Better documentation of security policy implementations that ship
with repoze.bfg.

- Added a "Using ZPT Macros in repoze.bfg" section to the narrative
templating chapter.

0.6.2 (2009-01-13)


- Tests can be run with coverage output if you've got ``nose``
installed in the interpreter which you use to run tests. Using an
interpreter with ``nose`` installed, do ``python
nosetests`` within a checkout of the ``repoze.bfg`` package to see
test coverage output.

- Added a ``post`` argument to the ``repoze.bfg.testing:DummyRequest``

- Added ``__len__`` and ``__nonzero__`` to ``repoze.bfg.testing:DummyModel``.

- The ``repoze.bfg.registry.get_options`` callable (now renamed to
``repoze.bfg.setings.get_options``) used to return only
framework-specific keys and values in the dictionary it returned.
It now returns all the keys and values in the dictionary it is
passed *plus* any framework-specific settings culled from the
environment. As a side effect, all PasteDeploy application-specific
config file settings are made available as attributes of the
``ISettings`` utility from within BFG.

- Renamed the existing BFG paster template to ``bfg_starter``. Added
another template (``bfg_zodb``) showing default ZODB setup using

- Add a method named ``assert_`` to the DummyTemplateRenderer. This
method accepts keyword arguments. Each key/value pair in the
keyword arguments causes an assertion to be made that the renderer
received this key with a value equal to the asserted value.

- Projects generated by the paster templates now use the
``DummyTemplateRenderer.assert_`` method in their view tests.

- Make the (internal) thread local registry manager maintain a stack
of registries in order to make it possible to call one BFG
application from inside another.

- An interface specific to the HTTP verb (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE/HEAD) is
attached to each request object on ingress. The HTTP-verb-related
interfaces are defined in ``repoze.bfg.interfaces`` and are
``IGETRequest``, ``IPOSTRequest``, ``IPUTRequest``,
``IDELETERequest`` and ``IHEADRequest``. These interfaces can be
specified as the ``request_type`` attribute of a bfg view
declaration. A view naming a specific HTTP-verb-matching interface
will be found only if the view is defined with a request_type that
matches the HTTP verb in the incoming request. The more general
``IRequest`` interface can be used as the request_type to catch all
requests (and this is indeed the default). All requests implement
``IRequest``. The HTTP-verb-matching idea was pioneered by
<>`_ . That
package is no longer required, but still functions fine.

Bug Fixes

- Fix a bug where the Paste configuration's ``unicode_path_segments``
(and os.environ's ``BFG_UNICODE_PATH_SEGMENTS``) may have been
defaulting to false in some circumstances. It now always defaults
to true, matching the documentation and intent.

- The ``repoze.bfg.traversal.find_model`` API did not work properly
when passed a ``path`` argument which was unicode and contained
high-order bytes when the ``unicode_path_segments`` or
``BFG_UNICODE_PATH_SEGMENTS`` configuration variables were "true".

- A new module was added: ``repoze.bfg.settings``. This contains
deployment-settings-related code.

Implementation Changes

- The ``make_app`` callable within ``repoze.bfg.router`` now registers
the ``root_policy`` argument as a utility (unnamed, using the new
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IRootFactory`` as a provides interface)
rather than passing it as the first argument to the
``repoze.bfg.router.Router`` class. As a result, the
``repoze.bfg.router.Router`` router class only accepts a single
argument: ``registry``. The ``repoze.bfg.router.Router`` class
retrieves the root policy via a utility lookup now. The
``repoze.bfg.router.make_app`` API also now performs some important
application registrations that were previously handled inside

New Modules

- A ``repoze.bfg.settings`` module was added. It contains code
related to deployment settings. Most of the code it contains was
moved to it from the ``repoze.bfg.registry`` module.

Behavior Changes

- The ``repoze.bfg.settings.Settings`` class (an instance of which is
registered as a utility providing
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ISettings`` when any application is started)
now automatically calls ``repoze.bfg.settings.get_options`` on the
options passed to its constructor. This means that usage of
``get_options`` within an application's ``make_app`` function is no
longer required (the "raw" ``options`` dict or None may be passed).

