tg.ext.repoze.who are repoze.who plugins for TurboGears 2
Project description
Sample repoze.who middleware config and plugins for TG2. This package
depends on repoze.who 0.8 or better.
Trying it Out
- Install TG2 into a virtualenv.
- Install this package into the same virtualenv via "
- Create a TG2 quickstart project using the virtualenv's python.
- In the development.ini of you project...
- In the config.middleware module of your project, add the following
# CUSTOM MIDDLEWARE HERE (filtered by error handling middlewares)
from tgrepozewho.middleware import make_who_middleware
app = make_who_middleware(app, config, User, user_criterion, user_id_col,
- Add the following definitions in you model.__init__::
groups_table = Table('tg_group', metadata,
Column('group_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('group_name', Unicode(16), unique=True),
Column('display_name', Unicode(255)),
Column('created', DateTime,
users_table = Table('tg_user', metadata,
Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('user_name', Unicode(16), unique=True),
Column('email_address', Unicode(255), unique=True),
Column('display_name', Unicode(255)),
Column('password', Unicode(40)),
Column('created', DateTime,
permissions_table = Table('tg_permission', metadata,
Column('permission_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('permission_name', Unicode(16), unique=True),
Column('description', Unicode(255))
user_group_table = Table('tg_user_group', metadata,
Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tg_user.user_id',
onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE")),
Column('group_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tg_group.group_id',
onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE"))
group_permission_table = Table('tg_group_permission', metadata,
Column('group_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tg_group.group_id',
onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE")),
Column('permission_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tg_permission.permission_id',
onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE"))
# identity model
class Group(object):
"""An ultra-simple group definition.
def __repr__(self):
return '<Group: name=%s>' % self.group_name
class User(object):
"""Reasonably basic User definition. Probably would want additional
def __repr__(self):
return '<User: email="%s", display name="%s">' % (
self.email_address, self.display_name)
def permissions(self):
perms = set()
for g in self.groups:
perms = perms | set(g.permissions)
return perms
permissions = property(permissions)
def by_email_address(klass, email):
"""A class method that can be used to search users
based on their email addresses since it is unique.
session = DBSession()
return session.query(klass).filter(klass.email_address==email).first()
by_email_address = classmethod(by_email_address)
def by_user_name(klass, username):
"""A class method that permits to search users
based on their user_name attribute.
session = DBSession()
return session.query(klass).filter(klass.user_name==username).first()
by_user_name = classmethod(by_user_name)
def _set_password(self, password):
"""encrypts password on the fly using the encryption
algo defined in the configuration
algorithm = config.get('authorize.hashmethod', None)
self._password = self.__encrypt_password(algorithm, password)
def _get_password(self):
"""returns password
return self._password
password = property(_get_password, _set_password)
def __encrypt_password(self, algorithm, password):
"""Hash the given password with the specified algorithm. Valid values
for algorithm are 'md5' and 'sha1'. All other algorithm values will
be essentially a no-op."""
hashed_password = password
if isinstance(password, unicode):
password_8bit = password.encode('UTF-8')
password_8bit = password
if "md5" == algorithm:
hashed_password =
elif "sha1" == algorithm:
hashed_password =
# TODO: re-add the possibility to provide own hasing algo
# here... just get the real config...
#elif "custom" == algorithm:
# custom_encryption_path = turbogears.config.get(
# "identity.custom_encryption", None )
# if custom_encryption_path:
# custom_encryption = turbogears.util.load_class(
# custom_encryption_path)
# if custom_encryption:
# hashed_password = custom_encryption(password_8bit)
# make sure the hased password is an UTF-8 object at the end of the
# process because SQLAlchemy _wants_ a unicode object for Unicode columns
if not isinstance(hashed_password, unicode):
hashed_password = hashed_password.decode('UTF-8')
return hashed_password
def validate_password(self, password):
"""Check the password against existing credentials.
algorithm = config.get('authorize.hashmethod', None)
return self.password == self.__encrypt_password(algorithm, password)
class Permission(object):
"""A relationship that determines what each Group can do
mapper(User, users_table,
mapper(Group, groups_table,
secondary=user_group_table, backref='groups')))
mapper(Permission, permissions_table,
secondary=group_permission_table, backref='permissions')))
- Add the following import in you controllers.root file::
from tgrepozewho import authorize
- Add the following methods to your controllers.root:RootController
def manage_permission_only(self, **kw):
return dict(now=now, page='about')
def editor_user_only(self, **kw):
return dict(now=now, page='about')
def login(self, **kw):
came_from = kw.get('came_from', '/')
return dict(now=now, page='login', header=lambda *arg: None,
footer=lambda *arg: None, came_from=came_from)
- Add the following template as "login.html" into your project's
'templates' directory::
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<xi:include href="master.html" />
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type" py:replace="''"/>
<title>Login Form</title>
<form action="/login_handler?came_from=${came_from}" method="POST">
Login: <input type="text" name="login"></input><br/>
Password: <input type="password" name="password"></input><br/>
<input type="submit" name="submit"/>
- Setup you database config in the normal way by tweaking the development.ini file
- Create the necessary tables by using::
paster setup-app development.ini
- Create a user manually in your database
- Create a group (any name), and a permission named "manage", link this permission
to the group you just created and also add a user to your group.
