Command-line interface for sampling lines from text files
Project description
sample is a command-line tool for sampling data from a large, newline-separated dataset (typically a CSV-like file).
sample is distributed with pip. Once you’ve installed pip, simply run:
> pip install sample-cli
and sample will be installed into your Python environment.
sample requires one argument, the input file. If the input file is -, data will be read from standard input (in this case, only the reservoir and approximate algorithms can be used).
Simple Example
To take a sample of size 1000 from the file big_data.csv, run sample as follows:
> sample -n 1000 big_data.csv
This will print 1000 random lines from the file to the terminal.
File Redirection
Usually we want to save the sample to another file instead. sample doesn’t have file output built-in; instead it relies on the output redirection features of your terminal. To save to big_data_sample.csv, run the following command:
> sample -n 1000 big_data.csv > big_data_sample.csv
Header Rows
CSV files often have a header row with the column names. You can pass the -r flag to sample to preserve the header row:
> sample -n 1000 big_data.csv -r > big_data_sample.csv
Rarely, you may need to sample from a file with a header spanning multiple rows. The -r argument takes an optional number of rows to preserve as a header:
> sample -n 1000 -r 3 data_with_header.csv > sample_with_header.csv
Note that if the -r argument is directly before the input filename, it must have an argument or else it will try to interpret the input filename as the number of header rows and fail. Putting the -r argument after the input filename will avoid this.
Random Seed
The output of sample is random and depend on the computer’s random state. Sometimes you may want to take a sample in a way that can be reproduced. You can pass a random seed to sample with the -s flag to accomplish this:
> sample -s 45906345 data_file.csv > reproducable_sample.csv
Sampling Algorithms
Algorithm Comparison
sample implements three sampling algorithms, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Reservoir |
Approximate |
Two-pass |
Flag |
--res |
--app |
--tp |
stdin-compatible |
yes |
yes |
no |
space complexity |
O(ss * rs) |
O(1) |
O(ss) |
fixed sample size |
compatible |
not compatible |
compatible |
fractional sample size |
not compatible |
compatible |
compatible |
For space complexity, ss is the number of records in the sample and rs is the maximum size of a record.
Reservoir Sampling
Reservoir sampling (Random Sampling with a Reservoir (Vitter 85)) is a method of sampling from a stream of unknown size where the sample size is fixed in advance. It is a one-pass algorithm and uses space proportional to the amount of data in the sample.
Reservoir sampling is the default algorithm used by sample. For consistency, it can also be invoked with the argument --reservoir.
If reservoir sampling, the sample size must be fixed rather than fractional.
> sample --reservoir -n 1000 big_data.csv > sample_data.csv
Approximate Sampling
Approximate sampling simply includes each row in the sample with a probability given as the sample proportion. It is a stateless algorithm with minimal space requirements. Samples will have on average a size of fraction * population_size, but it will vary between each invocation. Because of this, approximate sampling is only useful when the sample size does not have to be exact (hence the name).
> sample --approximate -f 0.15 my_data.csv > my_sample.csv
Equivalently, supply a percentage instead of a fraction by switching the -f to a -p:
> sample --approximate -p 15 my_data.csv > my_sample.csv
Two-Pass Sampling
Two-pass sampling is allowed two passes, first to count the number of records (ie. the population size) and second to emit the records which are part of the sample. Because of this it is not compatible with stdin as an input.
As two-pass sampling knows the population size, it will accept the sample size as either a fraction or a fixed number of elements.
> sample --two-pass -p 15 my_data.csv > my_sample.csv
Two-pass sampling uses memory proportional to the number of elements in the sample.