- Remove old cold which attempts to recover from trying to unpickle a
```` template; Chameleon has been the templating engine for a
good long time now. Running repoze.bfg against a sandbox that has
pickled ```` templates it will now just fail with an
unpickling error, but can be fixed by deleting the template cache


- Moved the ``repoze.bfg.registry.Settings`` class. This has been
moved to ``repoze.bfg.settings.Settings``. A deprecation warning is
issued when it is imported from the older location.

- Moved the ``repoze.bfg.registry.get_options`` function This has been
moved to ``repoze.bfg.settings.get_options``. A deprecation warning
is issued when it is imported from the older location.

- The ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.IRootPolicy`` interface was renamed
within the interfaces package. It has been renamed to
``IRootFactory``. A deprecation warning is issued when it is
imported from the older location.

0.6.1 (2009-01-06)

New Modules

- A new module ``repoze.bfg.url`` has been added. It contains the
``model_url`` API (moved from ``repoze.bfg.traversal``) and an
implementation of ``urlencode`` (like Python's
``urllib.urlencode``) which can handle Unicode keys and values in
parameters to the ``query`` argument.


- The ``model_url`` function has been moved from
``repoze.bfg.traversal`` into ``repoze.bfg.url``. It can still
be imported from ``repoze.bfg.traversal`` but an import from
``repoze.bfg.traversal`` will emit a DeprecationWarning.


- A ``static`` helper class was added to the ``repoze.bfg.views``
module. Instances of this class are willing to act as BFG views
which return static resources using files on disk. See the
``repoze.bfg.view`` docs for more info.

- The ``repoze.bfg.url.model_url`` API (nee'
``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_url``) now accepts and honors a
keyword argument named ``query``. The value of this argument
will be used to compose a query string, which will be attached to
the generated URL before it is returned. See the API docs (in
the docs directory or `on the web
<>`_) for more information.

0.6 (2008-12-26)

Backwards Incompatibilities

- Rather than prepare the "stock" implementations of the ZCML directives
from the ``zope.configuration`` package for use under ``repoze.bfg``,
``repoze.bfg`` now makes available the implementations of directives
from the ``repoze.zcml`` package (see
As a result, the ``repoze.bfg`` package now depends on the
``repoze.zcml`` package, and no longer depends directly on the
``zope.component``, ``zope.configuration``, ``zope.interface``, or
``zope.proxy`` packages.

The primary reason for this change is to enable us to eventually reduce
the number of inappropriate ``repoze.bfg`` Zope package dependencies,
as well as to shed features of dependent package directives that don't
make sense for ``repoze.bfg``.

Note that currently the set of requirements necessary to use bfg has not
changed. This is due to inappropriate Zope package requirements in
``chameleon.zpt``, which will hopefully be remedied soon. NOTE: in
lemonade index a 1.0b8-repozezcml0 package exists which does away with
these requirements.

- BFG applications written prior to this release which expect the "stock"
``zope.component`` ZCML directive implementations (e.g. ``adapter``,
``subscriber``, or ``utility``) to function now must either 1) include
the ``meta.zcml`` file from ``zope.component`` manually (e.g. ``<include
package="zope.component" file="meta.zcml">``) and include the
```` package as an ``install_requires`` dependency or 2)
change the ZCML in their applications to use the declarations from
`repoze.zcml <>`_ instead of the stock
declarations. ``repoze.zcml`` only makes available the ``adapter``,
``subscriber`` and ``utility`` directives.