- Create another user which is in no group but is named "editor"
- Start the project's server via paster serve::
paster server --reload development.ini
- Visit http://localhost:8080/editor_user_only in your browser. You
will be presented with the login form. The "right"
username/password combination is "editor/editpass" (this user has the
username 'editor'). Submitting this set of credentials will show
the about page. Any other username/password combination will
result in the user being presented the login form again. Note that
once you've obtained the credentials for the first time, if you
visit the /editor_user_only page again, you are not asked to
reauthenticate. Log out forcibly by visiting
- Visit http://localhost:8080/manage_permission_only in your browser.
You will be presented with the login form. The "right"
username/password combination is "manager/managepass" (this user
possesses the manage permission). Submitting this set of
credentials will show the about page. Any other username/password
combination will result in the user being presented the login form
again. Note that if you've authenticated as the 'editor' user, and
you visit the /manage_permission_only page, you will be logged out
and asked for credentials (editors cannot see this page). Note
that once you've obtained the credentials for the first time, if
you visit the /manage_permission_only page again, you are not asked
to reauthenticate. Log out forcibly by visiting
If you start "paster serve" in a shell with the WHO_LOG environment
variable set to "1", you will see repoze.who logging output on the
Not yet finished
You can run the unit tests by using "python test" in the
source package.
depends on repoze.who 0.8 or better.
Trying it Out
- Install TG2 into a virtualenv.
- Install this package into the same virtualenv via "
- Create a TG2 quickstart project using the virtualenv's python.
- In the development.ini of you project...
- In the config.middleware module of your project, add the following
# CUSTOM MIDDLEWARE HERE (filtered by error handling middlewares)
from tgrepozewho.middleware import make_who_middleware
app = make_who_middleware(app, config, User, user_criterion, user_id_col,
- Add the following definitions in you model.__init__::
groups_table = Table('tg_group', metadata,
Column('group_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('group_name', Unicode(16), unique=True),
Column('display_name', Unicode(255)),
Column('created', DateTime,
users_table = Table('tg_user', metadata,
Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('user_name', Unicode(16), unique=True),
Column('email_address', Unicode(255), unique=True),
Column('display_name', Unicode(255)),
Column('password', Unicode(40)),
Column('created', DateTime,
permissions_table = Table('tg_permission', metadata,
Column('permission_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('permission_name', Unicode(16), unique=True),
Column('description', Unicode(255))
user_group_table = Table('tg_user_group', metadata,
Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tg_user.user_id',
onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE")),
Column('group_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tg_group.group_id',
onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE"))
group_permission_table = Table('tg_group_permission', metadata,
Column('group_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tg_group.group_id',
onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE")),
Column('permission_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tg_permission.permission_id',
onupdate="CASCADE", ondelete="CASCADE"))
# identity model
class Group(object):
"""An ultra-simple group definition.
def __repr__(self):
return '<Group: name=%s>' % self.group_name
class User(object):
"""Reasonably basic User definition. Probably would want additional
def __repr__(self):
return '<User: email="%s", display name="%s">' % (
self.email_address, self.display_name)
def permissions(self):
perms = set()
for g in self.groups:
perms = perms | set(g.permissions)
return perms
permissions = property(permissions)
def by_email_address(klass, email):
"""A class method that can be used to search users
based on their email addresses since it is unique.
session = DBSession()
return session.query(klass).filter(klass.email_address==email).first()
by_email_address = classmethod(by_email_address)
def by_user_name(klass, username):
"""A class method that permits to search users
based on their user_name attribute.
session = DBSession()
return session.query(klass).filter(klass.user_name==username).first()
by_user_name = classmethod(by_user_name)
def _set_password(self, password):
"""encrypts password on the fly using the encryption
algo defined in the configuration
algorithm = config.get('authorize.hashmethod', None)
self._password = self.__encrypt_password(algorithm, password)
def _get_password(self):
"""returns password
return self._password
password = property(_get_password, _set_password)
def __encrypt_password(self, algorithm, password):
"""Hash the given password with the specified algorithm. Valid values
for algorithm are 'md5' and 'sha1'. All other algorithm values will
be essentially a no-op."""
