Sphinx extension to include program output
Project description
A Sphinx extension to literally insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents, helping you to keep your command examples up to date.
Install this extension from the Cheeseshop:
pip install sphinxcontrib-programoutput
The extension requires Sphinx 1.1 and Python 2.6 or Python 3.1 at least.
Just add this extension to extensions:
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.programoutput']
Now you’ve two new directives program-output and command-output to insert the output of programs. The former just inserts the output:
.. program-output:: python -V
Python 2.7.1
The latter directive mimics a shell session, and is intended to show examples:
.. command-output:: python -V
$ python -V Python 2.7.1
Please refer to the documentation for comprehensive information about usage and configuration of this extension.
Please report issues to the issue tracker if you have trouble or found a bug in this extension, but respect the following guidelines:
Check that the issue has not already been reported.
Check that the issue is not already fixed in the master branch.
Open issues with clear title and a detailed description in grammatically correct, complete sentences.
The source code is hosted on Github:
git clone https://github.com/lunaryorn/sphinxcontrib-programoutput
Please fork the repository and send pull requests with your fixes or features, but respect these guidelines:
Read how to properly contribute to open source projects on GitHub.
Use a topic branch to easily amend a pull request later, if necessary.
Write good commit messages.
Squash commits on the topic branch before opening a pull request.
Respect PEP 8 (use pep8 to check your coding style compliance)
Add unit tests.
Open a pull request that relates to but one subject with a clear title and description in grammatically correct, complete sentences.