In short, if you've got an existing BFG application, after this
update, if your application won't start due to an import error for
"", the fastest way to get it working again is to add
```` to the "install_requires" of your BFG
application's ````, then add the following ZCML anywhere
in your application's ``configure.zcml``::

<include package="zope.component" file="meta.zcml">

Then re-`` develop`` or reinstall your application.

- The ```` XML namespace is now the default
XML namespace in ZCML for paster-generated applications. The docs have
been updated to reflect this.

- The copies of BFG's ``meta.zcml`` and ``configure.zcml`` were removed
from the root of the ``repoze.bfg`` package. In 0.3.6, a new package
named ``repoze.bfg.includes`` was added, which contains the "correct"
copies of these ZCML files; the ones that were removed were for backwards
compatibility purposes.

- The BFG ``view`` ZCML directive no longer calls
``zope.component.interface.provideInterface`` for the ``for`` interface.
We don't support ``provideInterface`` in BFG because it mutates the
global registry.


- The minimum requirement for ``chameleon.core`` is now 1.0b13. The
minimum requirement for ``chameleon.zpt`` is now 1.0b8. The minimum
requirement for ``chameleon.genshi`` is now 1.0b2.

- Updated paster template "" to one that requires setuptools

- Turn ``view_execution_permitted`` from the ``repoze.bfg.view`` module
into a documented API.

- Doc cleanups.

- Documented how to create a view capable of serving static resources.

0.5.6 (2008-12-18)

- Speed up ``traversal.model_url`` execution by using a custom url quoting
function instead of Python's ``urllib.quote``, by caching URL path
segment quoting and encoding results, by disusing Python's
``urlparse.urljoin`` in favor of a simple string concatenation, and by
using ``ob.__class__ is unicode`` rather than ``isinstance(ob, unicode)``
in one strategic place.

0.5.5 (2008-12-17)

Backwards Incompatibilities

- In the past, during traversal, the ModelGraphTraverser (the default
traverser) always passed each URL path segment to any ``__getitem__``
method of a model object as a byte string (a ``str`` object). Now, by
default the ModelGraphTraverser attempts to decode the path segment to
Unicode (a ``unicode`` object) using the UTF-8 encoding before passing it
to the ``__getitem__`` method of a model object. This makes it possible
for model objects to be dumber in ``__getitem__`` when trying to resolve
a subobject, as model objects themselves no longer need to try to divine
whether or not to try to decode the path segment passed by the

Note that since 0.5.4, URLs generated by repoze.bfg's ``model_url`` API
will contain UTF-8 encoded path segments as necessary, so any URL
generated by BFG itself will be decodeable by the traverser. If another
application generates URLs to a BFG application, to be resolved
successully, it should generate the URL with UTF-8 encoded path segments
to be successfully resolved. The decoder is not at all magical: if a
non-UTF-8-decodeable path segment (e.g. one encoded using UTF-16 or some
other insanity) is passed in the URL, BFG will raise a ``TypeError`` with
a message indicating it could not decode the path segment.

To turn on the older behavior, where path segments were not decoded to
Unicode before being passed to model object ``__getitem__`` by the
traverser, and were passed as a raw byte string, set the
``unicode_path_segments`` configuration setting to a false value in your
BFG application's section of the paste .ini file, for example::

unicode_path_segments = False

Or start the application using the ``BFG_UNICODE_PATH_SEGMENT`` envvar
set to a false value::


0.5.4 (2008-12-13)

Backwards Incompatibilities

- URL-quote "extra" element names passed in as ``**elements`` to the
``traversal.model_url`` API. If any of these names is a Unicode string,
encode it to UTF-8 before URL-quoting. This is a slight backwards
incompatibility that will impact you if you were already UTF-8 encoding
or URL-quoting the values you passed in as ``elements`` to this API.


- UTF-8 encode each segment in the model path used to generate a URL before
url-quoting it within the ``traversal.model_url`` API. This is a bugfix,
as Unicode cannot always be successfully URL-quoted.


- Make it possible to run unit tests using a buildout-generated Python

- Add ``request.root`` to ``router.Router`` in order to have easy access to
the application root.

0.5.3 (2008-12-07)

- Remove the ``ITestingTemplateRenderer`` interface. When
``testing.registerDummyRenderer`` is used, it instead registers a dummy
implementation using ``ITemplateRenderer`` interface, which is checked
for when the built-in templating facilities do rendering. This change
also allows developers to make explcit named utility registrations in
the ZCML registry against ``ITemplateRenderer``; these will be found
before any on-disk template is looked up.

0.5.2 (2008-12-05)

- The component registration handler for views (functions or class
instances) now observes component adaptation annotations (see
``zope.component.adaptedBy``) and uses them before the fallback values
for ``for_`` and ``request_type``. This change does not affect existing
code insomuch as the code does not rely on these defaults when an
annotation is set on the view (unlikely). This means that for a
new-style class you can do ``zope.component.adapts(ISomeContext,
ISomeRequest)`` at class scope or at module scope as a decorator to a
bfg view function you can do ``@zope.component.adapter(ISomeContext,
ISomeRequest)``. This differs from r.bfg.convention inasmuch as you
still need to put something in ZCML for the registrations to get done;
it's only the defaults that will change if these declarations exist.

- Strip all slashes from end and beginning of path in clean_path within
traversal machinery.

0.5.1 (2008-11-25)

- Add ``keys``, ``items``, and ``values`` methods to

- Add __delitem__ method to ``testing.DummyModel``.

0.5.0 (2008-11-18)

- Fix ModelGraphTraverser; don't try to change the ``__name__`` or
``__parent__`` of an object that claims it implements ILocation during
traversal even if the ``__name__`` or ``__parent__`` of the object
traversed does not match the name used in the traversal step or the or
the traversal parent . Rationale: it was insane to do so. This bug was
only found due to a misconfiguration in an application that mistakenly
had intermediate persistent non-ILocation objects; traversal was causing