hashed_password = password
if isinstance(password, unicode):
password_8bit = password.encode('UTF-8')
password_8bit = password
if "md5" == algorithm:
hashed_password =
elif "sha1" == algorithm:
hashed_password =
# TODO: re-add the possibility to provide own hasing algo
# here... just get the real config...
#elif "custom" == algorithm:
# custom_encryption_path = turbogears.config.get(
# "identity.custom_encryption", None )
# if custom_encryption_path:
# custom_encryption = turbogears.util.load_class(
# custom_encryption_path)
# if custom_encryption:
# hashed_password = custom_encryption(password_8bit)
# make sure the hased password is an UTF-8 object at the end of the
# process because SQLAlchemy _wants_ a unicode object for Unicode columns
if not isinstance(hashed_password, unicode):
hashed_password = hashed_password.decode('UTF-8')
return hashed_password
def validate_password(self, password):
"""Check the password against existing credentials.
algorithm = config.get('authorize.hashmethod', None)
return self.password == self.__encrypt_password(algorithm, password)
class Permission(object):
"""A relationship that determines what each Group can do
mapper(User, users_table,
mapper(Group, groups_table,
secondary=user_group_table, backref='groups')))
mapper(Permission, permissions_table,
secondary=group_permission_table, backref='permissions')))
- Add the following import in you controllers.root file::
from tgrepozewho import authorize
- Add the following methods to your controllers.root:RootController
def manage_permission_only(self, **kw):
return dict(now=now, page='about')
def editor_user_only(self, **kw):
return dict(now=now, page='about')
def login(self, **kw):
came_from = kw.get('came_from', '/')
return dict(now=now, page='login', header=lambda *arg: None,
footer=lambda *arg: None, came_from=came_from)
- Add the following template as "login.html" into your project's
'templates' directory::
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<xi:include href="master.html" />
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type" py:replace="''"/>
<title>Login Form</title>
<form action="/login_handler?came_from=${came_from}" method="POST">
Login: <input type="text" name="login"></input><br/>
Password: <input type="password" name="password"></input><br/>
<input type="submit" name="submit"/>
- Setup you database config in the normal way by tweaking the development.ini file
- Create the necessary tables by using::
paster setup-app development.ini
- Create a user manually in your database
- Create a group (any name), and a permission named "manage", link this permission
to the group you just created and also add a user to your group.
- Create another user which is in no group but is named "editor"
- Start the project's server via paster serve::
paster server --reload development.ini
- Visit http://localhost:8080/editor_user_only in your browser. You
will be presented with the login form. The "right"
username/password combination is "editor/editpass" (this user has the
username 'editor'). Submitting this set of credentials will show
the about page. Any other username/password combination will
result in the user being presented the login form again. Note that
once you've obtained the credentials for the first time, if you
visit the /editor_user_only page again, you are not asked to
reauthenticate. Log out forcibly by visiting
- Visit http://localhost:8080/manage_permission_only in your browser.
You will be presented with the login form. The "right"
username/password combination is "manager/managepass" (this user
possesses the manage permission). Submitting this set of
credentials will show the about page. Any other username/password
combination will result in the user being presented the login form
again. Note that if you've authenticated as the 'editor' user, and
you visit the /manage_permission_only page, you will be logged out
and asked for credentials (editors cannot see this page). Note
that once you've obtained the credentials for the first time, if
you visit the /manage_permission_only page again, you are not asked
to reauthenticate. Log out forcibly by visiting
If you start "paster serve" in a shell with the WHO_LOG environment
variable set to "1", you will see repoze.who logging output on the
Not yet finished
You can run the unit tests by using "python test" in the
source package.
Project details
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Source Distribution
(19.0 kB
view details)
Built Distribution
File details
Details for the file tg.ext.repoze.who-0.1-r26.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: tg.ext.repoze.who-0.1-r26.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 19.0 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | dbbc5323eadd4ef8ddaad83016158caf624276abf2c4296f27e1de1652d91672 |
MD5 | 91c6166158fe7c2ceafe41d1abd8daf4 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 3a16ad3f6e5ee2d1b7364505131914882f7056b2fb2ea4e98b1c97ff2754cef1 |
File details
Details for the file tg.ext.repoze.who-0.1_r26-py2.5.egg
File metadata
- Download URL: tg.ext.repoze.who-0.1_r26-py2.5.egg
- Upload date:
- Size: 17.2 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | c9558a69528e8c28bb8162e8315ca1f92db1a9a3a0cf0ab722de86f3bd76aecd |
MD5 | f3c16ec5651fab57c7355731f837d46c |
BLAKE2b-256 | 4c105f0b7f9cad20da6619153b698226444c21848265191bb6390b0c3ca28573 |