a persistent write on every request under this setup.

- ``repoze.bfg.location.locate`` now unconditionally sets ``__name__`` and
``__parent__`` on objects which provide ILocation (it previously only set
them conditionally if they didn't match attributes already present on the
object via equality).

0.4.9 (2008-11-17)

- Add chameleon text template API (chameleon ${name} renderings where the
template does not need to be wrapped in any containing XML).

- Change docs to explain install in terms of a virtualenv

- Make pushpage decorator compatible with repoze.bfg.convention's
``bfg_view`` decorator when they're stacked.

- Add content_length attribute to testing.DummyRequest.

- Change paster template ```` to include a true unit test. Retain
old test as an integration test. Update documentation.

- Document view registrations against classes and ``repoze.bfg.convention``
in context.

- Change the default paster template to register its single view against a
class rather than an interface.

- Document adding a request type interface to the request via a subscriber
function in the events narrative documentation.

0.4.8 (2008-11-12)

Backwards Incompatibilities

- ``repoze.bfg.traversal.model_url`` now always appends a slash to all
generated URLs unless further elements are passed in as the third and
following arguments. Rationale: views often use ``model_url`` without
the third-and-following arguments in order to generate a URL for a model
in order to point at the default view of a model. The URL that points to
the default view of the *root* model is technically ``http://mysite/`` as
opposed to ``http://mysite`` (browsers happen to ask for '/' implicitly
in the GET request). Because URLs are never automatically generated for
anything *except* models by ``model_url``, and because the root model is
not really special, we continue this pattern. The impact of this change
is minimal (at most you will have too many slashes in your URL, which BFG
deals with gracefully anyway).

0.4.7 (2008-11-11)


- Allow ``testing.registerEventListener`` to be used with Zope 3 style
"object events" (subscribers accept more than a single event argument).
We extend the list with the arguments, rather than append.

0.4.6 (2008-11-10)

Bug Fixes

- The ``model_path`` and ``model_url`` traversal APIs returned the wrong
value for the root object (e.g. ``model_path`` returned ``''`` for the
root object, while it should have been returning ``'/'``).

0.4.5 (2008-11-09)


- Added a ``clone`` method and a ``__contains__`` method to the DummyModel
testing object.

- Allow DummyModel objects to receive extra keyword arguments, which will
be attached as attributes.

- The DummyTemplateRenderer now returns ``self`` as its implementation.

0.4.4 (2008-11-08)


- Added a ``repoze.bfg.testing`` module to attempt to make it slightly
easier to write unittest-based automated tests of BFG applications.
Information about this module is in the documentation.

- The default template renderer now supports testing better by looking for
``ITestingTemplateRenderer`` using a relative pathname. This is exposed
indirectly through the API named ``registerTemplateRenderer`` in


- The names ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITemplate`` ,
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITemplateFactory`` and
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.INodeTemplate`` have been deprecated. These
should now be imported as ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITemplateRenderer`` and
``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ITemplateRendererFactory``, and
``INodeTemplateRenderer`` respectively.

- The name ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt.ZPTTemplateFactory`` is deprecated.
Use ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt.ZPTTemplateRenderer``.

- The name ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_genshi.GenshiTemplateFactory`` is
deprecated. Use ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_genshi.GenshiTemplateRenderer``.

- The name ``repoze.bfg.xslt.XSLTemplateFactory`` is deprecated. Use

0.4.3 (2008-11-02)

Bug Fixes

- Not passing the result of "get_options" as the second argument of
make_app could cause attribute errors when attempting to look up settings
against the ISettings object (internal). Fixed by giving the Settings
objects defaults for ``debug_authorization`` and ``debug_notfound``.

- Return an instance of ``Allowed`` (rather than ``True``) from
``has_permission`` when no security policy is in use.

- Fix bug where default deny in authorization check would throw a TypeError
(use ``ACLDenied`` instead of ``Denied``).

0.4.2 (2008-11-02)


- Expose a single ILogger named "repoze.bfg.debug" as a utility; this
logger is registered unconditionally and is used by the authorization
debug machinery. Applications may also make use of it as necessary
rather than inventing their own logger, for convenience.

- The ``BFG_DEBUG_AUTHORIZATION`` envvar and the ``debug_authorization``
config file value now only imply debugging of view-invoked security
checks. Previously, information was printed for every call to
``has_permission`` as well, which made output confusing. To debug
``has_permission`` checks and other manual permission checks, use the
debugger and print statements in your own code.

- Authorization debugging info is now only present in the HTTP response
body oif ``debug_authorization`` is true.

- The format of authorization debug messages was improved.

- A new ``BFG_DEBUG_NOTFOUND`` envvar was added and a symmetric
``debug_notfound`` config file value was added. When either is true, and
a NotFound response is returned by the BFG router (because a view could
not be found), debugging information is printed to stderr. When this
value is set true, the body of HTTPNotFound responses will also contain
the same debugging information.

- ``Allowed`` and ``Denied`` responses from the security machinery are now
specialized into two types: ACL types, and non-ACL types. The
ACL-related responses are instances of ````
and ````. The non-ACL-related responses are
```` and ````. The
allowed-type responses continue to evaluate equal to things that
themselves evaluate equal to the ``True`` boolean, while the denied-type
responses continue to evaluate equal to things that themselves evaluate
equal to the ``False`` boolean. The only difference between the two
types is the information attached to them for debugging purposes.

- Added a new ``BFG_DEBUG_ALL`` envvar and a symmetric ``debug_all`` config
file value. When either is true, all other debug-related flags are set
true unconditionally (e.g. ``debug_notfound`` and


- Added info about debug flag changes.

- Added a section to the security chapter named "Debugging Imperative
Authorization Failures" (for e.g. ``has_permssion``).

Bug Fixes

- Change default paster template generator to use ``Paste#http`` server
rather than ``PasteScript#cherrpy`` server. The cherrypy server has a
security risk in it when ``REMOTE_USER`` is trusted by the downstream

0.4.1 (2008-10-28)

Bug Fixes

- If the ``render_view_to_response`` function was called, if the view was
found and called, but it returned something that did not implement
IResponse, the error would pass by unflagged. This was noticed when I
created a view function that essentially returned None, but received a
NotFound error rather than a ValueError when the view was rendered. This
was fixed.

0.4.0 (2008-10-03)


- An "Environment and Configuration" chapter was added to the narrative
portion of the documentation.


- Ensure bfg doesn't generate warnings when running under Python

- The environment variable ``BFG_RELOAD_TEMPLATES`` is now available
(serves the same purpose as ``reload_templates`` in the config file).

- A new configuration file option ``debug_authorization`` was added.
This turns on printing of security authorization debug statements
to ``sys.stderr``. The ``BFG_DEBUG_AUTHORIZATION`` environment
variable was also added; this performs the same duty.

Bug Fixes

- The environment variable ``BFG_SECURITY_DEBUG`` did not always work.
It has been renamed to ``BFG_DEBUG_AUTHORIZATION`` and fixed.


- A deprecation warning is now issued when old API names from the
``repoze.bfg.templates`` module are imported.

Backwards incompatibilities

- The ``BFG_SECURITY_DEBUG`` environment variable was renamed to

0.3.9 (2008-08-27)


- A ``repoze.bfg.location`` API module was added.

Backwards incompatibilities

- Applications must now use the ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ILocation``
interface rather than ``zope.location.interfaces.ILocation`` to
represent that a model object is "location-aware". We've removed
a dependency on ``zope.location`` for cleanliness purposes: as
new versions of zope libraries are released which have improved
dependency information, getting rid of our dependence on
``zope.location`` will prevent a newly installed repoze.bfg
application from requiring the ````, egg, which not
truly used at all in a "stock" repoze.bfg setup. These
dependencies are still required by the stack at this time; this
is purely a futureproofing move.

The security and model documentation for previous versions of
``repoze.bfg`` recommended using the
``zope.location.interfaces.ILocation`` interface to represent
that a model object is "location-aware". This documentation has
been changed to reflect that this interface should now be
imported from ``repoze.bfg.interfaces.ILocation`` instead.

0.3.8 (2008-08-26)


- Documented URL dispatch better in narrative form.

Bug fixes

- Routes URL dispatch did not have access to the WSGI environment,
so conditions such as method=GET did not work.


- Add ``principals_allowed_by_permission`` API to security module.

- Replace ```` support with support for ``chameleon.zpt``.
Chameleon is the new name for the package that used to be named
````. NOTE: If you update a ``repoze.bfg`` SVN checkout
that you're using for development, you will need to run "
install" or " develop" again in order to obtain the
proper Chameleon packages. ```` is no longer supported by
``repoze.bfg``. All API functions that used to render ````
templates will work fine with the new packages, and your
templates should render almost identically.

- Add a ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_zpt`` module. This module provides
Chameleon ZPT support.

- Add a ``repoze.bfg.xslt`` module. This module provides XSLT

- Add a ``repoze.bfg.chameleon_genshi`` module. This provides
direct Genshi support, which did not exist previously.


- Importing API functions directly from ``repoze.bfg.template`` is
now deprecated. The ``get_template``, ``render_template``,
``render_template_to_response`` functions should now be imported
from ``repoze.chameleon_zpt``. The ``render_transform``, and
``render_transform_to_response`` functions should now be imported
from ``repoze.bfg.xslt``. The ``repoze.bfg.template`` module
will remain around "forever" to support backwards compatibility.

0.3.7 (2008-09-09)


- Add compatibility with 1.0a7+ ( became a namespace package).

Bug fixes

- ``repoze.bfg.traversal.find_model`` function did not function properly.

0.3.6 (2008-09-04)


- Add startup process docs.

- Allow configuration cache to be bypassed by actions which include special
"uncacheable" discriminators (for actions that have variable results).

Bug Fixes

- Move core repoze.bfg ZCML into a ``repoze.bfg.includes`` package so we
can use repoze.bfg better as a namespace package. Adjust the code
generator to use it. We've left around the ``configure.zcml`` in the
repoze.bfg package directly so as not to break older apps.

- When a zcml application registry cache was unpickled, and it contained a
reference to an object that no longer existed (such as a view), bfg would
not start properly.

0.3.5 (2008-09-01)


- Event notification is issued after application is created and configured

- New API module: ``repoze.bfg.view``. This module contains the functions
named ``render_view_to_response``, ``render_view_to_iterable``,
``render_view`` and ``is_response``, which are documented in the API
docs. These features aid programmatic (non-server-driven) view

0.3.4 (2008-08-28)

Backwards incompatibilities

- Make ``repoze.bfg`` a namespace package so we can allow folks to create
subpackages (e.g. ``repoze.bfg.otherthing``) within separate eggs. This
is a backwards incompatible change which makes it impossible to import
"make_app" and "get_options" from the ``repoze.bfg`` module directly.
This change will break all existing apps generated by the paster code
generator. Instead, you need to import these functions as
``repoze.bfg.router:make_app`` and ``repoze.bfg.registry:get_options``,
respectively. Sorry folks, it has to be done now or never, and
definitely better now.


- Add ``model_path`` API function to traversal module.


- Normalize path returned by repoze.bfg.caller_path.

0.3.3 (2008-08-23)

- Fix generated module to use project name rather than package

0.3.2 (2008-08-23)

- Remove ``sampleapp`` sample application from bfg package itself.

- Remove dependency on FormEncode (only needed by sampleapp).

- Fix paster template generation so that case-sensitivity is preserved for
project vs. package name.

- Depend on ```` version 1.0a1 (which requires the ``[lxml]`` extra

- Read and write a pickled ZCML actions list, stored as
``configure.zcml.cache`` next to the applications's "normal"
configuration file. A given bfg app will usually start faster if it's
able to read the pickle data. It fails gracefully to reading the real
ZCML file if it cannot read the pickle.

0.3.1 (2008-08-20)

- Generated application differences: ``make_app`` entry point renamed to
``app`` in order to have a different name than the bfg function of the
same name, to prevent confusion.

- Add "options" processing to bfg's ``make_app`` to support runtime
options. A new API function named ``get_options`` was added to the
registry module. This function is typically used in an application's
``app`` entry point. The Paste config file section for the app can now
supply the ``reload_templates`` option, which, if true, will prevent the
need to restart the appserver in order for ```` or XSLT template
changes to be detected.

- Use only the module name in generated project's "test_suite" (run all
tests found in the package).

- Default port for generated apps changed from 5432 to 6543 (Postgres
default port is 6543).

0.3.0 (2008-08-16)

- Add ``get_template`` API to template module.

0.2.9 (2008-08-11)

- 0.2.8 was "brown bag" release. It didn't work at all. Symptom:
ComponentLookupError when trying to render a page.

0.2.8 (2008-08-11)

- Add ``find_model`` and ``find_root`` traversal APIs. In the process,
make ITraverser a uni-adapter (on context) rather than a multiadapter (on
context and request).

0.2.7 (2008-08-05)

- Add a ``request_type`` attribute to the available attributes of a
``bfg:view`` configure.zcml element. This attribute will have a value
which is a dotted Python path, pointing at an interface. If the request
object implements this interface when the view lookup is performed, the
appropriate view will be called. This is meant to allow for simple
"skinning" of sites based on request type. An event subscriber should
attach the interface to the request on ingress to support skins.

- Remove "template only" views. These were just confusing and were never

- Small url dispatch overhaul: the ``connect`` method of the
``urldispatch.RoutesMapper`` object now accepts a keyword parameter named
``context_factory``. If this parameter is supplied, it must be a
callable which returns an instance. This instance is used as the context
for the request when a route is matched.

- The registration of a RoutesModelTraverser no longer needs to be
performed by the application; it's in the bfg ZCML now.

0.2.6 (2008-07-31)

- Add event sends for INewRequest and INewResponse. See the events.rst
chapter in the documentation's ``api`` directory.

0.2.5 (2008-07-28)

- Add ``model_url`` API.

0.2.4 (2008-07-27)

- Added url-based dispatch.

0.2.3 (2008-07-20)

- Add API functions for authenticated_userid and effective_principals.

0.2.2 (2008-07-20)

- Add authenticated_userid and effective_principals API to security

0.2.1 (2008-07-20)

- Add find_interface API.

0.2 (2008-07-19)

- Add wsgiapp decorator.

- The concept of "view factories" was removed in favor of always calling a
view, which is a callable that returns a response directly (as opposed to
returning a view). As a result, the ``factory`` attribute in the
bfg:view ZCML statement has been renamed to ``view``. Various interface
names were changed also.

- ``render_template`` and ``render_transform`` no longer return a Response
object. Instead, these return strings. The old behavior can be obtained
by using ``render_template_to_response`` and

- Added 'repoze.bfg.push:pushpage' decorator, which creates BFG views from
callables which take (context, request) and return a mapping of top-level

- Added ACL-based security.

- Support for XSLT templates via a render_transform method

0.1 (2008-07-08)

- Initial release.

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